Exemplo n.º 1
all_gather_impl(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, int n, 
                T* out_values, int const* sizes, int const* skips, mpl::false_)
  int nproc = comm.size();
  // first, gather all size, these size can be different for
  // each process
  packed_oarchive oa(comm);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    oa << in_values[i];
  std::vector<int> oasizes(nproc);
  int oasize = oa.size();
                         (&oasize, 1, MPI_INTEGER,
                          c_data(oasizes), 1, MPI_INTEGER, 
  // Gather the archives, which can be of different sizes, so
  // we need to use allgatherv.
  // Every thing is contiguous, so the offsets can be
  // deduced from the collected sizes.
  std::vector<int> offsets(nproc);
  sizes2offsets(oasizes, offsets);
  packed_iarchive::buffer_type recv_buffer(std::accumulate(oasizes.begin(), oasizes.end(), 0));
                         (const_cast<void*>(oa.address()), int(oa.size()), MPI_BYTE,
                          c_data(recv_buffer), c_data(oasizes), c_data(offsets), MPI_BYTE, 
  for (int src = 0; src < nproc; ++src) {
    int nb   = sizes ? sizes[src] : n;
    int skip = skips ? skips[src] : 0;
    std::advance(out_values, skip);
    if (src == comm.rank()) { // this is our local data
      for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
        *out_values++ = *in_values++;
    } else {
      packed_iarchive ia(comm,  recv_buffer, boost::archive::no_header, offsets[src]);
      for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
        ia >> *out_values++;
Exemplo n.º 2
  upper_lower_scan(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, int n,
                   T* out_values, Op& op, int lower, int upper)
    int tag = environment::collectives_tag();
    int rank = comm.rank();

    if (lower + 1 == upper) {
      std::copy(in_values, in_values + n, out_values);
    } else {
      int middle = (lower + upper) / 2;
      if (rank < middle) {
        // Lower half
        upper_lower_scan(comm, in_values, n, out_values, op, lower, middle);

        // If we're the last process in the lower half, send our values
        // to everyone in the upper half.
        if (rank == middle - 1) {
          packed_oarchive oa(comm);
          for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            oa << out_values[i];

          for (int p = middle; p < upper; ++p)
            comm.send(p, tag, oa);
      } else {
        // Upper half
        upper_lower_scan(comm, in_values, n, out_values, op, middle, upper);

        // Receive value from the last process in the lower half.
        packed_iarchive ia(comm);
        comm.recv(middle - 1, tag, ia);

        // Combine value that came from the left with our value
        T left_value;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            ia >> left_value;
            out_values[i] = op(left_value, out_values[i]);
Exemplo n.º 3
  tree_reduce_impl(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, int n,
                   T* out_values, Op op, int root, 
                   mpl::true_ /*is_commutative*/)
    std::copy(in_values, in_values + n, out_values);

    int size = comm.size();
    int rank = comm.rank();

    // The computation tree we will use.
    detail::computation_tree tree(rank, size, root);

    int tag = environment::collectives_tag();

    MPI_Status status;
    int children = 0;
    for (int child = tree.child_begin();
         children < tree.branching_factor() && child != root;
         ++children, child = (child + 1) % size) {
      // Receive archive
      packed_iarchive ia(comm);
      detail::packed_archive_recv(comm, child, tag, ia, status);

      T incoming;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        ia >> incoming;
        out_values[i] = op(out_values[i], incoming);

    // For non-roots, send the result to the parent.
    if (tree.parent() != rank) {
      packed_oarchive oa(comm);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        oa << out_values[i];
      detail::packed_archive_send(comm, tree.parent(), tag, oa);
Exemplo n.º 4
    void fireParameterChanged(const ParameterList& pl)
        double delta = getParameterValue("delta");
        double tau = getParameterValue("tau");
        double lambda = getParameterValue("lambda");

        //double sigma = getParameterValue("sigma");


        double y=-(model_pointer->calculate_pun());
        if (world.rank()==0) {
	  cout <<endl<< "delta=" << delta << "\t tau=" << tau << "\t lambda=" << lambda << "\t ll=" << -y <<endl;
        fval_ = y;
Exemplo n.º 5
 template <typename T> std::vector<T> mpi_gather(std::vector<T> const &a, communicator c, int root, bool all, std::true_type) {
  long size = mpi_reduce(a.size(), c, root, all);
  std::vector<T> b((all || (c.rank() == root) ? size : 0));

  auto recvcounts = std::vector<int>(c.size());
  auto displs = std::vector<int>(c.size() + 1, 0);
  int sendcount = a.size();
  auto mpi_ty = mpi::mpi_datatype<int>();
  if (!all)
   MPI_Gather(&sendcount, 1, mpi_ty, &recvcounts[0], 1, mpi_ty, root, c.get());
   MPI_Allgather(&sendcount, 1, mpi_ty, &recvcounts[0], 1, mpi_ty, c.get());

  for (int r = 0; r < c.size(); ++r) displs[r + 1] = recvcounts[r] + displs[r];

  if (!all)
   MPI_Gatherv((void *)a.data(), sendcount, mpi_datatype<T>(), (void *)b.data(), &recvcounts[0], &displs[0], mpi_datatype<T>(),
               root, c.get());
   MPI_Allgatherv((void *)a.data(), sendcount, mpi_datatype<T>(), (void *)b.data(), &recvcounts[0], &displs[0], mpi_datatype<T>(),

  return b;
Exemplo n.º 6
ring_test(const communicator& comm, const T& pass_value, const char* kind,
          int root = 0)
  T transferred_value;

  int rank = comm.rank();
  int size = comm.size();

  if (rank == root) {
    std::cout << "Passing " << kind << " around a ring from root " << root
              << "...";
    comm.send((rank + 1) % size, 0, pass_value);
    comm.recv((rank + size - 1) % size, 0, transferred_value);
    BOOST_CHECK(transferred_value == pass_value);
    if (transferred_value == pass_value) std::cout << " OK." << std::endl;
  } else {
    comm.recv((rank + size - 1) % size, 0, transferred_value);
    BOOST_CHECK(transferred_value == pass_value);
    comm.send((rank + 1) % size, 0, transferred_value);

Exemplo n.º 7
test_skeleton_and_content(const communicator& comm, int root = 0)
  using boost::mpi::content;
  using boost::mpi::get_content;
  using boost::make_counting_iterator;
  using boost::mpi::broadcast;

  typedef std::list<int>::iterator iterator;

  int list_size = comm.size() + 7;
  if (comm.rank() == root) {
    // Fill in the seed data
    std::list<int> original_list;
    for (int i = 0; i < list_size; ++i)

    // Build up the skeleton
    packed_skeleton_oarchive oa(comm);
    oa << original_list;

    // Broadcast the skeleton
    std::cout << "Broadcasting integer list skeleton from root " << root
              << "...";
    broadcast(comm, oa, root);
    std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;

    // Broadcast the content
    std::cout << "Broadcasting integer list content from root " << root
              << "...";
      content c = get_content(original_list);
      broadcast(comm, c, root);
    std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;

    // Reverse the list, broadcast the content again
    std::reverse(original_list.begin(), original_list.end());
    std::cout << "Broadcasting reversed integer list content from root "
              << root << "...";
      content c = get_content(original_list);
      broadcast(comm, c, root);
    std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;
  } else {
    // Allocate some useless data, to try to get the addresses of the
    // list<int>'s used later to be different across processes.
    std::list<int> junk_list(comm.rank() * 3 + 1, 17);

    // Receive the skeleton
    packed_skeleton_iarchive ia(comm);
    broadcast(comm, ia, root);

    // Build up a list to match the skeleton, and make sure it has the
    // right structure (we have no idea what the data will be).
    std::list<int> transferred_list;
    ia >> transferred_list;
    BOOST_CHECK((int)transferred_list.size() == list_size);

    // Receive the content and check it
    broadcast(comm, get_content(transferred_list), root);

    // Receive the reversed content and check it
    broadcast(comm, get_content(transferred_list), root);

Exemplo n.º 8
nonblocking_test(const communicator& comm, const T* values, int num_values, 
                 const char* kind, method_kind method = mk_all)
  using boost::mpi::wait_any;
  using boost::mpi::test_any;
  using boost::mpi::wait_all;
  using boost::mpi::test_all;
  using boost::mpi::wait_some;
  using boost::mpi::test_some;

  if (method == mk_all || method == mk_all_except_test_all) {
    nonblocking_test(comm, values, num_values, kind, mk_wait_any);
    nonblocking_test(comm, values, num_values, kind, mk_test_any);
    nonblocking_test(comm, values, num_values, kind, mk_wait_all);
    nonblocking_test(comm, values, num_values, kind, mk_wait_all_keep);
    if (method == mk_all) {
      nonblocking_test(comm, values, num_values, kind, mk_test_all);
      nonblocking_test(comm, values, num_values, kind, mk_test_all_keep);
    nonblocking_test(comm, values, num_values, kind, mk_wait_some);
    nonblocking_test(comm, values, num_values, kind, mk_wait_some_keep);
    nonblocking_test(comm, values, num_values, kind, mk_test_some);
    nonblocking_test(comm, values, num_values, kind, mk_test_some_keep);
  } else {
    if (comm.rank() == 0) {
      std::cout << "Testing " << method_kind_names[method] 
                << " with " << kind << "...";

    typedef std::pair<status, std::vector<request>::iterator> 

    T incoming_value;
    std::vector<T> incoming_values(num_values);

    std::vector<request> reqs;
    // Send/receive the first value
    reqs.push_back(comm.isend((comm.rank() + 1) % comm.size(), 0, values[0]));
    reqs.push_back(comm.irecv((comm.rank() + comm.size() - 1) % comm.size(),
                              0, incoming_value));

    if (method != mk_wait_any && method != mk_test_any) {
#ifndef LAM_MPI
      // We've run into problems here (with 0-length messages) with
      // LAM/MPI on Mac OS X and x86-86 Linux. Will investigate
      // further at a later time, but the problem only seems to occur
      // when using shared memory, not TCP.

      // Send/receive an empty message
      reqs.push_back(comm.isend((comm.rank() + 1) % comm.size(), 1));
      reqs.push_back(comm.irecv((comm.rank() + comm.size() - 1) % comm.size(),

      // Send/receive an array
      reqs.push_back(comm.isend((comm.rank() + 1) % comm.size(), 2, values,
      reqs.push_back(comm.irecv((comm.rank() + comm.size() - 1) % comm.size(),
                                2, &incoming_values.front(), num_values));

    switch (method) {
    case mk_wait_any:
      if (wait_any(reqs.begin(), reqs.end()).second == reqs.begin())

    case mk_test_any:
        boost::optional<status_iterator_pair> result;
        do {
          result = test_any(reqs.begin(), reqs.end());
        } while (!result);
        if (result->second == reqs.begin())

    case mk_wait_all:
      wait_all(reqs.begin(), reqs.end());

    case mk_wait_all_keep:
        std::vector<status> stats;
        wait_all(reqs.begin(), reqs.end(), std::back_inserter(stats));

    case mk_test_all:
      while (!test_all(reqs.begin(), reqs.end())) { /* Busy wait */ }

    case mk_test_all_keep:
        std::vector<status> stats;
        while (!test_all(reqs.begin(), reqs.end(), std::back_inserter(stats)))
          /* Busy wait */;

    case mk_wait_some:
        std::vector<request>::iterator pos = reqs.end();
        do {
          pos = wait_some(reqs.begin(), pos);
        } while (pos != reqs.begin());

    case mk_wait_some_keep:
        std::vector<status> stats;
        std::vector<request>::iterator pos = reqs.end();
        do {
          pos = wait_some(reqs.begin(), pos, std::back_inserter(stats)).second;
        } while (pos != reqs.begin());

    case mk_test_some:
        std::vector<request>::iterator pos = reqs.end();
        do {
          pos = test_some(reqs.begin(), pos);
        } while (pos != reqs.begin());

    case mk_test_some_keep:
        std::vector<status> stats;
        std::vector<request>::iterator pos = reqs.end();
        do {
          pos = test_some(reqs.begin(), pos, std::back_inserter(stats)).second;
        } while (pos != reqs.begin());


    if (comm.rank() == 0) {
      bool okay = true;

      if (!((incoming_value == values[0])))
        okay = false;

      if (method != mk_wait_any && method != mk_test_any
          && !std::equal(incoming_values.begin(), incoming_values.end(),
        okay = false;

      if (okay)
        std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "ERROR!" << std::endl;

    BOOST_CHECK(incoming_value == values[0]);

    if (method != mk_wait_any && method != mk_test_any)
      BOOST_CHECK(std::equal(incoming_values.begin(), incoming_values.end(),
Exemplo n.º 9
void scatterv(const communicator& comm, T* out_values, int out_size, int root)
  BOOST_ASSERT(comm.rank() != root);
  detail::scatterv_impl(comm, out_values, out_size, root, is_mpi_datatype<T>());
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: mpi.hpp Projeto: TRIQS/triqs
   * Function to chunk a range, distributing it uniformly over all MPI ranks.
   * @tparam T The type of the range
   * @param range The range to chunk
   * @param comm The mpi communicator
 template <typename T> auto chunk(T &&range, communicator comm = {}) {
   auto total_size           = std::distance(std::cbegin(range), std::cend(range));
   auto [start_idx, end_idx] = itertools::chunk_range(0, total_size, comm.size(), comm.rank());
   return itertools::slice(std::forward<T>(range), start_idx, end_idx);
Exemplo n.º 11
void gather(const communicator& comm, const T& in_value, int root)
  BOOST_ASSERT(comm.rank() != root);
  detail::gather_impl(comm, &in_value, 1, root, is_mpi_datatype<T>());
Exemplo n.º 12
 void mpi_reduce_in_place(std::vector<T> &a, communicator c, int root, bool all, MPI_Op op, std::true_type) {
  if (!all)
   MPI_Reduce((c.rank() == root ? MPI_IN_PLACE : a.data()), a.data(), a.size(), mpi_datatype<T>(), op, root, c.get());
   MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, a.data(), a.size(), mpi_datatype<T>(), op, c.get());
Exemplo n.º 13
 template <typename T> void mpi_broadcast(std::vector<T> &v, communicator c, int root, std::false_type) {
  size_t s = v.size();
  mpi_broadcast(s, c, root);
  if (c.rank() != root) v.resize(s);
  for (auto &x : v) mpi_broadcast(x, c, root);
Exemplo n.º 14
 template <typename T> void mpi_broadcast(std::vector<T> &a, communicator c, int root, std::true_type) {
  size_t s = a.size();
  mpi_broadcast(s, c, root);
  if (c.rank() != root) a.resize(s);
  MPI_Bcast(a.data(), a.size(), mpi_datatype<T>(), root, c.get());
Exemplo n.º 15
test_skeleton_and_content(const communicator& comm, int root,
                          bool manual_broadcast)
    using boost::mpi::skeleton;
    using boost::mpi::content;
    using boost::mpi::get_content;
    using boost::make_counting_iterator;
    using boost::mpi::broadcast;

    int list_size = comm.size() + 7;
    if (comm.rank() == root) {
        // Fill in the seed data
        std::list<int> original_list;
        for (int i = 0; i < list_size; ++i)

        std::cout << "Broadcasting integer list skeleton from root " << root
                  << "...";
        if (manual_broadcast) {
            // Broadcast the skeleton (manually)
            for (int p = 0; p < comm.size(); ++p)
                if (p != root) comm.send(p, 0, skeleton(original_list));
        } else {
            broadcast(comm, skeleton(original_list), root);
        std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;

        // Broadcast the content (manually)
        std::cout << "Broadcasting integer list content from root " << root
                  << "...";
            content c = get_content(original_list);
            for (int p = 0; p < comm.size(); ++p)
                if (p != root) comm.send(p, 1, c);
        std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;

        // Reverse the list, broadcast the content again
        std::reverse(original_list.begin(), original_list.end());
        std::cout << "Broadcasting reversed integer list content from root "
                  << root << "...";
            content c = get_content(original_list);
            for (int p = 0; p < comm.size(); ++p)
                if (p != root) comm.send(p, 2, c);
        std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;
    } else {
        // Allocate some useless data, to try to get the addresses of the
        // list<int>'s used later to be different across processes.
        std::list<int> junk_list(comm.rank() * 3 + 1, 17);

        // Receive the skeleton to build up the transferred list
        std::list<int> transferred_list;
        if (manual_broadcast) {
            comm.recv(root, 0, skeleton(transferred_list));
        } else {
            broadcast(comm, skeleton(transferred_list), root);
        BOOST_CHECK((int)transferred_list.size() == list_size);

        // Receive the content and check it
        comm.recv(root, 1, get_content(transferred_list));

        // Receive the reversed content and check it
        comm.recv(root, 2, get_content(transferred_list));

Exemplo n.º 16
 static void reduce_in_place(communicator c, A &a, int root) {
     // assume arrays have the same size on all nodes...
     MPI_Reduce((c.rank() == root ? MPI_IN_PLACE : a), a.data_start(), a.domain().number_of_elements(), D(), MPI_SUM, root, c.get());
Exemplo n.º 17
  all_to_all_impl(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, int n,
                  T* out_values, mpl::false_)
    int size = comm.size();
    int rank = comm.rank();

    // The amount of data to be sent to each process
    std::vector<int> send_sizes(size);

    // The displacements for each outgoing value.
    std::vector<int> send_disps(size);

    // The buffer that will store all of the outgoing values
    std::vector<char, allocator<char> > outgoing;

    // Pack the buffer with all of the outgoing values.
    for (int dest = 0; dest < size; ++dest) {
      // Keep track of the displacements
      send_disps[dest] = outgoing.size();

      // Our own value will never be transmitted, so don't pack it.
      if (dest != rank) {
        packed_oarchive oa(comm, outgoing);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          oa << in_values[dest * n + i];

      // Keep track of the sizes
      send_sizes[dest] = outgoing.size() - send_disps[dest];

    // Determine how much data each process will receive.
    std::vector<int> recv_sizes(size);
    all_to_all(comm, send_sizes, recv_sizes);

    // Prepare a buffer to receive the incoming data.
    std::vector<int> recv_disps(size);
    int sum = 0;
    for (int src = 0; src < size; ++src) {
      recv_disps[src] = sum;
      sum += recv_sizes[src];
    std::vector<char, allocator<char> > incoming(sum > 0? sum : 1);

    // Make sure we don't try to reference an empty vector
    if (outgoing.empty())

    // Transmit the actual data
                           (&outgoing[0], &send_sizes[0],
                            &send_disps[0], MPI_PACKED,
                            &incoming[0], &recv_sizes[0],
                            &recv_disps[0], MPI_PACKED,

    // Deserialize data from the iarchive
    for (int src = 0; src < size; ++src) {
      if (src == rank) 
        std::copy(in_values + src * n, in_values + (src + 1) * n, 
                  out_values + src * n);
      else {
        packed_iarchive ia(comm, incoming, boost::archive::no_header,
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          ia >> out_values[src * n + i];