Exemplo n.º 1
void Camera::lookAt(Vector3f eye, Vector3f center, Vector3f up)
	Vector3f view = center - eye;

	view = view.Normalize();

	Vector3f side = view.Cross(up);

	side = side.Normalize();

	Vector3f u = side.Cross(view);

	//the minuses are due to opengl's norm of an inverted z
	Matrix4f rotation = Matrix4f({
		side.x, u.x, -view.x, 0,
		side.y, u.y, -view.y, 0,
		side.z, u.z, -view.z, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 1

	Matrix4f translation = MatrixFactory::Translation4(-eye);

	this->View = rotation * translation;

	CameraChanged = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
void Node::getCameraOrientation(Matrix4f& dst)

	Vector3f N = _camera.getCameraTarget();
	N.Normalize();	//lookAt normalized

	Vector3f U = _camera.getCameraUpDirection();
	U = U.Cross(N);
	Vector3f V = N.Cross(U);
	//Vector3f U = N.Cross(V);

	dst.m[0][0] = U.getX();
	dst.m[0][1] = U.getY();
	dst.m[0][2] = U.getZ();
	dst.m[1][0] = V.getX();
	dst.m[1][1] = V.getY();
	dst.m[1][2] = V.getZ();
	dst.m[2][0] = N.getX();
	dst.m[2][1] = N.getY();
	dst.m[2][2] = N.getZ();
void BouncingTetrahedra::DoImpulse (float* impulseMagnitudes)
    for (int i = 0; i < mNumContacts; ++i)
        Contact& contact = mContacts[i];
        RigidBodyf& bodyA = *contact.A;
        RigidBodyf& bodyB = *contact.B;

        Vector3f PA = bodyA.GetLinearMomentum();
        Vector3f PB = bodyB.GetLinearMomentum();
        Vector3f LA = bodyA.GetAngularMomentum();
        Vector3f LB = bodyB.GetAngularMomentum();

        Vector3f impulse = impulseMagnitudes[i]*contact.N;
        PA += impulse;
        PB -= impulse;
        Vector3f relA = contact.PA - bodyA.GetPosition();
        LA += relA.Cross(impulse);
        Vector3f relB = contact.PB - bodyB.GetPosition();
        LB -= relB.Cross(impulse);

Matrix4f Matrix4f::LookAtLH(const Vector3f& eye, const Vector3f& at, const Vector3f& up)
    Vector3f z = (at - eye).Normalized();  // Forward
    Vector3f x = up.Cross(z).Normalized(); // Right
    Vector3f y = z.Cross(x);

    Matrix4f m(x.x,  x.y,  x.z,  -(x.Dot(eye)),
               y.x,  y.y,  y.z,  -(y.Dot(eye)),
               z.x,  z.y,  z.z,  -(z.Dot(eye)),
               0,    0,    0,    1 ); 
    return m;
Exemplo n.º 5
void Matrix4f::InitCameraTransform(const Vector3f& Target, const Vector3f& Up)
    Vector3f N = Target;
    Vector3f U = Up;
    U = U.Cross(N);
    Vector3f V = N.Cross(U);

    m[0][0] = U.x;   m[0][1] = U.y;   m[0][2] = U.z;   m[0][3] = 0.0f;
    m[1][0] = V.x;   m[1][1] = V.y;   m[1][2] = V.z;   m[1][3] = 0.0f;
    m[2][0] = N.x;   m[2][1] = N.y;   m[2][2] = N.z;   m[2][3] = 0.0f;
    m[3][0] = 0.0f;  m[3][1] = 0.0f;  m[3][2] = 0.0f;  m[3][3] = 1.0f;
Exemplo n.º 6
bool RtIntersect::RayTriangle( const Vector3f & rayStart, const Vector3f & rayDir,
							const Vector3f & v0, const Vector3f & v1, const Vector3f & v2,
							float & t0, float & u, float & v )
	assert( rayDir.IsNormalized() );

	const Vector3f edge1 = v1 - v0;
	const Vector3f edge2 = v2 - v0;

	const Vector3f tv = rayStart - v0;
	const Vector3f pv = rayDir.Cross( edge2 );
	const Vector3f qv = tv.Cross( edge1 );
	const float det = edge1.Dot( pv );

	// If the determinant is negative then the triangle is backfacing.
	if ( det <= 0.0f )
		return false;

	// This code has been modified to only perform a floating-point
	// division if the ray actually hits the triangle. If back facing
	// triangles are not culled then the sign of 's' and 't' need to
	// be flipped. This can be accomplished by multiplying the values
	// with the determinant instead of the reciprocal determinant.

	const float s = tv.Dot( pv );
	const float t = rayDir.Dot( qv );

	if ( s >= 0.0f && s <= det )
		if ( t >= 0.0f && s + t <= det )
			// If the determinant is almost zero then the ray lies in the triangle plane.
			// This comparison is done last because it is usually rare for
			// the ray to lay in the triangle plane.
			if ( fabsf( det ) > Math<float>::SmallestNonDenormal )
				const float rcpDet = 1.0f / det;
				t0 = edge2.Dot( qv ) * rcpDet;
				u = s * rcpDet;
				v = t * rcpDet;
				return true;

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
void Camera::_UpdateViewImpl(void)
	const Vector3f Vaxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	Vector3f View(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	View.Rotate(m_angleHorizontal, Vaxis);

	Vector3f Haxis = View.Cross(Vaxis);
	View.Rotate(m_angleVertical, Haxis);

	m_targetVector= View;

	m_upVector = Haxis.Cross(m_targetVector);

	Vector3f pos = m_positionVector;
		pos += mp_parentNode->_GetDerivedPosition();
	m_viewMatrix.InitCameraTransform(pos, m_targetVector, m_upVector);
Exemplo n.º 8
Quaternion Transform::GetLookAtDirection(Vector3f point, Vector3f up)
    Vector3f lookDir = (point - pos).Normalized();
    up = up.Normalized();
    // .. What if up and lookDir are parallel?
    if (up == lookDir || up == -lookDir)
        lookDir.y += 0.00000001f;
        lookDir.x += 0.00000001f;
    Vector3f right = up.Cross(lookDir).Normalized();
    Vector3f pUp = lookDir.Cross(right).Normalized();

    return Quaternion(Matrix4f().InitRotation(lookDir, pUp));
    //return Quaternion(Matrix4f().InitRotation(lookDir, up));
Exemplo n.º 9
void Matrix::LookAt(const Vector3f & inEye, const Vector3f & inDirection, const Vector3f & inUp)
	Vector3f forward	= inDirection.Normalized();
	Vector3f up			= inUp.Normalized();
	Vector3f right		= forward.Cross(up);

	up = right.Cross(forward);

	// Make inverse rotation matrix using right, forward, up vectors
	Set(	   right.x(),  right.y(),	  right.z(),	0.0f,
				  up.x(),	 up.y(),		 up.z(),	0.0f,
			 forward.x(), forward.y(),  forward.z(),	0.0f,
				  0.0f,		  0.0f,		  0.0f, 1.0f);

	Pos() = Rotate(-inEye);
Exemplo n.º 10
void Projectile::Update(float elapsedTime) 
	// Test si les conditions de fin du projectile sont vraies
	if (m_timeToLive <= 0 || !m_shot || elapsedTime == 0)

	// Test si atteint la cible
	if(	abs(m_destination.x - m_pos.x) < m_collisionRadius.x 
		&& abs(m_destination.y - m_pos.y) < m_collisionRadius.y 
		&& abs(m_destination.z - m_pos.z) < m_collisionRadius.z) {
	Vector3f speed = m_rot * m_speed;
	speed = speed * m_speed.Lenght();
	// Met a jour la valeur de la vitesse en 
	// fonction de l'acceleration et du temps
	m_speed += m_acceleration * elapsedTime;

	m_timeToLive -= elapsedTime;

	// distance entre le projectile et sa destination
	// chemin le plus court
	Vector3f distance;
	distance.x = m_pos.x - m_destination.x;
	distance.y = m_pos.y - m_destination.y;
	distance.z = m_pos.z - m_destination.z;

	// calculer l'angle entre les 2 vecteurs
	// fix imprecision float
	float n = distance.Dot(speed) / (distance.Lenght() * speed.Lenght());
	if (n > 1)
		n = 1;
	else if (n < -1)
		n = -1;
	float angleA = acos(n);
	std::cout << angleA << std::endl;
	Vector3f axis = distance.Cross(speed);
	// rotation autour de laxe
	float rotation;
	if (abs(angleA) >= m_maxRot && abs(angleA) < PII - m_maxRot) {
		rotation = (angleA > 0) ? -m_maxRot : m_maxRot;
		rotation *= elapsedTime;
		rotation = angleA - PII;
	Quaternion q;
	q.FromAxis(rotation, axis);

	m_rot = q * m_rot;
	// calcul la nouvelle position
	m_pos += speed * elapsedTime;
Exemplo n.º 11
Vector3f MakePosition( float const fwdDist, float const upDist, float const leftDist )
	static const Vector3f FWD( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f );
	static const Vector3f UP( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
	static const Vector3f LEFT( FWD.Cross( UP ) );

	// we only scale left and up by texel scale because those correspond to width / height
	return FWD * fwdDist + ( UP * upDist + LEFT * leftDist ) * VRMenuObject::DEFAULT_TEXEL_SCALE;
void BouncingTetrahedra::ComputeImpulseMagnitude (float* preRelVelocities,
    float* impulseMagnitudes)
    // The coefficient of restitution.
    float restitution = 0.8f;
    float temp = 20.0f*NUM_TETRA;
    if (mTotalKE < temp)
        restitution *= 0.5f*mTotalKE/temp;
    float coeff = -(1.0f + restitution);

    for (int i = 0; i < mNumContacts; ++i)
        if (preRelVelocities[i] < 0.0f)
            const Contact& contact = mContacts[i];
            const RigidBodyf& bodyA = *contact.A;
            const RigidBodyf& bodyB = *contact.B;

            Vector3f velDiff = bodyA.GetLinearVelocity() -
            Vector3f relA = contact.PA - bodyA.GetPosition();
            Vector3f relB = contact.PB - bodyB.GetPosition();
            Vector3f AxN = relA.Cross(contact.N);
            Vector3f BxN = relB.Cross(contact.N);
            Vector3f JInvAxN = bodyA.GetWorldInverseInertia()*AxN;
            Vector3f JInvBxN = bodyB.GetWorldInverseInertia()*BxN;

            float numer = coeff*(contact.N.Dot(velDiff)
                + bodyA.GetAngularVelocity().Dot(AxN)
                - bodyB.GetAngularVelocity().Dot(BxN));

            float denom = bodyA.GetInverseMass() + bodyB.GetInverseMass()
                + AxN.Dot(JInvAxN) + BxN.Dot(JInvBxN);

            impulseMagnitudes[i] = numer/denom;
            impulseMagnitudes[i] = 0.0f;
Exemplo n.º 13
void Pipeline::InitCameraTransfrom(Matrix4f& CameraTrans,Matrix4f& CameraRot)
    CameraTrans.mat[0][0] = 1.0f;CameraTrans.mat[0][1] = 0.0f;CameraTrans.mat[0][2] = 0.0f;CameraTrans.mat[0][3] = -m_camera.Pos.x;
    CameraTrans.mat[1][0] = 0.0f;CameraTrans.mat[1][1] = 1.0f;CameraTrans.mat[1][2] = 0.0f;CameraTrans.mat[1][3] = -m_camera.Pos.y;
    CameraTrans.mat[2][0] = 0.0f;CameraTrans.mat[2][1] = 0.0f;CameraTrans.mat[2][2] = 1.0f;CameraTrans.mat[2][3] = -m_camera.Pos.z;
    CameraTrans.mat[3][0] = 0.0f;CameraTrans.mat[3][1] = 0.0f;CameraTrans.mat[3][2] = 0.0f;CameraTrans.mat[3][3] = 1.0f;

    Vector3f N = m_camera.Target;
    Vector3f U = m_camera.Up;
    U = U.Cross(N);
    Vector3f V = N.Cross(U);

    CameraRot.mat[0][0] = U.x;CameraRot.mat[0][1] = U.y;CameraRot.mat[0][2] = U.z;CameraRot.mat[0][3] = 0.0f;
    CameraRot.mat[1][0] = V.x;CameraRot.mat[1][1] = V.y;CameraRot.mat[1][2] = V.z;CameraRot.mat[1][3] = 0.0f;
    CameraRot.mat[2][0] = N.x;CameraRot.mat[2][1] = N.y;CameraRot.mat[2][2] = N.z;CameraRot.mat[2][3] = 0.0f;
    CameraRot.mat[3][0] = 0.0f;CameraRot.mat[3][1] = 0.0f;CameraRot.mat[3][2] = 0.0f;CameraRot.mat[3][3] = 1.0f;
Exemplo n.º 14
Matrix4f Matrix4f::Camera(Vector3f target, Vector3f up) {
    up = up.Cross(target);
    Vector3f right = target.Cross(up);

    Matrix4f m;
    m.SetElement(0, 0, up[0]);
    m.SetElement(0, 1, up[1]);
    m.SetElement(0, 2, up[2]);
    m.SetElement(1, 0, right[0]);
    m.SetElement(1, 1, right[1]);
    m.SetElement(1, 2, right[2]);
    m.SetElement(2, 0, target[0]);
    m.SetElement(2, 1, target[1]);
    m.SetElement(2, 2, target[2]);
    m.SetElement(3, 3, 1.0f);
Exemplo n.º 15
// Compute a rotation required to transform "estimated" into "measured"
// Returns an approximation of the goal rotation in the Simultaneous Orthogonal Rotations Angle representation
// (vector direction is the axis of rotation, norm is the angle)
Vector3f SensorFusion_ComputeCorrection(Vector3f measured, Vector3f estimated)
    Vector3f correction = measured.Cross(estimated);
    float cosError = measured.Dot(estimated);
    // from the def. of cross product, correction.Length() = sin(error)
    // therefore sin(error) * sqrt(2 / (1 + cos(error))) = 2 * sin(error / 2) ~= error in [-pi, pi]
    // Mathf::Tolerance is used to avoid div by 0 if cos(error) = -1
    return correction * sqrt(2 / (1 + cosError + Mathf::Tolerance));
Exemplo n.º 16
traceResult_t RtTrace::Trace_Exhaustive( const Vector3f & start, const Vector3f & end ) const
	traceResult_t result;
	result.triangleIndex = -1;
	result.fraction = 1.0f;
	result.uv = Vector2f( 0.0f );
	result.normal = Vector3f( 0.0f );

	const Vector3f rayDelta = end - start;
	const float rayLengthSqr = rayDelta.LengthSq();
	const float rayLengthRcp = RcpSqrt( rayLengthSqr );
	const float rayLength = rayLengthSqr * rayLengthRcp;
	const Vector3f rayStart = start;
	const Vector3f rayDir = rayDelta * rayLengthRcp;

	float bestDistance = rayLength;
	Vector2f uv;

	for ( int i = 0; i < header.numIndices; i += 3 )
		float distance;
		float u;
		float v;

		if ( RtIntersect::RayTriangle( rayStart, rayDir,
									vertices[indices[i + 0]],
									vertices[indices[i + 1]],
									vertices[indices[i + 2]], distance, u, v ) )
			if ( distance >= 0.0f && distance < bestDistance )
				bestDistance = distance;

				result.triangleIndex = i;
				uv.x = u;
				uv.y = v;

	if ( result.triangleIndex != -1 )
		result.fraction = bestDistance * rayLengthRcp;
		result.uv = uvs[indices[result.triangleIndex + 0]] * ( 1.0f - uv.x - uv.y ) +
					uvs[indices[result.triangleIndex + 1]] * uv.x +
					uvs[indices[result.triangleIndex + 2]] * uv.y;
		const Vector3f d1 = vertices[indices[result.triangleIndex + 1]] - vertices[indices[result.triangleIndex + 0]];
		const Vector3f d2 = vertices[indices[result.triangleIndex + 2]] - vertices[indices[result.triangleIndex + 0]];
		result.normal = d1.Cross( d2 ).Normalized();

	return result;
void BouncingTetrahedra::ComputePreimpulseVelocity (float* preRelVelocities)
    for (int i = 0; i < mNumContacts; ++i)
        const Contact& contact = mContacts[i];
        const RigidBodyf& bodyA = *contact.A;
        const RigidBodyf& bodyB = *contact.B;

        Vector3f XA = bodyA.GetPosition();
        Vector3f XB = bodyB.GetPosition();
        Vector3f VA = bodyA.GetLinearVelocity();
        Vector3f VB = bodyB.GetLinearVelocity();
        Vector3f WA = bodyA.GetAngularVelocity();
        Vector3f WB = bodyB.GetAngularVelocity();

        Vector3f relA = contact.PA - XA;
        Vector3f relB = contact.PB - XB;
        Vector3f velA = VA + WA.Cross(relA);
        Vector3f velB = VB + WB.Cross(relB);
        preRelVelocities[i] = contact.N.Dot(velB - velA);
Exemplo n.º 18
const Vector3f Triangle::GetNormal() const
	Vector3f normal;

	Vector3f a = Point2 - Point1;
	Vector3f b = Point3 - Point1;

	normal = a.Cross(b);


	return normal;
Exemplo n.º 19
void Camera::Move(float x, float y, float z) {
	// posunout o z-nasobek smeru pohledu
	Vector3f dir = target;
	eye += dir * z;

	// posunout do strany o x-nasobek right vektoru
	Vector3f r = target;
	r = -r.Cross(up);
	eye += r * x;
Exemplo n.º 20
void CRigidBody::HandleSphereToSphereCollision(CCollisionMessage* ColMsg)
	CVehicle* Car = (CVehicle*)ColMsg->GetEntity();
	Vector3f CenterToCenter = *ColMsg->GetCenterToCenter();

	// set translate
	m_vReflection = CenterToCenter*0.05f;
	m_vPosition = m_translate;
	m_vDirectionWhenDisturbed = m_vReflection;

	// set rotation
	if (CenterToCenter.Length() == 0.0f) CenterToCenter = Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	float theta1 = (CenterToCenter.Dot(Car->GetVehicleHeadingWC()))/(CenterToCenter.Length()*Car->GetVehicleHeadingWC().Length());
	Vector3f CP = CenterToCenter.Cross(Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
	float theta2 = (CP.Dot(Car->GetVehicleHeadingWC()))/(CP.Length()*Car->GetVehicleHeadingWC().Length());

//	CLog::GetLog().Write(LOG_DEBUGOVERLAY, 120, "theta1 = %f", theta1);
//	CLog::GetLog().Write(LOG_DEBUGOVERLAY, 121, "theta2 = %f", theta2);

	float spin;
	if (0.0f < theta1 && theta1 < 1.0f) {
		if (0.0f < theta2 && theta2 < 1.0f) {
			spin = theta2;
		else {
			spin = theta2;
	else {
		if (0.0f < theta2 && theta2 < 1.0f) {
			spin = -theta2;
		else {
			spin = -theta2;

	m_vRotation = Vector3f(0.0f, spin, 0.0f);

	// actually set it!
	Car->SetVehiclePositionLC(Vector3f(m_vPosition.X(), m_vPosition.Z(), m_vPosition.Y()));

	disturbed = true;
Exemplo n.º 21
void Camera::quaternionLookAt(float rotationX, float rotationY, float zoom, Vector3f eye, Vector3f center, Vector3f up)
	Vector3f view = Vector3f(0, 0, 1);//center - eye;

	view = view.Normalize();

	Vector3f side = view.Cross(up);

	side = side.Normalize();

	Vector3f u = side.Cross(view);

	Quaternion verticalRotation = Quaternion::FromAngleAxis(rotationY, side);

	Quaternion horizontalRotation = Quaternion::FromAngleAxis(-rotationX, u);

	Quaternion rotation = verticalRotation * horizontalRotation;

	Matrix4f translation = MatrixFactory::Translation4(Vector3f(center.x, center.y, -(zoom + eye.z)));

	this->View = translation * rotation.ToMatrix4();

	CameraChanged = true;
Exemplo n.º 22
Matrix4f Matrix4f::LookAtLHMatrix( Vector3f& eye, Vector3f& at, Vector3f& up )
	// This method is based on the method of the same name from the D3DX library.

	Matrix4f ret;

	Vector3f zaxis = at - eye; 
	Vector3f xaxis = up.Cross( zaxis );

	Vector3f yaxis = zaxis.Cross( xaxis );

	ret.m_afEntry[ 0] = xaxis.x;
	ret.m_afEntry[ 1] = yaxis.x;
	ret.m_afEntry[ 2] = zaxis.x;
	ret.m_afEntry[ 3] = 0.0f;

	ret.m_afEntry[ 4] = xaxis.y;
	ret.m_afEntry[ 5] = yaxis.y;
	ret.m_afEntry[ 6] = zaxis.y;
	ret.m_afEntry[ 7] = 0.0f;

	ret.m_afEntry[ 8] = xaxis.z;
	ret.m_afEntry[ 9] = yaxis.z;
	ret.m_afEntry[10] = zaxis.z;
	ret.m_afEntry[11] = 0.0f;

	ret.m_afEntry[12] = -(xaxis.Dot(eye));
	ret.m_afEntry[13] = -(yaxis.Dot(eye));
	ret.m_afEntry[14] = -(zaxis.Dot(eye));
	ret.m_afEntry[15] = 1.0f;

	return( ret );
Exemplo n.º 23
void Camera::rodriguesLookAt(float rotationX, float rotationY, Vector3f eye, Vector3f center, Vector3f up)
	Vector3f view = Vector3f(0, 0, 1);//center - eye;

	view = view.Normalize();

	Vector3f side = view.Cross(up);

	side = side.Normalize();

	Vector3f u = side.Cross(view);

	Matrix4f rotationMatX = MatrixFactory::Rotation4(rotationY, side);

	Matrix4f rotationMatY = MatrixFactory::Rotation4(-rotationX, u);

	Matrix4f rotation = rotationMatX * rotationMatY;

	Matrix4f translation = MatrixFactory::Translation4(Vector3f(center.x, center.y, eye.z));

	this->View = translation * rotation;

	CameraChanged = true;
Exemplo n.º 24
void Camera::Update()
	const Vector3f Vaxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

	Vector3f View(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	View.Rotate(m_AngleH, Vaxis);

	Vector3f Haxis = Vaxis.Cross(View);
	View.Rotate(m_AngleV, Haxis);

	m_target = View;

	m_up = m_target.Cross(Haxis);
Exemplo n.º 25
void Frustum::_UpdateViewImpl(void)
	const Vector3f Vaxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	Vector3f View(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	View.Rotate(m_angleHorizontal, Vaxis);

	Vector3f Haxis = View.Cross(Vaxis);
	View.Rotate(m_angleVertical, Haxis);

	m_targetVector= View;

	m_upVector = Haxis.Cross(m_targetVector);
Exemplo n.º 26
void Camera::Update()
    const Vector3f Vaxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

    // Rotate the view vector by the horizontal angle around the vertical axis
    Vector3f View(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    View.Rotate(m_AngleH, Vaxis);

    // Rotate the view vector by the vertical angle around the horizontal axis
    Vector3f Haxis = Vaxis.Cross(View);
    View.Rotate(m_AngleV, Haxis);

    m_target = View;

    m_up = m_target.Cross(Haxis);
Exemplo n.º 27
/* Calculates the GLOBAL rotation of the world, not relative to the world's current rotation
 * * pFrom, the first point,
 * * pDest, the next point. The two points create a line and the line's angle from the x axis is measured */
double SplineTraveler::calcRotation(Vector3f axis, Vector3f pVertex, Vector3f pDest)
	//Vector3f firstBranch = (pFrom - pVertex).Normalize();  
	Vector3f secondBranch = (pDest - pVertex).Normalize(); 

	//TODO handle 180 degree case
	float railAngle;
	//dot product angle. magtides of the vectors are already equal to one
	railAngle = acos(axis.Dot(secondBranch));
	if(secondBranch.z > 0)
		railAngle = 2.0*3.14159265 - railAngle;
	rotationAngle = railAngle;
	rotateAxis = secondBranch.Cross(axis);   //axis of this rotation.
	//rotateAxis = Vector3f(0,1,0);
	/*Vector3f xaxis = Vector3f(1,0,0);
	Vector3f yaxis = Vector3f(0,1,0);
	Vector3f zaxis = Vector3f(0,0,1);
	Vector3f point = pDest - pFrom;
	point.y = 0;
	bool tr = false;
	//if(!(point.x == 0 && point.y == 0))
		tr = true;
		double x = acos((point.Dot(xaxis))/(point.Magnitude()));
		if(point.z > 0)
			x = 2.0*3.14159 - x;

		//double y = acos((point.Dot(yaxis))/(point.Magnitude()));
		double y = 0;

		double z = 0;//acos((point.Dot(zaxis))/(point.Magnitude()));

		grotation = Vector3f(x,y,z);
	return railAngle;
Exemplo n.º 28
// BitmapFontSurfaceLocal::DrawText3D
void BitmapFontSurfaceLocal::DrawText3D( BitmapFont const & font, fontParms_t const & parms,
		Vector3f const & pos, Vector3f const & normal, Vector3f const & up,
		float scale, Vector4f const & color, char const * text )
	if ( text == NULL || text[0] == '\0' )
		return;	// nothing to do here, move along

	// TODO: multiple line support -- we would need to calculate the horizontal width
	// for each string ending in \n
	size_t len;
	float width;
	float height;
	float ascent;
	float descent;
	int const MAX_LINES = 128;
	float lineWidths[MAX_LINES];
	int numLines;
	AsLocal( font ).CalcTextMetrics( text, len, width, height, ascent, descent, lineWidths, MAX_LINES, numLines );
//	LOG( "BitmapFontSurfaceLocal::DrawText3D( \"%s\" %s %s ) : width = %.2f, height = %.2f, numLines = %i, fh = %.2f",
//			text, parms.CenterVert ? "cv" : "", parms.CenterHoriz ? "ch" : "",
//			width, height, numLines, AsLocal( font ).GetFontInfo().FontHeight );
	if ( len == 0 )

	DROID_ASSERT( normal.IsNormalized(), "BitmapFont" );
	DROID_ASSERT( up.IsNormalized(), "BitmapFont" );

	const FontInfoType & fontInfo = AsLocal( font ).GetFontInfo();

	float imageWidth = (float)AsLocal( font ).GetImageWidth();
	float const xScale = AsLocal( font ).GetFontInfo().ScaleFactor * scale;
	float const yScale = AsLocal( font ).GetFontInfo().ScaleFactor * scale;

	// allocate a vertex block
	size_t numVerts = 4 * len;
	VertexBlockType vb( font, numVerts, pos, Quatf(), parms.Billboard, parms.TrackRoll );

	Vector3f const right = up.Cross( normal );
	Vector3f const r = ( parms.Billboard ) ? Vector3f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) : right;
	Vector3f const u = ( parms.Billboard ) ? Vector3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) : up;

	Vector3f curPos( 0.0f );
	if ( parms.CenterVert )
		float const vofs = ( height * 0.5f ) - ascent;
		curPos += u * ( vofs * scale );

	Vector3f basePos = curPos;
	if ( parms.CenterHoriz )
		curPos -= r * ( lineWidths[0] * 0.5f * scale );
	Vector3f lineInc = u * ( fontInfo.FontHeight * yScale );
	float const distanceScale = imageWidth / FontInfoType::DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR;
	const uint8_t fontParms[4] = 
			(uint8_t)( OVR::Alg::Clamp( parms.AlphaCenter + fontInfo.CenterOffset, 0.0f, 1.0f ) * 255 ),
			(uint8_t)( OVR::Alg::Clamp( parms.ColorCenter + fontInfo.CenterOffset, 0.0f, 1.0f ) * 255 ),
			(uint8_t)( OVR::Alg::Clamp( distanceScale, 1.0f, 255.0f ) ),

    int iColor = ColorToABGR( color );

	int curLine = 0;
	fontVertex_t * v = vb.Verts;
	char const * p = text;
	size_t i = 0;
	uint32_t charCode = UTF8Util::DecodeNextChar( &p );
	for ( ; charCode != '\0'; i++, charCode = UTF8Util::DecodeNextChar( &p ) )
		OVR_ASSERT( i < len );
		if ( charCode == '\n' && curLine < numLines && curLine < MAX_LINES )
			// move to next line
			basePos -= lineInc;
			curPos = basePos;
			if ( parms.CenterHoriz )
				curPos -= r * ( lineWidths[curLine] * 0.5f * scale );

		FontGlyphType const & g = AsLocal( font ).GlyphForCharCode( charCode );

		float s0 = g.X;
		float t0 = g.Y;
		float s1 = ( g.X + g.Width );
		float t1 = ( g.Y + g.Height );

		float bearingX = g.BearingX * xScale;
		float bearingY = g.BearingY * yScale ;

		float rw = ( g.Width + g.BearingX ) * xScale;
		float rh = ( g.Height - g.BearingY ) * yScale;

        // lower left
        v[i * 4 + 0].xyz = curPos + ( r * bearingX ) - ( u * rh );
        v[i * 4 + 0].s = s0;
        v[i * 4 + 0].t = t1;
        *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 0].rgba[0]) = iColor;
		*(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 0].fontParms[0]) = *(UInt32*)(&fontParms[0]);
	    // upper left
        v[i * 4 + 1].xyz = curPos + ( r * bearingX ) + ( u * bearingY );
        v[i * 4 + 1].s = s0;
        v[i * 4 + 1].t = t0;
        *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 1].rgba[0]) = iColor;
		*(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 1].fontParms[0]) = *(UInt32*)(&fontParms[0]);
        // upper right
        v[i * 4 + 2].xyz = curPos + ( r * rw ) + ( u * bearingY );
        v[i * 4 + 2].s = s1;
        v[i * 4 + 2].t = t0;
        *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 2].rgba[0]) = iColor;
		*(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 2].fontParms[0]) = *(UInt32*)(&fontParms[0]);
        // lower right
        v[i * 4 + 3].xyz = curPos + ( r * rw ) - ( u * rh );
        v[i * 4 + 3].s = s1;
        v[i * 4 + 3].t = t1;
        *(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 3].rgba[0]) = iColor;
		*(UInt32*)(&v[i * 4 + 3].fontParms[0]) = *(UInt32*)(&fontParms[0]);
		// advance to start of next char
		curPos += r * ( g.AdvanceX * xScale );
	// add the new vertex block to the array of vertex blocks
	VertexBlocks.PushBack( vb );
Exemplo n.º 29
// Purpose: raydir must be normalized!
float RayPointDistance( const Vector3f &rayorig, const Vector3f &raydir, const Vector3f &point )
	return raydir.Cross(point - rayorig).Length();
Exemplo n.º 30
Vector3f Vector3f::Cross( const Vector3f& A, const Vector3f& B )
    return A.Cross( B );