void SimpleSkeletalAnimatedObject_cl::LayerTwoAnimations()
  // Layer two animations (using a LayerMixer node). We use this to fade-in an upper body animation 
  // on top of a full body animation. The mixer gets the two animation controls as input and generates
  // the layered result. The animation tree looks as follows:
  // - FinalSkeletalResult
  //    - LayerMixerNode
  //       - SkeletalAnimControl (WalkDagger Animation; influences full body)
  //       - SkeletalAnimControl (RunDagger Animation: influences upper body only)
  // The weight of the layered upper body animation is set on the mixer instance.

  // Create a new AnimConfig instance
  VDynamicMesh *pMesh = GetMesh();
  VisSkeleton_cl *pSkeleton = pMesh->GetSkeleton();
  VisAnimFinalSkeletalResult_cl* pFinalSkeletalResult;
  VisAnimConfig_cl* pConfig = VisAnimConfig_cl::CreateSkeletalConfig(pMesh, &pFinalSkeletalResult);

  // get skeletal animation sequence
  VisSkeletalAnimSequence_cl* pAnimSequenceWalkDagger = static_cast<VisSkeletalAnimSequence_cl*>(
    pMesh->GetSequence("Walk_Dagger", VIS_MODELANIM_SKELETAL));
  VisSkeletalAnimSequence_cl* pAnimSequenceDrawDagger = static_cast<VisSkeletalAnimSequence_cl*>(
    pMesh->GetSequence("Draw_Dagger", VIS_MODELANIM_SKELETAL));

  if (pAnimSequenceWalkDagger == NULL || pAnimSequenceDrawDagger == NULL)

  // Create the two animation controls: WalkDagger: full body animation; DrawDagger: upper body animation.
  // Use a helper function to create the animation controls.
  VSmartPtr<VisSkeletalAnimControl_cl> spWalkDaggerAnimControl = VisSkeletalAnimControl_cl::Create(
    pMesh->GetSkeleton(), pAnimSequenceWalkDagger, VANIMCTRL_LOOP|VSKELANIMCTRL_DEFAULTS, 1.0f, true);
  VSmartPtr<VisSkeletalAnimControl_cl> spDrawDaggerAnimControl = VisSkeletalAnimControl_cl::Create(
    pMesh->GetSkeleton(), pAnimSequenceDrawDagger, VSKELANIMCTRL_DEFAULTS, 1.0f, true);

  // create the layer node which layers the two animations
  m_spLayerMixerNode = new VisAnimLayerMixerNode_cl(pMesh->GetSkeleton());
  m_spLayerMixerNode->AddMixerInput(spWalkDaggerAnimControl, 1.0f);
  int iMixerInputDrawDagger = m_spLayerMixerNode->AddMixerInput(spDrawDaggerAnimControl, 0.0f);
  // set a per bone weighting list for the DrawDagger (upper body) slot in the mixer. It shall overlay the
  // upper body of the character and thus only influence the upper body bones.
  int iBoneCount = pSkeleton->GetBoneCount();
  VASSERT(iBoneCount < 256);

  float fPerBoneWeightingList[256];
  memset(fPerBoneWeightingList, 0, sizeof(float)*iBoneCount);

  pSkeleton->SetBoneWeightRecursive(1.f, pSkeleton->GetBoneIndexByName("skeleton1:Spine"), fPerBoneWeightingList);
  m_spLayerMixerNode->ApplyPerBoneWeightingMask(iMixerInputDrawDagger, iBoneCount, fPerBoneWeightingList);

  // finally set the mixer as the root animation node

  // fade-in the upper body animation
  //m_spLayerMixerNode->EaseIn(iMixerInputDrawDagger, 0.4f, true);
Exemplo n.º 2
void AnimatedWarrior_cl::InitFunction()
  if (!m_bModelValid)

	m_pCharacterController = new vHavokCharacterController();

	hkvAlignedBBox bbox;

  float r = bbox.getSizeX() * 0.5f;
	m_pCharacterController->Capsule_Radius = r;
	m_pCharacterController->Character_Top.set(0,0,bbox.m_vMax.z - r);
  m_pCharacterController->Character_Bottom.set(0,0,bbox.m_vMin.z + r);

 	m_pCharacterController->Max_Slope = 75.0f;

  if (!m_bEnabled)


  //// setup animation system
  // create config
  VDynamicMesh* pMesh = GetMesh();
  VisSkeleton_cl* pSkeleton = pMesh->GetSkeleton();

  // create mixer structure, we keep pointers on the mixers to add and remove inputs
  m_spLayerMixer = new VisAnimLayerMixerNode_cl(pSkeleton);

  m_pNormalizeMixer = new VisAnimNormalizeMixerNode_cl(pSkeleton);
  m_spLayerMixer->AddMixerInput(m_pNormalizeMixer, 1.f);

  //// create per bone weighting list for upper body
  int iBoneCount = pSkeleton->GetBoneCount();
  float* fPerBoneWeightingList = new float[iBoneCount];
  memset(fPerBoneWeightingList, 0, sizeof(float)*iBoneCount);

  // set all bone weights above the spine to 1
  pSkeleton->SetBoneWeightRecursive(1.f, pSkeleton->GetBoneIndexByName("skeleton1:Spine"), fPerBoneWeightingList);

  int iMixerInputIndex = -1;

  for(int i=0; i<UPPERBODY_CONTROLCOUNT; i++)
    m_spUpperBodyControls[i] = new VisSkeletalAnimControl_cl(pSkeleton, VSKELANIMCTRL_DEFAULTS);
    m_spUpperBodyControls[i]->AddEventListener(this); // we want to receive all events from sequence and control
    iMixerInputIndex = m_spLayerMixer->AddMixerInput(m_spUpperBodyControls[i], 0.f);
    m_spLayerMixer->ApplyPerBoneWeightingMask(iMixerInputIndex, iBoneCount, fPerBoneWeightingList);

  // set the start animation
  BlendOverFullBodyAnimation(0.f, ANIMID_IDLE, 1.f, 0.f);

  // initialize variables for upperbody fadein/fadeout
  m_eUpperBodyFadeState = FADESTATE_NONE;

  // setup neck bone for head rotation
  m_iHeadBoneIndex = pSkeleton->GetBoneIndexByName("skeleton1:Neck");
  m_fHeadRotationAngles[0] = 0.f; m_fHeadRotationAngles[1] = 0.f; m_fHeadRotationAngles[2] = 0.f;
  m_bHeadInMovement = false;

  // setup the torch
  hkvVec3 vDummyOrigin;
  m_pTorch = (AttachedTorch_cl *) Vision::Game.CreateEntity( "AttachedTorch_cl", vDummyOrigin );

  // attach the torch to the bone
  //hkvVec3 localTranslation(-11.f, -4.5f, 25.f);
  hkvVec3 localTranslation(-11.f, 5.5f, 0.f);
  float euler[3] = {90, 0, 185};
  hkvQuat localRotation;
  localRotation.setFromEulerAngles (euler[2], euler[1], euler[0]); // pass as roll, pitch, yaw
  m_pTorch->Attach(this, "skeleton1:RightHand", localRotation, localTranslation);
