Exemplo n.º 1
string database_fixture::pretty( const asset& a )const
  std::stringstream ss;
  ss << a.amount.value << " ";
  ss << a.asset_id(db).symbol;
  return ss.str();
Exemplo n.º 2
void database_fixture::issue_uia( const account_object& recipient, asset amount )
   asset_issue_operation op({asset(),amount.asset_id(db).issuer, amount, recipient.id});
Exemplo n.º 3
uint64_t database_fixture::fund(
   const account_object& account,
   const asset& amount /* = asset(500000) */
   transfer(account_id_type()(db), account, amount);
   return get_balance(account, amount.asset_id(db));
Exemplo n.º 4
void database_fixture::issue_uia( const account_object& recipient, asset amount )
   asset_issue_operation op;
   op.issuer = amount.asset_id(db).issuer;
   op.asset_to_issue = amount;
   op.issue_to_account = recipient.id;
   db.push_transaction( trx, ~0 );
Exemplo n.º 5
bool database::fill_order( const call_order_object& order, const asset& pays, const asset& receives )
{ try {
   FC_ASSERT( order.get_debt().asset_id == receives.asset_id );
   FC_ASSERT( order.get_collateral().asset_id == pays.asset_id );
   FC_ASSERT( order.get_collateral() >= pays );

   optional<asset> collateral_freed;
   modify( order, [&]( call_order_object& o ){
            o.debt       -= receives.amount;
            o.collateral -= pays.amount;
            if( o.debt == 0 )
              collateral_freed = o.get_collateral();
              o.collateral = 0;
   const asset_object& mia = receives.asset_id(*this);
   assert( mia.is_market_issued() );

   const asset_dynamic_data_object& mia_ddo = mia.dynamic_asset_data_id(*this);

   modify( mia_ddo, [&]( asset_dynamic_data_object& ao ){
        ao.current_supply -= receives.amount;

   const account_object& borrower = order.borrower(*this);
   if( collateral_freed || pays.asset_id == asset_id_type() )
      const account_statistics_object& borrower_statistics = borrower.statistics(*this);
      if( collateral_freed )
         adjust_balance(borrower.get_id(), *collateral_freed);

      modify( borrower_statistics, [&]( account_statistics_object& b ){
              if( collateral_freed && collateral_freed->amount > 0 )
                b.total_core_in_orders -= collateral_freed->amount;
              if( pays.asset_id == asset_id_type() )
                b.total_core_in_orders -= pays.amount;

              assert( b.total_core_in_orders >= 0 );

   assert( pays.asset_id != receives.asset_id );
   push_applied_operation( fill_order_operation{ order.id, order.borrower, pays, receives, asset(0, pays.asset_id) } );

   if( collateral_freed )
      remove( order );

   return collateral_freed.valid();
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (order)(pays)(receives) ) }
Exemplo n.º 6
bool database::fill_order( const limit_order_object& order, const asset& pays, const asset& receives )
{ try {
   FC_ASSERT( order.amount_for_sale().asset_id == pays.asset_id );
   FC_ASSERT( pays.asset_id != receives.asset_id );

   const account_object& seller = order.seller(*this);
   const asset_object& recv_asset = receives.asset_id(*this);

   auto issuer_fees = pay_market_fees( recv_asset, receives );
   pay_order( seller, receives - issuer_fees, pays );

   assert( pays.asset_id != receives.asset_id );
   push_applied_operation( fill_order_operation( order.id, order.seller, pays, receives, issuer_fees ) );

   // conditional because cheap integer comparison may allow us to avoid two expensive modify() and object lookups
   if( order.deferred_fee > 0 )
      modify( seller.statistics(*this), [&]( account_statistics_object& statistics )
         statistics.pay_fee( order.deferred_fee, get_global_properties().parameters.cashback_vesting_threshold );
      } );

   if( pays == order.amount_for_sale() )
      remove( order );
      return true;
      modify( order, [&]( limit_order_object& b ) {
                             b.for_sale -= pays.amount;
                             b.deferred_fee = 0;
       *  There are times when the AMOUNT_FOR_SALE * SALE_PRICE == 0 which means that we
       *  have hit the limit where the seller is asking for nothing in return.  When this
       *  happens we must refund any balance back to the seller, it is too small to be
       *  sold at the sale price.
      if( order.amount_to_receive().amount == 0 )
         return true;
      return false;
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (order)(pays)(receives) ) }
Exemplo n.º 7
bool database::fill_order( const limit_order_object& order, const asset& pays, const asset& receives, bool cull_if_small )
{ try {
   cull_if_small |= (head_block_time() < HARDFORK_555_TIME);

   FC_ASSERT( order.amount_for_sale().asset_id == pays.asset_id );
   FC_ASSERT( pays.asset_id != receives.asset_id );

   const account_object& seller = order.seller(*this);
   const asset_object& recv_asset = receives.asset_id(*this);

   auto issuer_fees = pay_market_fees( recv_asset, receives );
   pay_order( seller, receives - issuer_fees, pays );

   assert( pays.asset_id != receives.asset_id );
   push_applied_operation( fill_order_operation( order.id, order.seller, pays, receives, issuer_fees ) );

   // conditional because cheap integer comparison may allow us to avoid two expensive modify() and object lookups
   if( order.deferred_fee > 0 )
      modify( seller.statistics(*this), [&]( account_statistics_object& statistics )
         statistics.pay_fee( order.deferred_fee, get_global_properties().parameters.cashback_vesting_threshold );
      } );

   if( pays == order.amount_for_sale() )
      remove( order );
      return true;
      modify( order, [&]( limit_order_object& b ) {
                             b.for_sale -= pays.amount;
                             b.deferred_fee = 0;
      if( cull_if_small )
         return maybe_cull_small_order( *this, order );
      return false;
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (order)(pays)(receives) ) }
Exemplo n.º 8
bool database::fill_order( const limit_order_object& order, const asset& pays, const asset& receives )
   assert( order.amount_for_sale().asset_id == pays.asset_id );
   assert( pays.asset_id != receives.asset_id );

   const account_object& seller = order.seller(*this);
   const asset_object& recv_asset = receives.asset_id(*this);

   auto issuer_fees = pay_market_fees( recv_asset, receives );
   pay_order( seller, receives - issuer_fees, pays );

   assert( pays.asset_id != receives.asset_id );
   push_applied_operation( fill_order_operation( order.id, order.seller, pays, receives, issuer_fees ) );

   if( pays == order.amount_for_sale() )
      remove( order );
      return true;
      modify( order, [&]( limit_order_object& b ) {
                             b.for_sale -= pays.amount;
       *  There are times when the AMOUNT_FOR_SALE * SALE_PRICE == 0 which means that we
       *  have hit the limit where the seller is asking for nothing in return.  When this
       *  happens we must refund any balance back to the seller, it is too small to be
       *  sold at the sale price.
      if( order.amount_to_receive().amount == 0 )
         return true;
      return false;