Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
	const char* SAY_HELLO = "--sayHello";
    if (cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, SAY_HELLO)) {
    	printf("I'm just saying hello...\n");

	const char* DONT_CREATE_FILE = "--dontCreateSceneFile";
    bool dontCreateFile = cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, DONT_CREATE_FILE);
    if (dontCreateFile) {
    	printf("You asked us not to create a scene file, so we will not.\n");
	} else {
    	printf("Creating Scene File...\n");
        const char* RUN_TUTORIAL = "--runTutorial";
        if (cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, RUN_TUTORIAL)) {

        const char* ADD_CORNERS_AND_AXIS_LINES = "--addCornersAndAxisLines";
        if (cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, ADD_CORNERS_AND_AXIS_LINES)) {

        const char* ADD_SPHERE_SCENE = "--addSphereScene";
        if (cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, ADD_SPHERE_SCENE)) {

        const char* ADD_SURFACE_SCENE = "--addSurfaceScene";
        if (cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, ADD_SURFACE_SCENE)) {

        unsigned long nodeCount = myTree.getVoxelCount();
        printf("Nodes after adding scenes: %ld nodes\n", nodeCount);


    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void persistVoxelsWhenDirty() {
    uint64_t now = usecTimestampNow();
    if (::lastPersistVoxels == 0) {
        ::lastPersistVoxels = now;
    int sinceLastTime = (now - ::lastPersistVoxels) / 1000;

    // check the dirty bit and persist here...
    if (::wantVoxelPersist && ::serverTree.isDirty() && sinceLastTime > VOXEL_PERSIST_INTERVAL) {
            PerformanceWarning warn(::shouldShowAnimationDebug, 
                                    "persistVoxelsWhenDirty() - writeToSVOFile()", ::shouldShowAnimationDebug);

            printf("saving voxels to file...\n");
            serverTree.writeToSVOFile(::wantLocalDomain ? LOCAL_VOXELS_PERSIST_FILE : VOXELS_PERSIST_FILE);
            serverTree.clearDirtyBit(); // tree is clean after saving
            printf("DONE saving voxels to file...\n");
        ::lastPersistVoxels = usecTimestampNow();
Exemplo n.º 3
void processSplitSVOFile(const char* splitSVOFile,const char* splitJurisdictionRoot,const char*  splitJurisdictionEndNodes) {
    char outputFileName[512];

    printf("splitSVOFile: %s Jurisdictions Root: %s EndNodes: %s\n", 
            splitSVOFile, splitJurisdictionRoot, splitJurisdictionEndNodes);

    VoxelTree rootSVO;

    JurisdictionMap jurisdiction(splitJurisdictionRoot, splitJurisdictionEndNodes);

    printf("Jurisdiction Root Octcode: ");

    printf("Jurisdiction End Nodes: %d \n", jurisdiction.getEndNodeCount());
    for (int i = 0; i < jurisdiction.getEndNodeCount(); i++) {
        unsigned char* endNodeCode = jurisdiction.getEndNodeOctalCode(i);
        printf("End Node: %d ", i);

        // get the endNode details
        VoxelPositionSize endNodeDetails;
        voxelDetailsForCode(endNodeCode, endNodeDetails);

        // Now, create a split SVO for the EndNode.
        // copy the EndNode into a temporary tree
        VoxelTree endNodeTree;

        // create a small voxels at corners of the endNode Tree, this will is a hack
        // to work around a bug in voxel server that will send Voxel not exists
        // for regions that don't contain anything even if they're not in the
        // jurisdiction of the server
        // This hack assumes the end nodes for demo dinner since it only guarantees
        // nodes in the 8 child voxels of the main root voxel 
        const float verySmall = 0.015625;
        endNodeTree.createVoxel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, verySmall, 1, 1, 1, true);
        endNodeTree.createVoxel(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, verySmall, 1, 1, 1, true);
        endNodeTree.createVoxel(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, verySmall, 1, 1, 1, true);
        endNodeTree.createVoxel(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, verySmall, 1, 1, 1, true);
        endNodeTree.createVoxel(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, verySmall, 1, 1, 1, true);
        endNodeTree.createVoxel(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, verySmall, 1, 1, 1, true);
        endNodeTree.createVoxel(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, verySmall, 1, 1, 1, true);
        endNodeTree.createVoxel(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, verySmall, 1, 1, 1, true);

        // Delete the voxel for the EndNode from the temporary tree, so we can
        // import our endNode content into it...
        endNodeTree.deleteOctalCodeFromTree(endNodeCode, COLLAPSE_EMPTY_TREE);

        VoxelTreeElement* endNode = rootSVO.getVoxelAt(endNodeDetails.x, 

        rootSVO.copySubTreeIntoNewTree(endNode, &endNodeTree, false);

        sprintf(outputFileName, "splitENDNODE%d%s", i, splitSVOFile);
        printf("outputFile: %s\n", outputFileName);
        // Delete the voxel for the EndNode from the root tree...
        rootSVO.deleteOctalCodeFromTree(endNodeCode, COLLAPSE_EMPTY_TREE);
        // create a small voxel in center of each EndNode, this will is a hack
        // to work around a bug in voxel server that will send Voxel not exists
        // for regions that don't contain anything even if they're not in the
        // jurisdiction of the server
        float x = endNodeDetails.x + endNodeDetails.s * 0.5;
        float y = endNodeDetails.y + endNodeDetails.s * 0.5;
        float z = endNodeDetails.z + endNodeDetails.s * 0.5;
        float s = endNodeDetails.s * verySmall;
        rootSVO.createVoxel(x, y, z, s, 1, 1, 1, true);

    sprintf(outputFileName, "splitROOT%s", splitSVOFile);
    printf("outputFile: %s\n", outputFileName);

    printf("exiting now\n");
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    VoxelTree myTree;

    const char* GET_OCTCODE = "--getOctCode";
    const char* octcodeParams = getCmdOption(argc, argv, GET_OCTCODE);
    if (octcodeParams) {

        QString octcodeParamsString(octcodeParams);
        QStringList octcodeParamsList = octcodeParamsString.split(QString(","));

        enum { X_AT, Y_AT, Z_AT, S_AT, EXPECTED_PARAMS };
        if (octcodeParamsList.size() == EXPECTED_PARAMS) {
            QString xStr = octcodeParamsList.at(X_AT);
            QString yStr = octcodeParamsList.at(Y_AT);
            QString zStr = octcodeParamsList.at(Z_AT);
            QString sStr = octcodeParamsList.at(S_AT);

            float x = xStr.toFloat()/TREE_SCALE; // 0.14745788574219;
            float y = yStr.toFloat()/TREE_SCALE; // 0.01502178955078;
            float z = zStr.toFloat()/TREE_SCALE; // 0.56540045166016;
            float s = sStr.toFloat()/TREE_SCALE; // 0.015625;

            qDebug() << "Get Octal Code for:\n";
            qDebug() << "    x:" << xStr << " [" << x << "] \n";
            qDebug() << "    y:" << yStr << " [" << y << "] \n";
            qDebug() << "    z:" << zStr << " [" << z << "] \n";
            qDebug() << "    s:" << sStr << " [" << s << "] \n";

            unsigned char* octalCode = pointToVoxel(x, y, z, s);
            QString octalCodeStr = octalCodeToHexString(octalCode);
            qDebug() << "octal code: " << octalCodeStr << "\n";

        } else {
            qDebug() << "Unexpected number of parameters for getOctCode\n";
        return 0;
    const char* DECODE_OCTCODE = "--decodeOctCode";
    const char* decodeParam = getCmdOption(argc, argv, DECODE_OCTCODE);
    if (decodeParam) {

        QString decodeParamsString(decodeParam);
        unsigned char* octalCodeToDecode = hexStringToOctalCode(decodeParamsString);

        VoxelPositionSize details;
        voxelDetailsForCode(octalCodeToDecode, details);
        delete[] octalCodeToDecode;

        qDebug() << "octal code to decode: " << decodeParamsString << "\n";
        qDebug() << "Details for Octal Code:\n";
        qDebug() << "    x:" << details.x << "[" << details.x * TREE_SCALE << "]" << "\n";
        qDebug() << "    y:" << details.y << "[" << details.y * TREE_SCALE << "]" << "\n";
        qDebug() << "    z:" << details.z << "[" << details.z * TREE_SCALE << "]" << "\n";
        qDebug() << "    s:" << details.s << "[" << details.s * TREE_SCALE << "]" << "\n";
        return 0;

    // Handles taking and SVO and splitting it into multiple SVOs based on
    // jurisdiction details
    const char* SPLIT_SVO = "--splitSVO";
    const char* splitSVOFile = getCmdOption(argc, argv, SPLIT_SVO);
    const char* SPLIT_JURISDICTION_ROOT = "--splitJurisdictionRoot";
    const char* SPLIT_JURISDICTION_ENDNODES = "--splitJurisdictionEndNodes";
    const char* splitJurisdictionRoot = getCmdOption(argc, argv, SPLIT_JURISDICTION_ROOT);
    const char* splitJurisdictionEndNodes = getCmdOption(argc, argv, SPLIT_JURISDICTION_ENDNODES);
    if (splitSVOFile && splitJurisdictionRoot && splitJurisdictionEndNodes) {
        processSplitSVOFile(splitSVOFile, splitJurisdictionRoot, splitJurisdictionEndNodes);
        return 0;

    // Handles taking an SVO and filling in the empty space below the voxels to make it solid.
    const char* FILL_SVO = "--fillSVO";
    const char* fillSVOFile = getCmdOption(argc, argv, FILL_SVO);
    if (fillSVOFile) {
        return 0;
    const char* DONT_CREATE_FILE = "--dontCreateSceneFile";
    bool dontCreateFile = cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, DONT_CREATE_FILE);

    if (dontCreateFile) {
        printf("You asked us not to create a scene file, so we will not.\n");
    } else {
        printf("Creating Scene File...\n");
        const char* RUN_TUTORIAL = "--runTutorial";
        if (cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, RUN_TUTORIAL)) {

        const char* ADD_CORNERS_AND_AXIS_LINES = "--addCornersAndAxisLines";
        if (cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, ADD_CORNERS_AND_AXIS_LINES)) {

        const char* ADD_SPHERE_SCENE = "--addSphereScene";
        if (cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, ADD_SPHERE_SCENE)) {

        const char* ADD_SURFACE_SCENE = "--addSurfaceScene";
        if (cmdOptionExists(argc, argv, ADD_SURFACE_SCENE)) {

        unsigned long nodeCount = myTree.getOctreeElementsCount();
        printf("Nodes after adding scenes: %ld nodes\n", nodeCount);

    return 0;