nsHTMLButtonControlFrame::ReflowButtonContents(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                               nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aButtonDesiredSize,
                                               const nsHTMLReflowState& aButtonReflowState,
                                               nsIFrame* aFirstKid)
  WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
  LogicalSize availSize = aButtonReflowState.ComputedSize(wm);
  availSize.BSize(wm) = NS_INTRINSICSIZE;

  // Buttons have some bonus renderer-determined border/padding,
  // which occupies part of the button's content-box area:
  LogicalMargin focusPadding =
    LogicalMargin(wm, mRenderer.GetAddedButtonBorderAndPadding());

  // See whether out availSize's inline-size is big enough.  If it's
  // smaller than our intrinsic min iSize, that means that the kid
  // wouldn't really fit.  In that case, we overflow into our internal
  // focuspadding (which other browsers don't have) so that there's a
  // little more space for it.
  // Note that GetMinISize includes the focusPadding.
  nscoord IOverflow = GetMinISize(aButtonReflowState.rendContext) -
  nscoord IFocusPadding = focusPadding.IStartEnd(wm);
  nscoord focusPaddingReduction = std::min(IFocusPadding,
                                           std::max(IOverflow, 0));
  if (focusPaddingReduction > 0) {
    nscoord startReduction = focusPadding.IStart(wm);
    if (focusPaddingReduction != IFocusPadding) {
      startReduction = NSToCoordRound(startReduction *
                                      (float(focusPaddingReduction) /
    focusPadding.IStart(wm) -= startReduction;
    focusPadding.IEnd(wm) -= focusPaddingReduction - startReduction;

  // shorthand for a value we need to use in a bunch of places
  const LogicalMargin& clbp = aButtonReflowState.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding();

  // Indent the child inside us by the focus border. We must do this separate
  // from the regular border.
  availSize.ISize(wm) -= focusPadding.IStartEnd(wm);

  LogicalPoint childPos(wm);
  childPos.I(wm) = focusPadding.IStart(wm) + clbp.IStart(wm);
  availSize.ISize(wm) = std::max(availSize.ISize(wm), 0);

  // Give child a clone of the button's reflow state, with height/width reduced
  // by focusPadding, so that descendants with height:100% don't protrude.
  nsHTMLReflowState adjustedButtonReflowState =

  nsHTMLReflowState contentsReflowState(aPresContext,
                                        aFirstKid, availSize);

  nsReflowStatus contentsReflowStatus;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics contentsDesiredSize(aButtonReflowState);
  childPos.B(wm) = 0; // This will be set properly later, after reflowing the
                      // child to determine its size.

  // We just pass a dummy containerSize here, as the child will be
  // repositioned later by FinishReflowChild.
  nsSize dummyContainerSize;
  ReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext,
              contentsDesiredSize, contentsReflowState,
              wm, childPos, dummyContainerSize, 0, contentsReflowStatus);
             "We gave button-contents frame unconstrained available height, "
             "so it should be complete");

  // Compute the button's content-box size:
  LogicalSize buttonContentBox(wm);
  if (aButtonReflowState.ComputedBSize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    // Button has a fixed block-size -- that's its content-box bSize.
    buttonContentBox.BSize(wm) = aButtonReflowState.ComputedBSize();
  } else {
    // Button is intrinsically sized -- it should shrinkwrap the
    // button-contents' bSize, plus any focus-padding space:
    buttonContentBox.BSize(wm) =
      contentsDesiredSize.BSize(wm) + focusPadding.BStartEnd(wm);

    // Make sure we obey min/max-bSize in the case when we're doing intrinsic
    // sizing (we get it for free when we have a non-intrinsic
    // aButtonReflowState.ComputedBSize()).  Note that we do this before
    // adjusting for borderpadding, since mComputedMaxBSize and
    // mComputedMinBSize are content bSizes.
    buttonContentBox.BSize(wm) =
  if (aButtonReflowState.ComputedISize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    buttonContentBox.ISize(wm) = aButtonReflowState.ComputedISize();
  } else {
    buttonContentBox.ISize(wm) =
      contentsDesiredSize.ISize(wm) + focusPadding.IStartEnd(wm);
    buttonContentBox.ISize(wm) =

  // Center child in the block-direction in the button
  // (technically, inside of the button's focus-padding area)
  nscoord extraSpace =
    buttonContentBox.BSize(wm) - focusPadding.BStartEnd(wm) -

  childPos.B(wm) = std::max(0, extraSpace / 2);

  // Adjust childPos.B() to be in terms of the button's frame-rect, instead of
  // its focus-padding rect:
  childPos.B(wm) += focusPadding.BStart(wm) + clbp.BStart(wm);

  nsSize containerSize =
    (buttonContentBox + clbp.Size(wm)).GetPhysicalSize(wm);

  // Place the child
  FinishReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext,
                    contentsDesiredSize, &contentsReflowState,
                    wm, childPos, containerSize, 0);

  // Make sure we have a useful 'ascent' value for the child
  if (contentsDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent() ==
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics::ASK_FOR_BASELINE) {
    WritingMode wm = aButtonReflowState.GetWritingMode();

  // OK, we're done with the child frame.
  // Use what we learned to populate the button frame's reflow metrics.
  //  * Button's height & width are content-box size + border-box contribution:
    LogicalSize(wm, aButtonReflowState.ComputedISize() + clbp.IStartEnd(wm),
                    buttonContentBox.BSize(wm) + clbp.BStartEnd(wm)));

  //  * Button's ascent is its child's ascent, plus the child's block-offset
  // within our frame... unless it's orthogonal, in which case we'll use the
  // contents inline-size as an approximation for now.
  // XXX is there a better strategy? should we include border-padding?
  if (aButtonDesiredSize.GetWritingMode().IsOrthogonalTo(wm)) {
  } else {
    aButtonDesiredSize.SetBlockStartAscent(contentsDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent() +
