Exemplo n.º 1
void TouchUi::connect( const WindowRef& window, int signalPriority )
	mSignalPriority	= signalPriority;
	mWindow			= window;
	if ( window ) {
		mConnectionTouchesBegan = window->getSignalTouchesBegan().connect( signalPriority,
			[ this ]( app::TouchEvent &event ) { touchesBegan( event ); } );
		mConnectionTouchesEnded = window->getSignalTouchesEnded().connect( signalPriority,
			[ this ]( app::TouchEvent &event ) { touchesEnded( event ); } );
		mConnectionTouchesMoved = window->getSignalTouchesMoved().connect( signalPriority,
			[ this ]( app::TouchEvent &event ) { touchesMoved( event ); } );
		mConnectionUpdate = app::App::get()->getSignalUpdate().connect( signalPriority,
			[ this ]() { update(); } );
		if ( mMask.empty() ) {
			setMask( Area( ivec2( 0 ), window->getSize() ) );
	} else {
Exemplo n.º 2
TouchUi::TouchUi( const WindowRef& window, int signalPriority )
	mEnabled			= true;
	mEnabledConstrain	= true;
	mEnabledPan			= true;
	mEnabledRotation	= true;
	mEnabledScale		= true;
	mEnabledTap			= true;
	mInterpolationSpeed	= 0.33f;
	mNumTouchPointsMax	= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
	mNumTouchPointsMin	= 1;
	mPan				= vec2( 0.0f );
	mPanMax				= vec2( numeric_limits<float>::max() );
	mPanMin				= vec2( -numeric_limits<float>::max() );
	mPanSpeed			= vec2( 1.0f );
	mPanTarget			= mPan;
	mPanThreshold		= vec2( 1.0f );
	mRotationSpeed		= -2.5f;
	mRotationThreshold	= 0.005f;
	mScale				= vec2( 1.0f );
	mScaleMax			= vec2( numeric_limits<float>::max() );
	mScaleMin			= vec2( 0.0f );
	mScaleSpeed			= vec2( 0.0067f );
	mScaleSymmetry		= true;
	mScaleTarget		= mScale;
	mScaleThreshold		= vec2( 1.0f );
	mTapDelay			= 0.07;
	mTapPosition		= vec2( numeric_limits<float>::min() );
	mTapTime			= 0.0;
	mTapThreshold		= 15.0f;
	mTouchDelay			= 0.07;
	mTouchTime			= 0.0;

	if ( window != nullptr ) {
		setMask( Area( ivec2( 0 ), window->getSize() ) );
	connect( window, signalPriority );
Exemplo n.º 3
void View::create (WindowRef & ciWindow)
      initGraph (&fps, GRAPH_RENDER_FPS, "Frame Time");
      initGraph (&cpuGraph, GRAPH_RENDER_MS, "CPU Time");

      setSize (ciWindow->getSize());

      nanogui::Window * window = new nanogui::Window (this, "Button demo");
      window->setPosition (ivec2 (15, 15));
      window->setLayout (new GroupLayout());
      /* No need to store a pointer, the data structure will be automatically
         freed when the parent window is deleted */
      new Label (window, "Push buttons", "sans-bold");
      Button * b = new Button (window, "Plain button");
      b->setCallback ([] { cout << "pushed!" << endl; });
      b = new Button (window, "Styled", ENTYPO_ICON_ROCKET);
      b->setBackgroundColor (Colour (0, 0, 255, 25));
      b->setCallback ([] { cout << "pushed!" << endl; });
      new Label (window, "Toggle buttons", "sans-bold");
      b = new Button (window, "Toggle me");
      b->setFlags (Button::ToggleButton);
      b->setChangeCallback ([] (bool state)
         cout << "Toggle button state: " << state << endl;
      new Label (window, "Radio buttons", "sans-bold");
      b = new Button (window, "Radio button 1");
      b->setFlags (Button::RadioButton);
      b = new Button (window, "Radio button 2");
      b->setFlags (Button::RadioButton);
      new Label (window, "A tool palette", "sans-bold");
      Widget * tools = new Widget (window);
      tools->setLayout (new BoxLayout (Orientation::Horizontal,
                                       Alignment::Middle, 0, 6));
      b = new ToolButton (tools, ENTYPO_ICON_CLOUD);
      b = new ToolButton (tools, ENTYPO_ICON_FF);
      b = new ToolButton (tools, ENTYPO_ICON_COMPASS);
      b = new ToolButton (tools, ENTYPO_ICON_INSTALL);
      new Label (window, "Popup buttons", "sans-bold");
      PopupButton * popupBtn = new PopupButton (window, "Popup", ENTYPO_ICON_EXPORT);
      Popup * popup = popupBtn->popup();
      popup->setLayout (new GroupLayout());
      new Label (popup, "Arbitrary widgets can be placed here");
      new CheckBox (popup, "A check box");
      popupBtn = new PopupButton (popup, "Recursive popup", ENTYPO_ICON_FLASH);
      popup = popupBtn->popup();
      popup->setLayout (new GroupLayout());
      new CheckBox (popup, "Another check box");
      window = new nanogui::Window (this, "Basic widgets");
      window->setPosition (ivec2 (200, 15));
      window->setLayout (new GroupLayout());
      new Label (window, "Message dialog", "sans-bold");
      tools = new Widget (window);
      tools->setLayout (new BoxLayout (Orientation::Horizontal,
                                       Alignment::Middle, 0, 6));
      b = new Button (tools, "Info");
      b->setCallback ([&]
         auto dlg = new MessageDialog (this, MessageDialog::Type::Information, "Title", "This is an information message");
         dlg->setCallback ([] (int result)
            cout << "Dialog result: " << result << endl;
      b = new Button (tools, "Warn");
      b->setCallback ([&]
         auto dlg = new MessageDialog (this, MessageDialog::Type::Warning, "Title", "This is a warning message");
         dlg->setCallback ([] (int result)
            cout << "Dialog result: " << result << endl;
      b = new Button (tools, "Ask");
      b->setCallback ([&]
         auto dlg = new MessageDialog (this, MessageDialog::Type::Warning, "Title", "This is a question message", "Yes", "No", true);
         dlg->setCallback ([] (int result)
            cout << "Dialog result: " << result << endl;
      std::string iconPath ("E:/Code4/nanofish/projects/qdemos/cinder/ciNanogui/assets/icons");
      std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> icons = NanoUtil::loadImageDirectory (getContext(), iconPath);
      new Label (window, "Image panel & scroll panel", "sans-bold");
      PopupButton * imagePanelBtn = new PopupButton (window, "Image Panel");
      imagePanelBtn->setIcon (ENTYPO_ICON_FOLDER);
      popup = imagePanelBtn->popup();
      VScrollPanel * vscroll = new VScrollPanel (popup);
      ImagePanel * imgPanel = new ImagePanel (vscroll);
      imgPanel->setImages (icons);
      popup->setFixedSize (ivec2 (245, 150));
      new Label (window, "Selected image", "sans-bold");
      auto img = new ImageView (window);
      img->setFixedSize (ivec2 (40, 40));
      img->setImage (icons[0].first);
      imgPanel->setCallback ([ &, img, imgPanel, imagePanelBtn] (int i)
         img->setImage (imgPanel->images()[i].first);
         cout << "Selected item " << i << endl;
      new Label (window, "Combo box", "sans-bold");
      new ComboBox (window, { "Combo box item 1", "Combo box item 2", "Combo box item 3" });
      new Label (window, "Check box", "sans-bold");
      CheckBox * cb = new CheckBox (window, "Flag 1",
                                    [] (bool state)
         cout << "Check box 1 state: " << state << endl;
      cb->setChecked (true);
      cb = new CheckBox (window, "Flag 2",
                         [] (bool state)
         cout << "Check box 2 state: " << state << endl;
      new Label (window, "Progress bar", "sans-bold");
      mProgress = new ProgressBar (window);
      performLayout (mNVGContext);
   catch (const std::exception & e)
      std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 4
void View::create (WindowRef & ciWindow, const fs::path & assetFolder)
      initGraph (&fps, GRAPH_RENDER_FPS, "Frame Time");
      initGraph (&cpuGraph, GRAPH_RENDER_MS, "CPU Time");

      setSize (ciWindow->getSize());

      nanogui::Window * window = new nanogui::Window (this, "Button demo");
      window->setPosition (ivec2 (15, 15));
      window->setLayout (new GroupLayout());
      /* No need to store a pointer, the data structure will be automatically
         freed when the parent window is deleted */
      new Label (window, "Push buttons", "sans-bold");
      Button * b = new Button (window, "Plain button");
      b->setCallback ([] { cout << "pushed!" << endl; });
      b = new Button (window, "Styled", ENTYPO_ICON_ROCKET);
      b->setBackgroundColor (Colour (0, 0, 255, 25));
      b->setCallback ([] { cout << "pushed!" << endl; });
      new Label (window, "Toggle buttons", "sans-bold");
      b = new Button (window, "Toggle me");
      b->setFlags (Button::ToggleButton);
      b->setChangeCallback ([] (bool state)
         cout << "Toggle button state: " << state << endl;
      new Label (window, "Radio buttons", "sans-bold");
      b = new Button (window, "Radio button 1");
      b->setFlags (Button::RadioButton);
      b = new Button (window, "Radio button 2");
      b->setFlags (Button::RadioButton);
      new Label (window, "A tool palette", "sans-bold");
      Widget * tools = new Widget (window);
      tools->setLayout (new BoxLayout (Orientation::Horizontal,
                                       Alignment::Middle, 0, 6));
      b = new ToolButton (tools, ENTYPO_ICON_CLOUD);
      b = new ToolButton (tools, ENTYPO_ICON_FF);
      b = new ToolButton (tools, ENTYPO_ICON_COMPASS);
      b = new ToolButton (tools, ENTYPO_ICON_INSTALL);
      new Label (window, "Popup buttons", "sans-bold");
      PopupButton * popupBtn = new PopupButton (window, "Popup", ENTYPO_ICON_EXPORT);
      Popup * popup = popupBtn->popup();
      popup->setLayout (new GroupLayout());
      new Label (popup, "Arbitrary widgets can be placed here");
      new CheckBox (popup, "A check box");
      popupBtn = new PopupButton (popup, "Recursive popup", ENTYPO_ICON_FLASH);
      popup = popupBtn->popup();
      popup->setLayout (new GroupLayout());
      new CheckBox (popup, "Another check box");
      window = new nanogui::Window (this, "Basic widgets");
      window->setPosition (ivec2 (200, 15));
      window->setLayout (new GroupLayout());
      new Label (window, "Message dialog", "sans-bold");
      tools = new Widget (window);
      tools->setLayout (new BoxLayout (Orientation::Horizontal,
                                       Alignment::Middle, 0, 6));
      b = new Button (tools, "Info");
      b->setCallback ([&]
         auto dlg = new MessageDialog (this, MessageDialog::Type::Information, "Title", "This is an information message");
         dlg->setCallback ([] (int result)
            cout << "Dialog result: " << result << endl;
      b = new Button (tools, "Warn");
      b->setCallback ([&]
         auto dlg = new MessageDialog (this, MessageDialog::Type::Warning, "Title", "This is a warning message");
         dlg->setCallback ([] (int result)
            cout << "Dialog result: " << result << endl;
      b = new Button (tools, "Ask");
      b->setCallback ([&]
         auto dlg = new MessageDialog (this, MessageDialog::Type::Warning, "Title", "This is a question message", "Yes", "No", true);
         dlg->setCallback ([] (int result)
            cout << "Dialog result: " << result << endl;

	  std::string iconPath = assetFolder.string();
	  iconPath += "/icons";
      std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> icons = NanoUtil::loadImageDirectory (getContext(), iconPath);
      new Label (window, "Image panel & scroll panel", "sans-bold");
      PopupButton * imagePanelBtn = new PopupButton (window, "Image Panel");
      imagePanelBtn->setIcon (ENTYPO_ICON_FOLDER);
      popup = imagePanelBtn->popup();
      VScrollPanel * vscroll = new VScrollPanel (popup);
      ImagePanel * imgPanel = new ImagePanel (vscroll);
      imgPanel->setImages (icons);
      popup->setFixedSize (ivec2 (245, 150));
      new Label (window, "Selected image", "sans-bold");
      auto img = new ImageView (window);
      img->setFixedSize (ivec2 (40, 40));
      img->setImage (icons[0].first);
      imgPanel->setCallback ([ &, img, imgPanel, imagePanelBtn] (int i)
         img->setImage (imgPanel->images()[i].first);
         cout << "Selected item " << i << endl;
      new Label (window, "Combo box", "sans-bold");
      new ComboBox (window, { "Combo box item 1", "Combo box item 2", "Combo box item 3" });
      new Label (window, "Check box", "sans-bold");
      CheckBox * cb = new CheckBox (window, "Flag 1",
                                    [] (bool state)
         cout << "Check box 1 state: " << state << endl;
      cb->setChecked (true);
      cb = new CheckBox (window, "Flag 2",
                         [] (bool state)
         cout << "Check box 2 state: " << state << endl;
      new Label (window, "Progress bar", "sans-bold");
      mProgress = new ProgressBar (window);
      new Label (window, "Slider and text box", "sans-bold");
      Widget * panel = new Widget (window);
      panel->setLayout (new BoxLayout (Orientation::Horizontal,
                                       Alignment::Middle, 0, 20));
      Slider * slider = new Slider (panel);
      slider->setValue (0.5f);
      slider->setFixedWidth (80);
      TxtBox * textBox = new TxtBox (panel);
      textBox->setFixedSize (ivec2 (60, 25));
      textBox->setValue ("50");
      textBox->setUnits ("%");
      slider->setCallback ([textBox] (float value)
         textBox->setValue (std::to_string ((int) (value * 100)));
      slider->setFinalCallback ([&] (float value)
         cout << "Final slider value: " << (int) (value * 100) << endl;
      textBox->setFixedSize (ivec2 (60, 25));
      textBox->setFontSize (20);
      textBox->setAlignment (TxtBox::Alignment::Right);

	  window = new nanogui::Window(this, "Misc. widgets");
	  window->setPosition(ivec2(425, 15));
	  window->setLayout(new GroupLayout());
	  new Label(window, "Color wheel", "sans-bold");
	  new ColorWheel(window);
	  new Label(window, "Function graph", "sans-bold");
	  Graph *graph = new Graph(window, "Some function");
	  graph->setHeader("E = 2.35e-3");
	  graph->setFooter("Iteration 89");
	  std::vector<float> &func = graph->values();
	  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
		  func[i] = 0.5f * (0.5f * std::sin(i / 10.f) +
			  0.5f * std::cos(i / 23.f) + 1);

	  window = new nanogui::Window(this, "Grid of small widgets");
	  window->setPosition(ivec2(425, 288));
	  GridLayout *layout =
		  new GridLayout(Orientation::Horizontal, 2,
			  Alignment::Middle, 15, 5);
	  { Alignment::Maximum, Alignment::Fill });
	  layout->setSpacing(0, 10);

		  new Label(window, "Floating point :", "sans-bold");
		  textBox = new TxtBox(window);
		  textBox->setFixedSize(ivec2(100, 20));

		  new Label(window, "Positive integer :", "sans-bold");
		  textBox = new TxtBox(window);
		  textBox->setFixedSize(ivec2(100, 20));

		  new Label(window, "Checkbox :", "sans-bold");

		  cb = new CheckBox(window, "Check me");

	  new Label(window, "Combo box :", "sans-bold");
	  ComboBox *cobo =
		  new ComboBox(window, { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3" });
	  cobo->setFixedSize(ivec2(100, 20));

	  new Label(window, "Color button :", "sans-bold");
	  popupBtn = new PopupButton(window, "", 0);
	  popupBtn->setBackgroundColor(Colour(255, 120, 0, 255));
	  popupBtn->setFixedSize(ivec2(100, 20));
	  popup = popupBtn->popup();
	  popup->setLayout(new GroupLayout());

	  ColorWheel *colorwheel = new ColorWheel(popup);

	  Button *colorBtn = new Button(popup, "Pick");
	  colorBtn->setFixedSize(ivec2(100, 25));
	  Colour c = colorwheel->color();

	  colorwheel->setCallback([colorBtn](const Colour &value) {

	  colorBtn->setChangeCallback([colorBtn, popupBtn](bool pushed) {
		  if (pushed) {

      performLayout (mNVGContext);
   catch (const std::exception & e)
      std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;