Exemplo n.º 1
void Montgomery_Params::square_this(BigInt& x,
                                    secure_vector<word>& ws) const
   const size_t output_size = 2*m_p_words + 2;

   if(ws.size() < 2*output_size)

   word* z_data = &ws[0];
   word* ws_data = &ws[output_size];

   BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(x.sig_words() <= m_p_words);

   bigint_sqr(z_data, output_size,
              x.data(), x.size(), std::min(m_p_words, x.size()),
              ws_data, output_size);

                     m_p.data(), m_p_words, m_p_dash,
                     ws_data, output_size);

   if(x.size() < output_size)
   copy_mem(x.mutable_data(), z_data, output_size);
Exemplo n.º 2
void EAX_Decryption::finish(secure_vector<byte>& buffer, size_t offset)
    BOTAN_ASSERT(buffer.size() >= offset, "Offset is sane");
    const size_t sz = buffer.size() - offset;
    byte* buf = buffer.data() + offset;

    BOTAN_ASSERT(sz >= tag_size(), "Have the tag as part of final input");

    const size_t remaining = sz - tag_size();

        m_cmac->update(buf, remaining);
        m_ctr->cipher(buf, buf, remaining);

    const byte* included_tag = &buf[remaining];

    secure_vector<byte> mac = m_cmac->final();
    mac ^= m_nonce_mac;
    mac ^= m_ad_mac;

    if(!same_mem(mac.data(), included_tag, tag_size()))
        throw Integrity_Failure("EAX tag check failed");

    buffer.resize(offset + remaining);
Exemplo n.º 3
void CCM_Mode::update(secure_vector<byte>& buffer, size_t offset)
   BOTAN_ASSERT(buffer.size() >= offset, "Offset is sane");
   const size_t sz = buffer.size() - offset;
   byte* buf = buffer.data() + offset;

   m_msg_buf.insert(m_msg_buf.end(), buf, buf + sz);
   buffer.resize(offset); // truncate msg
Exemplo n.º 4
void CCM_Decryption::finish(secure_vector<byte>& buffer, size_t offset)
   BOTAN_ASSERT(buffer.size() >= offset, "Offset is sane");

   buffer.insert(buffer.begin() + offset, msg_buf().begin(), msg_buf().end());

   const size_t sz = buffer.size() - offset;
   byte* buf = buffer.data() + offset;

   BOTAN_ASSERT(sz >= tag_size(), "We have the tag");

   const secure_vector<byte>& ad = ad_buf();
   BOTAN_ASSERT(ad.size() % BS == 0, "AD is block size multiple");

   const BlockCipher& E = cipher();

   secure_vector<byte> T(BS);
   E.encrypt(format_b0(sz - tag_size()), T);

   for(size_t i = 0; i != ad.size(); i += BS)
      xor_buf(T.data(), &ad[i], BS);

   secure_vector<byte> C = format_c0();

   secure_vector<byte> S0(BS);
   E.encrypt(C, S0);

   secure_vector<byte> X(BS);

   const byte* buf_end = &buf[sz - tag_size()];

   while(buf != buf_end)
      const size_t to_proc = std::min<size_t>(BS, buf_end - buf);

      E.encrypt(C, X);
      xor_buf(buf, X.data(), to_proc);

      xor_buf(T.data(), buf, to_proc);

      buf += to_proc;

   T ^= S0;

   if(!same_mem(T.data(), buf_end, tag_size()))
      throw Integrity_Failure("CCM tag check failed");

   buffer.resize(buffer.size() - tag_size());
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: ecb.cpp Projeto: AlexNk/botan
void ECB_Decryption::finish(secure_vector<byte>& buffer, size_t offset)
   BOTAN_ASSERT(buffer.size() >= offset, "Offset is sane");
   const size_t sz = buffer.size() - offset;

   const size_t BS = cipher().block_size();

   if(sz == 0 || sz % BS)
      throw Decoding_Error(name() + ": Ciphertext not a multiple of block size");

   update(buffer, offset);

   const size_t pad_bytes = BS - padding().unpad(&buffer[buffer.size()-BS], BS);
   buffer.resize(buffer.size() - pad_bytes); // remove padding
Exemplo n.º 6
BigInt Montgomery_Params::redc(const BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws) const
   const size_t output_size = 2*m_p_words + 2;

   if(ws.size() < output_size)

   BigInt z = x;

                     m_p.data(), m_p_words, m_p_dash,
                     ws.data(), ws.size());

   return z;
Exemplo n.º 7
void CTS_Decryption::finish(secure_vector<uint8_t>& buffer, size_t offset)
   BOTAN_ASSERT(buffer.size() >= offset, "Offset is sane");
   const size_t sz = buffer.size() - offset;
   uint8_t* buf = buffer.data() + offset;

   const size_t BS = cipher().block_size();

   if(sz < BS + 1)
      throw Encoding_Error(name() + ": insufficient data to decrypt");

   if(sz % BS == 0)
      // swap last two blocks

      for(size_t i = 0; i != BS; ++i)
         std::swap(buffer[buffer.size()-BS+i], buffer[buffer.size()-2*BS+i]);

      update(buffer, offset);
      const size_t full_blocks = ((sz / BS) - 1) * BS;
      const size_t final_bytes = sz - full_blocks;
      BOTAN_ASSERT(final_bytes > BS && final_bytes < 2*BS, "Left over size in expected range");

      secure_vector<uint8_t> last(buf + full_blocks, buf + full_blocks + final_bytes);
      buffer.resize(full_blocks + offset);
      update(buffer, offset);


      xor_buf(last.data(), &last[BS], final_bytes - BS);

      for(size_t i = 0; i != final_bytes - BS; ++i)
         std::swap(last[i], last[i + BS]);

      xor_buf(last.data(), state_ptr(), BS);

      buffer += last;
Exemplo n.º 8
void XTS_Decryption::finish(secure_vector<uint8_t>& buffer, size_t offset)
   BOTAN_ASSERT(buffer.size() >= offset, "Offset is sane");
   const size_t sz = buffer.size() - offset;
   uint8_t* buf = buffer.data() + offset;

   BOTAN_ASSERT(sz >= minimum_final_size(), "Have sufficient final input in XTS decrypt");

   const size_t BS = cipher().block_size();

   if(sz % BS == 0)
      update(buffer, offset);
      // steal ciphertext
      const size_t full_blocks = ((sz / BS) - 1) * BS;
      const size_t final_bytes = sz - full_blocks;
      BOTAN_ASSERT(final_bytes > BS && final_bytes < 2*BS, "Left over size in expected range");

      secure_vector<uint8_t> last(buf + full_blocks, buf + full_blocks + final_bytes);
      buffer.resize(full_blocks + offset);
      update(buffer, offset);

      xor_buf(last, tweak() + BS, BS);
      xor_buf(last, tweak() + BS, BS);

      for(size_t i = 0; i != final_bytes - BS; ++i)
         last[i] ^= last[i + BS];
         last[i + BS] ^= last[i];
         last[i] ^= last[i + BS];

      xor_buf(last, tweak(), BS);
      xor_buf(last, tweak(), BS);

      buffer += last;
Exemplo n.º 9
BigInt Montgomery_Params::sqr(const BigInt& x, secure_vector<word>& ws) const
   const size_t output_size = 2*m_p_words + 2;

   if(ws.size() < output_size)

   BigInt z(BigInt::Positive, output_size);

   BOTAN_DEBUG_ASSERT(x.sig_words() <= m_p_words);

   bigint_sqr(z.mutable_data(), z.size(),
              x.data(), x.size(), std::min(m_p_words, x.size()),
              ws.data(), ws.size());

                     m_p.data(), m_p_words, m_p_dash,
                     ws.data(), ws.size());

   return z;
Exemplo n.º 10
void aes_key_schedule(const byte key[], size_t length,
                      secure_vector<u32bit>& EK,
                      secure_vector<u32bit>& DK,
                      secure_vector<byte>& ME,
                      secure_vector<byte>& MD)
   static const u32bit RC[10] = {
      0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0x04000000, 0x08000000, 0x10000000,
      0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000, 0x1B000000, 0x36000000 };

   const size_t rounds = (length / 4) + 6;

   secure_vector<u32bit> XEK(length + 32), XDK(length + 32);

   const size_t X = length / 4;
   for(size_t i = 0; i != X; ++i)
      XEK[i] = load_be<u32bit>(key, i);

   for(size_t i = X; i < 4*(rounds+1); i += X)
      XEK[i] = XEK[i-X] ^ RC[(i-X)/X] ^
               make_u32bit(SE[get_byte(1, XEK[i-1])],
                           SE[get_byte(2, XEK[i-1])],
                           SE[get_byte(3, XEK[i-1])],
                           SE[get_byte(0, XEK[i-1])]);

      for(size_t j = 1; j != X; ++j)
         XEK[i+j] = XEK[i+j-X];

         if(X == 8 && j == 4)
            XEK[i+j] ^= make_u32bit(SE[get_byte(0, XEK[i+j-1])],
                                    SE[get_byte(1, XEK[i+j-1])],
                                    SE[get_byte(2, XEK[i+j-1])],
                                    SE[get_byte(3, XEK[i+j-1])]);
            XEK[i+j] ^= XEK[i+j-1];

   const std::vector<u32bit>& TD = AES_TD();

   for(size_t i = 0; i != 4*(rounds+1); i += 4)
      XDK[i  ] = XEK[4*rounds-i  ];
      XDK[i+1] = XEK[4*rounds-i+1];
      XDK[i+2] = XEK[4*rounds-i+2];
      XDK[i+3] = XEK[4*rounds-i+3];

   for(size_t i = 4; i != length + 24; ++i)
      XDK[i] = TD[SE[get_byte(0, XDK[i])] +   0] ^
               TD[SE[get_byte(1, XDK[i])] + 256] ^
               TD[SE[get_byte(2, XDK[i])] + 512] ^
               TD[SE[get_byte(3, XDK[i])] + 768];


   for(size_t i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
      store_be(XEK[i+4*rounds], &ME[4*i]);
      store_be(XEK[i], &MD[4*i]);

   EK.resize(length + 24);
   DK.resize(length + 24);
   copy_mem(EK.data(), XEK.data(), EK.size());
   copy_mem(DK.data(), XDK.data(), DK.size());