Exemplo n.º 1
void test(string lhss, string op, string rhss, string exps) {
    char* l1 = strdup(lhss.c_str());
    char* r1 = strdup(rhss.c_str());
    char* e1 = strdup(exps.c_str());

    V3Number lhnum (new FileLine ("ck",__LINE__), l1);
    V3Number rhnum (new FileLine ("ck",__LINE__), r1);
    V3Number expnum (new FileLine("ck",__LINE__), e1);

    V3Number gotnum (new FileLine("ck",__LINE__), expnum.width());

    if (op=="redOr")	 	gotnum.opRedOr		(lhnum);
    else if (op=="redAnd")	gotnum.opRedAnd		(lhnum);
    else if (op=="redXor")	gotnum.opRedXor		(lhnum);
    else if (op=="redXnor")	gotnum.opRedXnor	(lhnum);
    else if (op=="concat")	gotnum.opConcat		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="repl")	gotnum.opRepl		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="~")	 	gotnum.opNot		(lhnum);
    else if (op=="!")	 	gotnum.opLogNot		(lhnum);
    else if (op=="negate") 	gotnum.opNegate		(lhnum);
    else if (op=="+")	 	gotnum.opAdd		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="-")	 	gotnum.opSub		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="*")	 	gotnum.opMul		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="/")	 	gotnum.opDiv		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="%")	 	gotnum.opModDiv		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="&")	 	gotnum.opAnd		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="|")	 	gotnum.opOr		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="<")	 	gotnum.opLt		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op==">")	 	gotnum.opGt		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op==">>")	 	gotnum.opShiftR		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="<<")	 	gotnum.opShiftL		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="==")	 	gotnum.opEq		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="===")	 	gotnum.opCaseEq		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="==?")	 	gotnum.opWildEq		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="!=")	 	gotnum.opNeq		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="!==")	 	gotnum.opCaseNeq	(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="!=?")	 	gotnum.opWildNeq	(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="<=")	 	gotnum.opLte		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op==">=")	 	gotnum.opGte		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="&&")	 	gotnum.opLogAnd		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else if (op=="||")	 	gotnum.opLogOr		(lhnum,rhnum);
    else v3fatalSrc("Bad opcode: "<<op);

    UINFO(0,"------- Test:\n"
	  <<"       "<<lhnum<<" "<<op<<endl
	  <<"       "<<rhnum<<endl
	  <<"     = "<<expnum<<endl
	  <<"    =? "<<gotnum<<endl);

    V3Number ok (new FileLine("ck",__LINE__), 1);
    if (ok.toUInt()!=1) {
	v3fatalSrc("%Error:Test FAILED\n");
Exemplo n.º 2
    virtual void visit(AstConst* nodep) {
	if (m_constXCvt
	    && nodep->num().isFourState()) {
	    UINFO(4," CONST4 "<<nodep<<endl);
	    if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"  Const_old: ");
	    // CONST(num) -> VARREF(newvarp)
	    //		-> VAR(newvarp)
	    //		-> INITIAL(VARREF(newvarp, OR(num_No_Xs,AND(random,num_1s_Where_X))
	    V3Number numb1 (nodep->fileline(), nodep->width());
	    V3Number numbx (nodep->fileline(), nodep->width());
	    if (v3Global.opt.xAssign()!="unique") {
		// All X bits just become 0; fastest simulation, but not nice
		V3Number numnew (nodep->fileline(), numb1.width());
		if (v3Global.opt.xAssign()=="1") {
		    numnew.opOr(numb1, numbx);
		} else {
		AstConst* newp = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), numnew);
		nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
		UINFO(4,"   -> "<<newp<<endl);
	    } else {
		// Make a Vxrand variable
		// We use the special XTEMP type so it doesn't break pure functions
		if (!m_modp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("X number not under module");
		string newvarname = ((string)"__Vxrand"
		AstVar* newvarp
		    = new AstVar (nodep->fileline(), AstVarType::XTEMP, newvarname,
				  VFlagLogicPacked(), nodep->width());
		AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
		AstNodeVarRef* newref1p = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), newvarp, false);
		replaceHandle.relink(newref1p);	    // Replace const with varref
		AstInitial* newinitp
		    = new AstInitial(
			new AstAssign(
			    new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), newvarp, true),
			    new AstOr(nodep->fileline(),
				      new AstConst(nodep->fileline(),numb1),
				      new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(),
						 new AstConst(nodep->fileline(),numbx),
						 new AstRand(nodep->fileline(),
							     nodep->dtypep(), true)))));
		// Add inits in front of other statement.
		// In the future, we should stuff the initp into the module's constructor.
		AstNode* afterp = m_modp->stmtsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext();
		if (debug()>=9) newref1p->dumpTree(cout,"     _new: ");
		if (debug()>=9) newvarp->dumpTree(cout,"     _new: ");
		if (debug()>=9) newinitp->dumpTree(cout,"     _new: ");
		nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);