Exemplo n.º 1
bool Foam::polyMeshZipUpCells(polyMesh& mesh)
    if (polyMesh::debug)
        Info<< "bool polyMeshZipUpCells(polyMesh& mesh) const: "
            << "zipping up topologically open cells" << endl;

    // Algorithm:
    // Take the original mesh and visit all cells.  For every cell
    // calculate the edges of all faces on the cells.  A cell is
    // correctly topologically closed when all the edges are referenced
    // by exactly two faces.  If the edges are referenced only by a
    // single face, additional vertices need to be inserted into some
    // of the faces (topological closedness).  If an edge is
    // referenced by more that two faces, there is an error in
    // topological closedness.
    // Point insertion into the faces is done by attempting to create
    // closed loops and inserting the intermediate points into the
    // defining edge
    // Note:
    // The algorithm is recursive and changes the mesh faces in each
    // pass.  It is therefore essential to discard the addressing
    // after every pass.  The algorithm is completed when the mesh
    // stops changing.

    label nChangedFacesInMesh = 0;
    label nCycles = 0;

    labelHashSet problemCells;

        nChangedFacesInMesh = 0;

        const cellList& Cells = mesh.cells();
        const pointField& Points = mesh.points();

        faceList newFaces = mesh.faces();

        const faceList& oldFaces = mesh.faces();
        const labelListList& pFaces = mesh.pointFaces();

        forAll(Cells, cellI)
            const labelList& curFaces = Cells[cellI];
            const edgeList cellEdges = Cells[cellI].edges(oldFaces);
            const labelList cellPoints = Cells[cellI].labels(oldFaces);

            // Find the edges used only once in the cell

            labelList edgeUsage(cellEdges.size(), 0);

            forAll(curFaces, faceI)
                edgeList curFaceEdges = oldFaces[curFaces[faceI]].edges();

                forAll(curFaceEdges, faceEdgeI)
                    const edge& curEdge = curFaceEdges[faceEdgeI];

                    forAll(cellEdges, cellEdgeI)
                        if (cellEdges[cellEdgeI] == curEdge)

            edgeList singleEdges(cellEdges.size());
            label nSingleEdges = 0;

            forAll(edgeUsage, edgeI)
                if (edgeUsage[edgeI] == 1)
                    singleEdges[nSingleEdges] = cellEdges[edgeI];
                else if (edgeUsage[edgeI] != 2)
                    WarningIn("void polyMeshZipUpCells(polyMesh& mesh)")
                        << "edge " << cellEdges[edgeI] << " in cell " << cellI
                        << " used " << edgeUsage[edgeI] << " times. " << nl
                        << "Should be 1 or 2 - serious error "
                        << "in mesh structure. " << endl;

#                   ifdef DEBUG_ZIPUP
                    forAll(curFaces, faceI)
                        Info<< "face: " << oldFaces[curFaces[faceI]]
                            << endl;

                    Info<< "Cell edges: " << cellEdges << nl
                        << "Edge usage: " << edgeUsage << nl
                        << "Cell points: " << cellPoints << endl;

                    forAll(cellPoints, cpI)
                        Info<< "vertex create \"" << cellPoints[cpI]
                            << "\" coordinates "
                            << Points[cellPoints[cpI]] << endl;
#                   endif

                    // Gather the problem cell

            // Check if the cell is already zipped up
            if (nSingleEdges == 0) continue;


#           ifdef DEBUG_ZIPUP
            Info<< "Cell " << cellI << endl;

            forAll(curFaces, faceI)
                Info<< "face: " << oldFaces[curFaces[faceI]] << endl;

            Info<< "Cell edges: " << cellEdges << nl
                << "Edge usage: " << edgeUsage << nl
                << "Single edges: " << singleEdges << nl
                << "Cell points: " << cellPoints << endl;

            forAll(cellPoints, cpI)
                Info<< "vertex create \"" << cellPoints[cpI]
                    << "\" coordinates "
                    << points()[cellPoints[cpI]] << endl;
#           endif

            // Loop through all single edges and mark the points they use
            // points marked twice are internal to edge; those marked more than
            // twice are corners

            labelList pointUsage(cellPoints.size(), 0);

            forAll(singleEdges, edgeI)
                const edge& curEdge = singleEdges[edgeI];

                forAll(cellPoints, pointI)
                        cellPoints[pointI] == curEdge.start()
                     || cellPoints[pointI] == curEdge.end()

            boolList singleEdgeUsage(singleEdges.size(), false);

            // loop through all edges and eliminate the ones that are
            // blocked out
            forAll(singleEdges, edgeI)
                bool blockedHead = false;
                bool blockedTail = false;

                label newEdgeStart = singleEdges[edgeI].start();
                label newEdgeEnd = singleEdges[edgeI].end();

                // check that the edge has not got all ends blocked
                forAll(cellPoints, pointI)
                    if (cellPoints[pointI] == newEdgeStart)
                        if (pointUsage[pointI] > 2)
                            blockedHead = true;
                    else if (cellPoints[pointI] == newEdgeEnd)
                        if (pointUsage[pointI] > 2)
                            blockedTail = true;

                if (blockedHead && blockedTail)
                    // Eliminating edge singleEdges[edgeI] as blocked
                    singleEdgeUsage[edgeI] = true;