bool getTok(const gkString& buf, const gkString& dim, gkString& tok, size_t &start) { const size_t size = buf.size(); const size_t dimsize = dim.size(); size_t pos = gkString::npos; while (start < size) { pos = buf.find(dim, start); if (pos == gkString::npos) pos = size; if (start == pos) start += dimsize; else break; } if (start >= size) return false; tok.assign(&buf[start], pos-start); start = pos + dimsize; return true; }
BOM getTextBom(gkString& line, bool removeBom) { size_t len = line.size(); BOM bom = getTextEncoding(line.c_str(), len); if (bom != BOM_NONE && removeBom) { //strip bom line = line.substr(getBOMLength(bom)); } return bom; }
void splitFileName(const gkString& path, gkString& dir, gkString& base, gkString& ext) { if (path.empty()) return; if (path == "." || path == "..") { dir = path; return; } gkString fpath = path, fname; char delim = '/'; bool bdelim = fpath.find_last_of('\\') != gkString::npos; bool fdelim = fpath.find_last_of('/') != gkString::npos; if (bdelim) { if (fdelim) //normalize to \ to / std::replace(fpath.begin(), fpath.end(), '\\', '/'); else delim = '\\'; } size_t i = fpath.find_last_of(delim); if (i != gkString::npos) { dir = fpath.substr(0, i); fname = fpath.substr(i+1, path.size()-1); } else { dir.clear(); fname = fpath; } i = fname.find_last_of('.'); if (i != gkString::npos) { base = fname.substr(0, i); ext = fname.substr(i+1, fname.size()-1); } else { base = fname; ext.clear(); } }
bool OgreKit::init(const gkString& blend) { gkPrintf("----------- OgreKit Android Demo init -----------------"); LOG_FOOT; gkString cfgfname; // Parse command line m_blend = gkDefaultBlend; if (!blend.empty()) m_blend = blend; getPrefs().debugFps = true; getPrefs().wintitle = gkString("OgreKit Demo (Press Escape to exit)[") + m_blend + gkString("]"); getPrefs().blendermat=true; //getPrefs().shaderCachePath="/sdcard/gamekit"; getPrefs().enableshadows=false; getPrefs().viewportOrientation="portrait"; // m_prefs.disableSound=false; gkPath path = cfgfname; LOG_FOOT; // overide settings if found if (path.isFileInBundle()) getPrefs().load(path.getPath()); LOG_FOOT; m_inited = initialize(); LOG_FOOT; //gkMessageManager::getSingleton().addListener(this); return m_inited; }
bool gkAndroidApp::setup(void) { AAssetManager* assetMgr = m_state->activity->assetManager; if (assetMgr) { Ogre::ArchiveManager::getSingleton().addArchiveFactory(new Ogre::APKFileSystemArchiveFactory(assetMgr)); Ogre::ArchiveManager::getSingleton().addArchiveFactory(new Ogre::APKZipArchiveFactory(assetMgr)); Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation("/", "APKFileSystem", Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); } Ogre::DataStreamPtr stream = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(). openResource(m_blend, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); if (stream.isNull()) { gkPrintf("Error: Can't open file %s.\n", m_blend.c_str()); return false; } size_t size = stream->size(); char* buf = new char[size]; stream->read(buf, size); gkBlendFile* blend = gkBlendLoader::getSingleton().loadFromMemory(buf,size,gkBlendLoader::LO_ALL_SCENES); gkScene* scene = blend->getMainScene(); if (!scene) { gkPrintf("No usable scenes found in blend.\n"); return false; } scene->createInstance(); scene->getMainCamera()->getCamera()->setAutoAspectRatio(true); return true; }
void gkEngine::loadResources(const gkString& name) { if (name.empty()) return; try { Ogre::ConfigFile fp; fp.load(name); Ogre::ResourceGroupManager* resourceManager = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingletonPtr(); Ogre::ConfigFile::SectionIterator cit = fp.getSectionIterator(); while (cit.hasMoreElements()) { gkString elementname = cit.peekNextKey(); Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap* ptr = cit.getNext(); for (Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap::iterator dit = ptr->begin(); dit != ptr->end(); ++dit) resourceManager->addResourceLocation(dit->second, dit->first, elementname); } Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().initialiseAllResourceGroups(); } catch (Ogre::Exception& e) { gkLogMessage("Engine: Failed to load resource file!\n" << e.getDescription()); } }
bool getAttrib(const TiXmlElement* XMLNode, const gkString& attrib, bool& value) { if (!XMLNode || !XMLNode->Attribute(attrib)) return false; value = parseBool(XMLNode->Attribute(attrib.c_str())); return true; }
bool gkResourceGroupManager::initRTShaderSystem(const gkString& shaderLang, const gkString& shaderCachePath, bool hasFixedCapability) { #ifdef OGREKIT_USE_RTSHADER_SYSTEM GK_ASSERT( m_materialLoader == 0); m_materialLoader = new gkMaterialLoader(); Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::initialize(); Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getSingleton().setTargetLanguage(shaderLang); if (!shaderCachePath.empty()) Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getSingleton().setShaderCachePath(shaderCachePath); Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator* shaderGenerator = Ogre::RTShader::ShaderGenerator::getSingletonPtr(); GK_ASSERT(shaderGenerator); if (!hasFixedCapability) { gkMaterialLoader::createRTSSMaterial("BaseWhite"); gkMaterialLoader::createRTSSMaterial("BaseWhiteNoLighting", false); gkMaterialLoader::createRTSSMaterial("World", false); } return true; #else return false; #endif }
bool gsRayTest::cast(gsRay& ray, const gkString& prop, gsGameObject* excludeObj) { if (prop.empty() && !excludeObj) return m_ray->collides(ray); else{ xrayFilter xray(excludeObj?excludeObj->get():0, prop, ""); gkVector3 from(ray.getOrigin()); gkVector3 to(ray.getOrigin()+ray.getDirection()*100); return m_ray->collides(from,to,xray); } }
int parseScalarArray(liScalarVec &v, const gkString& str, const gkString& delims) { if (str.empty()) return 0; liStrVec sv = strSplit(str, delims); v.clear(); v.reserve(sv.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < sv.size(); i++) v.push_back(Ogre::StringConverter::parseReal(sv[i])); return v.size(); }
//-- gkString //from ogre3d StringUtil liStrVec strSplit( const gkString& str, const gkString& delims, UTuint32 maxSplits) { liStrVec ret; // Pre-allocate some space for performance ret.reserve(maxSplits ? maxSplits+1 : 10); // 10 is guessed capacity for most case unsigned int numSplits = 0; // Use STL methods size_t start, pos; start = 0; do { pos = str.find_first_of(delims, start); if (pos == start) { // Do nothing start = pos + 1; } else if (pos == gkString::npos || (maxSplits && numSplits == maxSplits)) { // Copy the rest of the gkString ret.push_back( str.substr(start) ); break; } else { // Copy up to delimiter ret.push_back( str.substr(start, pos - start) ); start = pos + 1; } // parse up to next real data start = str.find_first_not_of(delims, start); ++numSplits; } while (pos != gkString::npos); return ret; }
int gkTextManager::getTextType(const gkString& name) { int i = 0; while (TextItemMap[i].name != 0) { if (name.find(TextItemMap[i].name) != name.npos) return TextItemMap[i].type; ++i; } return TT_ANY; }
void gkGUIManager::loadFont(const gkString& name) { gkFont *fnt = gkFontManager::getSingleton().getByName<gkFont>(name); if (fnt) { Rocket::Core::FontDatabase::LoadFontFace((const unsigned char*)fnt->getData(), fnt->getSize()); } else { Rocket::Core::FontDatabase::LoadFontFace(name.c_str()); } }
bool xmlConfig::load(const gkString &fileName) { if (!openSections(fileName, mSections, "config")) { gkPrintf("[XML] Can't open file: '%s'", fileName.c_str()); return false; } mLoaded = true; mFileName = fileName; return mLoaded; }
void gkDynamicsWorld::exportBullet(const gkString& fileName) { int maxSerializeBufferSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5; btDefaultSerializer* serializer = new btDefaultSerializer(maxSerializeBufferSize); m_dynamicsWorld->serialize(serializer); FILE* file = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "wb"); fwrite(serializer->getBufferPointer(), serializer->getCurrentBufferSize(), 1, file); fclose(file); delete serializer; }
bool gkPhysicsController::collidesWith(const gkString& name, gkContactInfo* cpy, bool emptyFilter) { if (!m_localContacts.empty()) { if (name.empty() && emptyFilter) { if (cpy) *cpy =; return true; } UTsize i, s; gkContactInfo::Array::Pointer p; i = 0; s = m_localContacts.size(); p = m_localContacts.ptr(); while (i < s) { GK_ASSERT(p[i].collider); gkGameObject* gobj = p[i].collider->getObject(); if (name.find(gobj->getName()) != gkString::npos) { if (cpy) *cpy = p[i]; return true; } ++i; } } return false; }
bool gkPhysicsController::sensorTest(gkGameObject* ob, const gkString& prop, const gkString& material, bool onlyActor, bool testAllMaterials) { GK_ASSERT(ob); if (onlyActor) { if (ob->getProperties().isActor()) { if (prop.empty() && material.empty()) return true; if (!prop.empty()) { if (ob->hasVariable(prop)) return true; } else if (!material.empty()) { if (ob->hasSensorMaterial(material, !testAllMaterials)) return true; } } } else { if (prop.empty() && material.empty()) return true; if (!prop.empty()) { if (ob->hasVariable(prop)) return true; } else if (!material.empty()) { if (ob->hasSensorMaterial(material, !testAllMaterials)) return true; } } return false; }
bool luProjectFile::create(const gkString& fileName, const gkString& projName) { m_projFileName = luFile::getAbsolutePath(fileName); m_projDir = luFile::getDirName(m_projFileName); if (projName.empty()) m_projName = luFile::getFileNameBase(fileName); else m_projName = projName; m_projVer = VERSION; m_startLuaFile = ""; m_files.clear(); setModified(); return true; }
bool openXMLDocument(const gkString& fileName, TiXmlDocument &XMLDoc, const gkString& resGroupName) { try { //open from file if (!Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingletonPtr()) return openXMLDocumentOnFile(fileName, XMLDoc); //open from resource // Strip the path gkString basename, path; Ogre::StringUtil::splitFilename(fileName, basename, path); Ogre::DataStreamPtr pStream = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(). openResource( basename, resGroupName ); gkString data = pStream->getAsString(); // Open the .scene File XMLDoc.Parse( data.c_str() ); pStream->close(); pStream.setNull(); if (XMLDoc.Error()) { gkPrintf("[XML] Error - The TiXmlDocument reported an error: %s", XMLDoc.ErrorDesc()); return false; } } catch(Ogre::Exception &e) { gkPrintf("[XML] Error - creating TiXmlDocument %s %s", fileName.c_str(), e.getDescription().c_str()); return false; } return true; }
gkString strToUpper(const gkString& str) { gkString ss(str); std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), ss.begin(), toupper); return ss; }
bool luFile::isSameFile(const gkString& file1,const gkString& file2) { return wxFileName(file1.c_str()).SameAs(wxFileName(file2)); }
bool gkPhysicsController::sensorCollides(const gkString& prop, const gkString& material, bool onlyActor, bool testAllMaterials, utArray<gkGameObject*>* collisionList) { if (collisionList){ collisionList->clear(); } if (onlyActor && !m_object->getProperties().isActor()) return false; if (!m_localContacts.empty()) { if (!collisionList && prop.empty() && material.empty()) { // there are contacts and we do not care about property, nor empty, nor we need a list of objects (list = NULL) // any filter return true; } UTsize i, s; gkContactInfo::Array::Pointer p; i = 0; s = m_localContacts.size(); p = m_localContacts.ptr(); while (i < s) { GK_ASSERT(p[i].collider); gkGameObject* gobj = p[i].collider->getObject(); if (onlyActor) { if (prop.empty() && material.empty()) return true; if (gobj->getProperties().isActor()) { if (!prop.empty()) { if (gobj->hasVariable(prop)){ if (!collisionList){ return true; } else if (collisionList->find(gobj)==UT_NPOS) collisionList->push_back(gobj); } } else if (!material.empty()) { if (gobj->hasSensorMaterial(material, !testAllMaterials)) { if (!collisionList) { return true; } else if (collisionList->find(gobj)==UT_NPOS){ collisionList->push_back(gobj); } } } } } else { if (prop.empty() && material.empty()) if (!collisionList) { return true; } else if (collisionList->find(gobj)==UT_NPOS) { collisionList->push_back(gobj); } if (!prop.empty()) { if (gobj->hasVariable(prop)) { if (!collisionList) { return true; } else if (collisionList->find(gobj)==UT_NPOS) { collisionList->push_back(gobj); } } } else if (!material.empty()) { if (gobj->hasSensorMaterial(material, !testAllMaterials)){ if (!collisionList) { return true; } else if (collisionList->find(gobj)==UT_NPOS) { collisionList->push_back(gobj); } } } } ++i; } } if (!collisionList) return false; else if (collisionList->empty()) return false; else return true; }
int OgreKit::setup(int argc, char** argv) { int winsize_x = 800; int winsize_y = 600; m_prefs.wintitle = gkString("OgreKit Demo (Press Escape to exit)[") + m_blend + gkString("]"); gkString cfgfname; // Parse command line try { TCLAP::CmdLine cmdl("Ogrekit", ' ', "n/a"); cmdl.setExceptionHandling(false); //cfg arguments TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> rendersystem_arg ("r", "rendersystem", "Set rendering system. (gl, d3d9, d3d10, d3d11)", false, "", "string"); //default GL TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> viewportOrientation_arg ("", "viewportorientation", "Set viewport orientation.", false, m_prefs.viewportOrientation, "string"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> log_arg ("", "log", "Set log file name.", false, m_prefs.log, "string"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> verbose_arg ("v", "verbose", "Enable verbose log.", false, m_prefs.verbose, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<int> winsize_x_arg ("", "width", "Set window width.", false, winsize_x, "int"); TCLAP::ValueArg<int> winsize_y_arg ("", "height", "Set window height.", false, winsize_y, "int"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> wintitle_arg ("", "wintitle", "Set window title.", false, m_prefs.wintitle, "string"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> fullscreen_arg ("f", "fullscreen", "Enable fullscreen mode.", false, m_prefs.fullscreen, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> framingType_arg ("", "framingtype", "Set viewport framing type. (extend, crop, letterbox)", false, "", "string"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> resources_arg ("", "resources", "Set resouces.", false, m_prefs.resources, "string"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> blendermat_arg ("", "blendmat", "Convert meshes using blender materials.", false, m_prefs.blendermat, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> matblending_arg ("", "matblending", "Enable material pass blending mode.", false, m_prefs.matblending, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> grapInput_arg ("g", "grabinput", "Grap mouse input.", false, m_prefs.grabInput, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> debugFps_arg ("d", "debugfps", "Display debug fps.", false, m_prefs.debugFps, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> vsync_arg ("", "vsync", "enable vertical-sync.", false, m_prefs.vsync, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<int> vsyncrate_arg ("", "vsync-rate", "Set vsync-rate ", 0, m_prefs.vsyncRate, "int"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> debugPhysics_arg ("p", "debugphysics", "Display debug physics.", false, m_prefs.debugPhysics, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> debugPhysicsAabb_arg ("a", "debugphysicsaabb", "Display debug physics aabb.", false, m_prefs.debugPhysicsAabb, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> buildStaticGeometry_arg ("", "buildinstances", "Build Static Geometry.", false, m_prefs.buildStaticGeometry, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> useBulletDbvt_arg ("", "frustumculling", "Enable view frustum culling by dbvt.", false, m_prefs.useBulletDbvt, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> showDebugProps_arg ("t", "showdebugprops", "Show debug props.", false, m_prefs.showDebugProps, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> debugSounds_arg ("", "debugsounds", "Debug sounds.", false, m_prefs.debugSounds, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> disableSound_arg ("s", "disablesound", "Disable sounds.", false, m_prefs.disableSound, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> fsaa_arg ("", "fsaa", "Enable fsaa.", false, m_prefs.fsaa, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<int> fsaaSamples_arg ("", "fsaasSamples", "Set fsaa samples.", false, m_prefs.fsaaSamples, "int"); TCLAP::ValueArg<bool> enableshadows_arg ("", "enableshadows", "Enable Shadows.", false, m_prefs.enableshadows, "bool"); TCLAP::ValueArg<int> defaultMipMap_arg ("", "defaultmipmap", "Set default mipMap.", false, m_prefs.defaultMipMap, "int"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> shadowtechnique_arg ("", "shadowtechnique", "Set shadow technique.", false, m_prefs.shadowtechnique, "string"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> colourshadow_arg ("", "colourshadow", "Set shadow colour.", false, "", "string"); TCLAP::ValueArg<float> fardistanceshadow_arg ("", "fardistanceshadow", "Set far distance shadow.", false, m_prefs.fardistanceshadow, "float"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> shaderCachePath_arg ("", "shadercachepath", "RTShaderSystem cache file path.", false, m_prefs.shaderCachePath, "string"); cmdl.add(rendersystem_arg); cmdl.add(viewportOrientation_arg); cmdl.add(log_arg); cmdl.add(verbose_arg); cmdl.add(winsize_x_arg); cmdl.add(winsize_y_arg); cmdl.add(wintitle_arg); cmdl.add(fullscreen_arg); cmdl.add(framingType_arg); cmdl.add(resources_arg); cmdl.add(blendermat_arg); cmdl.add(matblending_arg); cmdl.add(grapInput_arg); cmdl.add(debugFps_arg); cmdl.add(debugPhysics_arg); cmdl.add(vsync_arg); cmdl.add(vsyncrate_arg); cmdl.add(debugPhysicsAabb_arg); cmdl.add(buildStaticGeometry_arg); cmdl.add(useBulletDbvt_arg); cmdl.add(showDebugProps_arg); cmdl.add(debugSounds_arg); cmdl.add(disableSound_arg); cmdl.add(fsaa_arg); cmdl.add(fsaaSamples_arg); cmdl.add(enableshadows_arg); cmdl.add(defaultMipMap_arg); cmdl.add(shadowtechnique_arg); cmdl.add(colourshadow_arg); cmdl.add(fardistanceshadow_arg); cmdl.add(shaderCachePath_arg); //input file arguments TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> cfgfname_arg("c", "config-file", "Startup configuration file (.cfg) to use.", false, gkDefaultConfig, "string"); TCLAP::UnlabeledValueArg<std::string> bfname_arg("blender-file", "Blender file to launch as game.", false, gkDefaultBlend, "string"); cmdl.add(cfgfname_arg); cmdl.add(bfname_arg); cmdl.parse( argc, argv ); cfgfname = cfgfname_arg.getValue(); m_blend = bfname_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.rendersystem = gkUserDefs::getOgreRenderSystem(rendersystem_arg.getValue()); m_prefs.viewportOrientation = viewportOrientation_arg.getValue(); //m_prefs.sceneManager = sceneManager_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.log = log_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.verbose = verbose_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.winsize = gkVector2(winsize_x_arg.getValue(), winsize_y_arg.getValue()); m_prefs.wintitle = wintitle_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.fullscreen = fullscreen_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.framingType = gkUserDefs::getViewportFramingType(framingType_arg.getValue()); m_prefs.resources = resources_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.blendermat = blendermat_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.matblending = matblending_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.grabInput = grapInput_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.debugFps = debugFps_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.debugPhysics = debugPhysics_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.debugPhysicsAabb = debugPhysicsAabb_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.buildStaticGeometry = buildStaticGeometry_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.useBulletDbvt = useBulletDbvt_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.showDebugProps = showDebugProps_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.debugSounds = debugSounds_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.disableSound = disableSound_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.vsync = vsync_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.vsyncRate = vsyncrate_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.fsaa = fsaa_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.fsaaSamples = fsaaSamples_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.enableshadows = enableshadows_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.defaultMipMap = defaultMipMap_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.shadowtechnique = shadowtechnique_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.fardistanceshadow = fardistanceshadow_arg.getValue(); m_prefs.shaderCachePath = shaderCachePath_arg.getValue(); if (colourshadow_arg.isSet()) m_prefs.colourshadow = Ogre::StringConverter::parseColourValue(colourshadow_arg.getValue()); #ifdef __APPLE__ if (m_blend.find("-psn") != gkString::npos) m_blend = gkDefaultBlend; #endif } catch (TCLAP::ArgException& e) { std::cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl; return -1; } catch (TCLAP::ExitException&) { // just return and exit app return -1; } catch (...) { std::cerr << "Unknown exception." << std::endl; return -1; } gkPath path = cfgfname; // overide settings if found if (path.isFile()) m_prefs.load(path.getPath()); return 0; }
bool gkCompositorManager::setCompositorChain(gkCompositorOp op, const gkString& compositorName, gkViewport *viewport) { GK_ASSERT(viewport && viewport->getViewport()); bool found = false; Ogre::Viewport *vp = viewport->getViewport(); int width = vp->getActualWidth(), height = vp->getActualHeight(); Ogre::CompositorChain *chain = Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton().getCompositorChain(vp); assert(chain); for (size_t i = 0; i < chain->getNumCompositors(); i++) { Ogre::CompositorInstance *ci = chain->getCompositor(i); assert(ci); bool match = (compositorName == ci->getCompositor()->getName()); if (op == GK_COMPOSITOR_OP_REPLACE) ci->setEnabled(match); else if (op == GK_COMPOSITOR_OP_RESET) ci->setEnabled(false); else if (match) ci->setEnabled(op == GK_COMPOSITOR_OP_ADD); if (!found && match) found = true; } if (op == GK_COMPOSITOR_OP_DEL || op == GK_COMPOSITOR_OP_RESET) return true; if (!compositorName.empty() && !found) //create new compositor { if (compositorName == GK_COMPOSITOR_HEAT_VISION && !m_heatVisionInited) m_heatVisionInited = gkOgreCompositorHelper::createHeatVisionCompositor(); else if (compositorName == GK_COMPOSITOR_MOTION_BLUR && !m_motionBlurInited) m_motionBlurInited = gkOgreCompositorHelper::createMotionBlurCompositor(); Ogre::CompositorManager& compMgr = Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton(); Ogre::CompositorInstance* instance = compMgr.addCompositor(vp, compositorName, 0); if (instance) { if (compositorName == GK_COMPOSITOR_HALFTONE && !m_halftonInited) m_halftonInited = gkOgreCompositorHelper::createHalftoneTexture(); else if (compositorName == GK_COMPOSITOR_DITHER && !m_ditherInited) m_ditherInited = gkOgreCompositorHelper::createDitherTexture(width, height); instance->setEnabled(true); gkPrintf("[COMP] add new compositor: %s", compositorName.c_str()); return true; } else { gkPrintf("[COMP] %s - FAILED. check compositor name.", compositorName.c_str()); return false; } } return false; }
void gkTextManager::parseScripts(const gkString& group) { gkResourceManager::ResourceIterator iter = getResourceIterator(); while (iter.hasMoreElements()) { gkTextFile* tf = static_cast<gkTextFile*>(iter.getNext().second); if (!group.empty() && tf->getGroupName() != group) continue; const gkString& buf = tf->getText(); const int type = tf->getType(); #ifdef OGREKIT_COMPILE_OGRE_SCRIPTS try { if (type == TT_MATERIAL) { Ogre::DataStreamPtr memStream( OGRE_NEW Ogre::MemoryDataStream((void*)buf.c_str(), buf.size())); Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().parseScript(memStream, group); } else if (type == TT_PARTICLE) { Ogre::DataStreamPtr memStream( OGRE_NEW Ogre::MemoryDataStream((void*)buf.c_str(), buf.size())); Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::getSingleton().parseScript(memStream, group); } else if (type == TT_FONT) { // Note: font must be an external file (.ttf anyway (texture fonts are not tested) ) Ogre::DataStreamPtr memStream( OGRE_NEW Ogre::MemoryDataStream((void*)buf.c_str(), buf.size())); Ogre::FontManager::getSingleton().parseScript(memStream, group); } else if (type == TT_COMPOSIT) { Ogre::DataStreamPtr memStream( OGRE_NEW Ogre::MemoryDataStream((void*)buf.c_str(), buf.size())); Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton().parseScript(memStream, group); } } catch (Ogre::Exception& e) { gkLogMessage("TextManager: " << e.getDescription()); continue; } if (type == TT_BFONT) { utMemoryStream stream;, buf.size(), utStream::SM_READ); gkFontManager::getSingleton().parseScript(&stream); } #endif #ifdef OGREKIT_USE_LUA if (type == TT_LUA) gkLuaManager::getSingleton().createFromText(gkResourceName(tf->getResourceName().getName(), group), buf); #endif } #ifdef OGREKIT_COMPILE_OGRE_SCRIPTS // Overlays are a dependant script. (.material .font) try { TextArray overlays; getTextFiles(overlays, TT_OVERLAY); TextArray::Iterator it = overlays.iterator(); while (it.hasMoreElements()) { gkTextFile* tf = (gkTextFile*)it.getNext(); const gkString& buf = tf->getText(); const int type = tf->getType(); Ogre::DataStreamPtr memStream( OGRE_NEW Ogre::MemoryDataStream((void*)buf.c_str(), buf.size())); Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton().parseScript(memStream, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); } } catch (Ogre::Exception& e) { gkLogMessage("TextManager: " << e.getDescription()); } #endif }
bool OgreKit::setup(void) { LOG_FOOT; if (assetMgr) { #if USE_APK_ARCHIVE Ogre::ArchiveManager::getSingleton().addArchiveFactory(new Ogre::APKFileSystemArchiveFactory(assetMgr)); Ogre::ArchiveManager::getSingleton().addArchiveFactory(new Ogre::APKZipArchiveFactory(assetMgr)); Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation("/", "APKFileSystem", Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); #endif } #if USE_APK_ARCHIVE Ogre::DataStreamPtr stream = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(m_blend, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); if (stream.isNull()) { gkPrintf("Error: Can't open file %s.", m_blend.c_str()); return false; } size_t size = stream->size(); char* buf = new char[size]; stream->read(buf, size); gkBlendFile* blend = gkBlendLoader::getSingleton().loadFromMemory(buf,size,gkBlendLoader::LO_ALL_SCENES); #else gkBlendFile* blend = gkBlendLoader::getSingleton().loadFile(m_blend,gkBlendLoader::LO_ALL_SCENES); //, "", Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); #endif if (!blend) { LOGI("File loading failed.\n"); return false; } LOG_FOOT; m_scene = blend->getMainScene(); if (!m_scene) { LOGI("No usable scenes found in blend.\n"); return false; } LOG_FOOT; m_scene->createInstance(); LOG_FOOT; m_scene->getMainCamera()->getCamera()->setAutoAspectRatio(true); // add input hooks gkWindow* win = gkWindowSystem::getSingleton().getMainWindow(); m_input = static_cast<OIS::AndroidInputManager*>(win->getInputManager()); LOG_FOOT; return true; }