Exemplo n.º 1
 * Given an AssignExp, determine if the lvalue will cause
 * the contents of the rvalue to escape.
 * Print error messages when these are detected.
 * Infer 'scope' for the lvalue where possible, in order
 * to eliminate the error.
 * Params:
 *      sc = used to determine current function and module
 *      ae = AssignExp to check for any pointers to the stack
 *      gag = do not print error messages
 * Returns:
 *      true if pointers to the stack can escape via assignment
bool checkAssignEscape(Scope *sc, Expression *e, bool gag)
    //printf("checkAssignEscape(e: %s)\n", e->toChars());
    if (e->op != TOKassign && e->op != TOKblit && e->op != TOKconstruct)
        return false;
    AssignExp *ae = (AssignExp *)e;
    Expression *e1 = ae->e1;
    Expression *e2 = ae->e2;
    //printf("type = %s, %d\n", e1->type->toChars(), e1->type->hasPointers());

    if (!e1->type->hasPointers())
        return false;

    if (e1->op == TOKslice)
        return false;

    EscapeByResults er;

    escapeByValue(e2, &er);

    if (!er.byref.dim && !er.byvalue.dim && !er.byfunc.dim && !er.byexp.dim)
        return false;

    VarDeclaration *va = NULL;
    while (e1->op == TOKdotvar)
        e1 = ((DotVarExp *)e1)->e1;

    if (e1->op == TOKvar)
        va = ((VarExp *)e1)->var->isVarDeclaration();
    else if (e1->op == TOKthis)
        va = ((ThisExp *)e1)->var->isVarDeclaration();
    else if (e1->op == TOKindex)
        IndexExp *ie = (IndexExp *)e1;
        if (ie->e1->op == TOKvar && ie->e1->type->toBasetype()->ty == Tsarray)
            va = ((VarExp *)ie->e1)->var->isVarDeclaration();

    // Try to infer 'scope' for va if in a function not marked @system
    bool inferScope = false;
    if (va && sc->func && sc->func->type && sc->func->type->ty == Tfunction)
        inferScope = ((TypeFunction *)sc->func->type)->trust != TRUSTsystem;

    bool result = false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < er.byvalue.dim; i++)
        VarDeclaration *v = er.byvalue[i];
        //printf("byvalue: %s\n", v->toChars());
        if (v->isDataseg())

        Dsymbol *p = v->toParent2();

        if (!(va && va->isScope()))
            v->storage_class &= ~STCmaybescope;

        if (v->isScope())
            if (va && va->isScope() && va->storage_class & STCreturn && !(v->storage_class & STCreturn) &&
                if (!gag)
                    error(ae->loc, "scope variable %s assigned to return scope %s", v->toChars(), va->toChars());
                result = true;

            // If va's lifetime encloses v's, then error
            if (va &&
                ((va->enclosesLifetimeOf(v) && !(v->storage_class & STCparameter)) ||
                 // va is class reference
                 (ae->e1->op == TOKdotvar && va->type->toBasetype()->ty == Tclass && (va->enclosesLifetimeOf(v) || !va->isScope())) ||
                 va->storage_class & STCref) &&
                if (!gag)
                    error(ae->loc, "scope variable %s assigned to %s with longer lifetime", v->toChars(), va->toChars());
                result = true;

            if (va && !va->isDataseg() && !va->doNotInferScope)
                if (!va->isScope() && inferScope)
                {   //printf("inferring scope for %s\n", va->toChars());
                    va->storage_class |= STCscope | STCscopeinferred;
                    va->storage_class |= v->storage_class & STCreturn;
            if (sc->func->setUnsafe())
                if (!gag)
                    error(ae->loc, "scope variable %s assigned to non-scope %s", v->toChars(), e1->toChars());
                result = true;
        else if (v->storage_class & STCvariadic && p == sc->func)
            Type *tb = v->type->toBasetype();
            if (tb->ty == Tarray || tb->ty == Tsarray)
                if (va && !va->isDataseg() && !va->doNotInferScope)
                    if (!va->isScope() && inferScope)
                    {   //printf("inferring scope for %s\n", va->toChars());
                        va->storage_class |= STCscope | STCscopeinferred;
                if (sc->func->setUnsafe())
                    if (!gag)
                        error(ae->loc, "variadic variable %s assigned to non-scope %s", v->toChars(), e1->toChars());
                    result = true;
            /* v is not 'scope', and we didn't check the scope of where we assigned it to.
             * It may escape via that assignment, therefore, v can never be 'scope'.
            v->doNotInferScope = true;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < er.byref.dim; i++)
        VarDeclaration *v = er.byref[i];
        //printf("byref: %s\n", v->toChars());
        if (v->isDataseg())

        Dsymbol *p = v->toParent2();

        // If va's lifetime encloses v's, then error
        if (va &&
            ((va->enclosesLifetimeOf(v) && !(v->storage_class & STCparameter)) || va->storage_class & STCref) &&
            if (!gag)
                error(ae->loc, "address of variable %s assigned to %s with longer lifetime", v->toChars(), va->toChars());
            result = true;

        if (!(va && va->isScope()))
            v->storage_class &= ~STCmaybescope;

        if ((v->storage_class & (STCref | STCout)) == 0 && p == sc->func)
            if (va && !va->isDataseg() && !va->doNotInferScope)
                if (!va->isScope() && inferScope)
                {   //printf("inferring scope for %s\n", va->toChars());
                    va->storage_class |= STCscope | STCscopeinferred;
            if (sc->func->setUnsafe())
                if (!gag)
                    error(ae->loc, "reference to local variable %s assigned to non-scope %s", v->toChars(), e1->toChars());
                result = true;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < er.byfunc.dim; i++)
        FuncDeclaration *fd = er.byfunc[i];
        //printf("fd = %s, %d\n", fd->toChars(), fd->tookAddressOf);
        VarDeclarations vars;
        findAllOuterAccessedVariables(fd, &vars);

        for (size_t j = 0; j < vars.dim; j++)
            VarDeclaration *v = vars[j];
            //printf("v = %s\n", v->toChars());
            assert(!v->isDataseg());     // these are not put in the closureVars[]

            Dsymbol *p = v->toParent2();

            if (!(va && va->isScope()))
                v->storage_class &= ~STCmaybescope;

            if ((v->storage_class & (STCref | STCout | STCscope)) && p == sc->func)
                if (va && !va->isDataseg() && !va->doNotInferScope)
                    /* Don't infer STCscope for va, because then a closure
                     * won't be generated for sc->func.
                    //if (!va->isScope() && inferScope)
                        //va->storage_class |= STCscope | STCscopeinferred;
                if (sc->func->setUnsafe())
                    if (!gag)
                        error(ae->loc, "reference to local %s assigned to non-scope %s in @safe code", v->toChars(), e1->toChars());
                    result = true;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < er.byexp.dim; i++)
        Expression *ee = er.byexp[i];
        if (va && !va->isDataseg() && !va->doNotInferScope)
            if (!va->isScope() && inferScope)
            {   //printf("inferring scope for %s\n", va->toChars());
                va->storage_class |= STCscope | STCscopeinferred;
        if (sc->func->setUnsafe())
            if (!gag)
                error(ee->loc, "reference to stack allocated value returned by %s assigned to non-scope %s",
                    ee->toChars(), e1->toChars());
            result = true;

    return result;