NEINLINE neBool SameSide(const neV3 & p1, const neV3 & p2, const neV3 & a, const neV3 & edge) { neV3 cp1 = edge.Cross(p1 - a); neV3 cp2 = edge.Cross(p2 - a); f32 dot = cp1.Dot(cp2); return (dot >= 0.0f); }
NEINLINE void ApplyCollisionImpulseFast(neRigidBody_ * rb, const neV3 & impulse, const neV3 & contactPoint, s32 currentRecord, neBool immediate = true) { neV3 dv, da; dv = impulse * rb->oneOnMass; da = contactPoint.Cross(impulse); // if (immediate) rb->Derive().linearVel += dv; // else // { // rb->totalDV += dv; // rb->impulseCount++; // } // rb->dvRecord[currentRecord] += dv; // neV3 dav = rb->Derive().Iinv * da; // rb->davRecord[currentRecord] += dav; // if (immediate) { rb->State().angularMom += da; rb->Derive().angularVel = rb->Derive().Iinv * rb->State().angularMom; } // else // { // rb->totalDA += da; // // rb->twistCount++; // } }
void FindMinMaxBound(neTriangleTree * tree, neSimpleArray<s32>& triIndex, neV3 & minBound, neV3 & maxBound) { s32 i; minBound.Set(1.0e6f, 1.0e6f, 1.0e6f); maxBound.Set(-1.0e6f, -1.0e6f, -1.0e6f); for(i = 0; i < triIndex.GetUsedCount(); i++) { neTriangle_ & t = tree->triangles[triIndex[i]]; for (s32 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { minBound.SetMin(minBound, tree->vertices[t.indices[j]]); maxBound.SetMax(maxBound, tree->vertices[t.indices[j]]); } } }
void ChooseAxis(neV3 & x, neV3 & y, const neV3 & normal) { neV3 mag; mag[0] = neAbs(normal[0]); mag[1] = neAbs(normal[1]); mag[2] = neAbs(normal[2]); if (mag[0] > mag[1]) { if (mag[0] > mag[2]) { x[0] = (normal[1] + normal[2]) / normal[0] * -1.0f; x[1] = 1.0f; x[2] = 1.0f; } else { x[2] = (normal[0] + normal[1]) / normal[2] * -1.0f; x[0] = 1.0f; x[1] = 1.0f; } } else if (mag[1] > mag[2]) { x[1] = (normal[0] + normal[2]) / normal[1] * -1.0f; x[0] = 1.0f; x[2] = 1.0f; } else { x[2] = (normal[0] + normal[1]) / normal[2] * -1.0f; x[0] = 1.0f; x[1] = 1.0f; } x.Normalize(); y = normal.Cross(x); }
NEINLINE bool BoxTestParam::MeasurePlanePenetration(ConvexTestResult & result, const neV3 & normal, f32 d) { f32 dot = normal.Dot(trans->pos); f32 penetrated = dot - d; neV3 contactPoint = trans->pos; neV3 contactNormal; if (penetrated < 0.0f) { contactNormal = normal * -1.0f; } else { contactNormal = normal; penetrated *= -1.0f; } neV3 progression = contactNormal * radii; neV3 sign; sign[0] = progression[0] > 0.0f ? 1.0f: -1.0f; sign[1] = progression[1] > 0.0f ? 1.0f: -1.0f; sign[2] = progression[2] > 0.0f ? 1.0f: -1.0f; penetrated += (progression[0] * sign[0]); penetrated += (progression[1] * sign[1]); penetrated += (progression[2] * sign[2]); contactPoint -= (radii[0] * sign[0]); contactPoint -= (radii[1] * sign[1]); contactPoint -= (radii[2] * sign[2]); if (penetrated < 0.0f) return false; if (penetrated < result.depth) { result.depth = penetrated; result.contactA = contactPoint; result.contactB = contactPoint + contactNormal * penetrated;//need to project point onto triangle face result.valid = true; result.contactNormal = contactNormal; //ChooseAxis(result.contactX, result.contactY, result.contactNormal); } return true; }
void neTreeNode::SelectBound(const neV3 & com, neV3 & minBound, neV3 & maxBound, s32 sector) { switch (sector) { case 0: minBound.Set(bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0], bounds[2][0]); maxBound.Set(com[0], bounds[1][1], com[2]); break; case 1: minBound.Set(com[0], bounds[1][0], bounds[2][0]); maxBound.Set(bounds[0][1], bounds[1][1], com[2]); break; case 2: minBound.Set(com[0], bounds[1][0], com[2]); maxBound.Set(bounds[0][1], bounds[1][1], bounds[2][1]); break; case 3: minBound.Set(bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0], com[2]); maxBound.Set(com[0], bounds[1][1], bounds[2][1]); break; } }
bool TestDCDTri(ConvexTestResult & res, TConvex & convexA, neT3 & transA, const neV3 & insidePoint) { res.valid = false; neV3 aPoint = transA.pos; neV3 av; av.Set(0.1f); aPoint += av; neV3 bPoint = insidePoint; BigC = aPoint - bPoint; BigCLength = BigC.Length(); neV3 * aVertArray = NULL, * bVertArray = NULL; TConvex dummyB; dummyB.type = TConvex::TRIANGLE; if (convexA.type == TConvex::BOX) { for (s32 i = 0; i < BOX_NUM_VERTS; i++) { _boxVertexPosP[i] = _boxVertexPos0[i] *; } aVertArray = _boxVertexPosP; } neT3 transB; transB.SetIdentity(); SearchResult srBoxFaceTriVert(convexA, &transA, dummyB, &transB, aVertArray, bVertArray); neBool assigned; neBool r = srBoxFaceTriVert.SearchFV(0, assigned); if (!r) {return false;} /* bPoint = insidePoint;// + _triNormals[1]; BigC = bPoint - aPoint; BigCLength = BigC.Length(); */ BigC *= -1.0f; SearchResult srBoxVertTriFace(dummyB, &transB, convexA, &transA, bVertArray, aVertArray); if (!(r = srBoxVertTriFace.TestFace(0, assigned))) return false; //BigC *= -1.0f; /* bPoint = insidePoint + _triNormals[0]; BigC = bPoint - aPoint; BigCLength = BigC.Length(); */ neBool assigned2; if (!(r = srBoxVertTriFace.TestFace(1, assigned2))) return false; assigned |= assigned2; BigC *= -1.0f; /* bPoint = insidePoint; BigC = aPoint - bPoint; BigCLength = BigC.Length(); */ neBool need2Swap = false; SearchResult srBoxTriEE(convexA, &transA, dummyB, &transB, aVertArray, bVertArray); s32 eeflag = 0; s32 pindex, qindex; if (srBoxVertTriFace.dMax > srBoxFaceTriVert.dMax) { need2Swap = true; srBoxTriEE.dMax = srBoxVertTriFace.dMax; eeflag = 1; pindex = srBoxVertTriFace.indexB; // vertex of Convex qindex = srBoxVertTriFace.indexA; // face of Triangle } else { srBoxTriEE.dMax = srBoxFaceTriVert.dMax; pindex = srBoxFaceTriVert.indexA; // face of Convex qindex = srBoxFaceTriVert.indexB; // vertex of Triangle } //BigC *= -1.0f; if (!srBoxTriEE.SearchEETri(eeflag, pindex, qindex, assigned)) { return false; } if (!assigned) { FV_Backup: if (!need2Swap) { ASSERT(srBoxFaceTriVert.typeA == SearchResult::FACE && srBoxFaceTriVert.typeB == SearchResult::VERTEX); res.valid = true; res.contactNormal = srBoxFaceTriVert.face.normal * -1.0f; res.depth = srBoxFaceTriVert.face.k; res.contactB = srBoxFaceTriVert.objB.GetVertWorld(srBoxFaceTriVert.indexB); res.contactA = res.contactB + srBoxFaceTriVert.face.normal * srBoxFaceTriVert.face.k; } else { ASSERT(srBoxVertTriFace.typeA == SearchResult::FACE && srBoxVertTriFace.typeB == SearchResult::VERTEX); res.valid = true; res.contactNormal = srBoxVertTriFace.face.normal; res.depth = srBoxVertTriFace.face.k; res.contactA = srBoxVertTriFace.objB.GetVertWorld(srBoxVertTriFace.indexB); res.contactB = res.contactA + srBoxVertTriFace.face.normal * srBoxVertTriFace.face.k; } } else { ASSERT(srBoxTriEE.typeA == SearchResult::EDGE && srBoxTriEE.typeB == SearchResult::EDGE); neV3 edgeA[2]; neV3 edgeB[2]; srBoxTriEE.objA.GetWorldEdgeVerts(srBoxTriEE.indexA, edgeA[0], edgeA[1]); srBoxTriEE.objB.GetWorldEdgeVerts(srBoxTriEE.indexB, edgeB[0], edgeB[1]); bool r = CalcContactEE(edgeA[0], edgeA[1], edgeB[0], edgeB[1], res.contactA, res.contactB); if (r) { if (srBoxTriEE.face.k > 0.0f) { res.contactNormal = srBoxTriEE.face.normal * -1.0f; res.depth = srBoxTriEE.face.k; } else { res.contactNormal = srBoxTriEE.face.normal; res.depth = srBoxTriEE.face.k * -1.0f; } res.valid = true; } else { //return false; goto FV_Backup; } } return true; }
bool TestDCD(neCollisionResult & result, TConvex & convexA, neT3 & transA, TConvex & convexB, neT3 & transB, const neV3 & backupVector) { _num_edge_test = 0; _num_face_test = 0; result.penetrate = false; neV3 aPoint = transA.pos; neV3 av; av.Set(0.1f); aPoint += av; neV3 bPoint = transB.pos; av.Set(0.2f); bPoint += av; BigC = aPoint - bPoint; BigCLength = BigC.Length(); neV3 * aVertArray = NULL, * bVertArray = NULL; if (convexA.type == TConvex::BOX) { for (s32 i = 0; i < BOX_NUM_VERTS; i++) { _boxVertexPosP[i] = _boxVertexPos0[i] *; } aVertArray = _boxVertexPosP; } if (convexB.type == TConvex::BOX) { for (s32 i = 0; i < BOX_NUM_VERTS; i++) { _boxVertexPosQ[i] = _boxVertexPos0[i] *; } bVertArray = _boxVertexPosQ; } SearchResult srFV(convexA, &transA, convexB, &transB, aVertArray, bVertArray); neBool showDebug = 0; neBool showDebug2 = (srFV.objA.mesh.numVerts > 8 && srFV.objB.mesh.numVerts > 8); neBool assigned; neBool res = srFV.SearchFV(0, assigned); if (!res) { if (showDebug) {TOKAMAK_OUTPUT_2("%d, %d \n", _num_face_test, _num_edge_test);} return false; } SearchResult srVF(convexB, &transB, convexA, &transA, bVertArray, aVertArray); srVF.dMax = srFV.dMax; BigC *= -1.0f; s32 whichF = srFV.objB.mesh.edges[srFV.objB.mesh.verts[srFV.indexB].neighbourEdges[0]].f1; res = srVF.SearchFV(whichF, assigned); if (!res) { if (showDebug) {TOKAMAK_OUTPUT_2("%d, %d \n", _num_face_test, _num_edge_test);} return false; } bool need2Swap = false; SearchResult srEE(convexA, &transA, convexB, &transB, aVertArray, bVertArray); s32 eeflag = 0; s32 pindex, qindex; if (srVF.dMax > srFV.dMax) { need2Swap = true; srEE.dMax = srVF.dMax; eeflag = 1; pindex = srVF.indexB; qindex = srVF.indexA; } else { srEE.dMax = srFV.dMax; pindex = srFV.indexA; qindex = srFV.indexB; } BigC *= -1.0f; if (!srEE.SearchEE(eeflag, pindex, qindex, assigned)) { if (showDebug) {TOKAMAK_OUTPUT_2("%d, %d \n", _num_face_test, _num_edge_test);} return false; } if (showDebug2) { TOKAMAK_OUTPUT_2("%d, %d \n", _num_face_test, _num_edge_test); } if (!assigned) { if (!need2Swap) { ASSERT(srFV.typeA == SearchResult::FACE && srFV.typeB == SearchResult::VERTEX); result.penetrate = true; result.collisionFrame[2] = srFV.face.normal * -1.0f; result.depth = srFV.face.k; result.contactB = srFV.objB.GetVertWorld(srFV.indexB); result.contactA = result.contactB + srFV.face.normal * srFV.face.k; } else { ASSERT(srVF.typeA == SearchResult::FACE && srVF.typeB == SearchResult::VERTEX); result.penetrate = true; result.collisionFrame[2] = srVF.face.normal; result.depth = srVF.face.k; result.contactA = srVF.objB.GetVertWorld(srVF.indexB); result.contactB = result.contactA + srVF.face.normal * srVF.face.k; } } else { ASSERT(srEE.typeA == SearchResult::EDGE && srEE.typeB == SearchResult::EDGE); neV3 edgeA[2]; neV3 edgeB[2]; srEE.objA.GetWorldEdgeVerts(srEE.indexA, edgeA[0], edgeA[1]); srEE.objB.GetWorldEdgeVerts(srEE.indexB, edgeB[0], edgeB[1]); bool r = CalcContactEE(edgeA[0], edgeA[1], edgeB[0], edgeB[1], result.contactA, result.contactB); if (r) { if (srEE.face.k > 0.0f) { result.collisionFrame[2] = srEE.face.normal * -1.0f; result.depth = srEE.face.k; } else { result.collisionFrame[2] = srEE.face.normal; result.depth = srEE.face.k * -1.0f; } result.penetrate = true; } else { return false; } } return true; }