Exemplo n.º 1
OptionalMessageList UndeclaredVariableCheck::visitLambdaDefinition(const LambdaDefinitionAddress& lambdaDef) {

	OptionalMessageList res;

	VariableSet recFunctions;
	for_each(lambdaDef.getAddressedNode()->getDefinitions(), [&recFunctions](const LambdaBindingPtr& cur) {

	for_each(lambdaDef->getDefinitions(), [&](const LambdaBindingAddress& cur) {

		// assemble set of defined variables
		VariableSet declared;

		// add recursive function variables
		declared.insert(recFunctions.begin(), recFunctions.end());

		// add parameters
		auto paramList = cur.getAddressedNode()->getLambda()->getParameterList();
		declared.insert(paramList.begin(), paramList.end());

		// run check on body ...
		VarDeclarationCheck check(declared);

		// trigger check
		addAll(res, conductCheck(check, cur->getLambda()));

	return res;
Exemplo n.º 2
void AdmWithLevels::sortIntoKnownsAndUnknowns(const VariableSet & x,
    VariableSet & knowns,VariableSet & unknowns) const {
  Variable v;
  bool b = x.firstVariable(v);
  while(b) {
    if(d_knowns.present(v)) {
    } else {
    b = x.nextVariable(v);
Exemplo n.º 3
   VariableSet GeneralConstraint::getVariables( const SatID& sat )
      VariableSet vset;
      VariableSet unkSet( getVariables() );

      if(sat==Variable::noSats) return vset;

      for( VariableSet::const_iterator itv = unkSet.begin();
         itv != unkSet.end();
         ++itv )
         if( !(!itv->getSourceIndexed() && itv->getSatIndexed()) ) 

         else if(sat==Variable::allGPSSats)
         else if(sat==Variable::allGlonassSats)
         else if(sat==Variable::allGalileoSats)
            if(itv->getSatellite()==sat) vset.insert(*itv);

      return vset;

   }  // End of method 'GeneralConstraint::getVariables(const SatID& sat)'
Exemplo n.º 4
   VariableSet GeneralConstraint::differenceVariables( const VariableSet& vs1,
                                                       const VariableSet& vs2 )
      VariableSet tempSet;
      for(VariableSet::const_iterator it=vs1.begin();
         VariableSet::const_iterator it2 = vs2.find(*it);
         if(it2==vs2.end()) tempSet.insert(*it);
      for(VariableSet::const_iterator it=vs2.begin();
         VariableSet::const_iterator it2 = vs1.find(*it);
         if(it2==vs1.end()) tempSet.insert(*it);

      return tempSet;

   }  // End of method 'GeneralConstraint::differenceVariables()'
Exemplo n.º 5
VariableSet AdmWithLevels::variablesInOrder() const {
  VariableSet result;
  typedef vector<vector<Variable> >::const_iterator VI;
  VI w = d_v.begin(), e = d_v.end();
  while(w!=e) {
    const vector<Variable> & V = *w;
    vector<Variable>::const_iterator ww = V.begin(), ee = V.end();
    while(ww!=ee) {
  return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
   VariableSet GeneralConstraint::getVariables( const SatID& sat,
                                                const TypeID& type )
      VariableSet vset;

      VariableSet varSet = getVariables(sat);
      for(VariableSet::iterator itv=varSet.begin();
         if( (itv->getType()==type) ) vset.insert(*itv);

      return vset;

   }  // End of method 'GeneralConstraint::getVariables(const SatID& sat,...)'
Exemplo n.º 7
   VariableSet GeneralConstraint::getVariables( const SatID& sat,
                                                const TypeIDSet& typeSet )
      VariableSet vset;

      VariableSet varSet = getVariables(sat);
      for(VariableSet::iterator itv=varSet.begin();
         TypeIDSet::const_iterator it = typeSet.find(itv->getType());
         if( (it!=typeSet.end()) ) vset.insert(*itv);

      return vset;

   }  // End of method 'GeneralConstraint::getVariables(...'
Exemplo n.º 8
   VariableSet GeneralConstraint::getVariables( const SourceIDSet& sourceSet )
      VariableSet vset;

      VariableSet unkSet( getVariables() );

      for( VariableSet::const_iterator itv = unkSet.begin();
         itv != unkSet.end();
         ++itv )
         SourceIDSet::const_iterator it = sourceSet.find( (*itv).getSource() );
         if( it!=sourceSet.end() ) vset.insert( *itv );

      return vset;

   }  // End of method 'GeneralConstraint::getVariables(...'
Exemplo n.º 9
   VariableSet GeneralConstraint::getVariables( const SourceID& source, 
                                                const SatIDSet& satSet, 
                                                const TypeID& type )
      VariableSet vset;

      VariableSet varSet = getVariables(source,type);
      for(VariableSet::iterator itv=varSet.begin();
         SatIDSet::const_iterator it = satSet.find(itv->getSatellite());
         if( it != satSet.end() ) vset.insert(*itv);

      return vset;

   }  // End of method 'GeneralConstraint::getVariables(...'
Exemplo n.º 10
   VariableSet GeneralConstraint::getVariables( const SourceIDSet& sourceSet,
                                                const TypeID& type )
      VariableSet vset;
      VariableSet varSet = getVariables(sourceSet);
      for(VariableSet::iterator itv=varSet.begin();
         if( (itv->getType()==type) && itv->getSourceIndexed() )

      return vset;

   }  // End of method 'GeneralConstraint::getVariables(...'
Exemplo n.º 11
   VariableSet GeneralConstraint::getVariables( const SourceID& source )
      VariableSet vset;

      VariableSet unkSet( getVariables() );

      if(source==Variable::allSources) return unkSet; 
      for( VariableSet::const_iterator itv = unkSet.begin();
         itv != unkSet.end();
         ++itv )
         if( (itv->getSource() == source) && itv->getSourceIndexed() ) 
            vset.insert( *itv );
      return vset;

   }  // End of method 'GeneralConstraint::getVariables(const SourceID& source)'
Exemplo n.º 12
      // Prepare set of current unknowns and list of current equations
   VariableSet EquationSystem::prepareCurrentUnknownsAndEquations(
                                                         gnssDataMap& gdsMap )

         // Let's clear the current equations list

         // Let's create 'currentUnkSet' set
      VariableSet currentUnkSet;

         // Get "currentSatSet" and "currentSourceSet"
         // and stored in currentSourceSet and currentSatSet
      prepareCurrentSourceSat( gdsMap );

         // Visit each "Equation" in "equationDescriptionList"
      for( std::list<Equation>::const_iterator itEq =
           itEq != equationDescriptionList.end();
           ++itEq )

            // First, get the SourceID set for this equation description
         SourceIDSet equSourceSet;

            // Check if current equation description is valid for all sources
         if ( (*itEq).getEquationSource() == Variable::allSources )
            equSourceSet = currentSourceSet;

               // Check if equation description is valid for some sources
            if ( (*itEq).getEquationSource() == Variable::someSources )

                  // We have to find the intersection between equation
                  // description SourceID's and available SourceID's.
               SourceIDSet tempSourceSet( (*itEq).getSourceSet() );

                  // Declare an 'insert_iterator' to be used by
                  // 'set_intersection' algorithm (provided by STL)
               std::insert_iterator< SourceIDSet >
                                 itOut( equSourceSet, equSourceSet.begin() );

                  // Let's intersect both sets
               set_intersection( tempSourceSet.begin(), tempSourceSet.end(),
                              currentSourceSet.begin(), currentSourceSet.end(),
                              itOut );

                  // In this case, we take directly the source into the
                  // equation source set
               equSourceSet.insert( (*itEq).getEquationSource() );

         }  // End of 'if ( (*itEq).getEquationSource() == ...'
            // Second, get the SatID set for this equation description
         SatIDSet equSatSet = (*itEq).getSatSet();

            // We have the SourceID set that is applicable to this
            // equation description.

            // Now we must get the satellites visible from each
            // particular SourceID
         for( SourceIDSet::const_iterator itSource = equSourceSet.begin();
              itSource != equSourceSet.end();
              ++itSource )

               // Get visible satellites from this SourceID
            SatIDSet visibleSatSet;

               // Iterate through all items in the gnssDataMap
            for( gnssDataMap::const_iterator it = gdsMap.begin();
                 it != gdsMap.end();
                 ++it )

                  // Look for current SourceID
               sourceDataMap::const_iterator sdmIter(
                                             (*it).second.find( (*itSource) ) );

                  // If SourceID was found, then look for satellites
               if( sdmIter != (*it).second.end() )

                     // Iterate through corresponding 'satTypeValueMap'
                  for( satTypeValueMap::const_iterator stvmIter =
                       stvmIter != (*sdmIter).second.end();
                       stvmIter++ )
                        // for some sat   
                     if((equSatSet.size() > 0)                           &&
                        (equSatSet.find((*stvmIter).first) == equSatSet.end()))

                        // Add current SatID to 'visibleSatSet'
                     visibleSatSet.insert( (*stvmIter).first );

                  }  // End of 'for( satTypeValueMap::const_iterator ...'

               }  // End of 'for( sourceDataMap::const_iterator sdmIter = ...'

            }  // End of 'for( gnssDataMap::const_iterator it = ...'

               // We have the satellites visible from this SourceID

               // We need a copy of current Equation object description
            Equation tempEquation( (*itEq) );

               // Remove all variables from current equation

               // Update equation independent term with SourceID information
            tempEquation.header.equationSource = (*itSource);

               // Now, let's visit all Variables in this equation description
            for( VariableSet::const_iterator itVar = (*itEq).body.begin();
                 itVar != (*itEq).body.end();
                 ++itVar )

                  // We will work with a copy of current Variable
               Variable var( (*itVar) );

                  // Check what type of variable we are working on

                  // If variable is source-indexed, set SourceID
               if( var.getSourceIndexed() )
                  var.setSource( (*itSource) );

                  // Add this variable to current equation description. Please
                  // be aware that satellite-indexed variables inside current
                  // equations will be handled later

                  // If variable is not satellite-indexed, we just need to
                  // add it to "currentUnkSet
               if( !var.getSatIndexed() )
                     // Insert the result in "currentUnkSet" and
                     // current equation
                     // If variable IS satellite-indexed, we have to visit all
                     // visible satellites (from current SourceID) and set the
                     // satellite before adding variable to "currentUnkSet
                  for( SatIDSet::const_iterator itSat = visibleSatSet.begin();
                       itSat != visibleSatSet.end();
                       ++itSat )

                        // Set satellite
                     var.setSatellite( (*itSat) );

                        // Insert the result in "currentUnkSet" and
                        // current equation

               }  // End of 'if( !var.getSatIndexed() )...'

            }  // End of 'for( VariableSet::const_iterator itVar = ...'

               // Let's generate the current equations starting from this
               // equation description. Therefore, we update equation
               // independent term with SatID information and add each instance
               // to 'currentEquationsList'.
            for( SatIDSet::const_iterator itSat = visibleSatSet.begin();
                 itSat != visibleSatSet.end();
                 ++itSat )
               tempEquation.header.equationSat = (*itSat);

                  // New equation is complete: Add it to 'currentEquationsList'
               currentEquationsList.push_back( tempEquation );

         }  // End of 'for( SourceIDSet::const_iterator itSource = ...'

      }  // End of 'for( std::list<Equation>::const_iterator itEq = ...'

         // Now we will take care of satellite-indexed variables inside each
         // specific "Equation" in "currentEquationsList"
      const size_t eqListSize( currentEquationsList.size() );
      for( size_t i = 0; i < eqListSize; ++i )

            // Get a copy of first equation on 'currentEquationsList'
         Equation tempEqu( currentEquationsList.front() );

            // Remove the original equation at the beginning of the list.

            // Get a copy of variables inside this equation
         VariableSet varSet( tempEqu.body );

            // Clear the variables from this equation

            // Visit each variable inside 'varSet', check if it is
            // satellite-indexed, and add it to equation
         for( VariableSet::iterator itVar = varSet.begin();
              itVar != varSet.end();
              ++itVar )

               // Check if it is satellite-indexed
            if( !(*itVar).getSatIndexed() )
                  // If not satellite-indexed, just add it back
               tempEqu.addVariable( (*itVar) );
               // If 'itVar' is satellite-indexed, let's index a copy of it
               // and add it to equation
               Variable var( (*itVar) );
               var.setSatellite( tempEqu.header.equationSat );

               tempEqu.addVariable( var );

         }  // End of 'for( VariableSet::iterator itVar = varSet.begin(); ...'

            // Our equation is ready, let's add it to the end of the list
         currentEquationsList.push_back( tempEqu );

      }  // End of 'for( int i = 0; i < eqListSize; ++i ) ...'

         // Return set of current unknowns
      return currentUnkSet;

   }  // End of method 'EquationSystem::prepareCurrentUnknownsAndEquations()'