Exemplo n.º 1
void branchAndBound(knapsack &k, int maxTime)
// Implement a Branch and Bound search for an optimal solution.
// Searches for the best decision for objects n and greater, as long
// as more than maxTime seconds have not elapsed.  Tries
// to keep or not keep object n, and then iterates to n+1.  Stores
// the best solution found so far in bestSolution.  
	clock_t endTime, startTime = clock();

	deque<knapsack> problem;
	deque<knapsack>::iterator itr;
	int number,bestValue=0;
	knapsack bestSolution;
	double time=0;

	cout<<"Branching and Bounding"<<endl;

	// Initially, decisions have not been made about any objects,
	// so set num = 0.

	// Add the empty knapsack subproblem to the list

	// Branch and Bound search goes here
	while (!(problem.empty()) && (time<=maxTime)) //for each object in the deque
		k = problem.back(); // current instance is now the last object in the deque
		while((k.getNum()!=k.getNumObjects()) && (k.bound()> bestValue) && (time<=maxTime))
			/*if we haven't considered all the objects left and the bound of the current instance 
			is not worse than our best-so-far solution and we are not out of time*/
			//delete the last object from the deque because we are currently solving it
			k.setNum(number+1); //we are now considering the next object
				problem.push_back(k); //push the 'don't select' instacne before the take instance
			problem.push_back(k); //push the remaining instance

			endTime=clock();//update current time
		if (k.getCurrentValue() > bestValue){// replace best values if current ones are better
			bestValue = k.getCurrentValue();
			bestSolution = k;
		problem.pop_back(); //delete the last object from the deque since it is fathomed

	cout << "Best value found: " << bestValue << endl;
	cout << bestSolution;
void branchAndBound(knapsack &k, int maxTime)
// Implement a Branch and Bound search for an optimal solution.
// Searches for the best decision for objects n and greater, as long
// as more than maxTime seconds have not elapsed.  Tries
// to keep or not keep object n, and then iterates to n+1.  Stores
// the best solution found so far in bestSolution.
	deque<knapsack> problem;

   clock_t startTime = clock();

   knapsack bestSolution(k);
   knapsack pessimisticBound(k);
   float bestValue = pessimisticBound.getCurrentValue();

   // Initially, decisions have not been made about any objects,
   // so set num = 0.

   // Add the empty knapsack subproblem to the list
   // Branch and Bound search goes here
   while(! problem.empty() && ((float)clock()-(float)startTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC < maxTime){
	   knapsack next = problem.front();problem.pop_front();
	   if(next.getCurrentValue() > bestSolution.getCurrentValue()){
		   bestSolution = next;
		   if(bestSolution.getCurrentValue() > bestValue)
			   bestValue = bestSolution.getCurrentValue();
	   knapsack k1(next);
	   k1.setNum(k1.getNum() + 1);
	   if(k1.getCurrentCost() <= k1.getCostBound() && k1.bound() > bestValue && k1.getNum() < k1.getNumObjects()){
	   knapsack k2(next);
	   k2.setNum(k2.getNum() + 1);
	   if(k2.bound() > bestValue && k2.getNum() < k2.getNumObjects()){
   cout << "Best value found: " << bestSolution.getCurrentValue() << endl;
   cout << bestSolution;