// This is the searcher process. It requests captured data from the main
// thread and launches a new thread for every cell it finds. Each new
// cell thread then requests sample data from the main thread.
void searcher_thread(
    capbuf_sync_t & capbuf_sync,
    global_thread_data_t & global_thread_data,
    tracked_cell_list_t & tracked_cell_list
) {
    if (verbosity>=1) {
        cout << "Searcher process has been launched." << endl;


    if (nice(20)==-1) {
        cerr << "Error: could not reduce searcher process priority" << endl;

    // Keep track of serial numbers to be used when launching a new
    // tracker thread.
    ivec serial_num(504);

    // Shortcut
    const double & fc_requested=global_thread_data.fc_requested;
    const double & fc_programmed=global_thread_data.fc_programmed;
    const double & fs_programmed=global_thread_data.fs_programmed;
//  double freq_correction;

    const bool sampling_carrier_twist = global_thread_data.sampling_carrier_twist();
    double k_factor = global_thread_data.k_factor();
//  double correction = global_thread_data.correction();

    vec coef(( sizeof( chn_6RB_filter_coef )/sizeof(float) ));
    for (uint16 i=0; i<length(coef); i++) {
        coef(i) = chn_6RB_filter_coef[i];

    // Calculate the threshold vector
    const uint8 thresh1_n_nines=12;
    double rx_cutoff=(6*12*15e3/2+4*15e3)/(FS_LTE/16/2);

    // for PSS correlate
    //cout << "DS_COMB_ARM override!!!" << endl;
#define DS_COMB_ARM 2
    mat xc_incoherent_collapsed_pow;
    imat xc_incoherent_collapsed_frq;
    vector <mat> xc_incoherent_single(3);
    vector <mat> xc_incoherent(3);
    vec sp_incoherent;
    vector <mat> xc(3);
    vec sp;

    // for SSS detection
#define THRESH2_N_SIGMA 3
    vec sss_h1_np_est_meas;
    vec sss_h2_np_est_meas;
    cvec sss_h1_nrm_est_meas;
    cvec sss_h2_nrm_est_meas;
    cvec sss_h1_ext_est_meas;
    cvec sss_h2_ext_est_meas;
    mat log_lik_nrm;
    mat log_lik_ext;

    // for time frequency grid
    // Extract time and frequency grid
    cmat tfg;
    vec tfg_timestamp;
    // Compensate for time and frequency offsets
    cmat tfg_comp;
    vec tfg_comp_timestamp;

    vec period_ppm;
    double xcorr_pss_time;

    Real_Timer tt; // for profiling

    // Get the current frequency offset (because it won't change anymore after main thread launches this thread, so move it outside loop)
    vec f_search_set(1);
    cmat pss_fo_set;// pre-generate frequencies offseted pss time domain sequence
    // because it is already included in global_thread_data.frequency_offset();
    pss_fo_set_gen(f_search_set, pss_fo_set);

//  freq_correction = fc_programmed*(correction-1)/correction;

//  cout << opencl_platform << " " << opencl_device <<  " " << sampling_carrier_twist << "\n";
    uint16 opencl_platform = global_thread_data.opencl_platform();
    uint16 opencl_device = global_thread_data.opencl_device();
    lte_opencl_t lte_ocl(opencl_platform, opencl_device);

    uint16 filter_workitem = global_thread_data.filter_workitem();
    uint16 xcorr_workitem = global_thread_data.xcorr_workitem();
    lte_ocl.setup_filter_mchn((string)"filter_mchn_simple_kernel.cl", CAPLENGTH, length(f_search_set)*3, pss_fo_set.cols(), xcorr_workitem);
    lte_ocl.setup_filter_mchn((string)"filter_mchn_kernels.cl", CAPLENGTH, length(f_search_set)*3, pss_fo_set.cols(), xcorr_workitem);
    lte_ocl.setup_filter_my((string)"filter_my_kernels.cl", CAPLENGTH, filter_workitem);

    // Loop forever.
    while (true) {
        // Used to measure searcher cycle time.

        // Request data.
            boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(capbuf_sync.mutex);

            // Wait for data to become ready.

        // Results are stored in this vector.
        list<Cell> detected_cells;

        // Local reference to the capture buffer.
        cvec &capbuf=capbuf_sync.capbuf;

        capbuf = capbuf - mean(capbuf); // remove DC

        lte_ocl.filter_my(capbuf); // be careful! capbuf.zeros() will slow down the xcorr part pretty much!
        filter_my(coef, capbuf);

        // Correlate
        uint16 n_comb_xc;
        uint16 n_comb_sp;
        if (verbosity>=2) {
            cout << "  Calculating PSS correlations" << endl;

        sampling_ppm_f_search_set_by_pss(lte_ocl, 0, capbuf, pss_fo_set, 1, 0, f_search_set, period_ppm, xc, xcorr_pss_time);


        // Calculate the threshold vector
        double R_th1=chi2cdf_inv(1-pow(10.0,-thresh1_n_nines),2*n_comb_xc*(2*DS_COMB_ARM+1));
        vec Z_th1=R_th1*sp_incoherent/rx_cutoff/137/n_comb_xc/(2*DS_COMB_ARM+1);

        // Search for the peaks
        if (verbosity>=2) {
            cout << "  Searching for and examining correlation peaks..." << endl;
        peak_search(xc_incoherent_collapsed_pow,xc_incoherent_collapsed_frq,Z_th1,f_search_set,fc_requested,fc_programmed,xc_incoherent_single,DS_COMB_ARM, sampling_carrier_twist, (const double)k_factor, detected_cells);

        // Loop and check each peak
        list<Cell>::iterator iterator=detected_cells.begin();
        int tdd_flag = 1;
        while (iterator!=detected_cells.end()) {
            tdd_flag = !tdd_flag;

            // Detect SSS if possible
#define THRESH2_N_SIGMA 3
            if ((*iterator).n_id_1!=-1) {
                if (verbosity>=2) {
                    cout << "Detected PSS/SSS correspoding to cell ID: " << (*iterator).n_id_cell() << endl;

                // Check to see if this cell has already been detected previously.
                bool match=false;
                    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(tracked_cell_list.mutex);
                    list<tracked_cell_t *>::iterator tci=tracked_cell_list.tracked_cells.begin();
                    while (tci!=tracked_cell_list.tracked_cells.end()) {
                        if ((*(*tci)).n_id_cell==(*iterator).n_id_cell()) {
                if (match) {
                    if (verbosity>=2) {
                        cout << "Cell already being tracked..." << endl;

                // Fine FOE

                // Extract time and frequency grid

                // Create object containing all RS
                RS_DL rs_dl((*iterator).n_id_cell(),6,(*iterator).cp_type);

                // Compensate for time and frequency offsets

                // Finally, attempt to decode the MIB
                //cout << (*iterator) << endl << endl;
                if ((*iterator).n_rb_dl==-1) {
                    // No MIB could be successfully decoded.

                if (verbosity>=1) {
                  cout << "Detected a new cell!" << endl;
                  cout << "  cell ID: " << (*iterator).n_id_cell() << endl;
                  cout << "  RX power level: " << db10((*iterator).pss_pow) << " dB" << endl;
                  cout << "  residual frequency offset: " << (*iterator).freq_superfine << " Hz" << endl;
                  cout << "  frame start: " << (*iterator).frame_start << endl;

                //      cout << ((*iterator).frame_start) <<  " " << k_factor << " " << capbuf_sync.late << (*iterator).k_factor <<  "\n";
                //      (*iterator).frame_start = 3619.95;
                //      capbuf_sync.late = 0;
                // Launch a cell tracker process!
                //tracked_cell_t * new_cell = new tracked_cell_t((*iterator).n_id_cell(),(*iterator).n_ports,(*iterator).cp_type,(*iterator).frame_start/k_factor+capbuf_sync.late,serial_num((*iterator).n_id_cell()));
                tracked_cell_t * new_cell = new tracked_cell_t(
                    //        (*iterator).freq_superfine

                // Cannot launch thread here. If thread was launched here, it would
                // have the same (low) priority as the searcher thread.
                    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(tracked_cell_list.mutex);
#define MAX_DETECTED 1e6
                static uint32 n_found=0;
                if (n_found==MAX_DETECTED) {
                    cout << "Searcher thread has stopped!" << endl;


            } else {
                // No SSS detected.

//    global_thread_data.searcher_cycle_time(xcorr_pss_time);
    // Will never reach here...