Exemplo n.º 1
Zstring zen::getFormattedDirectoryPath(const Zstring& dirpassPhrase) // throw()
    //formatting is needed since functions expect the directory to end with '\' to be able to split the relative names.

    Zstring dirpath = dirpassPhrase;

    //remove leading/trailing whitespace before allowing misinterpretation in applyLongPathPrefix()
    trim(dirpath, true, false);
    while (endsWith(dirpath, Zstr(' '))) //don't remove all whitespace from right, e.g. 0xa0 may be used as part of dir name
        dirpath.resize(dirpath.size() - 1);

    if (dirpath.empty()) //an empty string would later be resolved as "\"; this is not desired
        return Zstring();

    dirpath = expandMacros(dirpath);
    dirpath = expandVolumeName(dirpath); //may block for slow USB sticks!
    need to resolve relative paths:
     - \\?\-prefix which needs absolute names
     - Volume Shadow Copy: volume name needs to be part of each file path
     - file icon buffer (at least for extensions that are actually read from disk, like "exe")
     - ::SHFileOperation(): Using relative path names is not thread safe
     - detection of dependent directories, e.g. "\" and "C:\test"
    dirpath = resolveRelativePath(dirpath);

    return appendSeparator(dirpath);
Exemplo n.º 2
Zstring makeUpperCopy(const Zstring& str)
    const size_t len = str.size();

    Zstring output;

    std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), output.begin(), [](char c) {
        return static_cast<char>(::toupper(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)));
    }); //locale-dependent!

    //result of toupper() is an unsigned char mapped to int range, so the char representation is in the last 8 bits and we need not care about signedness!
    //this should work for UTF-8, too: all chars >= 128 are mapped upon themselves!

    return output;
Exemplo n.º 3
Zstring makeUpperCopy(const Zstring& str)
    const int len = static_cast<int>(str.size());

    if (len == 0) //LCMapString does not allow input sizes of 0!
        return str;

    Zstring output = str;

    //LOCALE_INVARIANT is NOT available with Windows 2000 -> ok

    //use Windows' upper case conversion: faster than ::CharUpper()
    if (::LCMapString(LOCALE_INVARIANT, //__in   LCID Locale,
                      LCMAP_UPPERCASE,  //__in   DWORD dwMapFlags,
                      str.c_str(),      //__in   LPCTSTR lpSrcStr,
                      len,              //__in   int cchSrc,
                      &*output.begin(), //__out  LPTSTR lpDestStr,
                      len) == 0)        //__in   int cchDest
        throw std::runtime_error("Error comparing strings (LCMapString). " + std::string(__FILE__) + ":" + numberTo<std::string>(__LINE__));

    return output;
Exemplo n.º 4
    //used during folder creation if parent folder is missing
    Opt<Zstring> getParentFolderPathImpl(const Zstring& itemPathImpl) const override
#ifdef ZEN_WIN
        //remove trailing separator (even for C:\ root directories)
        const Zstring itemPathFmt = endsWith(itemPathImpl, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) ?
                                    beforeLast(itemPathImpl, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE) :

        const Zstring parentDir = beforeLast(itemPathFmt, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE);
        if (parentDir.empty())
            return NoValue();
        if (parentDir.size() == 2 && isAlpha(parentDir[0]) && parentDir[1] == L':')
            return appendSeparator(parentDir);

#elif defined ZEN_LINUX || defined ZEN_MAC
        if (itemPathImpl == "/")
            return NoValue();

        const Zstring parentDir = beforeLast(itemPathImpl, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, IF_MISSING_RETURN_NONE);
        if (parentDir.empty())
            return Zstring("/");
        return parentDir;
Exemplo n.º 5
void zen::loginNetworkShare(const Zstring& dirpathOrig, bool allowUserInteraction) //throw() - user interaction: show OS password prompt
    ATTENTION: it is not safe to retrieve UNC path via ::WNetGetConnection() for every type of network share:

    network type				 |::WNetGetConnection rv   | lpRemoteName				     | existing UNC path
    inactive local network share | ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL| \\\new2			 | YES
    WebDrive					 | NO_ERROR				   | \\Webdrive-ZenJu\GNU		     | NO
    Box.net (WebDav)			 | NO_ERROR				   | \\www.box.net\DavWWWRoot\dav    | YES
    NetDrive					 | ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED     | <empty>						 | NO

    Windows Login Prompt Naming Conventions:
    	network share:	\\<server>\<share>	e.g. \\WIN-XP\folder or \\\folder
    	user account:	<Domain>\<user>		e.g. WIN-XP\Zenju    or\Zenju

    Windows Command Line:
    - list *all* active network connections, including deviceless ones which are hidden in Explorer:
    		net use
    - delete active connection:
    		net use /delete \\server\share

    Scenario: XP-shared folder is accessed by Win 7 over LAN with access limited to a certain user

    I.   WNetAddConnection2() allows (at least certain) invalid credentials (e.g. username: a/password: a) and establishes an *unusable* connection
    II.  WNetAddConnection2() refuses to overwrite an existing (unusable) connection created in I), but shows prompt repeatedly
    III. WNetAddConnection2() won't bring up the prompt if *wrong* credentials had been entered just recently, even with CONNECT_INTERACTIVE specified! => 2-step proccess

    auto connect = [&](NETRESOURCE& trgRes) //blocks heavily if network is not reachable!!!
        //1. first try to connect without user interaction - blocks!
        DWORD rv = ::WNetAddConnection2(&trgRes, //__in  LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource,
                                        nullptr, //__in  LPCTSTR lpPassword,
                                        nullptr, //__in  LPCTSTR lpUsername,
                                        0);      //__in  DWORD dwFlags
        //53L	ERROR_BAD_NETPATH		The network path was not found.
        //67L   ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME
        //1219L	ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT	Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.
        //1326L	ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE	Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
        if (somethingExists(trgRes.lpRemoteName)) //blocks!
            return; //success: connection usable! -> don't care about "rv"

        if (rv == ERROR_BAD_NETPATH || //like ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND
                rv == ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME|| //like ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
                rv == ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED) //failed to connect to a network that existed not too long ago; will later return ERROR_BAD_NETPATH
            return; //no need to show a prompt for an unreachable network device

        //2. if first attempt failed, we need to *force* prompt by using CONNECT_PROMPT
        if (allowUserInteraction)
            //avoid problem II.)
            DWORD rv2= ::WNetCancelConnection2(trgRes.lpRemoteName, //_In_  LPCTSTR lpName,
                                               0,					  //_In_  DWORD dwFlags,
                                               true);				  //_In_  BOOL fForce
            //2250L ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED

            //enforce login prompt
            DWORD rv3 = ::WNetAddConnection2(&trgRes, // __in  LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource,
                                             nullptr, // __in  LPCTSTR lpPassword,
                                             nullptr, // __in  LPCTSTR lpUsername,
                                             CONNECT_INTERACTIVE | CONNECT_PROMPT); //__in  DWORD dwFlags

    Zstring dirpath = removeLongPathPrefix(dirpathOrig);
    trim(dirpath, true, false);

    //1. locally mapped network share
    if (dirpath.size() >= 2 && iswalpha(dirpath[0]) && dirpath[1] == L':')
        Zstring driveLetter(dirpath.c_str(), 2); //e.g.: "Q:"
            DWORD bufferSize = 10000;
            std::vector<wchar_t> remoteNameBuffer(bufferSize);

            //map local -> remote

            //note: following function call does NOT block!
            DWORD rv = ::WNetGetConnection(driveLetter.c_str(),  //__in     LPCTSTR lpLocalName in the form "<driveletter>:"
                                           &remoteNameBuffer[0], //__out    LPTSTR lpRemoteName,
                                           &bufferSize);         //__inout  LPDWORD lpnLength
            if (rv == ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL) //remoteNameBuffer will be filled nevertheless!
                //ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL: network mapping is existing, but not connected

                Zstring networkShare = &remoteNameBuffer[0];
                if (!networkShare.empty())
                    NETRESOURCE trgRes = {};
                    trgRes.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK;
                    trgRes.lpLocalName  = const_cast<LPWSTR>(driveLetter.c_str());  //lpNetResource is marked "__in", seems WNetAddConnection2 is not const correct!
                    trgRes.lpRemoteName = const_cast<LPWSTR>(networkShare.c_str()); //

                    connect(trgRes); //blocks!
    //2. deviceless network connection
    else if (startsWith(dirpath, L"\\\\")) //UNC path
        const Zstring networkShare = [&]() -> Zstring //extract prefix "\\server\share"
            size_t pos = dirpath.find('\\', 2);
            if (pos == Zstring::npos)
                return Zstring();
            pos = dirpath.find('\\', pos + 1);
            return pos == Zstring::npos ? dirpath : Zstring(dirpath.c_str(), pos);

        if (!networkShare.empty())
            //::WNetGetResourceInformation seems to fail with ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME even for existing unconnected network shares!
            // => unconditionally try to connect to network share, seems we cannot reliably detect connection status otherwise

            NETRESOURCE trgRes  = {};
            trgRes.dwType       = RESOURCETYPE_DISK;
            trgRes.lpRemoteName = const_cast<LPWSTR>(networkShare.c_str()); //trgRes is "__in"

            connect(trgRes); //blocks!
Exemplo n.º 6
void getDirectoryAliasesRecursive(const Zstring& dirpath, std::set<Zstring, LessFilename>& output)
#ifdef ZEN_WIN
    //1. replace volume path by volume name: c:\dirpath -> [SYSTEM]\dirpath
    if (dirpath.size() >= 3 &&
            std::iswalpha(dirpath[0]) &&
            dirpath[1] == L':' &&
            dirpath[2] == L'\\')
        Zstring volname = getVolumeName(Zstring(dirpath.c_str(), 3)); //should not block
        if (!volname.empty())
            output.insert(L"[" + volname + L"]" + Zstring(dirpath.c_str() + 2));

    //2. replace volume name by volume path: [SYSTEM]\dirpath -> c:\dirpath
        Zstring testVolname = expandVolumeName(dirpath); //should not block
        if (testVolname != dirpath)
            if (output.insert(testVolname).second)
                getDirectoryAliasesRecursive(testVolname, output); //recurse!

    //3. environment variables: C:\Users\<user> -> %USERPROFILE%
        std::map<Zstring, Zstring> envToDir;

        //get list of useful variables
        auto addEnvVar = [&](const Zstring& envName)
            if (Opt<Zstring> value = getEnvironmentVar(envName))
                envToDir.emplace(envName, *value);
#ifdef ZEN_WIN
        addEnvVar(L"AllUsersProfile");  // C:\ProgramData
        addEnvVar(L"AppData");          // C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming
        addEnvVar(L"LocalAppData");     // C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local
        addEnvVar(L"ProgramData");      // C:\ProgramData
        addEnvVar(L"ProgramFiles");     // C:\Program Files
        addEnvVar(L"ProgramFiles(x86)");// C:\Program Files (x86)
        addEnvVar(L"CommonProgramFiles");      // C:\Program Files\Common Files
        addEnvVar(L"CommonProgramFiles(x86)"); // C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
        addEnvVar(L"Public");           // C:\Users\Public
        addEnvVar(L"UserProfile");      // C:\Users\<user>
        addEnvVar(L"WinDir");           // C:\Windows
        addEnvVar(L"Temp");             // C:\Windows\Temp

        //add CSIDL values: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762494(v=vs.85).aspx
        const auto& csidlMap = CsidlConstants::get();
        envToDir.insert(csidlMap.begin(), csidlMap.end());

#elif defined ZEN_LINUX || defined ZEN_MAC
        addEnvVar("HOME"); //Linux: /home/<user>  Mac: /Users/<user>
        //substitute paths by symbolic names
        auto pathStartsWith = [](const Zstring& path, const Zstring& prefix) -> bool
#if defined ZEN_WIN || defined ZEN_MAC
            return startsWith(makeUpperCopy(path), makeUpperCopy(prefix));
#elif defined ZEN_LINUX
            return startsWith(path, prefix);
        for (const auto& entry : envToDir)
            if (pathStartsWith(dirpath, entry.second))
                output.insert(MACRO_SEP + entry.first + MACRO_SEP + (dirpath.c_str() + entry.second.size()));

    //4. replace (all) macros: %USERPROFILE% -> C:\Users\<user>
        Zstring testMacros = expandMacros(dirpath);
        if (testMacros != dirpath)
            if (output.insert(testMacros).second)
                getDirectoryAliasesRecursive(testMacros, output); //recurse!