PyObject *
PyIMEngine::py_get_surrounding_text (PyIMEngineObject *self, PyObject *args)
	PyObject *tuple;

	int maxlen_before = -1;
	int maxlen_after = -1;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "|ii:get_surrounding_text", &maxlen_before, &maxlen_after))
		return NULL;

	WideString text;
	int cursor;
	int provided = self->engine.get_surrounding_text(text, cursor, maxlen_before, maxlen_after);
	tuple = PyTuple_New (2);

	if (!provided) {
		text = L"";
		cursor = 0;

#if Py_UNICODE_SIZE == 4
	PyTuple_SET_ITEM (tuple, 0, PyUnicode_FromUnicode ((Py_UNICODE *)text.c_str(), text.length()));
	gunichar2 *utf16_str = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (text.c_str(), -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	PyTuple_SET_ITEM (tuple, 0, PyUnicode_FromUnicode ((Py_UNICODE *)utf16_str, text.length()));
	PyTuple_SET_ITEM (tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong ((long) cursor));
	return tuple;
Exemplo n.º 2
int StringUtil::indexOf(const WideString &str, const WideString &toFind, size_t startFrom) {
	const char *index = strstr(str.c_str(), toFind.c_str());
	if (index == nullptr) {
		return -1;
	} else {
		return index - str.c_str();
Exemplo n.º 3
void CJX_Field::defaultValue(CFXJSE_Value* pValue,
                             bool bSetting,
                             XFA_Attribute eAttribute) {
  CXFA_Node* xfaNode = GetXFANode();
  if (!xfaNode->IsWidgetReady())

  if (bSetting) {
    if (pValue) {

    WideString wsNewText;
    if (pValue && !(pValue->IsNull() || pValue->IsUndefined()))
      wsNewText = pValue->ToWideString();
    if (xfaNode->GetUIChildNode()->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::NumericEdit)
      wsNewText = xfaNode->NumericLimit(wsNewText);

    CXFA_Node* pContainerNode = xfaNode->GetContainerNode();
    WideString wsFormatText(wsNewText);
    if (pContainerNode)
      wsFormatText = pContainerNode->GetFormatDataValue(wsNewText);

    SetContent(wsNewText, wsFormatText, true, true, true);

  WideString content = GetContent(true);
  if (content.IsEmpty()) {

  CXFA_Node* formValue = xfaNode->GetFormValueIfExists();
  CXFA_Node* pNode = formValue ? formValue->GetFirstChild() : nullptr;
  if (pNode && pNode->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Decimal) {
    if (xfaNode->GetUIChildNode()->GetElementType() ==
            XFA_Element::NumericEdit &&
        (pNode->JSObject()->GetInteger(XFA_Attribute::FracDigits) == -1)) {
    } else {
      CFX_Decimal decimal(content.AsStringView());
  } else if (pNode && pNode->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Integer) {
  } else if (pNode && pNode->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Boolean) {
    pValue->SetBoolean(FXSYS_wtoi(content.c_str()) == 0 ? false : true);
  } else if (pNode && pNode->GetElementType() == XFA_Element::Float) {
    CFX_Decimal decimal(content.AsStringView());
  } else {
	String StringUtils::wideString2utf8String( const WideString& wideString )
		size_t widesize = wideString.length();
		String returnString;

		if ( sizeof( wchar_t ) == 2 )
			size_t utf8size = MAX_UTF8_CHAR_LENGTH * widesize + 1;
			returnString.resize( utf8size, '\0' );
			const UTF16* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF16*>( wideString.c_str() );
			const UTF16* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
			UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>( &((returnString)[ 0 ]) );
			UTF8* thisFirstWChar = targetstart;
			UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
			ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF16toUTF8( &sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion );

			if ( res != conversionOK )
				throw Exception(Exception::ERROR_WIDE_2_UTF8, String("Could not convert from wide string to UTF8."));

			returnString.resize(targetstart - thisFirstWChar);

		else if ( sizeof( wchar_t ) == 4 )
			size_t utf8size = MAX_UTF8_CHAR_LENGTH * widesize + 1;
			returnString.resize( utf8size, '\0' );
			const UTF32* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF32*>( wideString.c_str() );
			const UTF32* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
			UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>( &((returnString)[ 0 ]) );
			UTF8* thisFirstWChar = targetstart;
			UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
			ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF32toUTF8( &sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion );

			if ( res != conversionOK )
				throw Exception(Exception::ERROR_WIDE_2_UTF8, String("Could not convert from wide string to UTF8."));

			returnString.resize(targetstart - thisFirstWChar);

			throw Exception(Exception::ERROR_WIDE_2_UTF8, String("Could not convert from wide string to UTF8."));
		return returnString;
Exemplo n.º 5
Win32Stream::Win32Stream(const WideString& path, IO::Access access)
    : m_path(path)
    DWORD wac = 0;
    if (access & IO::AccessRead)
        wac |= GENERIC_READ;
    if (access & IO::AccessWrite)
        wac |= GENERIC_WRITE;

    m_hFile = CreateFile(path.c_str(), wac, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
    if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        Win32ThrowLastError("Win32Stream::Win32Stream '%S'", path.c_str());

Exemplo n.º 6
bool MailSender::SendEmail(const WideString& email, const WideString& subject, const WideString& messageText)
	// Don't try to send email if recipient is not set
	if (email.empty() || email == L"")
		return false;
	WideString mailtoText = L"";
	// Create mailto text
	mailtoText = Format(L"mailto:?to=%s&subject=%s&body=%s", email.c_str(), subject.c_str(), messageText.c_str());
	// Call default mail client
	int result = (int)ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", mailtoText.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
	// If the function succeeds, it returns a value greater than 32.
	// If the function fails, it returns an error value that indicates the cause of the failure. 
	return (result > 32);
Exemplo n.º 7
int ComboFrame::addString(WideString text, int data)
  int id = SendMessage(hWnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (uint32) text.c_str());
  if (id != CB_ERR)
    SendMessage(hWnd, CB_SETITEMDATA, id, data);
  return id;
Exemplo n.º 8
	bool Utils::directoryExists( const WideString &pathString )
		bool pathExists = false;

		SystemType type = getSystemType();
		if( type != WINDOWS )
			return false;

		const wchar_t* currentPath = _wgetcwd( 0, 0);
		const wchar_t* testPath = pathString.c_str();

		pathExists = _wchdir( testPath ) == 0;
		_wchdir( currentPath );
		return pathExists;
		SystemType type = getSystemType();
		if( type != POSIX )
			return false;


		return pathExists;
Exemplo n.º 9
void CRespawn::Render()
    position2d<s32> pos;
    for ( int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++ )
      WideString wstr = "(S) ";
      wstr += points[i]->getActorName().c_str();
      pos = IRR.smgr->getSceneCollisionManager()->getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition( points[i]->getPosition(), IRR.smgr->getActiveCamera() );
      IRR.gui->getBuiltInFont()->draw( wstr.c_str(), core::rect<s32>( pos.X, pos.Y, pos.X + 100, pos.Y + 50 ), irr::video::SColor( 255, 15, 85, 10 ), false, true );

    // draw 3d stuff>setTransform( ETS_WORLD, matrix4() );

    SMaterial m; 
    m.Lighting = false; 
    m.BackfaceCulling = false;>setMaterial( m );
    vector3df vP;
    for ( int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++ )
      vP = points[i]->getPosition();>draw3DBox( aabbox3df( vP - vector3df( points[i]->radius, points[i]->radius, points[i]->radius ), vP + vector3df( points[i]->radius, points[i]->radius, points[i]->radius ) ), SColor( 255, 105, 22, 90 ) );
Exemplo n.º 10
TEST(cpdf_nametree, GetUnicodeNameWithBOM) {
  // Set up the root dictionary with a Names array.
  auto pRootDict = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dictionary>();
  CPDF_Array* pNames = pRootDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Array>("Names");

  // Add the key "1" (with BOM) and value 100 into the array.
  std::ostringstream buf;
  constexpr char kData[] = "\xFE\xFF\x00\x31";
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kData); ++i)
  pNames->AddNew<CPDF_String>(ByteString(buf), true);

  // Check that the key is as expected.
  CPDF_NameTree nameTree(pRootDict.get());
  WideString storedName;
  nameTree.LookupValueAndName(0, &storedName);
  EXPECT_STREQ(L"1", storedName.c_str());

  // Check that the correct value object can be obtained by looking up "1".
  WideString matchName = L"1";
  CPDF_Object* pObj = nameTree.LookupValue(matchName);
  EXPECT_EQ(100, pObj->AsNumber()->GetInteger());
Exemplo n.º 11
TEST_F(CFGAS_FormatStringTest, DateTimeFormat) {
  struct {
    const wchar_t* locale;
    const wchar_t* input;
    const wchar_t* pattern;
    const wchar_t* output;
  } tests[] = {
      {L"en", L"1999-07-16T10:30Z",
       L"'At' time{HH:MM Z} 'on' date{MMM DD, YYYY}",
       L"At 10:30 GMT on Jul 16, 1999"},
      {L"en", L"1999-07-16T10:30", L"'At' time{HH:MM} 'on' date{MMM DD, YYYY}",
       L"At 10:30 on Jul 16, 1999"},
      {L"en", L"1999-07-16T10:30Z",
       L"time{'At' HH:MM Z} date{'on' MMM DD, YYYY}",
       L"At 10:30 GMT on Jul 16, 1999"},
      {L"en", L"1999-07-16T10:30Z",
       L"time{'At 'HH:MM Z}date{' on 'MMM DD, YYYY}",
       L"At 10:30 GMT on Jul 16, 1999"}};

  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(tests); ++i) {
    WideString result;
                    ->FormatDateTime(tests[i].input, tests[i].pattern,
                                     FX_DATETIMETYPE_TimeDate, &result));
    EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].output, result.c_str()) << " TEST: " << i;
Exemplo n.º 12
QString WideString2QStrint(const WideString& str)
	return QString::fromStdWString(str);
	return QString((const QChar*)str.c_str(), str.length());
Exemplo n.º 13
String IC_StrConv::toString( const WideString str )
    int len = str.size() + 1;
    c8* buf = new c8[len];
    ::wcstombs( buf, str.c_str(), len );
    String wstr = buf;
    delete[] buf;
    return wstr;
Exemplo n.º 14
String UTF8Utils::EncodeToUTF8(const WideString& wstring)
	int32 bufSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wstring.c_str(), -1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
	if (!bufSize)
		return "";

	String resStr = "";

	char* buf = new char[bufSize];
	int32 res = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wstring.c_str(), -1, buf, bufSize, NULL, NULL);
	if (res)
		resStr = String(buf);

	delete[] buf;
	return resStr;
Exemplo n.º 15
HGLOBAL CreateGlobalText(WideString text)
  HGLOBAL data = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, (text.length() + 1) * 2);
  wchar_t* ptr = (wchar_t*) GlobalLock(data);
  if (ptr)
    wcscpy(ptr, text.c_str());
  return data;
Exemplo n.º 16
int ComboFrameEx::addString(WideString text, HICON hIcon, int data)
  int id = items.length();
  Item& item = items.push(); = data;
  item.icon = hIcon;
  item.text = text;
  int pos = SendMessage(hWnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (uint32) text.c_str());
  if (pos != CB_ERR)
    SendMessage(hWnd, CB_SETITEMDATA, pos, id);
  return pos;
Exemplo n.º 17
Node* Win32Node::open(const FileName& child)
    WideString wpath = m_path;
    wpath += '\\';
    UTF8ToUCS2(wpath, child.str());

    if (GetFileAttributesW(wpath.c_str()) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
        Win32ThrowLastError("%s", child.c_str());

    Win32Node* node = new Win32Node(child, wpath);
    return node;
Exemplo n.º 18
bool CScript::RunFile( WideString a_fileName )
    FILE* scriptFile = NULL;
    char* fileString = NULL;
    int fileSize = 0;
    bool result = true;

    //a_fileName = APP.useFile( wide2string(a_fileName).c_str() ).c_str();
    a_fileName = wide2string( a_fileName ).c_str();

    GM_ASSERT( this );

    if ( APP.DebugMode )
      WideString winfo = "Loading script file ";
      winfo += a_fileName;
      CONSOLE.add( winfo );

    char* ResultChar = new char[1024]; 
    wcstombs( ResultChar, a_fileName.c_str(), 1024 );

    if ( !( scriptFile = fopen( ResultChar, "rb" ) ) )
      return false;

    fseek( scriptFile, 0, SEEK_END );
    fileSize = ftell( scriptFile );
    fseek( scriptFile, 0, SEEK_SET );
    fileString = new char[fileSize + 1];
    fread( fileString, fileSize, 1, scriptFile );
    fileString[fileSize] = 0; // Terminating null
    fclose( scriptFile );

    int threadId = GM_INVALID_THREAD;
    errors = machine->ExecuteString( fileString, &threadId, true, ResultChar );
    if ( errors )
      WideString a;
      a = "Script error: "; a.append( a_fileName );
      LogErrors( a );
      result = false;

    deltaTime = 1;
    lastTime = getPreciseTime();

    delete[] fileString;
    delete ResultChar;

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 19
	void NativeString::fromWideString( const WideString& wideString )
		int multibyteLength = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)wideString.c_str(), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

		char * dest = new char[ multibyteLength ];
		WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)wideString.c_str(), -1, dest, multibyteLength, 0, 0 );
		this->assign( dest );
		delete[] dest;
#elif defined (COLLADABU_OS_LINUX) || defined (COLLADABU_OS_MAC)
//# error check if this really works on linux
		size_t maxStringLength = wcstombs( 0, wideString.c_str(), 0 ) + 1; // wideString.length()*MB_CUR_MAX + 1;
		char* dest = new char[ maxStringLength ];
		wcstombs( dest, wideString.c_str(), maxStringLength );

		this->assign( dest );
		delete[] dest;
#    error "No StringUtil::toString defined for your platform"
Exemplo n.º 20
WideString CPDF_FileSpec::DecodeFileName(const WideString& filepath) {
  if (filepath.GetLength() <= 1)
    return WideString();

  if (filepath.Left(sizeof("/Mac") - 1) == WideStringView(L"/Mac"))
    return ChangeSlashToPlatform(filepath.c_str() + 1);
  return ChangeSlashToPlatform(filepath.c_str());

  if (filepath[0] != L'/')
    return ChangeSlashToPlatform(filepath.c_str());
  if (filepath[1] == L'/')
    return ChangeSlashToPlatform(filepath.c_str() + 1);
  if (filepath[2] == L'/') {
    WideString result;
    result += filepath[1];
    result += L':';
    result += ChangeSlashToPlatform(filepath.c_str() + 2);
    return result;
  WideString result;
  result += L'\\';
  result += ChangeSlashToPlatform(filepath.c_str());
  return result;
  return WideString(filepath);
Exemplo n.º 21
WideString CPDF_FileSpec::EncodeFileName(const WideString& filepath) {
  if (filepath.GetLength() <= 1)
    return WideString();

  if (filepath[1] == L':') {
    WideString result(L'/');
    result += filepath[0];
    if (filepath[2] != L'\\')
      result += L'/';

    result += ChangeSlashToPDF(filepath.c_str() + 2);
    return result;
  if (filepath[0] == L'\\' && filepath[1] == L'\\')
    return ChangeSlashToPDF(filepath.c_str() + 1);

  if (filepath[0] == L'\\')
    return L'/' + ChangeSlashToPDF(filepath.c_str());
  return ChangeSlashToPDF(filepath.c_str());
  if (filepath.Left(sizeof("Mac") - 1).EqualsASCII("Mac"))
    return L'/' + ChangeSlashToPDF(filepath.c_str());
  return ChangeSlashToPDF(filepath.c_str());
  return WideString(filepath);
Exemplo n.º 22
TEST_F(CFGAS_FormatStringTest, NullFormat) {
  struct {
    const wchar_t* locale;
    const wchar_t* pattern;
    const wchar_t* output;
  } tests[] = {{L"en", L"null{'n/a'}", L"n/a"}, {L"en", L"null{}", L""}};

  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(tests); ++i) {
    WideString result;
    EXPECT_TRUE(fmt(tests[i].locale)->FormatNull(tests[i].pattern, &result));
    EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].output, result.c_str()) << " TEST: " << i;
Exemplo n.º 23
TEST_F(CFGAS_FormatStringTest, TimeFormat) {
  struct {
    const wchar_t* locale;
    const wchar_t* input;
    const wchar_t* pattern;
    const wchar_t* output;
  } tests[] = {{L"en", L"01:01:11", L"h:M A", L"1:1 AM"},
               {L"en", L"13:01:11", L"h:M A", L"1:1 PM"},
               {L"en", L"01:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS A", L"01:01:11 AM"},
               {L"en", L"13:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS A", L"01:01:11 PM"},
               {L"en", L"01:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS A Z", L"01:01:11 AM GMT-02:00"},
               {L"en", L"01:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS A z", L"01:01:11 AM -02:00"},
               // {L"en", L"01:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS A zz", L"01:01:11 AM GMT"},
               // Should change ?*+ into ' ' when formatting.
               // {L"en", L"01:01:11", L"hh:MM:SS?*+A", L"01:01:11   AM"},
               {L"en", L"12:01:01", L"k:MM:SS", L"12:01:01"},
               {L"en", L"14:01:01", L"k:MM:SS", L"2:01:01"},
               {L"en", L"12:01:11", L"kk:MM", L"12:01"},
               {L"en", L"14:01:11", L"kk:MM", L"02:01"},
               {L"en", L"12:01:11 +04:30", L"kk:MM", L"05:31"},
               {L"en", L"12:01:11", L"kk:MM A", L"12:01 PM"},
               {L"en", L"00:01:01", L"H:M:S", L"0:1:1"},
               {L"en", L"13:02:11", L"H:M:S", L"13:2:11"},
               {L"en", L"00:01:11.001", L"HH:M:S.FFF", L"00:1:11.001"},
               {L"en", L"13:02:11", L"HH:M", L"13:2"},
               {L"en", L"00:01:11", L"K:M", L"24:1"},
               {L"en", L"00:02:11", L"KK:M", L"24:2"},
               {L"en", L"11:11:11", L"HH:MM:SS 'o''clock' A Z",
                L"11:11:11 o'clock AM GMT-02:00"},
               {L"en", L"14:30:59", L"h:MM A", L"2:30 PM"},
               {L"en", L"14:30:59", L"HH:MM:SS A Z", L"14:30:59 PM GMT-02:00"}};
  // Note, none of the full width time symbols are listed here
  // as they are not supported. In theory there are the full
  // width versions of kkk, kkkk, HHH, HHHH, KKK, KKKK, MMM, MMMM,
  // SSS, SSSS plus 2 more that the spec apparently forgot to
  // list the symbol.

  // The z modifier only appends if the TZ is outside of +0

  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(tests); ++i) {
    WideString result;
                    ->FormatDateTime(tests[i].input, tests[i].pattern,
                                     FX_DATETIMETYPE_Time, &result));
    EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].output, result.c_str()) << " TEST: " << i;

	ImpNode* SceneGraphCreator::importInstance( const COLLADAFW::Node* node, INode* parentINode )
		const COLLADAFW::PointerArray<Instance>& instances = (node->*getInstances)();
		if ( instances.getCount() != 1 )
			return 0;

		ImpNode* newImportNode = getMaxImportInterface()->CreateNode();
		setNodeProperties(node, newImportNode);
		INode* newNode = newImportNode->GetINode();

		Instance* instance = instances[0];
		const COLLADAFW::UniqueId& uniqueId = instance->getInstanciatedObjectId();

		Object* object = getObjectByUniqueId(uniqueId);
		if ( object )
			const String& objectName = getObjectNameByObject(object);

			if ( node->getName().empty() && !objectName.empty() )
#ifdef UNICODE
				WideString wideObjectName = COLLADABU::StringUtils::toWideString(objectName.c_str());
				newImportNode->SetName( wideObjectName.c_str() );
				newImportNode->SetName( objectName.c_str() );
			newImportNode->Reference( getDummyObject() );

		const COLLADAFW::UniqueId& instanceGeometryUniqueId = instance->getInstanciatedObjectId();
		// Store mapping between unique ids and nodes referencing the corresponding object.
		// Used to clone nodes
		addObjectINodeUniqueIdPair(newNode, instanceGeometryUniqueId);
		// Used to resolve instancing of objects
		addUniqueIdObjectINodePair(instanceGeometryUniqueId, newNode);
		parentINode->AttachChild(newNode, FALSE);

		// post process the creation
		if ( postProcess )
			(this->*postProcess)(newNode, instance);

		return newImportNode;
Exemplo n.º 25
	bool Utils::directoryExists( const WideString &pathString )
		bool pathExists = false;

		SystemType type = getSystemType();
		if( type != WINDOWS )
			return false;

		const wchar_t* currentPath = _wgetcwd( 0, 0);
		const wchar_t* testPath = pathString.c_str();

		pathExists = _wchdir( testPath ) == 0;
		_wchdir( currentPath );
		return pathExists;

Exemplo n.º 26
int BaseFontTT::getTextWidth(const byte *text, int maxLength) {
	WideString textStr;

	if (_gameRef->_textEncoding == TEXT_UTF8) {
		textStr = StringUtil::utf8ToWide((const char *)text);
	} else {
		textStr = StringUtil::ansiToWide((const char *)text);

	if (maxLength >= 0 && textStr.size() > (uint32)maxLength) {
		textStr = WideString(textStr.c_str(), (uint32)maxLength);
	//text = text.substr(0, MaxLength); // TODO: Remove

	int textWidth, textHeight;
	measureText(textStr, -1, -1, textWidth, textHeight);

	return textWidth;
	void SceneGraphCreator::setNodeProperties( const COLLADAFW::Node* node, ImpNode* importNode )
		const String& newNodeName = node->getName();
		if ( !newNodeName.empty() )
#ifdef UNICODE
			WideString wideNodeName = COLLADABU::StringUtils::toWideString(newNodeName.c_str());

		// set transform. we always do this. If there is an animation, the controller will be changed
		COLLADABU::Math::Matrix4 transformationMatrix;
		Matrix3 maxTransformationMatrix;
		Matrix4ToMaxMatrix3(maxTransformationMatrix, transformationMatrix);
		importNode->SetTransform(0, maxTransformationMatrix);
retval_t ScimBridgeAgentClientListenerImpl::set_preedit_string (scim_bridge_imcontext_id_t imcontext_id, const WideString &wstring)
    scim_bridge_pdebugln (6, "set_preedit_string ()");

    ScimBridgeMessage *message = scim_bridge_alloc_message (SCIM_BRIDGE_MESSAGE_SET_PREEDIT_STRING, 2);

    char *imcontext_id_str;
    scim_bridge_string_from_uint (&imcontext_id_str, imcontext_id);
    scim_bridge_message_set_argument (message, 0, imcontext_id_str);
    free (imcontext_id_str);

    char *preedit_str;
    scim_bridge_wstring_to_string (&preedit_str, wstring.c_str ());
    scim_bridge_message_set_argument (message, 1, preedit_str);
    free (preedit_str);

    scim_bridge_messenger_push_message (messenger, message);
    scim_bridge_free_message (message);

Exemplo n.º 29
TEST_F(CFGAS_FormatStringTest, ZeroFormat) {
  struct {
    const wchar_t* locale;
    const wchar_t* input;
    const wchar_t* pattern;
    const wchar_t* output;
  } tests[] = {// TODO(dsinclair): The zero format can take a number specifier
               // which we don't take into account.
               // {L"en", L"", L"zero {9}", L""},
               // {L"en", L"0", L"zero {9}", L"0"},
               // {L"en", L"0.0", L"zero{9}", L"0"},
               {L"en", L"0", L"zero{}", L""}};

  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(tests); ++i) {
    WideString result;
            ->FormatZero(/* tests[i].input,*/ tests[i].pattern, &result));
    EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].output, result.c_str()) << " TEST: " << i;
Exemplo n.º 30
TEST_F(CFGAS_FormatStringTest, TextFormat) {
  struct {
    const wchar_t* locale;
    const wchar_t* input;
    const wchar_t* pattern;
    const wchar_t* output;
  } tests[] = {
      {L"en", L"K1S5K2", L"A9A 9A9", L"K1S 5K2"},
      {L"en", L"K1S5K2", L"text(fr){A9A 9A9}", L"K1S 5K2"},
      {L"en", L"6135551212", L"'+1 ('9\u002399') '999-9999",
       L"+1 (6#13) 555-1212"},
      {L"en", L"6135551212", L"999.999.9999", L"613.555.1212"},
      {L"en", L"6135551212", L"999\u0023999\u002A9999", L"613#555*1212"},
      {L"en", L"K1#5K2", L"00X OO9", L"K1# 5K2"},

  for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(tests); ++i) {
    WideString result;
                    ->FormatText(tests[i].input, tests[i].pattern, &result));
    EXPECT_STREQ(tests[i].output, result.c_str()) << " TEST: " << i;