Exemplo n.º 1
static pascal OSStatus ProcessWindowBoundsChange (EventHandlerCallRef,
        EventRef evt, void*)
	UInt32 attributes;
	GetEventParameter(evt, kEventParamAttributes, typeUInt32, 0,
	                  sizeof(attributes), 0, &attributes);

	Rect rect;
	GetEventParameter(evt, kEventParamCurrentBounds, typeQDRectangle, 0,
	                  sizeof(rect), 0, &rect);

	WindowApplication* theApp =

	if (attributes & kWindowBoundsChangeUserDrag
	        ||  attributes & kWindowBoundsChangeOriginChanged)
		// Bounds are changing due to window moving.
		theApp->OnMove(rect.top, rect.left);
	else if (attributes & kWindowBoundsChangeUserResize
	         ||  attributes & kWindowBoundsChangeSizeChanged)
		// Bounds are changing due to window resizing.
		theApp->OnResize(rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);

	// Allow standard handler to run.
	return eventNotHandledErr;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void ReshapeCallback (int width, int height)
    WindowApplication* theApp =

    if (theApp)
        theApp->OnResize(width, height);
Exemplo n.º 3
static pascal OSStatus ProcessWindowZoomed (EventHandlerCallRef,
        EventRef evt, void*)
	WindowRef window;
	GetEventParameter(evt, kEventParamDirectObject, typeWindowRef, 0,
	                  sizeof(window), 0, &window);

	Rect rect;
	GetWindowBounds(window, kWindowContentRgn, &rect);

	WindowApplication* theApp =

	theApp->OnResize(rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);

	// Allow standard handler to run.
	return eventNotHandledErr;
Exemplo n.º 4
int WindowApplication::Main (int numArguments, char** arguments)
    // Initialize the extra data.  TODO:  Port the extra-data system of WM4
    // to WM5.
    memset(gsExtraData, 0, APP_EXTRA_DATA_QUANTITY*sizeof(char));

    WindowApplication* theApp = (WindowApplication*)TheApplication;

    // OpenGL uses a projection matrix for depth in [-1,1].

    // Allow work to be done before the window is created.
    if (!theApp->OnPrecreate())
        return -1;

    // Connect to the X server.
    const char* displayName = 0;
    Display* display = XOpenDisplay(displayName);
    if (!display)
        return -2;

    // Make sure the X server has OpenGL GLX extensions.
    int errorBase, eventBase;
    Bool success = glXQueryExtension(display, &errorBase, &eventBase);
    assertion(success == True, "GLX extensions not found.\n");
    if (!success)
        return -3;

    // Partial construction of a GLX renderer.  The window for the renderer
    // is not yet constructed.  When it is, the window identifier is supplied
    // to the renderer to complete its construction.
    RendererInput input;
    input.mDisplay = display;
    input.mVisual = 0;
    input.mContext = 0;
    mRenderer = new0 Renderer(input, theApp->GetWidth(), theApp->GetHeight(),
        mColorFormat, mDepthStencilFormat, mNumMultisamples);
    if (!input.mVisual || !input.mContext)
        return -4;

    // Create an X Window with the visual information created by the renderer
    // constructor.  The visual information might not be the default, so
    // create an X colormap to use.
    Window rootWindow = RootWindow(display, input.mVisual->screen);
    Colormap cMap = XCreateColormap(display, rootWindow,
        input.mVisual->visual, AllocNone);

    // Set the event mask to include exposure (paint), button presses (mouse),
    // and key presses (keyboard).
    XSetWindowAttributes windowAttributes;
    windowAttributes.colormap = cMap;
    windowAttributes.border_pixel = 0;
    windowAttributes.event_mask =
        ButtonPressMask |
        ButtonReleaseMask |
        PointerMotionMask |
        Button1MotionMask |
        Button2MotionMask |
        Button3MotionMask |
        KeyPressMask |
        KeyReleaseMask |
        ExposureMask |

    int xPos = theApp->GetXPosition();
    int yPos = theApp->GetYPosition();
    unsigned int width = (unsigned int)theApp->GetWidth();
    unsigned int height = (unsigned int)theApp->GetHeight();
    unsigned int borderWidth = 0;
    unsigned long valueMask = CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask;
    Window window = XCreateWindow(display, rootWindow, xPos, yPos, width,
        height, borderWidth, input.mVisual->depth, InputOutput,
        input.mVisual->visual, valueMask, &windowAttributes);

    XSizeHints hints;
    hints.flags = PPosition | PSize;
    hints.x = xPos;
    hints.y = yPos;
    hints.width = width;
    hints.height = height;
    XSetNormalHints(display, window, &hints);

    const char* iconName = theApp->GetWindowTitle();
    Pixmap iconPixmap = None;
    XSetStandardProperties(display, window, theApp->GetWindowTitle(),
        iconName, iconPixmap, arguments, numArguments, &hints);

    // Intercept the close-window event when the user selects the
    // window close button.  The event is a "client message".
    Atom wmDelete = XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
    XSetWMProtocols(display, window, &wmDelete, 1);

    // Finish the construction of the renderer.
    GlxRendererData* data = (GlxRendererData*)mRenderer->mData;
    if (!data->FinishConstruction(window, mRenderer))
        return -5;

    if (theApp->OnInitialize())
        // The default OnPreidle() clears the buffers. Allow the application
        // to fill them before the window is shown and before the event loop
        // starts.

        // Display the window.
        XMapWindow(display, window);

        // Start the message pump.
        bool applicationRunning = true;
        while (applicationRunning)
            if (!XPending(display))

            XEvent evt;
            XNextEvent(display, &evt);
            int index;
            bool state;

            if (evt.type == ButtonPress || evt.type == ButtonRelease)
                theApp->OnMouseClick(evt.xbutton.button, evt.xbutton.type,
                    evt.xbutton.x, evt.xbutton.y, evt.xbutton.state);

                if (evt.type == ButtonPress)
                    index = GLXAPP_BUTTONDOWN + evt.xbutton.button;
                    state = true;
                    SetExtraData(index, sizeof(bool), &state);
                    index = GLXAPP_BUTTONDOWN + evt.xbutton.button;
                    state = false;
                    SetExtraData(index, sizeof(bool), &state);


            if (evt.type == MotionNotify)
                int button = 0;

                index = GLXAPP_BUTTONDOWN + 1;
                GetExtraData(index, sizeof(bool), &state);
                if (state)
                    button = MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON;
                    index = GLXAPP_BUTTONDOWN + 2;
                    GetExtraData(index, sizeof(bool), &state);
                    if (state)
                        button = MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON;
                        index = GLXAPP_BUTTONDOWN + 3;
                        GetExtraData(index, sizeof(bool), &state);
                        if (state)
                            button = MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON;

                if (button > 0)
                    theApp->OnMotion(button, evt.xmotion.x, evt.xmotion.y,
                    theApp->OnPassiveMotion(evt.xmotion.x, evt.xmotion.y);

            if (evt.type == KeyPress || evt.type == KeyRelease)
                KeySym keySym = XKeycodeToKeysym(display,
                    evt.xkey.keycode, 0);

                int key = (keySym & 0x00FF);

                // Quit application if the KEY_TERMINATE key is pressed.
                if (key == theApp->KEY_TERMINATE)
                    XDestroyWindow(display, window);
                    applicationRunning = false;

                // Adjust for special keys that exist on the key pad and on
                // the number pad.
                if ((keySym & 0xFF00) != 0)
                    if (0x50 <= key && key <= 0x57)
                        // keypad Home, {L,U,R,D}Arrow, Pg{Up,Dn}, End
                        key += 0x45;
                    else if (key == 0x63)
                        // keypad Insert
                        key = 0x9e;
                    else if (key == 0xFF)
                        // keypad Delete
                        key = 0x9f;
                    else if (key == 0xE1 || key == 0xE2)
                        // L-shift or R-shift
                        key = KEY_SHIFT;
                        state = (evt.type == KeyPress);
                        SetExtraData(GLXAPP_SHIFTDOWN, sizeof(bool), &state);
                    else if (key == 0xE3 || key == 0xE4)
                        // L-ctrl or R-ctrl
                        key = KEY_CONTROL;
                    else if (key == 0xE9 || key == 0xEA)
                        // L-alt or R-alt
                        key = KEY_ALT;
                    else if (key == 0xEB || key == 0xEC)
                        key = KEY_COMMAND;

                if ((KEY_HOME <= key &&  key <= KEY_END)
                ||  (KEY_F1 <= key   &&  key <= KEY_F12)
                ||  (KEY_SHIFT <= key && key <= KEY_COMMAND))
                    if (evt.type == KeyPress)
                        theApp->OnSpecialKeyDown(key, evt.xbutton.x,
                        theApp->OnSpecialKeyUp(key, evt.xbutton.x,
                    // Get key-modifier state.  Adjust for shift state.
                    unsigned char ucKey = (unsigned char)key;
                    GetExtraData(GLXAPP_SHIFTDOWN, sizeof(bool), &state);
                    if (state && 'a' <= ucKey && ucKey <= 'z')
                        ucKey = (unsigned char)(key - 32);

                    if (evt.type == KeyPress)
                        theApp->OnKeyDown(ucKey, evt.xbutton.x,
                        theApp->OnKeyUp(ucKey, evt.xbutton.x,

            if (evt.type == Expose)

            if (evt.type == ConfigureNotify)
                theApp->OnMove(evt.xconfigure.x, evt.xconfigure.y);

            if (evt.type == ClientMessage
            &&  evt.xclient.data.l[0] == wmDelete)
                XDestroyWindow(display, window);
                applicationRunning = false;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
LRESULT CALLBACK MsWindowEventHandler (HWND handle, UINT message,
    WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    WindowApplication* theApp =

    if (!theApp || !theApp->GetWindowID())
        return DefWindowProc(handle, message, wParam, lParam);

    switch (message) 
        case WM_PAINT:
            PAINTSTRUCT ps;
            BeginPaint(handle, &ps);
            EndPaint(handle, &ps);
            return 0;
        case WM_ERASEBKGND:
            // This tells Windows not to erase the background (and that the
            // application is doing so).
            return 1;
        case WM_MOVE:
            int xPos = (int)(LOWORD(lParam));
            int yPos = (int)(HIWORD(lParam));
            theApp->OnMove(xPos, yPos);
            return 0;
        case WM_SIZE:
            int width = (int)(LOWORD(lParam));
            int height = (int)(HIWORD(lParam));
            theApp->OnResize(width, height);
            return 0;
        case WM_CHAR:
            unsigned char key = (unsigned char)(char)wParam;

            // Quit the application if the KEY_TERMINATE key is pressed.
            if (key == theApp->KEY_TERMINATE)
                return 0;

            // Get the cursor position in client coordinates.
            POINT point;
            ScreenToClient(handle, &point);
            int xPos = (int)point.x;
            int yPos = (int)point.y;

            theApp->OnKeyDown(key, xPos, yPos);
            return 0;
        case WM_KEYDOWN:
            int virtKey = (int)wParam;

            // Get cursor position client coordinates.
            POINT point;
            ScreenToClient(handle, &point);
            int xPos = (int)point.x;
            int yPos = (int)point.y;

            if ((VK_F1 <= virtKey && virtKey <= VK_F12)
            ||  (VK_PRIOR <= virtKey && virtKey <= VK_DOWN)
            ||  (virtKey == VK_INSERT) || (virtKey == VK_DELETE)
            ||  (virtKey == VK_SHIFT) || (virtKey == VK_CONTROL))
                theApp->OnSpecialKeyDown(virtKey, xPos, yPos);
            return 0;
        case WM_KEYUP:
            int virtKey = (int)wParam;

            // get the cursor position in client coordinates
            POINT point;
            ScreenToClient(handle, &point);
            int xPos = (int)point.x;
            int yPos = (int)point.y;

            if ((VK_F1 <= virtKey && virtKey <= VK_F12)
            ||  (VK_PRIOR <= virtKey && virtKey <= VK_DOWN)
            ||  (virtKey == VK_INSERT) || (virtKey == VK_DELETE)
            ||  (virtKey == VK_SHIFT) || (virtKey == VK_CONTROL))
                theApp->OnSpecialKeyUp(virtKey, xPos, yPos);
                theApp->OnKeyUp((unsigned char)virtKey, xPos, yPos);
            return 0;
        case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
            int xPos = (int)(LOWORD(lParam));
            int yPos = (int)(HIWORD(lParam));
                WindowApplication::MOUSE_DOWN, xPos, yPos, PtrToUint(wParam));
            return 0;
        case WM_LBUTTONUP:
            int xPos = (int)(LOWORD(lParam));
            int yPos = (int)(HIWORD(lParam));
                WindowApplication::MOUSE_UP, xPos, yPos, PtrToUint(wParam));
            return 0;
        case WM_MBUTTONDOWN:
            int xPos = (int)(LOWORD(lParam));
            int yPos = (int)(HIWORD(lParam));
                WindowApplication::MOUSE_DOWN, xPos, yPos, PtrToUint(wParam));
            return 0;
        case WM_MBUTTONUP:
            int xPos = (int)(LOWORD(lParam));
            int yPos = (int)(HIWORD(lParam));
                WindowApplication::MOUSE_UP, xPos, yPos, PtrToUint(wParam));
            return 0;
        case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
            int xPos = (int)(LOWORD(lParam));
            int yPos = (int)(HIWORD(lParam));
                WindowApplication::MOUSE_DOWN, xPos, yPos, PtrToUint(wParam));
            return 0;
        case WM_RBUTTONUP:
            int xPos = (int)(LOWORD(lParam));
            int yPos = (int)(HIWORD(lParam));
                WindowApplication::MOUSE_UP, xPos, yPos, PtrToUint(wParam));
            return 0;
        case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
            int xPos = (int)(LOWORD(lParam));
            int yPos = (int)(HIWORD(lParam));

            int button = -1;
            if (wParam & MK_LBUTTON)
                button = WindowApplication::MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON;
            else if (wParam & MK_MBUTTON)
                button = WindowApplication::MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON;
            else if (wParam & MK_RBUTTON)
                button = WindowApplication::MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON;

            if (button >= 0)
                theApp->OnMotion(button, xPos, yPos, PtrToUint(wParam));
                theApp->OnPassiveMotion(xPos, yPos);

            return 0;
        case WM_MOUSEWHEEL:
            short sWParam = (short)(HIWORD(wParam));
            int delta = ((int)sWParam)/WHEEL_DELTA;
            int xPos = (int)(LOWORD(lParam));
            int yPos = (int)(HIWORD(lParam));
            unsigned int modifiers = (unsigned int)(LOWORD(wParam));
            theApp->OnMouseWheel(delta, xPos, yPos, modifiers);
            return 0;
        case WM_DESTROY:
            // The DestroyWindow call when recreating the window for
            // multisampling causes the application to terminate.  It is
            // not clear why the same problem did not occur in WM4.
            if (!gsIgnoreWindowDestroy)
            gsIgnoreWindowDestroy = false;
            return 0;

    return DefWindowProc(handle, message, wParam, lParam);