Exemplo n.º 1
void Problem::readLastVectorALETimeAdvance ( vectorPtr_Type fluidDisp,
                                             const std::string loadInitSol)
    using namespace LifeV;

    typedef FSIOperator::mesh_Type        mesh_Type;

    //We still need to load the last vector for ALE
    std::string iterationString = loadInitSol;
    fluidDisp.reset (new vector_Type (M_fsi->FSIOper()->mmFESpace().map(), LifeV::Unique) );

    //Setting the exporterData to read: ALE problem
    LifeV::ExporterData<mesh_Type> initSolFluidDisp  (LifeV::ExporterData<mesh_Type>::VectorField, "f-displacement." + iterationString, M_fsi->FSIOper()->mmFESpacePtr(), fluidDisp, UInt (0), LifeV::ExporterData<mesh_Type>::UnsteadyRegime );

    *fluidDisp *= 0.0;

    M_importerFluid->readVariable (initSolFluidDisp); //Fluid df

    std::cout << "Norm of the df " << fluidDisp->norm2() << std::endl;

    //This is ugly but it's the only way I have figured out at the moment
    if ( M_data->method().compare ("monolithicGI") == 0 )
        //Don't be scared by the ten. The goal of 10 is just to make the first if fail
        M_fsi->FSIOper()->setALEVectorInStencil ( fluidDisp, 10, true );

    //Setting the vector in the stencil
    M_fsi->FSIOper()->ALETimeAdvance()->shiftRight ( *fluidDisp );
Exemplo n.º 2
void Problem::initializeWithVectors ( void )

    using namespace LifeV;
    // vectors to store the solutions we want.
    vectorPtr_Type vel;
    vectorPtr_Type pressure;
    vectorPtr_Type solidDisp;
    vectorPtr_Type fluidDisp;

    vel.reset (new vector_Type (M_fsi->FSIOper()->uFESpace().map(), LifeV::Unique) );
    pressure.reset (new vector_Type (M_fsi->FSIOper()->pFESpace().map(), LifeV::Unique) );
    solidDisp.reset (new vector_Type (M_fsi->FSIOper()->dFESpace().map(), LifeV::Unique) );
    fluidDisp.reset (new vector_Type (M_fsi->FSIOper()->mmFESpace().map(), LifeV::Unique) );

    // In this case we want to initialize only the pressure
    M_fsi->FSIOper()->pFESpacePtr()->interpolate ( static_cast<FESpace<RegionMesh<LinearTetra>, MapEpetra> ::function_Type> ( pressureInitial ), *pressure, 0.0 );

    *vel *= 0.0;
    *solidDisp *= 0.0;
    *fluidDisp *= 0.0;

    UInt iterInit;

    // Filling the stencils
    for (iterInit = 0; iterInit < M_fsi->FSIOper()->fluidTimeAdvance()->size(); iterInit++ )
        //We send the vectors to the FSIMonolithic class using the interface of FSIOper
        M_fsi->FSIOper()->setVectorInStencils (vel, pressure, solidDisp, iterInit );

    // This was in readLastVectorSolidStencil
    M_fsi->FSIOper()->setSolidVectorInStencil ( solidDisp, iterInit );

    // Ale part
    for (iterInit = 0; iterInit < M_fsi->FSIOper()->ALETimeAdvance()->size(); iterInit++ )
        //Setting the vector in the stencil
        M_fsi->FSIOper()->setALEVectorInStencil ( fluidDisp, iterInit, false );

    //Initializing the vector for the RHS terms of the formulas

    // This was read the last vector from ALE
    //This is ugly but it's the only way I have figured out at the moment
    if ( M_data->method().compare ("monolithicGI") == 0 )
        //Don't be scared by the ten. The goal of 10 is just to make the first if fail
        M_fsi->FSIOper()->setALEVectorInStencil ( fluidDisp, 10, true );

    //Setting the vector in the stencil
    M_fsi->FSIOper()->ALETimeAdvance()->shiftRight ( *fluidDisp );

Exemplo n.º 3
// ===================================================
// Methods
// ===================================================
FSISolver::setData( const dataPtr_Type& data )
    M_data = data;

    int rank, numtasks;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numtasks);

    bool fluid = false;
    bool solid = false;

    int  fluidLeader(0);
    int  solidLeader(0);

    if ( ( data->method().compare("monolithicGE") && data->method().compare("monolithicGI") ) )
        MPI_Group  originGroup, newGroup;
        MPI_Comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &originGroup);

        if ( numtasks == 1 )
            std::cout << "Serial Fluid/Structure computation" << std::endl;
            fluid = true;
            solid = true;
            solidLeader = 0;
            fluidLeader = solidLeader;

            M_epetraWorldComm.reset( new Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD));
            M_epetraComm = M_epetraWorldComm;
            std::vector<int> members(numtasks);

            solidLeader = 0;
            fluidLeader = 1-solidLeader;

            if (rank == solidLeader)
                members[0] = solidLeader;
                /* int ierr = */
                MPI_Group_incl(originGroup, 1, &members[0], &newGroup);
                solid = true;
                for (Int ii = 0; ii <= numtasks; ++ii)
                    if ( ii < solidLeader)
                        members[ii] = ii;
                    else if ( ii > solidLeader)
                        members[ii - 1] = ii;

                /* int ierr = */ MPI_Group_incl(originGroup, numtasks - 1, &members[0], &newGroup);
                fluid = true;

            MPI_Comm* localComm = new MPI_Comm;
            MPI_Comm_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, newGroup, localComm);

            M_epetraComm.reset(new Epetra_MpiComm(*M_localComm.get()));
            M_epetraWorldComm.reset(new Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD));
    else // Monolithic or FullMonolithic
        fluid = true;
        solid = true;
        solidLeader = 0;
        fluidLeader = solidLeader;

        M_epetraWorldComm.reset( new Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD));
        M_epetraComm = M_epetraWorldComm;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if ( fluid )
        debugStream(6220) << M_epetraComm->MyPID()
        << " ( " << rank << " ) "
        << " out of " << M_epetraComm->NumProc()
        << " ( " << numtasks << " ) "
        << " is fluid." << std::endl;
    if ( solid )
        debugStream(6220) << M_epetraComm->MyPID()
        << " ( " << rank << " ) "
        << " out of " << M_epetraComm->NumProc()
        << " ( " << numtasks << " ) "
        << " is solid." << std::endl;


    if (solid)
        std::cout << "fluid: Building the intercommunicators ... " << std::flush;
        MPI_Comm* interComm = new MPI_Comm;
        Int ierr = MPI_Intercomm_create(*M_localComm, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, 1, interComm);
        std::cout << ierr << std::endl;

    if (fluid)
        std::cout << "solid: Building the intercommunicators ... " << std::flush;
        MPI_Comm* interComm = new MPI_Comm;
        Int ierr =  MPI_Intercomm_create(*M_localComm, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0, 1, interComm);
        std::cout << ierr << std::endl;

    std::cout << M_interComm.get() << std::endl;


    std::cout << "done." << std::endl;


    this->setFSI( );

    M_oper->setFluid( fluid );
    M_oper->setSolid( solid );

    M_oper->setFluidLeader( fluidLeader );
    M_oper->setSolidLeader( solidLeader );

    M_oper->setComm( M_epetraComm, M_epetraWorldComm );

    // opening files for output on the leader only
    if (M_epetraWorldComm->MyPID() == 0)
        M_out_res .open("res");


#ifdef DEBUG
    debugStream( 6220 ) << "FSISolver constructor ends\n";

//@     M_lambda.resize(M_oper->displacement().size());
//@     M_lambdaDot.resize(M_oper->velocity().size());

//     M_lambda   = ZeroVector( M_lambda.size() );
//     M_lambdaDot   = ZeroVector( M_lambdaDot.size() );

//     debugStream( 6220 ) << "FSISolver::M_lambda: " << M_lambda.size() << "\n";
//     debugStream( 6220 ) << "FSISolver::M_lambdaDot: " << M_lambdaDot.size() << "\n";

    M_oper->setData( data );