Exemplo n.º 1
bool fullMatrix<double>::invert(fullMatrix<double> &result) const
  int M = size1(), N = size2(), lda = size1(), info;
  int *ipiv = new int[std::min(M, N)];
  if (result.size2() != M || result.size1() != N) {
    if (result._own_data || !result._data)
      Msg::Fatal("FullMatrix: Bad dimension, I cannot write in proxy");
  F77NAME(dgetrf)(&M, &N, result._data, &lda, ipiv, &info);
  if(info == 0){
    int lwork = M * 4;
    double *work = new double[lwork];
    F77NAME(dgetri)(&M, result._data, &lda, ipiv, work, &lwork, &info);
    delete [] work;
  delete [] ipiv;
  if(info == 0) return true;
  else if(info > 0)
    Msg::Error("U(%d,%d)=0 in matrix inversion", info, info);
    Msg::Error("Wrong %d-th argument in matrix inversion", -info);
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
void LagMultTerm::get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP,
                      fullMatrix<double> &m) const
  int nbFF1 = BilinearTerm<SVector3, SVector3>::space1.getNumKeys(
    ele); // nbVertices*nbcomp of parent
  int nbFF2 = BilinearTerm<SVector3, SVector3>::space2.getNumKeys(
    ele); // nbVertices of boundary
  double jac[3][3];
  m.resize(nbFF1, nbFF2);
  for(int i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
    double u = GP[i].pt[0];
    double v = GP[i].pt[1];
    double w = GP[i].pt[2];
    const double weight = GP[i].weight;
    const double detJ = ele->getJacobian(u, v, w, jac);
    std::vector<TensorialTraits<SVector3>::ValType> Vals;
    std::vector<TensorialTraits<SVector3>::ValType> ValsT;
    BilinearTerm<SVector3, SVector3>::space1.f(ele, u, v, w, Vals);
    BilinearTerm<SVector3, SVector3>::space2.f(ele, u, v, w, ValsT);
    for(int j = 0; j < nbFF1; j++) {
      for(int k = 0; k < nbFF2; k++) {
        m(j, k) += _eqfac * dot(Vals[j], ValsT[k]) * weight * detJ;
Exemplo n.º 3
void fullMatrix<double>::multOnBlock(const fullMatrix<double> &b, const int ncol, const int fcol, const int alpha_, const int beta_, fullVector<double> &c) const
  int M = 1, N = ncol, K = b.size1() ;
  int LDA = _r, LDB = b.size1(), LDC = 1;
  double alpha = alpha_, beta = beta_;
  F77NAME(dgemm)("N", "N", &M, &N, &K, &alpha, _data, &LDA, &(b._data[fcol*K]), &LDB,
                 &beta, &(c._data[fcol]), &LDC);
Exemplo n.º 4
void fullMatrix<double>::mult(const fullMatrix<double> &b, fullMatrix<double> &c) const
  int M = c.size1(), N = c.size2(), K = _c;
  int LDA = _r, LDB = b.size1(), LDC = c.size1();
  double alpha = 1., beta = 0.;
  F77NAME(dgemm)("N", "N", &M, &N, &K, &alpha, _data, &LDA, b._data, &LDB,
                 &beta, c._data, &LDC);
Exemplo n.º 5
void fullMatrix<double>::gemm(const fullMatrix<double> &a, const fullMatrix<double> &b,
                              double alpha, double beta, bool transposeA, bool transposeB)
  int M = size1(), N = size2(), K = transposeA ? a.size1() : a.size2();
  int LDA = a.size1(), LDB = b.size1(), LDC = size1();
  F77NAME(dgemm)(transposeA ? "T" : "N", transposeB ? "T" :"N", &M, &N, &K, &alpha, a._data, &LDA, b._data, &LDB,
                 &beta, _data, &LDC);
Exemplo n.º 6
void PViewFactory::setEntry (int id, const fullMatrix<double> &val)
  std::vector<double> &vv = _values[id];
  int k=0;
  for (int i=0;i<val.size1(); i++) {
    for (int j=0;j<val.size2(); j++) {
      vv[k++] = val(i,j);
Exemplo n.º 7
template<class T2> void BilinearTermContract<T2>::get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullMatrix<double> &m) const
  fullVector<T2> va;
  fullVector<T2> vb;
  m.resize(va.size(), vb.size());
  for (int i=0;i<va.size();++i)
    for (int j=0;j<vb.size();++j)
Exemplo n.º 8
bool fullMatrix<double>::svd(fullMatrix<double> &V, fullVector<double> &S)
  fullMatrix<double> VT(V.size2(), V.size1());
  int M = size1(), N = size2(), LDA = size1(), LDVT = VT.size1(), info;
  int lwork = std::max(3 * std::min(M, N) + std::max(M, N), 5 * std::min(M, N));
  fullVector<double> WORK(lwork);
  F77NAME(dgesvd)("O", "A", &M, &N, _data, &LDA, S._data, _data, &LDA,
                  VT._data, &LDVT, WORK._data, &lwork, &info);
  V = VT.transpose();
  if(info == 0) return true;
  if(info > 0)
    Msg::Error("SVD did not converge");
    Msg::Error("Wrong %d-th argument in SVD decomposition", -info);
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
void polynomialBasis::df(const fullMatrix<double> &coord,
                         fullMatrix<double> &dfm) const
  double dfv[1256][3];
  dfm.resize(coord.size1() * 3, coefficients.size1(), false);
  int dimCoord = coord.size2();
  for(int iPoint = 0; iPoint < coord.size1(); iPoint++) {
    df(coord(iPoint, 0), dimCoord > 1 ? coord(iPoint, 1) : 0.,
       dimCoord > 2 ? coord(iPoint, 2) : 0., dfv);
    for(int i = 0; i < coefficients.size1(); i++) {
      dfm(iPoint * 3 + 0, i) = dfv[i][0];
      dfm(iPoint * 3 + 1, i) = dfv[i][1];
      dfm(iPoint * 3 + 2, i) = dfv[i][2];
Exemplo n.º 10
void polynomialBasis::f(const fullMatrix<double> &coord,
                        fullMatrix<double> &sf) const
  double p[1256];
  sf.resize(coord.size1(), coefficients.size1());
  for(int iPoint = 0; iPoint < coord.size1(); iPoint++) {
    evaluateMonomials(coord(iPoint, 0),
                      coord.size2() > 1 ? coord(iPoint, 1) : 0,
                      coord.size2() > 2 ? coord(iPoint, 2) : 0, p);
    for(int i = 0; i < coefficients.size1(); i++) {
      sf(iPoint, i) = 0.;
      for(int j = 0; j < coefficients.size2(); j++)
        sf(iPoint, i) += coefficients(i, j) * p[j];
Exemplo n.º 11
void epsRRod(fullVector<double>& xyz, fullMatrix<Complex>& epsR){

  epsR(0, 0) = Complex(epsRRodRe, epsRRodIm);
  epsR(1, 1) = Complex(epsRRodRe, epsRRodIm);
  epsR(2, 2) = Complex(epsRRodRe, epsRRodIm);
Exemplo n.º 12
void nuRRod(fullVector<double>& xyz, fullMatrix<Complex>& nuR){

  nuR(0, 0) = 1;
  nuR(1, 1) = 1;
  nuR(2, 2) = 1;
Exemplo n.º 13
void BilinearTermBase::get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullMatrix<double> &m) const
  std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > mv(npts);
  m.resize(mv[0].size1(), mv[0].size2());
  double jac[3][3];
  for (int k=0;k<npts;k++)
    const double u = GP[k].pt[0]; const double v = GP[k].pt[1]; const double w = GP[k].pt[2];
    const double weight = GP[k].weight; const double detJ = ele->getJacobian(u, v, w, jac);
    const double coeff=weight*detJ;
    for (int i=0;i<mv[k].size1();++i)
      for (int j=0;j<mv[k].size2();++j)
Exemplo n.º 14
void ana(double (*f)(fullVector<double>& xyz),
         const fullMatrix<double>& point,
         fullMatrix<double>& eval){
  // Alloc eval for Scalar Values //
  const size_t nPoint = point.size1();
  eval.resize(nPoint, 1);

  // Loop on point and evaluate f //
  fullVector<double> xyz(3);
  for(size_t i = 0; i < nPoint; i++){
    xyz(0) = point(i, 0);
    xyz(1) = point(i, 1);
    xyz(2) = point(i, 2);

    eval(i, 0) = f(xyz);
Exemplo n.º 15
double l2Norm(const fullMatrix<double>& valA, const fullMatrix<double>& valB){
  const size_t nPoint = valA.size1();
  const size_t    dim = valA.size2();

  double norm = 0;
  double modSquare = 0;

  for(size_t i = 0; i < nPoint; i++){
    modSquare = 0;

    for(size_t j = 0; j < dim; j++)
      modSquare += (valA(i, j) - valB(i, j)) * (valA(i, j) - valB(i, j));

    norm += modSquare;

  return norm = sqrt(norm);
Exemplo n.º 16
void pyramidalBasis::f(const fullMatrix<double> &coord, fullMatrix<double> &sf) const

  const int N = bergot->size(), NPts = coord.size1();

  sf.resize(NPts, N);
  double *fval = new double[N];

  for (int iPt=0; iPt<NPts; iPt++) {
    bergot->f(coord(iPt,0), coord(iPt,1), coord(iPt,2), fval);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      sf(iPt,i) = 0.;
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) sf(iPt,i) += coefficients(i,j)*fval[j];

  delete[] fval;

Exemplo n.º 17
void Quadrature::point(fullMatrix<double>& gC,
                       fullVector<double>& gW){
  gC.resize(1, 1);

  gW(0)    = 1;
  gC(0, 0) = 0;
  gC(0, 1) = 0;
  gC(0, 2) = 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
void solve( const fullMatrix & A, 
              fullMatrix& X, 
              const fullMatrix& Y )
{ // find X s.t. A X = Y using Gausian Elimination with
  // row pivoting -- no scaling this version

  if( A.row != A.col ){
      std::cerr << "solve only works for square matrices\n";

  int i, j, k, n = A.col, m=Y.col;
  double s, pa;

  // initialize X to Y and copy A
  X = Y;
  fullMatrix  B(A);
  // could scale here

  // next do forward elimination and forward solution
  for( i=0; i<n; i++ ){ // clean up the i-th column

    // find the pivot
    k = i;  // row with the pivot
    pa = std::abs(B(i,i));
    for( j=i+1; j<n; j++ )
      if( std::abs(B(j,i)) > pa ){
        pa = std::abs(B(j,i));
        k = j;
    if( pa == 0.0 )
      error( "solve: singular matrix");
    X.swapRows(i,k); // the pivot is now in B(i,i)

    for( j=i+1; j<n; j++ ){ // for each row below row i
      s = B(j,i)/B(i,i);
      for( k=i+1; k<n; k++ ) // modifications that make B(j,i) zero
        B(j,k) -= s*B(i,k);
      for( k=0; k<m; k++ )   // change the rhs too
        X(j,k) -= s*X(i,k);
  // now B is upper triangular

  for( i=n-1; i>=0; i-- ){ // do back solution
    for(j = i+1; j<n; j++ ){
      for( k=0; k<m; k++ )
        X(i,k) -= B(i,j)*X(j,k);
    for( k=0; k<m; k++ )
      X(i,k) /= B(i,i);
Exemplo n.º 19
void pyramidalBasis::df(const fullMatrix<double> &coord, fullMatrix<double> &dfm) const

  const int N = bergot->size(), NPts = coord.size1();

  double (*dfv)[3] = new double[N][3];
  dfm.resize (N, 3*NPts, false);

  for (int iPt=0; iPt<NPts; iPt++) {
    df(coord(iPt,0), coord(iPt,1), coord(iPt,2), dfv);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      dfm(i, 3*iPt) = dfv[i][0];
      dfm(i, 3*iPt+1) = dfv[i][1];
      dfm(i, 3*iPt+2) = dfv[i][2];

  delete[] dfv;

Exemplo n.º 20
template<class T1> void LaplaceTerm<T1, T1>::get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullMatrix<double> &m) const
  int nbFF = BilinearTerm<T1, T1>::space1.getNumKeys(ele);
  double jac[3][3];
  m.resize(nbFF, nbFF);
  for(int i = 0; i < npts; i++){
    const double u = GP[i].pt[0]; const double v = GP[i].pt[1]; const double w = GP[i].pt[2];
    const double weight = GP[i].weight; const double detJ = ele->getJacobian(u, v, w, jac);
    std::vector<typename TensorialTraits<T1>::GradType> Grads;
    BilinearTerm<T1, T1>::space1.gradf(ele, u, v, w, Grads);
    for(int j = 0; j < nbFF; j++)
      for(int k = j; k < nbFF; k++)
        double contrib = weight * detJ * dot(Grads[j], Grads[k]) * diffusivity;
        m(j, k) += contrib;
        if(j != k) m(k, j) += contrib;
Exemplo n.º 21
double taylorDistanceSq1D(const GradientBasis *gb, const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ,
                          const std::vector<SVector3> &tanCAD)
  const int nV = nodesXYZ.size1();
  fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(nV, 3);
  gb->getGradientsFromNodes(nodesXYZ, &dxyzdX, 0, 0);
//  const double dx = nodesXYZ(1, 0) - nodesXYZ(0, 0), dy = nodesXYZ(1, 1) - nodesXYZ(0, 1),
//               dz = nodesXYZ(1, 2) - nodesXYZ(0, 2), h = 0.5*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)/double(nV-1);
  double distSq = 0.;
  for (int i=0; i<nV; i++) {
    SVector3 tanMesh(dxyzdX(i, 0), dxyzdX(i, 1), dxyzdX(i, 2));
    const double h = 0.25*tanMesh.normalize();                                            // Half of "local edge length"
    SVector3 diff = (dot(tanCAD[i], tanMesh) > 0) ?
                    tanCAD[i] - tanMesh : tanCAD[i] + tanMesh;
    distSq += h*h*diff.normSq();
  return distSq;
Exemplo n.º 22
double taylorDistanceSq2D(const GradientBasis *gb, const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ,
                          const std::vector<SVector3> &normCAD)
  const int nV = nodesXYZ.size1();
  fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(nV, 3), dxyzdY(nV, 3);
  gb->getGradientsFromNodes(nodesXYZ, &dxyzdX, &dxyzdY, 0);
  double distSq = 0.;
  for (int i=0; i<nV; i++) {
    const double nz = dxyzdX(i, 0) * dxyzdY(i, 1) - dxyzdX(i, 1) * dxyzdY(i, 0);
    const double ny = -dxyzdX(i, 0) * dxyzdY(i, 2) + dxyzdX(i, 2) * dxyzdY(i, 0);
    const double nx = dxyzdX(i, 1) * dxyzdY(i, 2) - dxyzdX(i, 2) * dxyzdY(i, 1);
    SVector3 normMesh(nx, ny, nz);
    const double h = 0.25*sqrt(normMesh.normalize());                                     // Half of sqrt of "local area", to be adjusted w.r.t. el. type?
    SVector3 diff = (dot(normCAD[i], normMesh) > 0) ?
                    normCAD[i] - normMesh : normCAD[i] + normMesh;
    distSq += h*h*diff.normSq();
  return distSq;
Exemplo n.º 23
void linearSystemPETSc<fullMatrix<double> >::addToMatrix(int row, int col,
                                               const fullMatrix<double> &val)
  if (!_entriesPreAllocated)
  fullMatrix<std::complex<double> > modval(val.size1(), val.size2());
  for (int ii = 0; ii < val.size1(); ii++) {
    for (int jj = 0; jj < val.size1(); jj++) {
      modval(ii, jj) = val (jj, ii);
      modval(jj, ii) = val (ii, jj);
  fullMatrix<double> &modval = *const_cast<fullMatrix<double> *>(&val);
  for (int ii = 0; ii < val.size1(); ii++) {
    for (int jj = 0; jj < ii; jj++) {
      PetscScalar buff = modval(ii, jj);
      modval(ii, jj) = modval (jj, ii);
      modval(jj, ii) = buff;
  PetscInt i = row, j = col;
  MatSetValuesBlocked(_a, 1, &i, 1, &j, &modval(0,0), ADD_VALUES);
  //transpose back so that the original matrix is not modified
  for (int ii = 0; ii < val.size1(); ii++)
    for (int jj = 0; jj < ii; jj++) {
      PetscScalar buff = modval(ii,jj);
      modval(ii, jj) = modval (jj,ii);
      modval(jj, ii) = buff;
  _valuesNotAssembled = true;
Exemplo n.º 24
// Calculate (signed) Jacobian and its gradients for one element, with normal vectors to straight element
// for regularization. Evaluation points depend on the given matrices for shape function gradients.
void JacobianBasis::getSignedJacAndGradientsGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
                                                    const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY,
                                                    const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
                                                    const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ,
                                                    const fullMatrix<double> &normals,
                                                    fullMatrix<double> &JDJ) const
  switch (_dim) {

    case 0 : {
      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < numMapNodes; j++) {
          JDJ (i,j) = 0.;
          JDJ (i,j+1*numMapNodes) = 0.;
          JDJ (i,j+2*numMapNodes) = 0.;
        JDJ(i,3*numMapNodes) = 1.;

    case 1 : {
      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(nJacNodes,3), dxyzdY(nJacNodes,3);
      gSMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) {
        const double &dxdX = dxyzdX(i,0), &dydX = dxyzdX(i,1), &dzdX = dxyzdX(i,2);
        const double &dxdY = normals(0,0), &dydY = normals(0,1), &dzdY = normals(0,2);
        const double &dxdZ = normals(1,0), &dydZ = normals(1,1), &dzdZ = normals(1,2);
        for (int j = 0; j < numMapNodes; j++) {
          const double &dPhidX = gSMatX(i,j);
          JDJ (i,j) = dPhidX * dydY * dzdZ + dPhidX * dzdY * dydZ;
          JDJ (i,j+1*numMapNodes) = dPhidX * dzdY * dxdZ - dPhidX * dxdY * dzdZ;
          JDJ (i,j+2*numMapNodes) = dPhidX * dxdY * dydZ - dPhidX * dydY * dxdZ;
        JDJ(i,3*numMapNodes) = calcDet3D(dxdX,dydX,dzdX,dxdY,dydY,dzdY,dxdZ,dydZ,dzdZ);

    case 2 : {
      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(nJacNodes,3), dxyzdY(nJacNodes,3);
      gSMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
      gSMatY.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdY);
      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) {
        const double &dxdX = dxyzdX(i,0), &dydX = dxyzdX(i,1), &dzdX = dxyzdX(i,2);
        const double &dxdY = dxyzdY(i,0), &dydY = dxyzdY(i,1), &dzdY = dxyzdY(i,2);
        const double &dxdZ = normals(0,0), &dydZ = normals(0,1), &dzdZ = normals(0,2);
        for (int j = 0; j < numMapNodes; j++) {
          const double &dPhidX = gSMatX(i,j);
          const double &dPhidY = gSMatY(i,j);
          JDJ (i,j) =
            dPhidX * dydY * dzdZ + dzdX * dPhidY * dydZ +
            dPhidX * dzdY * dydZ - dydX * dPhidY * dzdZ;
          JDJ (i,j+1*numMapNodes) =
            dxdX * dPhidY * dzdZ +
            dPhidX * dzdY * dxdZ - dzdX * dPhidY * dxdZ
                                 - dPhidX * dxdY * dzdZ;
          JDJ (i,j+2*numMapNodes) =
                                   dPhidX * dxdY * dydZ +
            dydX * dPhidY * dxdZ - dPhidX * dydY * dxdZ -
            dxdX * dPhidY * dydZ;
        JDJ(i,3*numMapNodes) = calcDet3D(dxdX,dydX,dzdX,dxdY,dydY,dzdY,dxdZ,dydZ,dzdZ);

    case 3 : {
      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(nJacNodes,3), dxyzdY(nJacNodes,3), dxyzdZ(nJacNodes,3);
      gSMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
      gSMatY.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdY);
      gSMatZ.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdZ);
      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) {
        const double &dxdX = dxyzdX(i,0), &dydX = dxyzdX(i,1), &dzdX = dxyzdX(i,2);
        const double &dxdY = dxyzdY(i,0), &dydY = dxyzdY(i,1), &dzdY = dxyzdY(i,2);
        const double &dxdZ = dxyzdZ(i,0), &dydZ = dxyzdZ(i,1), &dzdZ = dxyzdZ(i,2);
        for (int j = 0; j < numMapNodes; j++) {
          const double &dPhidX = gSMatX(i,j);
          const double &dPhidY = gSMatY(i,j);
          const double &dPhidZ = gSMatZ(i,j);
          JDJ (i,j) =
            dPhidX * dydY * dzdZ + dzdX * dPhidY * dydZ +
            dydX * dzdY * dPhidZ - dzdX * dydY * dPhidZ -
            dPhidX * dzdY * dydZ - dydX * dPhidY * dzdZ;
          JDJ (i,j+1*numMapNodes) =
            dxdX * dPhidY * dzdZ + dzdX * dxdY * dPhidZ +
            dPhidX * dzdY * dxdZ - dzdX * dPhidY * dxdZ -
            dxdX * dzdY * dPhidZ - dPhidX * dxdY * dzdZ;
          JDJ (i,j+2*numMapNodes) =
            dxdX * dydY * dPhidZ + dPhidX * dxdY * dydZ +
            dydX * dPhidY * dxdZ - dPhidX * dydY * dxdZ -
            dxdX * dPhidY * dydZ - dydX * dxdY * dPhidZ;
        JDJ(i,3*numMapNodes) = calcDet3D(dxdX,dydX,dzdX,dxdY,dydY,dzdY,dxdZ,dydZ,dzdZ);


Exemplo n.º 25
bool fullMatrix<double>::invert(fullMatrix<double> &result) const
  if(_r != _c) return false;

  // Copy the matrix

  // to find out Determinant
  double det = this->determinant();

  if(det == 0)
    return false;

  // Matrix of cofactor put this in a function?
  fullMatrix<double> cofactor(_r,_c);
  if(_r == 2)
    cofactor(0,0) = (*this)(1,1);
    cofactor(0,1) = -(*this)(1,0);
    cofactor(1,0) = -(*this)(0,1);
    cofactor(1,1) = (*this)(0,0);
  else if(_r >= 3)
    std::vector<std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > > temp(_r,std::vector<fullMatrix<double> >(_r,fullMatrix<double>(_r-1,_r-1)));
    for(int k1 = 0; k1 < _r; k1++)
      for(int k2 = 0; k2 < _r; k2++)
        int i1 = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < _r; i++)
          int j1 = 0;
          for(int j = 0; j < _r; j++)
            if(k1 != i && k2 != j)
              temp[k1][k2](i1,j1++) = (*this)(i,j);
          if(k1 != i)
    bool flagPositive;
    for(int k1 = 0; k1 < _r; k1++)
      flagPositive = (k1 % 2) == 0 ? true : false;
      for(int k2 = 0; k2 < _r; k2++)
          cofactor(k1,k2) = temp[k1][k2].determinant();
          flagPositive = false;
          cofactor(k1,k2) = -temp[k1][k2].determinant();
          flagPositive = true;
  // end cofactor

  // inv = transpose of cofactor / Determinant
  for(int i = 0; i < _r; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < _c; j++)
      result(j,i) = cofactor(i,j) / det;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 26
void fMaterial(fullVector<double>& xyz, fullMatrix<double>& tensor){
  tensor(0, 0) = 1;
  tensor(1, 1) = 2;
  tensor(2, 2) = 1;
Exemplo n.º 27
void write(bool isScalar, const fullMatrix<double>& l2, string name){
  // Stream
  ofstream stream;
  string   fileName;
    fileName = name + "Node.m";
    fileName = name + "Edge.m";


  // Matrix data
  const size_t l2Row      = l2.size1();
  const size_t l2ColMinus = l2.size2() - 1;

  // Clean Octave
  stream << "close all;" << endl
         << "clear all;" << endl
         << endl;

  // Mesh (Assuming uniform refinement)
  stream << "h = [1, ";
  for(size_t i = 1; i < l2ColMinus; i++)
    stream << 1 / pow(2, i) << ", ";

  stream << 1 / pow(2, l2ColMinus) << "];" << endl;

  // Order (Assuming uniform refinement)
  stream << "p = [1:" << l2Row << "];" << endl
         << endl;

  // Matrix of l2 error (l2[Order][Mesh])
  stream << "l2 = ..." << endl
         << "    [..." << endl;

  for(size_t i = 0; i < l2Row; i++){
    stream << "        ";

    for(size_t j = 0; j < l2ColMinus; j++)
      stream << scientific << showpos
             << l2(i, j) << " , ";

    stream << scientific << showpos
           << l2(i, l2ColMinus) << " ; ..." << endl;

  stream << "    ];" << endl
         << endl;

  // Delta
  stream << "P = size(p, 2);"                                   << endl
         << "H = size(h, 2);"                                   << endl
         << endl
         << "delta = zeros(P, H - 1);"                          << endl
         << endl
         << "for i = 1:H-1"                                     << endl
         << "  delta(:, i) = ..."                               << endl
         << "    (log10(l2(:, i + 1)) - log10(l2(:, i))) / ..." << endl
         << "    (log10(1/h(i + 1))   - log10(1/h(i)));"        << endl
         << "end"                                               << endl
         << endl
         << "delta"                                             << endl
         << endl;

  // Plot
  stream << "figure;"                  << endl
         << "loglog(1./h, l2', '-*');" << endl
         << "grid;"
         << endl;

  // Title
  stream << "title(" << "'" << name << ": ";
    stream << "Nodal";
    stream << "Edge";

  stream << "');" << endl
         << endl;

  // Axis
  stream << "xlabel('1/h [-]');"      << endl
         << "ylabel('L2 Error [-]');" << endl;
  // Close
Exemplo n.º 28
inline void JacobianBasis::getJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
                                              const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
                                              const fullMatrix<double> &nodesX, const fullMatrix<double> &nodesY,
                                              const fullMatrix<double> &nodesZ, fullMatrix<double> &jacobian) const
  switch (_dim) {

    case 0 : {
      const int numEl = nodesX.size2();
      for (int iEl = 0; iEl < numEl; iEl++)
        for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) jacobian(i,iEl) = 1.;

    case 1 : {
      const int numEl = nodesX.size2();
      fullMatrix<double> dxdX(nJacNodes,numEl), dydX(nJacNodes,numEl), dzdX(nJacNodes,numEl);
      gSMatX.mult(nodesX, dxdX); gSMatX.mult(nodesY, dydX); gSMatX.mult(nodesZ, dzdX);
      for (int iEl = 0; iEl < numEl; iEl++) {
        fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numPrimMapNodes,3);
        for (int i = 0; i < numPrimMapNodes; i++) {
          nodesXYZ(i,0) = nodesX(i,iEl);
          nodesXYZ(i,1) = nodesY(i,iEl);
          nodesXYZ(i,2) = nodesZ(i,iEl);
        fullMatrix<double> normals(2,3);
        const double invScale = getPrimNormals1D(nodesXYZ,normals);
        if (scaling) {
          const double scale = 1./invScale;
          normals(0,0) *= scale; normals(0,1) *= scale; normals(0,2) *= scale;                // Faster to scale 1 normal than afterwards
        const double &dxdY = normals(0,0), &dydY = normals(0,1), &dzdY = normals(0,2);
        const double &dxdZ = normals(1,0), &dydZ = normals(1,1), &dzdZ = normals(1,2);
        for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++)
          jacobian(i,iEl) = calcDet3D(dxdX(i,iEl),dydX(i,iEl),dzdX(i,iEl),

    case 2 : {
      const int numEl = nodesX.size2();
      fullMatrix<double> dxdX(nJacNodes,numEl), dydX(nJacNodes,numEl), dzdX(nJacNodes,numEl);
      fullMatrix<double> dxdY(nJacNodes,numEl), dydY(nJacNodes,numEl), dzdY(nJacNodes,numEl);
      gSMatX.mult(nodesX, dxdX); gSMatX.mult(nodesY, dydX); gSMatX.mult(nodesZ, dzdX);
      gSMatY.mult(nodesX, dxdY); gSMatY.mult(nodesY, dydY); gSMatY.mult(nodesZ, dzdY);
      for (int iEl = 0; iEl < numEl; iEl++) {
        fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numPrimMapNodes,3);
        for (int i = 0; i < numPrimMapNodes; i++) {
          nodesXYZ(i,0) = nodesX(i,iEl);
          nodesXYZ(i,1) = nodesY(i,iEl);
          nodesXYZ(i,2) = nodesZ(i,iEl);
        fullMatrix<double> normal(1,3);
        const double invScale = getPrimNormal2D(nodesXYZ,normal);
        if (scaling) {
          const double scale = 1./invScale;
          normal(0,0) *= scale; normal(0,1) *= scale; normal(0,2) *= scale;                   // Faster to scale normal than afterwards
        const double &dxdZ = normal(0,0), &dydZ = normal(0,1), &dzdZ = normal(0,2);
        for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++)
          jacobian(i,iEl) = calcDet3D(dxdX(i,iEl),dydX(i,iEl),dzdX(i,iEl),

    case 3 : {
      const int numEl = nodesX.size2();
      fullMatrix<double> dxdX(nJacNodes,numEl), dydX(nJacNodes,numEl), dzdX(nJacNodes,numEl);
      fullMatrix<double> dxdY(nJacNodes,numEl), dydY(nJacNodes,numEl), dzdY(nJacNodes,numEl);
      fullMatrix<double> dxdZ(nJacNodes,numEl), dydZ(nJacNodes,numEl), dzdZ(nJacNodes,numEl);
      gSMatX.mult(nodesX, dxdX); gSMatX.mult(nodesY, dydX); gSMatX.mult(nodesZ, dzdX);
      gSMatY.mult(nodesX, dxdY); gSMatY.mult(nodesY, dydY); gSMatY.mult(nodesZ, dzdY);
      gSMatZ.mult(nodesX, dxdZ); gSMatZ.mult(nodesY, dydZ); gSMatZ.mult(nodesZ, dzdZ);
      for (int iEl = 0; iEl < numEl; iEl++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++)
          jacobian(i,iEl) = calcDet3D(dxdX(i,iEl),dydX(i,iEl),dzdX(i,iEl),
        if (scaling) {
          fullMatrix<double> nodesXYZ(numPrimMapNodes,3);
          for (int i = 0; i < numPrimMapNodes; i++) {
            nodesXYZ(i,0) = nodesX(i,iEl);
            nodesXYZ(i,1) = nodesY(i,iEl);
            nodesXYZ(i,2) = nodesZ(i,iEl);
          const double scale = 1./getPrimJac3D(nodesXYZ);
          for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) jacobian(i,iEl) *= scale;


Exemplo n.º 29
void IsotropicElasticTerm::get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP,
                               fullMatrix<double> &m) const
  if(ele->getParent()) ele = ele->getParent();
  if(sym) {
    int nbFF = BilinearTerm<SVector3, SVector3>::space1.getNumKeys(ele);
    double jac[3][3];
    fullMatrix<double> B(6, nbFF);
    fullMatrix<double> BTH(nbFF, 6);
    fullMatrix<double> BT(nbFF, 6);
    m.resize(nbFF, nbFF);
    // std::cout << m.size1() << "  " << m.size2() << std::endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
      const double u = GP[i].pt[0];
      const double v = GP[i].pt[1];
      const double w = GP[i].pt[2];
      const double weight = GP[i].weight;
      const double detJ = ele->getJacobian(u, v, w, jac);
      std::vector<TensorialTraits<SVector3>::GradType> Grads;
      BilinearTerm<SVector3, SVector3>::space1.gradf(ele, u, v, w,
                                                     Grads); // a optimiser ??
      for(int j = 0; j < nbFF; j++) {
        BT(j, 0) = B(0, j) = Grads[j](0, 0);
        BT(j, 1) = B(1, j) = Grads[j](1, 1);
        BT(j, 2) = B(2, j) = Grads[j](2, 2);
        BT(j, 3) = B(3, j) = Grads[j](0, 1) + Grads[j](1, 0);
        BT(j, 4) = B(4, j) = Grads[j](1, 2) + Grads[j](2, 1);
        BT(j, 5) = B(5, j) = Grads[j](0, 2) + Grads[j](2, 0);
      BTH.gemm(BT, H);
      m.gemm(BTH, B, weight * detJ, 1.); // m = m + w*detJ*BT*H*B
  else {
    int nbFF1 = BilinearTerm<SVector3, SVector3>::space1.getNumKeys(ele);
    int nbFF2 = BilinearTerm<SVector3, SVector3>::space2.getNumKeys(ele);
    double jac[3][3];
    fullMatrix<double> B(6, nbFF2);
    fullMatrix<double> BTH(nbFF2, 6);
    fullMatrix<double> BT(nbFF1, 6);
    m.resize(nbFF1, nbFF2);
    // Sum on Gauss Points i
    for(int i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
      const double u = GP[i].pt[0];
      const double v = GP[i].pt[1];
      const double w = GP[i].pt[2];
      const double weight = GP[i].weight;
      const double detJ = ele->getJacobian(u, v, w, jac);
        Grads; // tableau de matrices...
        GradsT; // tableau de matrices...
      BilinearTerm<SVector3, SVector3>::space1.gradf(ele, u, v, w, Grads);
      BilinearTerm<SVector3, SVector3>::space2.gradf(ele, u, v, w, GradsT);
      for(int j = 0; j < nbFF1; j++) {
        BT(j, 0) = Grads[j](0, 0);
        BT(j, 1) = Grads[j](1, 1);
        BT(j, 2) = Grads[j](2, 2);
        BT(j, 3) = Grads[j](0, 1) + Grads[j](1, 0);
        BT(j, 4) = Grads[j](1, 2) + Grads[j](2, 1);
        BT(j, 5) = Grads[j](0, 2) + Grads[j](2, 0);
      for(int j = 0; j < nbFF2; j++) {
        B(0, j) = GradsT[j](0, 0);
        B(1, j) = GradsT[j](1, 1);
        B(2, j) = GradsT[j](2, 2);
        B(3, j) = GradsT[j](0, 1) + GradsT[j](1, 0);
        B(4, j) = GradsT[j](1, 2) + GradsT[j](2, 1);
        B(5, j) = GradsT[j](0, 2) + GradsT[j](2, 0);
      BTH.gemm(BT, H);
      // gemm add the product to m so there is a sum on gauss' points here
      m.gemm(BTH, B, weight * detJ, 1.);
Exemplo n.º 30
inline void JacobianBasis::getJacobianGeneral(int nJacNodes, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatX,
                                              const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatY, const fullMatrix<double> &gSMatZ,
                                              const fullMatrix<double> &nodesXYZ, fullVector<double> &jacobian) const
  switch (_dim) {

    case 0 : {
      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) jacobian(i) = 1.;

    case 1 : {
      fullMatrix<double> normals(2,3);
      const double invScale = getPrimNormals1D(nodesXYZ,normals);
      if (scaling) {
        const double scale = 1./invScale;
        normals(0,0) *= scale; normals(0,1) *= scale; normals(0,2) *= scale;            // Faster to scale 1 normal than afterwards
      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(nJacNodes,3);
      gSMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) {
        const double &dxdX = dxyzdX(i,0), &dydX = dxyzdX(i,1), &dzdX = dxyzdX(i,2);
        const double &dxdY = normals(0,0), &dydY = normals(0,1), &dzdY = normals(0,2);
        const double &dxdZ = normals(1,0), &dydZ = normals(1,1), &dzdZ = normals(1,2);
        jacobian(i) = calcDet3D(dxdX,dydX,dzdX,dxdY,dydY,dzdY,dxdZ,dydZ,dzdZ);

    case 2 : {
      fullMatrix<double> normal(1,3);
      const double invScale = getPrimNormal2D(nodesXYZ,normal);
      if (scaling) {
        const double scale = 1./invScale;
        normal(0,0) *= scale; normal(0,1) *= scale; normal(0,2) *= scale;               // Faster to scale normal than afterwards
      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(nJacNodes,3), dxyzdY(nJacNodes,3);
      gSMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
      gSMatY.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdY);
      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) {
        const double &dxdX = dxyzdX(i,0), &dydX = dxyzdX(i,1), &dzdX = dxyzdX(i,2);
        const double &dxdY = dxyzdY(i,0), &dydY = dxyzdY(i,1), &dzdY = dxyzdY(i,2);
        const double &dxdZ = normal(0,0), &dydZ = normal(0,1), &dzdZ = normal(0,2);
        jacobian(i) = calcDet3D(dxdX,dydX,dzdX,dxdY,dydY,dzdY,dxdZ,dydZ,dzdZ);

    case 3 : {
      fullMatrix<double> dum;
      fullMatrix<double> dxyzdX(nJacNodes,3), dxyzdY(nJacNodes,3), dxyzdZ(nJacNodes,3);
      gSMatX.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdX);
      gSMatY.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdY);
      gSMatZ.mult(nodesXYZ, dxyzdZ);
      for (int i = 0; i < nJacNodes; i++) {
        const double &dxdX = dxyzdX(i,0), &dydX = dxyzdX(i,1), &dzdX = dxyzdX(i,2);
        const double &dxdY = dxyzdY(i,0), &dydY = dxyzdY(i,1), &dzdY = dxyzdY(i,2);
        const double &dxdZ = dxyzdZ(i,0), &dydZ = dxyzdZ(i,1), &dzdZ = dxyzdZ(i,2);
        jacobian(i) = calcDet3D(dxdX,dydX,dzdX,dxdY,dydY,dzdY,dxdZ,dydZ,dzdZ);
      if (scaling) {
        const double scale = 1./getPrimJac3D(nodesXYZ);

