Exemplo n.º 1
void NodeBillboard::UpdateWorldData(Double appTime, Bool updateControllers)
    // Compute billboard's world transforms based on its parent's world
    // transform and its local transforms. Notice that you should not call
    // Node::UpdateWorldData since that function updates its children. The
    // children of a NodeBillboard cannot be updated until the billboard is
    // aligned with the camera.
    Spatial::UpdateWorldData(appTime, updateControllers);

    if (mspCamera)
        // Inverse-transform the camera to the model space of the billboard.
        Vector3F camLocation = World.ApplyInverse(mspCamera->GetLocation());

        // To align the billboard, the projection of the camera to the
        // xz-plane of the billboard's model space determines the angle of
        // rotation about the billboard's model y-axis. If the projected
        // camera is on the model axis (x = 0 and z = 0), ATan2 returns zero
        // (rather than NaN), so there is no need to trap this degenerate
        // case and handle it separately.
        Float angle = MathF::ATan2(camLocation.X(), camLocation.Z());
        Matrix34F orientation(Vector3F::UNIT_Y, angle);
        World.SetRotate(World.GetMatrix() * orientation);

    // update the children now that the billboard orientation is known
    for (UInt i = 0; i < mChildren.GetQuantity(); i++)
        Spatial* pChild = mChildren[i];
        if (pChild)
            pChild->UpdateGS(appTime, false, updateControllers);
Exemplo n.º 2
void Node::WarmUpRendering(Renderer* pRenderer)
#ifndef WIRE_WII // Wii does not need to warm up by submitting draw calls
	UpdateGS(0, true, false);

	Vector3F cameraLocation = WorldBound->GetCenter();
	cameraLocation.Z() += WorldBound->GetRadius();
	Vector3F viewDirection = -Vector3F::UNIT_Z;
	Vector3F up = Vector3F::UNIT_Y;
	Vector3F right = viewDirection.Cross(up);
	CameraPtr spCamera = WIRE_NEW Camera;
	spCamera->SetFrame(cameraLocation, viewDirection, up, right);

	Float fieldOfView = 60.0F;
	Float aspectRatio = 2;
	Float nearPlane = 0.1F;
	Float farPlane = WorldBound->GetRadius() * 2.0F;
	spCamera->SetFrustum(fieldOfView, aspectRatio, nearPlane, farPlane);

	CullerSorting culler;


	// draw scene to warm up batching buffers

	// collect and draw all materials separately so none will be missed
	// by CULL_ALWAYS or Switch/LOD nodes.
	THashSet<Material*> materials;
	TStack<Node*> scene(1000);
	while (!scene.IsEmpty())
		Node* pNode = NULL;
		RenderObject* pRenderObject = pNode->GetRenderObject();
		if (pRenderObject && pRenderObject->GetMaterial())

		for (UInt i = 0; i < pNode->GetQuantity(); i++)
			Node* pChild = DynamicCast<Node>(pNode->GetChild(i)); 
			if (pChild)

	RenderObjectPtr spCube = StandardMesh::CreateCube24(4, pRenderer->
		GetMaxTextureStages(), true);
	THashSet<Material*>::Iterator it(&materials);
	Transformation transformation;
	transformation.SetTranslate(cameraLocation - Vector3F(0, 0, 3));
	for (Material** pMaterial = it.GetFirst(); pMaterial; pMaterial = 
		pRenderer->Draw(spCube, transformation);
