Exemplo n.º 1
extern "C" long
CanalOpen(const char *pDevice, unsigned long flags)
    long h               = CANAL_ERROR_SUB_DRIVER;
    unsigned long filter = 0, mask = 0;
    bool bFilter = false, bMask = false;
    std::string str;
    std::string strDevice(pDevice);

    std::deque<std::string> tokens;
    vscp_split(tokens, strDevice, ";");

    // Get possible filter
    if (!tokens.empty()) {
        str = tokens.front();
        if (0 != str.size()) {
            filter = vscp_readStringValue(str);

    // Get possible mask
    if (!tokens.empty()) {
        str = tokens.front();
        if (0 != str.size()) {
            mask = vscp_readStringValue(str);

    VscpRemoteTcpIf *pvscpif = new VscpRemoteTcpIf();
    if (NULL != pvscpif) {

        if (pvscpif->doCmdOpen(strDevice, flags)) {

            if (!(h = addDriverObject(pvscpif))) {
                delete pvscpif;
            } else {

                if (bFilter) {

                if (bMask) {

        } else {
            delete pvscpif;

    return h;
Exemplo n.º 2
extern "C" long CanalOpen( const char *pDevice, unsigned long flags )
	unsigned long filter=0, mask=0;
	bool bFilter=false, bMask=false;
	wxString str;
	wxString strDevice( pDevice, wxConvUTF8);
	wxStringTokenizer tkz(strDevice, _(";") );

	// Get possible filter	
    str = tkz.GetNextToken();
	if ( 0 != str.Length() ) {
        if ( str.ToULong( &filter ) ) {
			bFilter = true;

	// Get possible mask
	if ( 0 != str.Length() ) {
		if ( str.ToULong( &mask ) ) {
			bMask = true;
	VscpRemoteTcpIf *pvscpif = new VscpRemoteTcpIf();
	if ( NULL != pvscpif ) {

		if ( pvscpif->doCmdOpen( strDevice, flags ) ){

			if ( !( h = theApp.addDriverObject( pvscpif ) ) ) {
				delete pvscpif;
			else {
				if ( bFilter ) {
					pvscpif->doCmdFilter( filter );	

				if ( bMask ) {
					pvscpif->doCmdMask( mask );

		else {
			delete pvscpif;

	return h;
void dlgVscpInterfaceSettings::OnButtonTestInterfaceClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
	VscpRemoteTcpIf tcpif;
	wxString wxstr;

	m_btnTestConnection->Enable( false );

	// If server username is given and no password is entered we ask for it.
	if ( m_RemoteServerPassword->GetValue().IsEmpty() && !m_RemoteServerUsername->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) {
		wxstr = ::wxGetTextFromUser( _("Please enter password"), 
			_("Connection Test") );
	else {
		wxstr = m_RemoteServerPassword->GetValue();

	wxBusyCursor busy;

	long rv = 
		tcpif.doCmdOpen( m_RemoteServerURL->GetValue(),
			wxstr );
	if ( VSCP_ERROR_SUCCESS == rv ) {
		wxMessageBox(_("Successful connect to server."), _("Connection Test"), wxICON_INFORMATION );
		/*rv = tcpif.doCmdNOOP();
		if ( CANAL_ERROR_SUCCESS == rv ) {
			wxMessageBox(_("Successful connect to server."), _("Connection Test"), wxICON_INFORMATION );
		else {
			wxMessageBox(_("Failed do command on server (connected OK)."), _("Connection Test"), wxICON_STOP );
	else {
		wxMessageBox(_("Failed to connect to server."), _("Connection Test"), wxICON_STOP );

	m_btnTestConnection->Enable( true );

void dlgVscpInterfaceSettings::OnButtonGetInterfacesClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
	VscpRemoteTcpIf tcpif;
	wxString wxstr;

	m_btnGetInterfaces->Enable( false );

	// If server username is given and no password is entered we ask for it.
	if ( m_RemoteServerPassword->GetValue().IsEmpty() && 
		!m_RemoteServerUsername->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) {
			wxstr = ::wxGetTextFromUser( _("Please enter password"), 
				_("Password is needed") );
	else {
		wxstr = m_RemoteServerPassword->GetValue();

	wxBusyCursor busy;

	long rv = tcpif.doCmdOpen( m_RemoteServerURL->GetValue(),
		wxstr );

	if ( VSCP_ERROR_SUCCESS == rv ) {

		// Get the interface list
		wxArrayString array;
		tcpif.doCmdInterfaceList( array );

		// Close the channel

		if ( array.Count() ) {

			dlgSelectDaemonInterface dlg( this );
			for ( unsigned int i=0; i<array.Count(); i++ ) {

				wxStringTokenizer tkz( array[i], _(",") );
				wxString strOrdinal = tkz.GetNextToken();
				wxString strType = tkz.GetNextToken();
				wxString strGUID = tkz.GetNextToken();
				wxString strDescription = tkz.GetNextToken();
				wxString strLine = strGUID;
				strLine += _(" ");
				strLine += _(" Type = ");
				strLine +=  strType;
				strLine += _(" - ");
				strLine += strDescription;

				dlg.m_ctrlListInterfaces->Append( strLine );

			if ( wxID_OK == dlg.ShowModal() ) {

				int selidx;
				if ( wxNOT_FOUND != ( selidx = dlg.m_ctrlListInterfaces->GetSelection() ) ) {

					wxStringTokenizer tkz( array[selidx], _(",") );
					wxString strOrdinal = tkz.GetNextToken();
					wxString strType = tkz.GetNextToken();
					wxString strGUID = tkz.GetNextToken();

					// Name of interface
					wxString strifName = tkz.GetNextToken();
					int pos;
					if ( wxNOT_FOUND != ( pos = strifName.Find(_(" ") ) ) ) {
						strifName = strifName.Left( pos );

					m_RemoteInterfaceName->ChangeValue( strifName );

		else {
			wxMessageBox(_("No interfaces found!"));

	else {
		wxMessageBox(_("Failed to connect to server."), _("Get daemon interfaces"), wxICON_STOP );

	m_btnGetInterfaces->Enable( true );

	event.Skip( false );