Exemplo n.º 1
/** Execute function */
RevPtr<RevVariable> Func_readStochasticVariableTrace::execute( void )
    // get the information from the arguments for reading the file
    const std::string&     fn       = static_cast<const RlString&>( args[0].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue();
    // get the column delimiter
    const std::string& delimiter    = static_cast<const RlString&>( args[1].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue();
    RevBayesCore::TraceReader reader;
    std::vector<RevBayesCore::ModelTrace> data = reader.readStochasticVariableTrace(fn, delimiter);
    WorkspaceVector<ModelTrace> *rv = new WorkspaceVector<ModelTrace>();
    for (std::vector<RevBayesCore::ModelTrace>::iterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it)
        rv->push_back( ModelTrace( *it ) );
    // return the vector of traces
    return new RevVariable( rv );
Exemplo n.º 2
/** Execute function */
RevPtr<RevVariable> Func_readCharacterDataUniversal::execute( void ) {
    // get the information from the arguments for reading the file
    const std::string& fn = static_cast<const RlString&>( args[0].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue();
    bool returnAsVector = static_cast<const RlBoolean&>( args[1].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue();
    // check that the file/path name has been correctly specified
    RevBayesCore::RbFileManager myFileManager( fn );
    if ( !myFileManager.testFile() && !myFileManager.testDirectory() )
        std::string errorStr = "";
        throw RbException("Could not find file or path with name \"" + fn + "\"");
    // set up a vector of strings containing the name or names of the files to be read
    std::vector<std::string> vectorOfFileNames;
    if ( myFileManager.isDirectory() )
        vectorOfFileNames.push_back( myFileManager.getFullFileName() );
    // get the global instance of the NCL reader and clear warnings from its warnings buffer
    RevBayesCore::NclReader reader = RevBayesCore::NclReader();
    // the vector of matrices;
    WorkspaceVector<AbstractCharacterData>* m = new WorkspaceVector<AbstractCharacterData>();
    // the return value
    RevObject* retVal = NULL;
    // Set up a map with the file name to be read as the key and the file type as the value. Note that we may not
    // read all of the files in the string called "vectorOfFileNames" because some of them may not be in a format
    // that can be read.
    size_t numFilesRead = 0;
    for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator p = vectorOfFileNames.begin(); p != vectorOfFileNames.end(); p++)
        bool isInterleaved = false;
        std::string myFileType = "unknown";
        std::string dType = "unknown";
        if (reader.isNexusFile(*p) == true)
            myFileType = "nexus";
        else if (reader.isPhylipFile(*p, dType, isInterleaved) == true)
            myFileType = "phylip";
        else if (reader.isFastaFile(*p, dType) == true)
            myFileType = "fasta";
        int numMatricesReadForThisFile = 0;
        if (myFileType != "unknown")
            std::string suffix = "|" + dType;
            if ( myFileType == "phylip" )
                if (isInterleaved == true)
                    suffix += "|interleaved";
                    suffix += "|noninterleaved";
            else if ( myFileType == "fasta" )
                suffix += "|noninterleaved";
                suffix += "|unknown";
            myFileType += suffix;
            // read the content of the file now
            std::vector<RevBayesCore::AbstractCharacterData*> m_i = reader.readMatrices( *p, myFileType );
            for (std::vector<RevBayesCore::AbstractCharacterData*>::iterator it = m_i.begin(); it != m_i.end(); it++)
                dType = (*it)->getDataType();
                // Assume success; correct below if failure
                if ( (*it)->isHomologyEstablished() == true )
                    if ( dType == "DNA" )
                        RevBayesCore::HomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::DnaState> *coreM = static_cast<RevBayesCore::HomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::DnaState> *>( *it );
                        AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData mDNA = AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData( coreM );
                        m->push_back( mDNA );
                    else if ( dType == "RNA" )
                        RevBayesCore::HomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::RnaState> *coreM = static_cast<RevBayesCore::HomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::RnaState> *>( *it );
                        AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData mRNA = AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData( coreM );
                        m->push_back( mRNA );
                    else if ( dType == "Protein" )
                        RevBayesCore::HomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::AminoAcidState> *coreM = static_cast<RevBayesCore::HomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::AminoAcidState> *>( *it );
                        AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData mAA = AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData( coreM );
                        m->push_back( mAA );
                    else if ( dType == "Standard" )
                        RevBayesCore::HomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::StandardState> *coreM = static_cast<RevBayesCore::HomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::StandardState> *>( *it );
                        AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData mSS = AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData( coreM );
                        m->push_back( mSS );
                    else if ( dType == "Continuous" )
                        RevBayesCore::ContinuousCharacterData *coreM = static_cast<RevBayesCore::ContinuousCharacterData *>( *it );
                        ContinuousCharacterData mCC = ContinuousCharacterData (coreM );
                        m->push_back( mCC );
                        throw RbException("Unknown data type \"" + dType + "\".");
                    if ( dType == "DNA" )
                        RevBayesCore::NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::DnaState> *coreM = static_cast<RevBayesCore::NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::DnaState> *>( *it );
                        NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<DnaState> mDNA = NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<DnaState>( coreM );
                        m->push_back( mDNA );
                    else if ( dType == "RNA" )
                        RevBayesCore::NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::RnaState> *coreM = static_cast<RevBayesCore::NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::RnaState> *>( *it );
                        NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RnaState> mRNA = NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RnaState>( coreM );
                        m->push_back( mRNA );
                    else if ( dType == "Protein" )
                        RevBayesCore::NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::AminoAcidState> *coreM = static_cast<RevBayesCore::NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<RevBayesCore::AminoAcidState> *>( *it );
                        NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<AminoAcidState> mAA = NonHomologousDiscreteCharacterData<AminoAcidState>( coreM );
                        m->push_back( mAA );
                    else if ( dType == "Standard" )
                        // Can't have morphological (i.e., standard) data that don't have homology established
                    else if ( dType == "Continuous" )
                        // Can't have morphological (i.e., standard) data that don't have homology established
                        throw RbException("Unknown data type \"" + dType + "\".");
            reader.addWarning("Unknown file type");
        if (numMatricesReadForThisFile > 0)
    // print summary of results of file reading to the user
    if (myFileManager.isDirectory() == true)
        std::stringstream o2;
        if ( numFilesRead == 0 )
            o2 << "Failed to read any files from directory '" << fn << "'";
        else if ( numFilesRead == 1 )
            if ( m->size() == 1 )
                o2 << "Successfully read one file with one character matrix from directory '" << fn << "'";
                o2 << "Successfully read one file with " << m->size() << " character matrices from directory '" << fn << "'";
            o2 << "Successfully read " << numFilesRead << " files with " << m->size() << " character matrices from directory '" << fn << "'";
        std::set<std::string> myWarnings = reader.getWarnings();
        if ( vectorOfFileNames.size() - numFilesRead > 0 && myWarnings.size() > 0 )
            std::stringstream o3;
            if (vectorOfFileNames.size() - numFilesRead == 1)
                o3 << "Did not read a file for the following ";
                o3 << "Did not read " << vectorOfFileNames.size() - numFilesRead << " files for the following ";
            if (myWarnings.size() == 1)
                o3 << "reason:";
                o3 << "reasons:";
            for (std::set<std::string>::iterator it = myWarnings.begin(); it != myWarnings.end(); it++)
                RBOUT("* "+(*it));
        // set the return value
        retVal = m;
        if (m->size() == 1)
            RBOUT("Successfully read one character matrix from file '" + fn + "'");
            // set the return value
            if ( returnAsVector == false )
                retVal = (*m)[0].clone();
                delete m;
                retVal = m;
        else if (m->size() > 1)
            std::stringstream o3;
            o3 << "Successfully read " << m->size() << " character matrices from file '" << fn << "'";
            // set the return value
            retVal = m;
            std::set<std::string> myWarnings = reader.getWarnings();
            if ( myWarnings.size() > 0 )
                std::stringstream o3;
                o3 << "Error reading file '" << fn << "'";
                for (std::set<std::string>::iterator it = myWarnings.begin(); it != myWarnings.end(); it++)
                    RBOUT("Error:   " + (*it));
    return new RevVariable( retVal );