Exemplo n.º 1
    GraphHelper_Scotch(const CrsMatrixType& A,
                       const int seed = GraphHelper::DefaultRandomSeed) {

        _label = "GraphHelper_Scotch::" + A.Label();

        _is_ordered = false;
        _cblk  = 0;

        // scotch does not allow self-contribution (diagonal term in sparse matrix)
        _base  = 0; //A.BaseVal();
        _m     = A.NumRows();
        _nnz   = A.NumNonZeros();

        _rptr  = size_type_array(_label+"::RowPtrArray", _m+1);
        _cidx  = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::ColIndexArray", _nnz);

        _perm  = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::PermutationArray", _m);
        _peri  = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::InvPermutationArray", _m);
        _range = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::RangeArray", _m);
        _tree  = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::TreeArray", _m);

        // create a graph structure without diagonals
        A.convertGraph(_nnz, _rptr, _cidx);

        int ierr = 0;
        ordinal_type *rptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_rptr.ptr_on_device());
        ordinal_type *cidx = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_cidx.ptr_on_device());

        if (seed != GraphHelper::DefaultRandomSeed) {

        ierr = SCOTCH_graphInit(&_graph);
        ierr = SCOTCH_graphBuild(&_graph,             // scotch graph
                                 _base,               // base value
                                 _m,                  // # of vertices
                                 rptr,                // column index array pointer begin
                                 rptr+1,              // column index array pointer end
                                 NULL,                // weights on vertices (optional)
                                 NULL,                // label array on vertices (optional)
                                 _nnz,                // # of nonzeros
                                 cidx,                // column index array
        CHKERR(ierr);  // edge load array (optional)
        ierr = SCOTCH_graphCheck(&_graph);
Exemplo n.º 2
    void setGraph(const ordinal_type m,
                  const size_type_array rptr,
                  const ordinal_type_array cidx) {
        _is_ordered = false;
        _cblk  = 0;

        /// Scotch graph spec
        /// - no diagonals, symmetric

        _base  = 0;
        _m     = m;
        _nnz   = rptr[m];

        _rptr  = rptr;
        _cidx  = cidx;

        _perm  = ordinal_type_array("Scotch::PermutationArray", _m);
        _peri  = ordinal_type_array("Scotch::InvPermutationArray", _m);
        _range = ordinal_type_array("Scotch::RangeArray", _m);
        _tree  = ordinal_type_array("Scotch::TreeArray", _m);

        _strat = 0;
        _level = 0;

        int ierr = 0;
        ordinal_type *rptr_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_rptr.ptr_on_device());
        ordinal_type *cidx_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_cidx.ptr_on_device());

        ierr = SCOTCH_graphInit(&_graph);
        TACHO_TEST_FOR_ABORT(ierr, "Failed in SCOTCH_graphInit");
        ierr = SCOTCH_graphBuild(&_graph,             // scotch graph
                                 _base,               // base value
                                 _m,                  // # of vertices
                                 rptr_ptr,            // column index array pointer begin
                                 rptr_ptr+1,          // column index array pointer end
                                 NULL,                // weights on vertices (optional)
                                 NULL,                // label array on vertices (optional)
                                 _nnz,                // # of nonzeros
                                 cidx_ptr,            // column index array
                                 NULL);               // edge load array (optional)
        TACHO_TEST_FOR_ABORT(ierr, "Failed in SCOTCH_graphBuild");
        ierr = SCOTCH_graphCheck(&_graph);
        TACHO_TEST_FOR_ABORT(ierr, "Failed in SCOTCH_graphCheck");
Exemplo n.º 3
    void computeOrdering(const ordinal_type treecut = 0) {
        int ierr = 0;

        // pointers for global graph ordering
        ordinal_type *perm  = _perm.ptr_on_device();
        ordinal_type *peri  = _peri.ptr_on_device();
        ordinal_type *range = _range.ptr_on_device();
        ordinal_type *tree  = _tree.ptr_on_device();

            // set desired tree level
            if (_strat & SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMAX ||
                    _strat & SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMIN) {
                TACHO_TEST_FOR_ABORT(_level == 0, "SCOTCH_STRATLEVEL(MIN/MAX) is used but level is not specified");
            const int level = Util::max(1, _level-treecut);

            SCOTCH_Strat stradat;
            SCOTCH_Num straval = _strat;

            ierr = SCOTCH_stratInit(&stradat);
            TACHO_TEST_FOR_ABORT(ierr, "Failed in SCOTCH_stratInit");

            // if both are zero, do not build strategy
            if (_strat || _level) {
                if (_verbose)
                    std::cout << "GraphTools_Scotch:: User provide a strategy and/or level" << std::endl
                              << "                    strategy = " << _strat << ", level =  " << _level << ", treecut = " << treecut << std::endl
                              << "                    strategy & SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMAX   = " << (_strat & SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMAX) << std::endl
                              << "                    strategy & SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMIN   = " << (_strat & SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMIN) << std::endl
                              << "                    strategy & SCOTCH_STRATLEAFSIMPLE = " << (_strat & SCOTCH_STRATLEAFSIMPLE) << std::endl
                              << "                    strategy & SCOTCH_STRATSEPASIMPLE = " << (_strat & SCOTCH_STRATSEPASIMPLE) << std::endl
                              << std::endl;
                ierr = SCOTCH_stratGraphOrderBuild(&stradat, straval, level, 0.2);
                TACHO_TEST_FOR_ABORT(ierr, "Failed in SCOTCH_stratGraphOrderBuild");
            ierr = SCOTCH_graphOrder(&_graph,
            TACHO_TEST_FOR_ABORT(ierr, "Failed in SCOTCH_graphOrder");

            ordinal_type nroot = 0;
            for (ordinal_type i=0; i<_cblk; ++i)
                nroot += (_tree[i] == -1);

            if (nroot > 1) {
                if (_verbose)
                    std::cout << "GraphTools_Scotch:: # of roots " << nroot << std::endl
                              << "                    a fake root is created to complete the tree" << std::endl
                              << std::endl;
                _tree [_cblk]   = -1;          // dummy root
                _range[_cblk+1] = _range[_cblk]; // zero range for the dummy root

                for (ordinal_type i=0; i<_cblk; ++i)
                    if (_tree[i] == -1)           // multiple roots becomes children of the dummy root
                        _tree[i] = (_cblk+1);
                ++_cblk;                       // include the dummy root
        _is_ordered = true;

        //std::cout << "SCOTCH level = " << level << std::endl;
        //std::cout << "Range   Tree " << std::endl;
        //for (int i=0;i<_cblk;++i)
        //  std::cout << _range[i] << " :: " << i << " " << _tree[i] << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 4
    int computeOrdering() {
      int r_val = 0;


      ordinal_type *rptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_rptr.ptr_on_device());
      ordinal_type *cidx = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_cidx.ptr_on_device());
      ordinal_type *cnst = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_cnst.ptr_on_device());

      ordinal_type *next = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_next.ptr_on_device());
      ordinal_type *perm = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_perm.ptr_on_device());

      // length array
      // assume there always is diagonal and the given matrix is symmetry
      ordinal_type_array lwork(_label+"::LWorkArray", _m);
      ordinal_type *lwork_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(lwork.ptr_on_device());
      for (ordinal_type i=0;i<_m;++i)
        lwork_ptr[i] = rptr[i+1] - rptr[i];

      // workspace
      const size_type swlen = _nnz + _nnz/5 + 5*(_m+1);;
      ordinal_type_array swork(_label+"::SWorkArray", swlen);
      ordinal_type *swork_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(swork.ptr_on_device());

      ordinal_type *pe_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_pe.ptr_on_device()); // 1) Pe
      size_type pfree = 0;
      for (ordinal_type i=0;i<_m;++i) {
        pe_ptr[i] = pfree;
        pfree += lwork_ptr[i];

      if (_nnz != pfree)
        ERROR(">> nnz in the graph does not match to nnz count (pfree)");

      ordinal_type *nv_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_nv.ptr_on_device()); // 2) Nv
      ordinal_type *hd_ptr = swork_ptr; swork_ptr += (_m+1);   // 3) Head
      ordinal_type *el_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_el.ptr_on_device()); // 4) Elen
      ordinal_type *dg_ptr = swork_ptr; swork_ptr += _m;       // 5) Degree
      ordinal_type *wk_ptr = swork_ptr; swork_ptr += (_m+1);   // 6) W
      ordinal_type *bk_ptr = swork_ptr; swork_ptr += _m;       // 7) BucketSet

      const size_type iwlen = swlen - (4*_m+2);
      ordinal_type *iw_ptr = swork_ptr; swork_ptr += iwlen;    // Iw
      for (ordinal_type i=0;i<pfree;++i)
        iw_ptr[i] = cidx[i];

      CAMD::run(_m, pe_ptr, iw_ptr, lwork_ptr, iwlen, pfree,
                // output
                nv_ptr, next, perm, hd_ptr, el_ptr, dg_ptr, wk_ptr, 
                _control, _info, cnst, bk_ptr);
      r_val = (_info[CAMD_STATUS] != CAMD_OK);

      for (ordinal_type i=0;i<_m;++i)
        _peri[_perm[i]] = i;

      _is_ordered = true;

      return r_val;
Exemplo n.º 5
    int computeOrdering(const ordinal_type treecut = 15,
                        const ordinal_type minblksize = 0) {
      int ierr = 0;

      // pointers for global graph ordering
      ordinal_type *perm  = _perm.ptr_on_device();
      ordinal_type *peri  = _peri.ptr_on_device();
      ordinal_type *range = _range.ptr_on_device();
      ordinal_type *tree  = _tree.ptr_on_device();
        const int level = max(1, int(log2(_m)-treecut)); // level = log2(_nnz)+10;
        SCOTCH_Strat stradat;
        SCOTCH_Num straval = (SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMAX   |
                              SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMIN   |
                              SCOTCH_STRATLEAFSIMPLE |
        ierr = SCOTCH_stratInit(&stradat);CHKERR(ierr);
        ierr = SCOTCH_stratGraphOrderBuild (&stradat, straval, level, 0.2);CHKERR(ierr);
        ierr = SCOTCH_graphOrder(&_graph,

      // provided blksize is greater than 0, reorder internally
      // if (treecut > 0 && minblksize > 0) {
      //   // graph array
      //   ordinal_type *rptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_rptr.ptr_on_device());
      //   ordinal_type *cidx = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_cidx.ptr_on_device());

      //   // create workspace in
      //   size_type_array    rptr_work = size_type_array(_label+"::Block::RowPtrArray", _m+1);
      //   ordinal_type_array cidx_work = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::Block::ColIndexArray", _nnz);

      //   // create workspace output
      //   ordinal_type_array perm_work  = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::Block::PermutationArray", _m);
      //   ordinal_type_array peri_work  = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::Block::InvPermutationArray", _m);
      //   ordinal_type_array range_work = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::Block::RangeArray", _m);
      //   ordinal_type_array tree_work  = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::Block::TreeArray", _m);
      //   // scotch input
      //   ordinal_type *rptr_blk = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(rptr_work.ptr_on_device());
      //   ordinal_type *cidx_blk = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(cidx_work.ptr_on_device());
      //   size_type nnz = 0;
      //   rptr_blk[0] = nnz;        

      //   for (ordinal_type iblk=0;iblk<_cblk;++iblk) {
      //     // allocate graph
      //     SCOTCH_Graph graph;
      //     ierr = SCOTCH_graphInit(&graph);CHKERR(ierr);
      //     SCOTCH_Strat stradat;
      //     SCOTCH_Num straval = (/*SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMAX   |
      //                             SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMIN   |*/
      //                           SCOTCH_STRATLEAFSIMPLE |
      //                           SCOTCH_STRATSEPASIMPLE);
      //     ierr = SCOTCH_stratInit(&stradat);CHKERR(ierr);
      //     ierr = SCOTCH_stratGraphOrderBuild(&stradat, straval, 0, 0.2);CHKERR(ierr);
      //     const ordinal_type ibegin = range[iblk], iend = range[iblk+1], m = iend - ibegin;

      //     // scotch output
      //     ordinal_type cblk_blk = 0;
      //     ordinal_type *perm_blk  = perm_work.ptr_on_device()  + ibegin;
      //     ordinal_type *peri_blk  = peri_work.ptr_on_device()  + ibegin;
      //     ordinal_type *range_blk = range_work.ptr_on_device() + ibegin;
      //     ordinal_type *tree_blk  = tree_work.ptr_on_device()  + ibegin;
      //     // if each blk is greater than the given minblksize, reorder internally
      //     if (m > minblksize) {
      //       for (int i=ibegin;i<iend;++i) {
      //         const ordinal_type ii = peri[i];
      //         const ordinal_type jbegin = rptr[ii];
      //         const ordinal_type jend = rptr[ii+1];
      //         for (int j=jbegin;j<jend;++j) {
      //           const ordinal_type jj = perm[cidx[j]];
      //           if (ibegin <= jj && jj < iend)  
      //             cidx_blk[nnz++] = (jj - ibegin);
      //         }
      //         rptr_blk[i+1] = nnz;
      //       }
      //       const size_type nnz_blk = nnz - rptr_blk[ibegin];
      //       ierr = SCOTCH_graphBuild(&graph,             // scotch graph
      //                                0,                  // base value
      //                                m,                  // # of vertices
      //                                &rptr_blk[ibegin],  // column index array pointer begin
      //                                &rptr_blk[ibegin]+1,// column index array pointer end
      //                                NULL,               // weights on vertices (optional)
      //                                NULL,               // label array on vertices (optional)
      //                                nnz_blk,            // # of nonzeros
      //                                cidx_blk,           // column index array
      //                                NULL);CHKERR(ierr); // edge load array (optional)
      //       ierr = SCOTCH_graphCheck(&graph);CHKERR(ierr);
      //       ierr = SCOTCH_graphOrder(&graph,
      //                                &stradat,
      //                                perm_blk,
      //                                peri_blk,
      //                                &cblk_blk,
      //                                range_blk,
      //                                tree_blk);CHKERR(ierr);
      //     } else {
      //       for (ordinal_type i=0;i<m;++i) {
      //         perm_blk[i] = i;
      //         peri_blk[i] = i;
      //       }
      //       range_blk[1] = m;
      //       tree_blk[0] = -1;
      //     }
      //     SCOTCH_stratExit(&stradat);
      //     SCOTCH_graphFree(&graph);
      //     for (ordinal_type i=0;i<m;++i) {
      //       const ordinal_type ii = peri_blk[i] + ibegin;
      //       peri_blk[i] = peri[ii];
      //     }
      //     for (ordinal_type i=0;i<m;++i) {
      //       const ordinal_type ii = i + ibegin;
      //       peri[ii] = peri_blk[i];
      //     }
      //   }
      //   for (ordinal_type i=0;i<_m;++i) 
      //     perm[peri[i]] = i;
      // }
      _is_ordered = true;
      //cout << "SCOTCH level = " << level << endl;
      //cout << "Range   Tree " << endl;
      //for (int i=0;i<_cblk;++i)
      //  cout << _range[i] << " :: " << i << " " << _tree[i] << endl;

      return 0;