Exemplo n.º 1
* reads one 16x16 block pulled over RPC into stonesense tiles
void readRemoteBlockToSegment(RemoteFortressReader::MapBlock &block, WorldSegment& segment)
    for (int xx = 0; xx < BLOCKEDGESIZE; xx++)
    for (int yy = 0; yy < BLOCKEDGESIZE; yy++)
        int32_t x = xx + block.map_x();
        int32_t y = yy + block.map_y();
        int32_t z = block.map_z();

        int32_t index = xx + (yy * BLOCKEDGESIZE);

        Tile * t = segment.getTile(x, y, z);
        if (!t)
        t->tileType = (tiletype::tiletype)block.tiles(index);
        t->material.index = block.materials(index).mat_index();
        t->material.type = block.materials(index).mat_type();
Exemplo n.º 2
* reads one 16x16 map block into stonesense tiles
* attempts to only read as much information as is necessary to do the tile optimization
void readBlockToSegment(DFHack::Core& DF, WorldSegment& segment, 
    int BlockX, int BlockY, int BlockZ,
    uint32_t BoundrySX, uint32_t BoundrySY,
    uint32_t BoundryEX, uint32_t BoundryEY,
    vector< vector <int16_t> >* allLayers)
    if(ssConfig.skipMaps) {
    //boundry check
    int blockDimX, blockDimY, blockDimZ;
    Maps::getSize((unsigned int &)blockDimX, (unsigned int &)blockDimY, (unsigned int &)blockDimZ);
    if( BlockX < 0 || BlockX >= blockDimX ||
        BlockY < 0 || BlockY >= blockDimY ||
        BlockZ < 0 || BlockZ >= blockDimZ ) {

    //make boundries local
    BoundrySX -= BlockX * BLOCKEDGESIZE;
    BoundryEX -= BlockX * BLOCKEDGESIZE;
    BoundrySY -= BlockY * BLOCKEDGESIZE;
    BoundryEY -= BlockY * BLOCKEDGESIZE;

    //read block data
    df::map_block *trueBlock;
    trueBlock = Maps::getBlock(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ);
    if(!trueBlock) {
    //read the map features
    t_feature local, global;
    //read local vein data
    vector <df::block_square_event_mineralst * > veins;
    vector <df::block_square_event_frozen_liquidst * > ices;
    vector <df::block_square_event_material_spatterst * > splatter;
    vector <df::block_square_event_grassst * > grass;
    vector <df::block_square_event_world_constructionst * > worldconstructions;
    //parse block
    for(uint32_t ly = BoundrySY; ly <= BoundryEY; ly++) {
        for(uint32_t lx = BoundrySX; lx <= BoundryEX; lx++) {
            uint32_t gx = lx + (BlockX * BLOCKEDGESIZE);
            uint32_t gy = ly + (BlockY * BLOCKEDGESIZE);
            if( !segment.CoordinateInsideSegment( gx, gy, BlockZ) ) {

            bool shouldBeIncluded = true;

            //open terrain needs to be included to make blackboxes if 
            // we are shading but not showing hidden tiles
                && trueBlock->tiletype[lx][ly] != tiletype::RampTop) {
                        && ssConfig.shade_hidden_tiles 
                        && trueBlock->designation[lx][ly].bits.hidden) {
                            shouldBeIncluded = true;
                    } else {
                        shouldBeIncluded = false;
                    //all other terrain needs including, except for hidden tiles
                    // when we are neither showing nor shading hidden tiles
            } else if(!ssConfig.show_hidden_tiles
                && !ssConfig.shade_hidden_tiles
                && trueBlock->designation[lx][ly].bits.hidden) {
                    shouldBeIncluded = false;

            //add back in any liquid tiles, in case they can be seen from above
            // as well as any hanging buildings
                || trueBlock->occupancy[lx][ly].bits.building) {
                    shouldBeIncluded = true;

			//add back in any tiles that are constructions or designations
			if( ssConfig.show_designations
				&& containsDesignations(
					trueBlock->occupancy[lx][ly] ) ) {
				shouldBeIncluded = true;


            Tile * b = segment.ResetTile(gx, gy, BlockZ, trueBlock->tiletype[lx][ly]);
			b->occ.bits.unit = false;//this will be set manually when we read the creatures vector
            b->occ = trueBlock->occupancy[lx][ly];
			b->designation = trueBlock->designation[lx][ly];

			//if the tile has designations, read them and nothing else
			if( ssConfig.show_designations 
				&& readDesignationsToTile( 
					b, trueBlock->designation[lx][ly], 
					trueBlock->occupancy[lx][ly] ) ) {
			//set whether the tile is hidden
			b->fog_of_war = !b->designation.bits.pile;

            //don't read detailed information for blackbox tiles
                && ssConfig.shade_hidden_tiles
                && b->designation.bits.hidden
                && !b->designation.bits.flow_size) {

            //read the grasses
            b->grasslevel = 0;
            b->grassmat = -1;
            for(int i = 0; i < grass.size(); i++) {
                if(grass[i]->amount[lx][ly] > 0 && b->grasslevel == 0) { //b->grasslevel)
                    b->grasslevel = grass[i]->amount[lx][ly];
                    b->grassmat = grass[i]->plant_index;

			//read the water flows and direction.
			b->flow_direction = trueBlock->liquid_flow[lx][ly].bits.perm_flow_dir;

            //read the tile spatter
            readSpatterToTile(b, lx, ly, splatter); 

            //read the tile material
            readMaterialToTile(b, lx, ly, trueBlock, local, global, veins, allLayers);

    //add trees and other vegetation
    for(auto iter = trueBlock->plants.begin(); iter != trueBlock->plants.end(); iter++) {
        df::plant * wheat = *iter;
        assert(wheat != NULL);
        Tile* b = segment.getTile( wheat->pos.x, wheat->pos.y, wheat->pos.z);
        if(!b) {
            b = segment.ResetTile(wheat->pos.x, wheat->pos.y, wheat->pos.z, tiletype::OpenSpace);
            if(!b) {
        if( b->tileShape() == tiletype_shape::TREE ||
            b->tileShape() == tiletype_shape::SAPLING ||
            b->tileShape() == tiletype_shape::SHRUB) {
                b->tree.type = wheat->flags.whole;
                b->tree.index = wheat->material;

    //add items
    for(auto iter = trueBlock->items.begin(); iter != trueBlock->items.end(); iter++) {
		int32_t item_index = *iter;
		df::item * found_item = df::item::find(item_index);
		if(!found_item) {
		Tile* b = segment.getTile( found_item->pos.x, found_item->pos.y, found_item->pos.z);
		if(!b) {
			b = segment.ResetTile(found_item->pos.x, found_item->pos.y, found_item->pos.z, tiletype::OpenSpace);
			if(!b) {
		b->Item = ConvertItem(found_item, segment);

    //add effects
    for(auto iter = trueBlock->flows.begin(); iter != trueBlock->flows.end(); iter++) {
        df::flow_info * eff = *iter;
        if(eff == NULL || eff->density <= 0) {
        Tile* b = segment.getTile( eff->pos.x, eff->pos.y, eff->pos.z);
        if(segment.CoordinateInsideSegment(eff->pos.x, eff->pos.y, eff->pos.z)) {
            if(!b) {
                b = segment.ResetTile(eff->pos.x, eff->pos.y, eff->pos.z, tiletype::OpenSpace);
                if(!b) {
            if(eff->density > b->tileeffect.density 
                || b->tileeffect.type == (df::flow_type) INVALID_INDEX) {
                    b->tileeffect.type = eff->type;
                    b->tileeffect.density = eff->density;
                    b->tileeffect.matt.index = eff->mat_index;
                    b->tileeffect.matt.type = eff->mat_type;
Exemplo n.º 3
void readBlockColumnToSegment(DFHack::Core& DF, WorldSegment& segment,
    int BlockX, int BlockY)
    if (ssConfig.skipMaps) {
    //boundry check
    int blockDimX, blockDimY, blockDimZ;
    Maps::getSize((unsigned int &)blockDimX, (unsigned int &)blockDimY, (unsigned int &)blockDimZ);
    if (BlockX < 0 || BlockX >= blockDimX ||
        BlockY < 0 || BlockY >= blockDimY) {

    //read block data
    df::map_block_column *trueColumn;
    trueColumn = Maps::getBlockColumn(BlockX, BlockY);
    if (!trueColumn) {

    for (int i = 0; i < trueColumn->plants.size(); i++)
        df::plant * pp = trueColumn->plants[i];
        // A plant without tree_info is single tile
        if (!pp->tree_info)
            if (!segment.CoordinateInsideSegment(pp->pos.x, pp->pos.y, pp->pos.z))
            Tile * t = segment.getTile(pp->pos.x, pp->pos.y, pp->pos.z);
            if (!t)
                t = segment.ResetTile(pp->pos.x, pp->pos.y, pp->pos.z);
            if (!t)
            t->tree.type = pp->flags.whole;
            t->tree.index = pp->material;

        // tree_info contains vertical slices of the tree. This ensures there's a slice for our Z-level.
        df::plant_tree_info * info = pp->tree_info;
        if (!segment.RangeInsideSegment(
            pp->pos.x - (pp->tree_info->dim_x / 2),
            pp->pos.y - (pp->tree_info->dim_y / 2),
            pp->pos.z - (pp->tree_info->roots_depth),
            pp->pos.x + (pp->tree_info->dim_x / 2),
            pp->pos.y + (pp->tree_info->dim_y / 2),
            pp->pos.z + pp->tree_info->body_height - 1))

        auto raw = df::plant_raw::find(pp->material);

        for (int zz = 0; zz < info->body_height; zz++)
            // Parse through a single horizontal slice of the tree.
            for (int xx = 0; xx < info->dim_x; xx++)
            for (int yy = 0; yy < info->dim_y; yy++)
                // Any non-zero value here other than blocked means there's some sort of branch here.
                // If the block is at or above the plant's base level, we use the body array
                // otherwise we use the roots.
                // TODO: verify that the tree bounds intersect the block.
                df::plant_tree_tile tile = info->body[zz][xx + (yy*info->dim_x)];
                if (tile.whole && !(tile.bits.blocked))
                    df::coord pos = pp->pos;
                    pos.x = pos.x - (info->dim_x / 2) + xx;
                    pos.y = pos.y - (info->dim_y / 2) + yy;
                    pos.z = pos.z + zz;
                    if (!segment.CoordinateInsideSegment(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z))
                    Tile * t = segment.getTile(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
                    if (!t)
                        t = segment.ResetTile(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
                    if (!t)
                    t->tree.type = pp->flags.whole;
                    t->tree.index = pp->material;
                    t->tree_tile = tile;
                    if (raw)
                        t->material.type = raw->material_defs.type_basic_mat;
                        t->material.index = raw->material_defs.idx_basic_mat;
        for (int zz = 0; zz < info->roots_depth; zz++)
            // Parse through a single horizontal slice of the tree.
            for (int xx = 0; xx < info->dim_x; xx++)
            for (int yy = 0; yy < info->dim_y; yy++)
                // Any non-zero value here other than blocked means there's some sort of branch here.
                // If the block is at or above the plant's base level, we use the body array
                // otherwise we use the roots.
                // TODO: verify that the tree bounds intersect the block.
                df::plant_tree_tile tile = info->roots[zz][xx + (yy*info->dim_x)];
                if (tile.whole && !(tile.bits.blocked))
                    df::coord pos = pp->pos;
                    pos.x = pos.x - (info->dim_x / 2) + xx;
                    pos.y = pos.y - (info->dim_y / 2) + yy;
                    pos.z = pos.z - 1 - zz;
                    if (!segment.CoordinateInsideSegment(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z))
                    Tile * t = segment.getTile(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
                    if (!t)
                        t = segment.ResetTile(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
                    if (!t)
                    t->tree.type = pp->flags.whole;
                    t->tree.index = pp->material;
