Exemplo n.º 1
void Animation::ReadXml(const char* filename)
	m_animationParts.clear(); // clear our parts list first

	// create a new xml document 
	XmlDocument doc;

	TiXmlHandle * hdoc = doc.Handle();
	TiXmlElement * root = hdoc->FirstChildElement().Element();

	if(root != 0)
		TiXmlElement * child = root->FirstChildElement();

		// loop through children
			// whats the name of this part
			string partName = (string)child->Value();

			// add this part to the part map
			m_animationParts[partName] = new AnimationPart(child);

			// move to the next game object
			child = child->NextSiblingElement();
Exemplo n.º 2
void MaterialManager::Initialise(char *materialXMLFile)
	// read through the xml file and load all materials
	XmlDocument doc;

	TiXmlHandle * hdoc = doc.Handle();
	TiXmlElement * root = hdoc->FirstChildElement().Element();

	TiXmlElement * child = root->FirstChildElement();

	// loop through our materials
		// get the name of the material 
		const char * matName = XmlUtilities::ReadAttributeAsString(child, "", "name");
		// create the new material
		Material* mat = new Material(matName);
		mat->ReadXml(child); // read the properties

		m_materialMap[matName] = mat; // add to the material map

		// move to the next material
		child = child->NextSiblingElement();