Exemplo n.º 1
void peel_n_mutations(const alphabet& a, const vector<int>& letters, const SequenceTree& T,
		      const ublas::matrix<B>& cost,ublas::matrix<B>& n_muts,
		      const vector<const_branchview>& branches)
  const int A = a.size();

  assert(letters.size() == T.n_leaves());
  assert(cost.size1() == A);
  assert(cost.size2() == A);

  // we need a scratch row in the matrix
  assert(n_muts.size1() == T.n_nodes());
  assert(n_muts.size2() == A);

  // compute the max cost -- is this approach a good idea?
  // Well... this apparently doesn't work.
  B max_cost = 0;
  for(int i=0;i<A;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<A;j++)
      max_cost = std::max(cost(i,j)+1, max_cost);
  // clear the length matrix.
  for(int i=0;i<n_muts.size1();i++)
    for(int j=0;j<n_muts.size2();j++)
  // set the leaf costs
  for(int s=0;s<T.n_leaves();s++)
    int L = letters[s];

    if (a.is_letter_class(L))
      for(int l=0;l<A;l++)
	if (a.matches(l,L))
	  n_muts(s,l) = 0;
	  n_muts(s,l) = max_cost;

  // compute the costs for letters at each node
  for(int i=0;i<branches.size();i++)
    int s = branches[i].source();
    int t = branches[i].target();

    // for each letter l of node target...
    for(int l=0;l<A;l++)
      // compute minimum treelength for data behind source.
      B temp = n_muts(s,0)+cost(0,l);
      for(int k=1;k<A;k++)
	temp = min(temp, n_muts(s,k)+cost(k,l) );

      // add it to treelengths for data behind target
      n_muts(t,l) += temp;
Exemplo n.º 2
vector<vector<int> > get_all_parsimony_letters(const alphabet& a, const vector<int>& letters, const SequenceTree& T,
					       const ublas::matrix<int>& cost)
  int root = T.directed_branch(0).target();

  ublas::matrix<int> n_muts(T.n_nodes(), a.size());
  peel_n_mutations(a,letters,T,cost,n_muts, branches_toward_node(T,root) );

  // get an order list of branches point away from the root;
  vector<const_branchview> branches = branches_from_node(T,root);
  // Allocate space to store the letters for each node
  vector<vector<int> > node_letters(T.n_nodes());

  const unsigned A = a.size();

  // choose the cheapest letters at the root
    double m = row_min(n_muts,root);
    for(int l=0;l<A;l++)
      if (n_muts(root,l) <= m)

  vector<double> temp(A);

  for(int i=0;i<branches.size();i++) 
    int s = branches[i].source();
    int t = branches[i].target();

    vector<double> best(node_letters[s].size());

    for(int j=0;j<node_letters[s].size();j++) 
      for(int l=0;l<A;l++)
	temp[l] = n_muts(t,l)+cost(l,node_letters[s][j]);
      best[j] = min(temp);
    for(int l=0;l<A;l++) 
      bool is_best = false;
      for(int j=0;j<node_letters[s].size() and not is_best;j++) 
	if (n_muts(t,l)+cost(l,node_letters[s][j]) <= best[j])
      if (is_best)


  return node_letters;
Exemplo n.º 3
  inline double sum(const Matrix Q,const vector<unsigned>& smap,
		    int s1, int l2, const alphabet& a)
    double total=0;
    int n_letters = a.n_letters();
    for(int s=0;s<smap.size();s++)
      if (a.matches(smap[s],l2))
	total += Q(s1,s);
    for(int L=0;L<n_letters;L++)
      if (a.matches(L,l2))
	total += sum(Q,smap,n_letters,s1,L);
    return total;
Exemplo n.º 4
B n_mutations(const alphabet& a, const vector<int>& letters, const SequenceTree& T,const ublas::matrix<B>& cost)
  int root = T.directed_branch(0).target();

  vector<const_branchview> branches = branches_toward_node(T,root);

  ublas::matrix<B> n_muts(T.n_nodes(), a.size());

  return n_mutations(a,letters,T,cost,n_muts,branches);
Exemplo n.º 5
vector<int> get_parsimony_letters(const alphabet& a, const vector<int>& letters, const SequenceTree& T,
				  const ublas::matrix<int>& cost)
  int root = T.directed_branch(0).target();
  ublas::matrix<int> n_muts(T.n_nodes(),a.size());

  peel_n_mutations(a,letters,T,cost,n_muts, branches_toward_node(T,root) );

  // get an order list of branches point away from the root;
  vector<const_branchview> branches = branches_from_node(T,root);
  // Allocate space to store the letter for each node
  vector<int> node_letters(T.n_nodes(),-1);

  // choose the cheapest letter at the root
  node_letters[root] = row_min(n_muts,root);

  const unsigned A = a.size();
  vector<double> temp(A);

  for(int i=0;i<branches.size();i++) 
    int s = branches[i].source();
    int t = branches[i].target();

    int k = node_letters[s];
    assert(k != -1);

    for(int l=0;l<A;l++)
      temp[l] = n_muts(t,l)+cost(l,k);

    node_letters[t] = argmin(temp);

  return node_letters;
Exemplo n.º 6
	std::vector<lstring> convert_split_words_allow_alphabet(const lstring &lt, const alphabet &allow) {
		lstring copy;
		lstring *ptr = (lstring *)&lt;

		bool changed = false;
		static letter space(' ');
		for (size_t i = 0; i < lt.size(); ++i) {
			if (!allow.ok(lt[i])) {
				if (!changed) {
					copy = lt;
					ptr = &copy;

					changed = true;

				copy[i] = space;

		return convert_split_words(*ptr);
Exemplo n.º 7
alignment load_next_alignment(istream& ifile, const alphabet& a, const vector<string>& names)
  shared_ptr<const alphabet> aa ( a.clone() );
  alignment A = load_next_alignment(ifile,aa);
  return reorder_sequences(A,names);
Exemplo n.º 8
alignment load_next_alignment(istream& ifile, const alphabet& a)
  shared_ptr<const alphabet> aa ( a.clone() );
  return load_next_alignment(ifile,aa);
Exemplo n.º 9
ublas::matrix<int> unit_cost_matrix(const alphabet& a)
  return unit_cost_matrix(a.size());
Exemplo n.º 10
void show_frequencies(std::ostream& o,const alphabet& a,const std::valarray<double>& f) {
    for(int i=0;i<a.size();i++)
      o<<"f"<<a.lookup(i)<<" = "<<f[i]<<"\n";
Exemplo n.º 11
alignment::alignment(const alphabet& a1,const string& filename) 

Exemplo n.º 12
alignment::alignment(const alphabet& a1, const vector<sequence>& S) 
Exemplo n.º 13
alignment::alignment(const alphabet& a1,int n)
Exemplo n.º 14
alignment::alignment(const alphabet& a1) 
Exemplo n.º 15
alignment::alignment(const alphabet& a1, const vector<sequence>& S) 
  // Do NOT load the sequences here -- this is used for constructing
  // new alignment matrices during MCMC for some reason.
Exemplo n.º 16
alignment::alignment(const alphabet& a1,int n,int L)