Exemplo n.º 1
void VectApp :: Lerp(Vect &out, const Vect &a, const Vect &b, const float t)
	// out = a + t * (b - a);   has 3 temporaries
	out.set(a[x] + t*(b[x]-a[x]),
			a[y] + t*(b[y]-a[y]),
			a[z] + t*(b[z]-a[z]) );
Exemplo n.º 2
void Camera::Orbit( void )
	Vect CamFocusPos;
	Vect focus;

	CamFocusPos = this->vPos - focus;

	float angle_y = 0.001f;
	Matrix RotY( ROT_Y, angle_y );

	CamFocusPos *= RotY;

	CamFocusPos += focus;

	this->setOrientAndPosition( Vect(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f), Vect(0.0f,2.5f,-18.0f), CamFocusPos );
Exemplo n.º 3
void calcVetor () {
    // Initialize x, y and z elements
    Vect vecA;
    Vect vecB(1, 10, 100);

    // Set elements
    vecA.set(1, 2, 3);

    // Get elements
    double x = vecA.getx();
    double y = vecA.gety();
    double z = vecA.getz();

    Vect vecC;

    // Addition and subtraction of vectors
    vecC  = vecA + vecB;
    vecC += vecA;
    vecC  = vecA - vecB;
    vecC -= vecA;

    int val = 10;

    // Multiplication and division of a vector and a scholar
    vecC  = vecA * val;
    vecC *= val;
    vecC  = vecA / val;
    vecC /= val;

    // Cross product
    vecC = vecA * vecB;

    // Inner product
    double inner = vecA % vecB;

    // Norm
    double norm = vecA.norm();

    // Normalization
    vecC = vecA.normalize();
Exemplo n.º 4
void StressTest( void )
	volatile int I_ValueX(2);
	volatile int I_ValueY(3);
	volatile int I_ValueZ(4);
	volatile char C_ValueX(7);
	volatile char C_ValueY(8);
	volatile char C_ValueZ(9);

    volatile double D_ValueX( 11 );
    volatile double D_ValueY( 12 );
	volatile double D_ValueZ( 13 );

	volatile float I_ValueX(2);
	volatile float I_ValueY(3);
	volatile float I_ValueZ(4);

	volatile float C_ValueX(7);
	volatile float C_ValueY(8);
	volatile float C_ValueZ(9);

	volatile float D_ValueX( 11 );
	volatile float D_ValueY( 12 );
	volatile float D_ValueZ( 13 );

	// Disable warning message (simulating bad users)
#pragma warning( disable : 4244 )

	Vect A;

	A.setX( I_ValueX );
	A.setY( I_ValueY );
	A.setZ( I_ValueZ );

	Vect B( D_ValueX, I_ValueY, D_ValueZ );

	Vect C;

	C = A + B;
	Vect D( C );

	D.setX( D_ValueZ );

	C.setZ( I_ValueX );

	Vect E = A + B;

	A.set( I_ValueX, D_ValueY, C_ValueX );

	B = A+ B;
	C = B + E;

	E.setZ(I_ValueX );

	Vect F;


	Vect G( F.getX(), A.getY(), B.getZ() );
	Vect H( C.getZ(), C_ValueZ, F.getX() );

Exemplo n.º 5
void Teddy::SetAnimationHierarchy()

	// Load the model 
		PyramidModel *pPyramidModel = new PyramidModel( "pyramidModel.azul" );pPyramidModel;

	// Create/Load Shader 
		ShaderObject *pShaderObject_textureLight = new ShaderObject( ShaderName::TEXTURE_POINT_LIGHT, "texturePointLightDiff");
	// Setup renderer
		Render_TextureLight *pRender_TextureLight    = new Render_TextureLight( pShaderObject_textureLight );pRender_TextureLight;

	// GraphicsObject for a specific instance
		GraphicsObject_TextureLight *pGraphics_TextureLight;pGraphics_TextureLight;

	// Create GameObject
	Vect color;
	Vect pos(1,1,1);

	PCSTree *pTree = GameObjectMan::GetPCSTree();
	root = pTree->getRoot();

	GameObjectRigid *pGameRigid = new GameObjectRigid( 0 );
	GameObjectMan::Add(  pGameRigid, GameObjectMan::GetRoot() );
	pGameRigid->scale = Vect(0.60f,0.60f,0.60f);
	pGameRigid->pos = Vect(50,-30,0);

	color.set(1.00f, 1.0f, 50.00f, 1.0f);
	std::vector<MyGameObjectAnim*> goList;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < listHirerachy.size(); i++)
			pGraphics_TextureLight = new GraphicsObject_TextureLight( pPyramidModel, pRender_TextureLight, TextureName::DUCKWEED, color, pos);
			MyGameObjectAnim *pBone = new MyGameObjectAnim( pGraphics_TextureLight );

			pBone->tedy = this;
				pFirstBone= pBone;

	for (unsigned int j = 0; j < listHirerachy.size(); j++)
			//craete hierachy
			if( j == 0)
				MyGameObjectAnim* temp = goList[0];
				GameObjectMan::Add( temp, pGameRigid );
				//GameObjectMan::Add( temp,GameObjectMan::GetRoot());
				MyGameObjectAnim* temp = goList[j];
				MyGameObjectAnim* tempParent = findByIndex(goList,listHirerachy[j].ParentIndex);
				GameObjectMan::Add( temp, tempParent );