void Foam::pointToPointPlanarInterpolation::calcWeights
    const pointField& sourcePoints,
    const pointField& destPoints
    tmp<vectorField> tlocalVertices
    vectorField& localVertices = tlocalVertices();

    const boundBox bb(localVertices, true);
    const point bbMid(bb.midpoint());

    if (debug)
        Info<< "pointToPointPlanarInterpolation::readData :"
            << " Perturbing points with " << perturb_
            << " fraction of a random position inside " << bb
            << " to break any ties on regular meshes."
            << nl << endl;

    Random rndGen(123456);
    forAll(localVertices, i)
        localVertices[i] +=
           *(rndGen.position(bb.min(), bb.max())-bbMid);
void timeVaryingMappedFixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::readSamplePoints()
    // Read the sample points

    pointIOField samplePoints

    const fileName samplePointsFile = samplePoints.filePath();

    if (debug)
        Info<< "timeVaryingMappedFixedValueFvPatchField :"
            << " Read " << samplePoints.size() << " sample points from "
            << samplePointsFile << endl;

    // Determine coordinate system from samplePoints

    if (samplePoints.size() < 3)
        )   << "Only " << samplePoints.size() << " points read from file "
            << samplePoints.objectPath() << nl
            << "Need at least three non-colinear samplePoints"
            << " to be able to interpolate."
            << "\n    on patch " << this->patch().name()
            << " of points " << samplePoints.name()
            << " in file " << samplePoints.objectPath()
            << exit(FatalError);

    const point& p0 = samplePoints[0];

    // Find furthest away point
    vector e1;
    label index1 = -1;
    scalar maxDist = -GREAT;

    for (label i = 1; i < samplePoints.size(); i++)
        const vector d = samplePoints[i] - p0;
        scalar magD = mag(d);

        if (magD > maxDist)
            e1 = d/magD;
            index1 = i;
            maxDist = magD;
    // Find point that is furthest away from line p0-p1
    const point& p1 = samplePoints[index1];

    label index2 = -1;
    maxDist = -GREAT;
    for (label i = 1; i < samplePoints.size(); i++)
        if (i != index1)
            const point& p2 = samplePoints[i];
            vector e2(p2 - p0);
            e2 -= (e2&e1)*e1;
            scalar magE2 = mag(e2);

            if (magE2 > maxDist)
                index2 = i;
                maxDist = magE2;
    if (index2 == -1)
        )   << "Cannot find points that make valid normal." << nl
            << "Have so far points " << p0 << " and " << p1
            << "Need at least three sample points which are not in a line."
            << "\n    on patch " << this->patch().name()
            << " of points " << samplePoints.name()
            << " in file " << samplePoints.objectPath()
            << exit(FatalError);

    vector n = e1^(samplePoints[index2]-p0);
    n /= mag(n);

    if (debug)
        Info<< "timeVaryingMappedFixedValueFvPatchField :"
            << " Used points " << p0 << ' ' << samplePoints[index1]
            << ' ' << samplePoints[index2]
            << " to define coordinate system with normal " << n << endl;

        new coordinateSystem
            p0,  // origin
            n,   // normal
            e1   // 0-axis

    tmp<vectorField> tlocalVertices
    vectorField& localVertices = tlocalVertices();

    const boundBox bb(localVertices, true);
    const point bbMid(bb.midpoint());

    if (debug)
        Info<< "timeVaryingMappedFixedValueFvPatchField :"
            << " Perturbing points with " << perturb_
            << " fraction of a random position inside " << bb
            << " to break any ties on regular meshes."
            << nl << endl;

    Random rndGen(123456);
    forAll(localVertices, i)
        localVertices[i] +=
           *(rndGen.position(bb.min(), bb.max())-bbMid);