void reshape( int width, int height ) { r_windowWidth.SetVal( width ); r_windowHeight.SetVal( height ); glViewport( 0, 0, width, height ); planetFinder.SetSize( r_windowWidth.GetVal(), r_windowHeight.GetVal() ); glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); }
void Console::Draw() { if ( font == NULL ) { font = r3::CreateStbFont( con_font.GetVal(), con_fontSize.GetVal() ); } if ( ! IsActive() ) { return; } int border = 10; int w = r_windowWidth.GetVal(); int h = r_windowHeight.GetVal(); int conW = w - 2 * border; int conH = ( h - ( h >> 2 ) ) - border; float s = con_fontScale.GetVal(); static Bounds2f bO; static float yAdvance = 0; static float sCache = 0; if ( s != sCache ) { bO = font->GetStringDimensions( "O", s ); Bounds2f bb = font->GetStringDimensions( "|", s ); sCache = s; yAdvance = std::max( bO.Height(), bb.Height() ); } int x0 = border; int y = ( h >> 2) + border; ImColor( 16, 16, 16, con_opacity.GetVal() * 255 ); BlendFunc( BlendFunc_SrcAlpha, BlendFunc_OneMinusSrcAlpha ); BlendEnable(); DrawQuad( x0, y, x0 + conW, y + conH ); string cl = "> " + commandLine; int cp = cursorPos + 2; Bounds2f b = font->GetStringDimensions( cl, s ); Bounds2f b2 = font->GetStringDimensions( cl.substr(0, cp ), s ); ImColor( 255, 255, 255, 192 ); font->Print( cl, x0, y, s ); ImColor( 255, 255, 255, 64 ); DrawQuad( x0 + b2.Width(), y, x0 + b2.Width() + bO.Width(), y + bO.Height() ); y += yAdvance; ImColor( 255, 255, 255, 128 ); for ( int i = outputBuffer.size() - 1; i >= 0 && y < h; i-- ) { string & line = outputBuffer[ i ]; font->Print( line, x0, y, s ); y += yAdvance; } BlendDisable(); }
void display() { updateOrientation(); app_phaseEarthRotation.SetVal( GetPhaseEarthRotation() ); planetFinder.buildSolarSystemList( solarsystem ); star3map::Display(); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0, r_windowWidth.GetVal(), 0, r_windowHeight.GetVal(), -1, 1 ); r3::console.Draw(); glPopMatrix(); SwapBuffers(); }
// // VarInteger::PointAt // // Setup/change to point to the VarInteger 'var', which MUST be setup // void VarInteger::PointAt(VarInteger &var) { // Make sure target is valid if (!var.Alive()) { ERR_FATAL(("Attempt to point a VarInteger at an invalid var")) } // Get the target item item = var.item; }
void touches( int count, int *points ) { static int cycle; static int maxTouches; vector< Vec2f > &p = t[ cycle ]; cycle = ( cycle + 1 ) & 1; vector< Vec2f > &c = t[ cycle ]; c.clear(); maxTouches = max( maxTouches, count ); if ( count == 0 ) { maxTouches = 0; } int h = r_windowHeight.GetVal() - 1; for ( int i = 0; i < count * 2; i+=2 ) { c.push_back( Vec2f( points[ i ], points[ i + 1 ] ) ); } //Output( "%d %d touches", (int)p.size(), (int)c.size() ); if ( maxTouches < 2 ) { if ( c.size() == 1 && p.size() < 2 ) { ProcessInput( true, c[0].x, h - c[0].y ); } else if ( c.size() == 0 && p.size() == 1 ) { ProcessInput( false, p[0].x, h - p[0].y ); } else if ( c.size() == 2 && p.size() == 1 ) { ProcessInput( false, p[0].x, h - p[0].y ); } } else if ( c.size() == 2 && p.size() == 2 ) { float pl = ( p[1] - p[0] ).Length(); float cl = ( c[1] - c[0] ).Length(); float s = pl / cl; float fov = r_fov.GetVal() * s; fov = min( 90.f, max( 20.f, fov ) ); r_fov.SetVal( fov ); //Output( "scale = %0.2f, new fov = %.2f", s, fov ); } }
void Console::Draw() { if ( font == NULL ) { font = r3::CreateStbFont( con_font.GetVal(), "", con_fontSize.GetVal() ); } ScopedMutex scm( conMutex, R3_LOC ); if ( ! IsActive() ) { return; } int border = 10; int w = r_windowWidth.GetVal(); int h = r_windowHeight.GetVal(); int conW = w - 2 * border; int conH = ( h - ( h >> 2 ) ) - border; float s = con_fontScale.GetVal(); static Bounds2f bO; static float yAdvance = 0; static float sCache = 0; if ( s != sCache ) { bO = font->GetStringDimensions( "O", s ); Bounds2f bb = font->GetStringDimensions( "|", s ); sCache = s; yAdvance = std::max<int>( bO.Height(), bb.Height() ); } int x0 = border; int y = ( h >> 2) + border; glColor4ub( 16, 16, 16, con_opacity.GetVal() * 255 ); glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); glEnable( GL_BLEND ); DrawQuad( x0, y, x0 + conW, y + conH ); string cl = "> " + commandLine; int cp = cursorPos + 2; //Bounds2f b = font->GetStringDimensions( cl, s ); Bounds2f b2 = font->GetStringDimensions( cl.substr(0, cp ), s ); glColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 192 ); font->Print( cl, x0, y, s ); glColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 64 ); DrawQuad( x0 + b2.Width(), y, x0 + b2.Width() + bO.Width(), y + bO.Height() ); y += yAdvance; glColor4ub( 255, 255, 255, 128 ); for ( int i = (int)outputBuffer.size() - 1 - outputBufferPos; i >= 0 && y < h; i-- ) { string & line = outputBuffer[ i ]; font->Print( line, x0, y, s ); y += yAdvance; } glDisable( GL_BLEND ); }