Exemplo n.º 1
static void walk_func(VRefParam value, CVarRef key, CVarRef userdata,
                      const void *data) {
  CallCtx* ctx = (CallCtx*)data;
  Variant sink;
  TypedValue args[3];
  tvDup(*value->asTypedValue(), args[0]);
  tvDup(*key.asTypedValue(), args[1]);
  tvDup(*userdata.asTypedValue(), args[2]);
  g_vmContext->invokeFuncFew(sink.asTypedValue(), *ctx, 3, args);
Object c_SetResultToRefWaitHandle::ti_create(CObjRef wait_handle, VRefParam ref) {
  TypedValue* var_or_cell = ref->asTypedValue();
  if (wait_handle.isNull()) {
    return wait_handle;

  if (!wait_handle.get()->getAttribute(ObjectData::IsWaitHandle)) {
    Object e(SystemLib::AllocInvalidArgumentExceptionObject(
        "Expected wait_handle to be an instance of WaitHandle or null"));
    throw e;

  auto wh = static_cast<c_WaitHandle*>(wait_handle.get());

  // succeeded? set result to ref and give back succeeded wait handle
  if (wh->isSucceeded()) {
    tvSet(wh->getResult(), *var_or_cell);
    return wh;

  // failed? reset ref and give back failed wait handle
  if (wh->isFailed()) {
    return wh;

  // it's still running so it must be WaitableWaitHandle
  auto child = static_cast<c_WaitableWaitHandle*>(wh);

  // import child into the current context, detect cross-context cycles
  auto session = AsioSession::Get();
  if (session->isInContext()) {

  // make sure the reference is properly boxed so that we can store cell pointer
  if (UNLIKELY(var_or_cell->m_type != KindOfRef)) {

  p_SetResultToRefWaitHandle my_wh = NEWOBJ(c_SetResultToRefWaitHandle)();
  my_wh->initialize(child, var_or_cell->m_data.pref);

  if (UNLIKELY(session->hasOnSetResultToRefCreateCallback())) {
    session->onSetResultToRefCreate(my_wh.get(), child);

  return my_wh;
Object c_SetResultToRefWaitHandle::ti_create(CObjRef wait_handle, VRefParam ref) {
  TypedValue* var_or_cell = ref->asTypedValue();
  if (wait_handle.isNull()) {
    tvSet(make_tv<KindOfNull>(), *var_or_cell);
    return wait_handle;

  if (!wait_handle.get()->instanceof(c_WaitHandle::classof())) {
    Object e(SystemLib::AllocInvalidArgumentExceptionObject(
        "Expected wait_handle to be an instance of WaitHandle or null"));
    throw e;

  c_WaitHandle* wh = static_cast<c_WaitHandle*>(wait_handle.get());

  // succeeded? set result to ref and give back succeeded wait handle
  if (wh->isSucceeded()) {
    tvSet(wh->getResult(), *var_or_cell);
    return wh;

  // failed? reset ref and give back failed wait handle
  if (wh->isFailed()) {
    tvSet(make_tv<KindOfNull>(), *var_or_cell);
    return wh;

  // it's still running so it must be WaitableWaitHandle
  c_WaitableWaitHandle* child_wh = static_cast<c_WaitableWaitHandle*>(wh);

  // make sure the reference is properly boxed so that we can store cell pointer
  if (UNLIKELY(var_or_cell->m_type != KindOfRef)) {

  p_SetResultToRefWaitHandle my_wh = NEWOBJ(c_SetResultToRefWaitHandle)();
  my_wh->initialize(child_wh, var_or_cell->m_data.pref);

  AsioSession* session = AsioSession::Get();
  if (UNLIKELY(session->hasOnSetResultToRefCreateCallback())) {
    session->onSetResultToRefCreate(my_wh.get(), child_wh);

  return my_wh;