Exemplo n.º 1
void AxisInfo::displayAxis(spGframe_t gf) {


   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view == nullView) return;

   if(magnetFrame && view->isOblique()) return;

   // draw center lines

   // draw axes
   if(!showAxis) return;
   if(!canShowAxis(gf)) return;

   if(isDisplayed == 0) return;

   // set offset and size
   horizSize = getReal("aipAxisGeom",INDEX_WIDTH,0.6);
   vertSize = getReal("aipAxisGeom",INDEX_HEIGHT,0.6);
   westX = getReal("aipAxisGeom",INDEX_WX,0.0);
   westY = getReal("aipAxisGeom",INDEX_WY,0.0);
   eastX = getReal("aipAxisGeom",INDEX_EX,0.0);
   eastY = getReal("aipAxisGeom",INDEX_EY,0.0);
   southX = getReal("aipAxisGeom",INDEX_SX,0.0);
   southY = getReal("aipAxisGeom",INDEX_SY,0.0);
   northX = getReal("aipAxisGeom",INDEX_NX,0.0);
   northY = getReal("aipAxisGeom",INDEX_NY,0.0);

   if(isDisplayed & AX_WEST) displayAxis_west(gf, inflg);
   if(isDisplayed & AX_EAST) displayAxis_east(gf, inflg);
   if(isDisplayed & AX_SOUTH) displayAxis_south(gf, inflg);
   if(isDisplayed & AX_NORTH) displayAxis_north(gf, inflg);
Exemplo n.º 2
int AxisInfo::getPositionString(spGframe_t gf, int x, int y, char *str) {
   if(getReal("aipShowPosition",1) < 1 && getReal("aipShowROIPos",0) < 1) return 0;
   if(!canShowLabel(gf, x, y)) return 0;

   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view == nullView) return 0;

   units = getString("aipUnits","cm");

    if(units == "pixel") {
    } else if(units == "pix") {
       double dx,dy;
       //pixToData(view, (double)x, (double)y, dx,dy);
       view->pixToData((double)x, (double)y, dx,dy);
    } else {
       double u[3];
       pixToLogical(view,(double)x, (double)y, 0.0,u[0],u[1],u[2]);
       if(units == "mm") sprintf(str,"(%.1f,%.1f)",u[0]*10,u[1]*10);
       else sprintf(str,"(%.2f,%.2f)",u[0],u[1]);
       if(magnetFrame) {
         view->pixToMagnet((double)x, (double)y, 0.0,u[0],u[1],u[2]);
         if(units == "mm") sprintf(str,"(%.1f,%.1f,%.1f)",u[0]*10,u[1]*10,u[2]*10);
         else sprintf(str,"(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)",u[0],u[1],u[2]);
       } else {
         view->pixToUser((double)x, (double)y, 0.0,u[0],u[1],u[2]);
         if(units == "mm") sprintf(str,"(%.1f,%.1f)",u[0]*10,u[1]*10);
         else sprintf(str,"(%.2f,%.2f)",u[0],u[1]);
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Constructor from data location.
 * Assume gf is valid.
Line::Line(spGframe_t gf, spCoordVector_t dpts, bool pixflag) :
    Roi() {
    created_type = ROI_LINE;
    init(gf, 2);
    if(pixflag) {
       pntData = dpts;
       setMagnetCoordsFromPixels(); // TODO: Should be set from data
    } else {
       magnetCoords = dpts;
    setPixPntsFromData(); // Sets pntPix, npnts, min/max
    pntData->name = "Line";
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Constructor from data location.
 * Assume gf is valid.
Polyline::Polyline(spGframe_t gf, spCoordVector_t dpts, bool pixflag) :
    Polygon() {
    init(gf, dpts->coords.size());
    created_type = ROI_POLYGON_OPEN;
    closed = false;
    if(pixflag) {
       pntData = dpts;
       setMagnetCoordsFromPixels(); // TODO: Should be set from data
    } else {
       magnetCoords = dpts;
    setPixPntsFromData(); // Sets pntPix, npnts, min/max
    pntData->name = "Polyline";
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Constructor from data location.
 * Assume gf is valid.
Point::Point(spGframe_t gf, spCoordVector_t dpts, bool pixflag) :
    Roi() {
    init(gf, 1);
    created_type = ROI_POINT;
    myID = ++id; // Unique ID for this Point ROI
    // note: dpts is in magnet frame  
    if(pixflag) {
       pntData = dpts;
       setMagnetCoordsFromPixels(); // TODO: Should be set from data
    } else {
       magnetCoords = dpts;
    setPixPntsFromData(); // Sets pntPix, npnts, min/max
    pntData->name = "Point";
Exemplo n.º 6
void AxisInfo::displayAxis_south(spGframe_t gf, bool inflg) {
   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view == nullView) return;

   int xoff = (int)(pixstx + 0.5*pixwd + pixwd * southX);
   int yoff;
   if(inflg) yoff = (int)(pixsty + pixht + pixht * southY - 3); 
   else yoff = (int)(pixsty + pixht + pixht * southY - axisSize); 
   int minpixx = (int)(xoff - pixwd * horizSize/2); 
   int maxpixx = (int)(xoff + pixwd * horizSize/2 - 3); 
   if(!inflg && horizSize == 1.0 && (isDisplayed & AX_WEST)) minpixx += axisSize;
   if(!inflg && horizSize == 1.0 && (isDisplayed & AX_EAST)) maxpixx -= axisSize;

   int tickpix;
   if(inflg) tickpix = -10; 
   else tickpix = 10;
   drawHorizAxis(gf, xoff, yoff, minpixx, maxpixx, tickpix); 
Exemplo n.º 7
void AxisInfo::displayAxis_east(spGframe_t gf, bool inflg) {
   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view == nullView) return;

   int xoff;
   if(inflg) xoff = (int)(pixstx + pixwd + pixwd * eastX - 3); 
   else xoff = (int)(pixstx + pixwd + pixwd * eastX - axisSize);
   int yoff = (int)(pixsty + 0.5*pixht + pixht * eastY);
   int minpixy = (int)(yoff - pixht * vertSize/2); 
   int maxpixy = (int)(yoff + pixht * vertSize/2 - 3); 

   if(!inflg && vertSize == 1.0 && (isDisplayed & AX_NORTH)) minpixy += axisSize;
   if(!inflg && vertSize == 1.0 && (isDisplayed & AX_SOUTH)) maxpixy -= axisSize;

   int tickpix;
   if(inflg) tickpix = -10; 
   else tickpix = 10;
   drawVertAxis(gf, xoff, yoff, minpixy, maxpixy, tickpix); 
Exemplo n.º 8
// called first 
void AxisInfo::initAxis(spGframe_t gf) {

   showAxis = false;
   if(getReal("aipAxis",INDEX_SHOW,0) > 0) showAxis = true;

   isDisplayed = 0;
   if(getReal("aipAxis",INDEX_WEST,0) > 0) isDisplayed |= AX_WEST;
   if(getReal("aipAxis",INDEX_EAST,0) > 0) isDisplayed |= AX_EAST;
   if(getReal("aipAxis",INDEX_SOUTH,0) > 0) isDisplayed |= AX_SOUTH;
   if(getReal("aipAxis",INDEX_NORTH,0) > 0) isDisplayed |= AX_NORTH;

   if(getString("aipAxisRef","logical") == "magnet") magnetFrame=true;
   else magnetFrame= false;

   // may set inflg here by a parameter
   if(getReal("aipAxis",INDEX_TICK,0) > 0) inflg = false; 
   else inflg = true; 

   int fov = false;
   // use image size or frame size
   if(getReal("aipAxis",INDEX_FOV,1) > 0) fov = true; 

   if(getReal("aipAxis",INDEX_CROSS,1) > 0 && getReal("aipAxis",INDEX_SHOW,0) > 0 && 
      isDisplayed == (AX_WEST | AX_EAST | AX_SOUTH | AX_NORTH) ) crosshair=true;
   else crosshair=false;

   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(fov && view != nullView) {
      pixstx = view->pixstx; 
      pixsty = view->pixsty; 
      pixwd = view->pixwd; 
      pixht = view->pixht; 
   } else {
      pixstx = gf->pixstx+2; 
      pixsty = gf->pixsty+2; 
      pixwd = gf->pixwd-2; 
      pixht = gf->pixht-2; 
Exemplo n.º 9
int AxisInfo::getDistanceString(spGframe_t gf, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, char *str, double dis) {

   if(getReal("aipShowPosition",1) < 1 && getReal("aipShowROIPos",0) < 1) return 0;
   if(!canShowLabel(gf, x1, y1)) return 0;
   if(!canShowLabel(gf, x2, y2)) return 0;

   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view == nullView) return 0;

   units = getString("aipUnits","cm");

    if(units == "pixel") {
       dis = sqrt((double)((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)));
    } else if(units == "pix") {
       double dx1,dy1,dx2,dy2;
       if(dis<=0.0) {
         pixToData(view, (double)x1, (double)y1, dx1,dy1);
         pixToData(view, (double)x2, (double)y2, dx2,dy2);
         dis = sqrt((double)((dx1-dx2)*(dx1-dx2)+(dy1-dy2)*(dy1-dy2)));
    } else {
       double ux1,uy1,uz1,ux2,uy2,uz2;
       if(dis<=0.0) {
         pixToUser(view,(double)x1, (double)y1, 0.0,ux1,uy1,uz1);
         pixToUser(view,(double)x2, (double)y2, 0.0,ux2,uy2,uz2);
         dis = sqrt((ux1-ux2)*(ux1-ux2)+(uy1-uy2)*(uy1-uy2));
       if(units == "mm") {
       } else {

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 10
void AxisInfo::drawString(spGframe_t gf, char *str, int x, int y, int color, int direction) {
   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view == nullView) return;
    int ascent;
    int descent;
    int cwd;
    int cht;

    // Get width and height of a character (cwd, cht)
    GraphicsWin::getTextExtents(str, 12, &ascent, &descent, &cwd);
    cht = ascent + descent;
    cwd = (int)(cwd*12.0/14.0);

    int xmin = pixstx;
    int xmax = pixstx + pixwd;
    int ymin = pixsty;
    int ymax = pixsty + pixht;

    if(direction & AX_WEST) {
      x -= (cwd+2);
      y += (int)(0.5*cht);
    } else if(direction & AX_SOUTH) {
      x -= (int)(0.5*cwd);
      y += (int)(0.5*cht);
    } else if(direction & AX_NORTH) {
      x -= (int)(0.5*cwd);
      y -= (int)(0.5*cht);
    } else { // east
      x += 2;
      y += (int)(0.5*cht);

    if(x <= xmin || x+cwd+1 >= xmax) return;
    if(y >=ymax || y-cht <= ymin) return;

    GraphicsWin::drawString(str, x, y, color, 0,0,0);
Exemplo n.º 11
void AxisInfo::drawCenterLines(spGframe_t gf) {
   int flag = getReal("aipShowCenter",0);
   if(flag <= 0) return;
   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view == nullView) return;

   int color = axisColor;
   double px,py,pz;
   double ux=0.0,uy=0.0,uz=0.0;
   if(flag > 1) { 
     spImgInfo_t img = view->imgInfo;
     if(img != nullImg) {
       ux -= img->getDataInfo()->getLocation(0);
       uy += img->getDataInfo()->getLocation(1);
       uz += img->getDataInfo()->getLocation(2);
     color = YELLOW; 

   GraphicsWin::drawLine((int)px, pixsty,(int)px, pixsty + pixht - 3, color);
   GraphicsWin::drawLine(pixstx,(int)py, pixstx + pixwd - 3, (int)py, color);
Exemplo n.º 12
void AxisInfo::displayAxis_north(spGframe_t gf, bool inflg) {
   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view == nullView) return;

   int xoff = (int)(pixstx + 0.5*pixwd + pixwd * northX);
   int yoff;
   if(inflg) yoff = (int)(pixsty + pixht * northY);
   else yoff = (int)(pixsty + axisSize + pixht * northY);
   int minpixx = (int)(xoff - pixwd * horizSize/2); 
   int maxpixx = (int)(xoff + pixwd * horizSize/2 - 3); 

   if(!inflg && horizSize == 1.0 && (isDisplayed & AX_WEST)) minpixx += axisSize;
   if(!inflg && horizSize == 1.0 && (isDisplayed & AX_EAST)) maxpixx -= axisSize;

   int tickpix;
   if(inflg) tickpix = 10; 
   else tickpix = -10;
   drawHorizAxis(gf, xoff, yoff, minpixx, maxpixx, tickpix); 

   GraphicsWin::drawLine(minpixx,yoff,maxpixx, yoff, labelColor);
   units = getString("aipUnits","cm");
Exemplo n.º 13
string ImgOverlay::getCoPlane(spGframe_t gf, spDataInfo_t overlayData) {

   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view  == nullView) return "";
   spImgInfo_t img = view->imgInfo;
   if(img == nullImg) return "";

   spDataInfo_t baseData = img->getDataInfo();

    if(baseData == (spDataInfo_t)NULL || overlayData == (spDataInfo_t)NULL)
	return string(""); 

    // overlayData may have rank 2 or 3.
    if(overlayData->getRank() == 2 && isCoPlane(baseData, overlayData)) {
        return overlayData->getKey();
    } else if(overlayData->getRank() == 2) {
	return string("");

    if(overlayData->getRank() != 3) return string("");

    // if gets here, overlayData has rank 3.
    return extractPlane(gf, overlayData);
Exemplo n.º 14
string ImgOverlay::extractPlane(spGframe_t gf, spDataInfo_t overlayData) {

   if(overlayData == (spDataInfo_t)NULL) return "";
   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view  == nullView) return "";

   // get baseData
   spImgInfo_t img = view->imgInfo;
   if(img == nullImg) return "";
   spDataInfo_t baseData = img->getDataInfo();

   // determin size for overlay plane
   int bfast = baseData->getFast();
   int bmedium = baseData->getMedium();
   int ofast = overlayData->getFast();
   int omedium = overlayData->getMedium();
   double blpe,olpe,blro,olro;
   DDLSymbolTable *bst = baseData->st;
   DDLSymbolTable *ost = overlayData->st;

   if(!bst || !ost) return "";
   bst->GetValue("roi",blpe, 0);
   bst->GetValue("roi",blro, 1);
   ost->GetValue("roi",olpe, 0);
   ost->GetValue("roi",olro, 1);

   int nfast = (int)(blpe*ofast/olpe);
   int nmedium = (int)(blro*omedium/olro);
   double scalex = (blpe*ofast)/(olpe*bfast);
   double scaley = (blro*omedium)/(olro*bmedium);

   // new data struct for extracted plane 
   // The only difference from baseData is ds2d->data, and data size nfast, nmedium. 
   dataStruct_t *ds2d = new dataStruct_t;
    if(!ds2d) {
	return "";
    memcpy(ds2d, baseData->dataStruct, sizeof(*ds2d));

    ds2d->data = NULL;
    ds2d->auxparms = NULL;

   float *buf = new float[nfast*nmedium];
   if(buf == NULL)
            delete ds2d;
            Winfoprintf("VolData: allocate memory returned NULL pointer.");
            return "";
   int np = rebinOverlayData(gf, overlayData, nfast,nmedium, scalex, scaley, buf,false);
   if(np<1) {
	delete[] buf;
            delete ds2d;
	return "";
   DDLSymbolTable *st = (DDLSymbolTable *)baseData->st->CloneList(false);
   DDLSymbolTable *st2 = new DDLSymbolTable();
   // New 2D datainfo
   spDataInfo_t datainfo = spDataInfo_t(new DataInfo(ds2d, st, st2)); 
   if(datainfo == (spDataInfo_t)NULL)
            delete ds2d;
            delete st2;
            Winfoprintf("VolData: allocate memory returned NULL pointer.");
            return "";

   datainfo->st->SetData((float *)buf, sizeof(float) * nfast * nmedium);
   delete[] buf;

   // update header
   char floatStr[16];
   strcpy(floatStr, "float");
   datainfo->st->SetValue("rank", 2);
   datainfo->st->SetValue("bits", 32);
   datainfo->st->SetValue("storage", floatStr);
   datainfo->st->SetValue("matrix", nfast, 0);
   datainfo->st->SetValue("matrix", nmedium, 1);

   string newpath = overlayData->getFilepath()+string("_")+baseData->getShortName();

   datainfo->st->SetValue("filename", newpath.c_str());

   DataManager *dm = DataManager::get();
   string key = dm->loadFile(newpath.c_str(), datainfo->st, datainfo->st2);
//Winfoprintf("-----key %s",key.c_str());

   //ReviewQueue::get()->addImagePlane(dataInfo, key);

   datainfo->st = NULL;

   return key;
Exemplo n.º 15
// calc centers for intersecting voxels
// center is in pixel, use baseImage's pixToData to convert to data pix.
// scale data pix to resolution of overlay image.
int ImgOverlay::rebinOverlayData(spGframe_t gf, spDataInfo_t overlayData, int nfast, int nmedium, double scalex, double scaley, float *buf, bool drawIntersect) {
   if(overlayData == (spDataInfo_t)NULL) return 0;

   spViewInfo_t fview = gf->getFirstView();
   if(fview  == nullView) return 0;

   float *data = (float *)overlayData->getData();
   if(!data) return 0;

   iplan_view *view = (iplan_view *)malloc(sizeof(iplan_view));
   iplan_stack *stack = (iplan_stack *)malloc(sizeof(iplan_stack));
   getIBview(view, gf->id);

   string dpath = overlayData->getFilepath();
   dpath = dpath.substr(0,dpath.find_last_of("/"))+"/procpar";
   string tpath = getCurexpdir()+"/curpar";

   P_save(CURRENT,(char *)tpath.c_str());
   P_read(CURRENT,(char *)dpath.c_str());
   getStack(stack, VOLUME);
   P_read(CURRENT,(char *)tpath.c_str());
   float orig[3],voxsize[3],p1[3]; 

   int ny = overlayData->getFast();
   int nx = overlayData->getMedium();
   int nz = overlayData->getSlow();

   voxsize[0] = (stack->lpe)/nx;
   voxsize[1] = (stack->lro)/ny;
   voxsize[2] = (stack->lpe2)/nz;

   orig[0] = - 0.5*(stack->lpe+voxsize[0]);
   orig[1] = - 0.5*(stack->lro+voxsize[1]);
   orig[2] = - 0.5*(stack->lpe2+voxsize[2]);

   //float viewThk = 0.5*(view->slice.thk)*(view->pixelsPerCm);
   float viewThk = getReal("aipOverlayThk",2, 1.5)*0.5*voxsize[2]*(view->pixelsPerCm);

   int ix,iy;
   double dx,dy;
   int i,j,k, count=0;
   for(i=0; i<nfast*nmedium; i++) buf[i] = (float)0.0;

   int maxx=0, maxy=0, minx=nfast, miny=nmedium;
        for(i=0;i<nx;i++) {
           // p1 is the upper left corner of a 3d voxel 
           // p2 is the diagnal corner of p1
           // Note, p1[0] and p2[0] are swapped
           p1[0] = orig[0] + i*voxsize[0];
           p1[1] = orig[1] + j*voxsize[1];
           p1[2] = orig[2] + k*(voxsize[2]);
           // transform p1, p2 to pixel space (base image space)
           transform(stack->u2m, p1);
           transform(view->m2p, p1);
           if(!(p1[2]>viewThk) && !(p1[2]< -viewThk)) {
              // vox intersects with base image 
		fview->pixToData(p1[0],aip_mnumypnts - p1[1] - 1,dx,dy);
		ix = (int)(dx*scalex);
		iy = (int)(dy*scaley);
		if(ix >=0 && ix < nfast && iy >= 0 && iy < nmedium) {
		  int ind = csi_getInd(ny-1-j,i,k,ny,nx,nz);
		  buf[ix+iy*nfast] = data[ind];
		 // buf[ix+iy*nfast] = *(data+ind);
                 if(drawIntersect) {
                   Dpoint_t polygon[2];
                   polygon[0].x = polygon[1].x = p1[0];
                   polygon[0].y = polygon[1].y = aip_mnumypnts - p1[1] - 1;
                   GraphicsWin::drawPolyline(polygon, 2, 4);
		 if(ix<minx) minx=ix;
		 if(iy<miny) miny=iy;
		 if(ix>maxx) maxx=ix;
		 if(iy>maxy) maxy=iy;


    // smooth data
    // if a data point is missing, use average of its neighboring points
    int ind,ind2,n;
    float f;
    for(j=1; j<maxy-1; j++) {
      for(i=1; i<maxx-1; i++) {
	if(buf[ind] == 0.0) {
	   for(iy=j-1; iy<j+1; iy++) {
	     for(ix=i-1; ix<i+1; ix++) { 
		if(buf[ind2] != 0.0) {
	   if(n>1) buf[ind]=f/n;
    return count;
Exemplo n.º 16
void AxisInfo::drawVertAxis(spGframe_t gf, int xoff, int yoff, int minpixy, int maxpixy, int tickpix) {
   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view == nullView) return;

   int unitPos = maxpixy + 16;

   int miny = minpixy;
   int maxy = maxpixy;
   int pmin = minpixy+abs(tickpix)+10;
   int pmax = maxpixy-abs(tickpix)-10;
   int horizAxis = (isDisplayed & AX_SOUTH) || (isDisplayed & AX_NORTH);

   int tickpix2 = tickpix/2; // small tick
   int direction;
   if(tickpix > 0) direction = AX_EAST;
   else direction = AX_WEST;

   units = getString("aipUnits","cm");

   char str[MAXSTR];
   if(units == "pixel") {
      int smallTickSpan = 10; // 10 pixels
      int bigTickSpan = 50; 

      minpixy = minpixy - pixsty;
      maxpixy = maxpixy - pixsty;

      // adjust minpixy (first point) to start from a tick. 
      minpixy = ((int)(minpixy/smallTickSpan + 0.5))*smallTickSpan;

      // draw ticks, start from minpixy 
      int y = minpixy;
      while(y <= maxpixy) {
	if((y % bigTickSpan) == 0) { //big tick
           GraphicsWin::drawLine(xoff+tickpix,y+pixsty,xoff,y+pixsty, axisColor);
           if(!horizAxis || !inflg || (y>pmin && y<pmax)) {
	     sprintf(str,"%d", y);
	     drawString(gf, str, xoff+tickpix, y+pixsty, axisColor, direction); 
	} else { // small tick
           GraphicsWin::drawLine(xoff+tickpix2,y+pixsty,xoff,y+pixsty, axisColor);
	y += smallTickSpan;
      maxpixy = y - smallTickSpan;

      minpixy += pixsty;
      maxpixy += pixsty;

      // draw units
      if(inflg) unitPos = maxpixy + 16;
      drawString(gf, "[pixel]", xoff+2, unitPos, axisColor, direction); 

   } else if(units == "pix") {

      double dx,dy,px,py,dymin,dymax;
      px = (double)xoff; // px does not change

      pixToData(view, px, (double)minpixy, dx,dymin);
      pixToData(view, px, (double)maxpixy, dx,dymax);
      bool invertY=false;
      if(dymin > dymax) {
	double d=dymin;

      double first, inc, mag;
      int nticks;
      if(!calcAxis(dymin, dymax, minpixy, maxpixy, first, inc, mag, nticks))

      // draw ticks, start from first point
      if(!inflg) dy = first + inc;
      else dy = first;
      if(invertY) {
        maxpixy = (int)py;
      } else {
        minpixy = (int)py;
      while(dy <= dymax) {
        if((int)(10.0*fabs(dy)/mag + 0.5) % nticks == 0) { // big tick
           GraphicsWin::drawLine(xoff+tickpix,(int)py,xoff,(int)py, axisColor);
           if(!horizAxis || !inflg || (py>pmin && py<pmax)) {
	     if(mag < 1) sprintf(str,"%.1f",dy);
	     else sprintf(str,"%d",(int)dy);
	     drawString(gf, str, xoff+tickpix, (int)py, axisColor, direction); 
	} else if(inc>=1) {
           GraphicsWin::drawLine(xoff+tickpix2,(int)py,xoff,(int)py, axisColor);
	dy += inc;
      dy = dy - inc;
      if(invertY) {
        minpixy = (int)py;
      } else {
        maxpixy = (int)py;

      // draw units
      if(inflg) unitPos = maxpixy + 16;
      drawString(gf, "[pix]", xoff+2, unitPos, axisColor, direction); 

   } else if(units == "cm" || units == "mm") {

      int ind = 1;

      double d[3],px,py,pz,dymin,dymax;
      px = (double)xoff; // px does not change

      pixToLogical(view,px, (double)minpixy, 0.0, d[0],d[1],d[2]);
      dymin = d[ind];
      pixToLogical(view,px, (double)maxpixy, 0.0, d[0],d[1],d[2]);
      dymax = d[ind];

      bool invertY=false;
      if(dymin > dymax) {
	double tmp=dymin;

      double first, inc, mag;
      int nticks;
      if(!calcAxis(dymin, dymax, minpixy, maxpixy, first, inc, mag, nticks))

      // draw ticks, start from first point
      d[ind] = first;
      if(invertY) {
        maxpixy = (int)py;
      } else {
        minpixy = (int)py;
      while(d[ind] <= dymax) {
        // note, use fabs for modulus operation
	if(fabs(d[ind]) < 1.0e-4) d[ind] = 0.0;
        if((int)(fabs(d[ind]*10.0)/mag+0.5) % nticks == 0) { // big tick
           GraphicsWin::drawLine(xoff+tickpix,(int)py,xoff,(int)py, axisColor);
           if(!horizAxis || !inflg || (py>pmin && py<pmax)) {
	     if(units=="cm") {
	       if(mag <= 0.01) sprintf(str,"%.2f",d[ind]);
	       else if(inc <= 0.1) sprintf(str,"%.1f",d[ind]);
	       else sprintf(str,"%.0f",d[ind]);
	     } else if(units=="mm") {
	       if(mag <= 0.01) sprintf(str,"%.1f",d[ind]*10.0);
	       else sprintf(str,"%.0f",(d[ind]*10.0));
	     drawString(gf, str, xoff+tickpix, (int)py, axisColor, direction); 
	} else {
           GraphicsWin::drawLine(xoff+tickpix2,(int)py,xoff,(int)py, axisColor);
	d[ind] += inc;
      d[ind] = d[ind] - inc;
      if(invertY) {
        minpixy = (int)py;
      } else {
        maxpixy = (int)py;

      // draw units
      if(inflg) unitPos = maxpixy + 16;
      drawString(gf, str, xoff+2, unitPos, axisColor, direction); 
   // draw axis
   if(vertSize == 1.0 && inflg) 
     GraphicsWin::drawLine(xoff,pixsty,xoff,pixsty+pixht - 3, axisColor);
   else if(vertSize == 1.0)
     GraphicsWin::drawLine(xoff,miny+1,xoff,maxy+3, axisColor);
     GraphicsWin::drawLine(xoff,minpixy,xoff,maxpixy, axisColor);
Exemplo n.º 17
void AxisInfo::drawHorizAxis(spGframe_t gf, int xoff, int yoff, int minpixx, int maxpixx, int tickpix) {
   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view == nullView) return;

   int tickpix2 = tickpix/2; // small tick
   int direction;
   if(tickpix > 0) direction = AX_SOUTH;
   else direction = AX_NORTH;

   int minx = minpixx;
   int maxx = maxpixx;

   int pmin = minpixx+abs(tickpix)+10;
   int pmax = maxpixx-abs(tickpix)-10;
   int vertAxis = (isDisplayed & AX_EAST) || (isDisplayed & AX_WEST);

   units = getString("aipUnits","cm");

   char str[MAXSTR];
   if(units == "pixel") {
      int smallTickSpan = 10; // 10 pixels
      int bigTickSpan = 50; 

      minpixx = minpixx - pixstx;
      maxpixx = maxpixx - pixstx;

      // adjust minpixx (first point) to start from a tick. 
      minpixx = ((int)(minpixx/smallTickSpan + 0.5))*smallTickSpan;

      // draw ticks, start from minpixx 
      int x = minpixx;
      while(x <= maxpixx) {
	if((x % bigTickSpan) == 0) { //big tick
           GraphicsWin::drawLine(x+pixstx, yoff+tickpix, x+pixstx, yoff, axisColor);
           if(!vertAxis || !inflg || (x>pmin && x<pmax)) {
	    sprintf(str,"%d", x);
	    drawString(gf, str, x+pixstx, yoff+tickpix+10, axisColor, direction); 
	} else { // small tick
           GraphicsWin::drawLine(x+pixstx, yoff, x+pixstx, yoff+tickpix2, axisColor);
	x += smallTickSpan;
      maxpixx = x - smallTickSpan;

      minpixx += pixstx;
      maxpixx += pixstx;

      // draw units
      //drawString(gf, "[pixel]", maxpixx+20, yoff+8, axisColor, direction); 

   } else if(units == "pix") {

      double dx,dy,px,py,dxmin,dxmax;
      py = (double)yoff; // py does not change

      pixToData(view, (double)minpixx, py, dxmin,dy);
      pixToData(view, (double)maxpixx, py, dxmax,dy);

      bool invertX = false;
      if(dxmin > dxmax) {
	double d=dxmin;

      double first, inc, mag;
      int nticks;
      if(!calcAxis(dxmin, dxmax, minpixx, maxpixx, first, inc, mag, nticks))

      // draw ticks, start from first point
      if(!inflg) dx = first + inc;
      else dx = first;
      if(invertX) {
        maxpixx = (int)px;
      } else {
        minpixx = (int)px;
      while(dx <= dxmax) {
        if((int)(10.0*fabs(dx)/mag + 0.5) % nticks == 0) { // big tick
           GraphicsWin::drawLine((int)px,yoff+tickpix,(int)px,yoff, axisColor);
           if(!vertAxis || !inflg || (px>pmin && px<pmax)) {
	     if(mag < 1) sprintf(str,"%.1f",dx);
	     else sprintf(str,"%d",(int)dx);
	     drawString(gf, str, (int)px, yoff+tickpix+10, axisColor, direction); 
	} else if(inc>=1) {
           GraphicsWin::drawLine((int)px,yoff+tickpix2,(int)px,yoff, axisColor);
	dx += inc;
      dx = dx - inc;
      if(invertX) {
        minpixx = (int)px;
      } else {
        maxpixx = (int)px;

      // draw units
      //drawString(gf, "[pix]", maxpixx+20, yoff+8, axisColor, direction); 

   } else if(units == "cm" || units == "mm") {

      int ind = 0;

      double d[3],px,py,pz,dxmin,dxmax;
      py = (double)yoff; // py does not change

      pixToLogical(view,(double)minpixx, py, 0.0, d[0],d[1],d[2]);
      pixToLogical(view,(double)maxpixx, py, 0.0, d[0],d[1],d[2]);

      bool invertX=false;
      if(dxmin > dxmax) {
	double tmp=dxmin;

      double first, inc, mag;
      int nticks;
      if(!calcAxis(dxmin, dxmax, minpixx, maxpixx, first, inc, mag, nticks))

      // draw ticks, start from first point
      d[ind] = first;
      if(invertX) {
        maxpixx = (int)px;  // first point is maxpixx 
      } else {
        minpixx = (int)px;  // first point is minpixx 
      while(d[ind] <= dxmax) {
        // note, use fabs for modulus operation
	if(fabs(d[ind]) < 1.0e-4) d[ind] = 0.0;
        if((int)(fabs(d[ind]*10.0)/mag+0.5) % nticks == 0) { // big tick
           GraphicsWin::drawLine((int)px, yoff+tickpix,(int)px,yoff, axisColor);
           if(!vertAxis || !inflg || (px>pmin && px<pmax)) {
	     if(units=="cm") {
	       if(mag <= 0.01) sprintf(str,"%.2f",d[ind]);
	       else if(inc <= 0.1) sprintf(str,"%.1f",d[ind]);
	       else sprintf(str,"%.0f",d[ind]);
	     } else if(units=="mm") {
	       if(mag <= 0.01) sprintf(str,"%.1f",d[ind]*10.0);
	       else sprintf(str,"%.0f",(d[ind]*10.0));
	     drawString(gf, str, (int)px, yoff+tickpix+10, axisColor, direction); 
	} else {
           GraphicsWin::drawLine((int)px, yoff+tickpix2,(int)px, yoff, axisColor);
	d[ind] += inc;
      d[ind] = d[ind] - inc;
      if(invertX) {
        minpixx = (int)px;
      } else {
        maxpixx = (int)px;

      // draw units
      drawString(gf, str, maxpixx+20, yoff+8, axisColor, direction); 
   // draw axis
   if(horizSize == 1.0 && inflg) 
     GraphicsWin::drawLine(pixstx, yoff,pixstx+pixwd - 3, yoff, axisColor);
   else if(vertSize == 1.0)
     GraphicsWin::drawLine(minx+1,yoff,maxx+3, yoff, axisColor);
     GraphicsWin::drawLine(minpixx,yoff,maxpixx, yoff, axisColor);
Exemplo n.º 18
void AxisInfo::showPosition(spGframe_t gf, int x, int y, bool showLabel, bool updateSlaves) {


   char str[MAXSTR];
   if(!getPositionString(gf, x, y, str) ) return;
   spViewInfo_t view = gf->getFirstView();
   if(view == nullView) return;
   int xmin = gf->pixstx;
   int xmax = gf->pixstx + gf->pixwd - 3;
   int ymin = gf->pixsty;
   int ymax = gf->pixsty + gf->pixht - 3;

   if(x < xmin || x > xmax || y < ymin || y > ymax) return;

   if(crosshair && getReal("aipMode",1) == 3 && updateSlaves) {
     GraphicsWin::drawLine(x,ymin,x,ymax, labelColor);
     GraphicsWin::drawLine(xmin,y,xmax,y, labelColor);
   } else {
     GraphicsWin::drawLine(x-3,y-3,x+3,y+3, labelColor);
     GraphicsWin::drawLine(x+3,y-3,x-3,y+3, labelColor);

    // Get width and height of a character (cwd, cht)
    int ascent;
    int descent;
    int cwd;  // string width
    int cht;  // string height
    GraphicsWin::getTextExtents(str, 12, &ascent, &descent, &cwd);
    cht = ascent + descent;
    cwd = (int)(cwd*12.0/14.0); // getTextExtents calls a function that assume font size 14

    int px = x+8;
    if(px <= xmin) showLabel=false;
    if(px+cwd+1 >= xmax) px -= cwd;
    if(px <= xmin) showLabel=false;

    int py = y;
    if(py <= ymin+cht) py = y+cht;
    if(py >=ymax) showLabel=false; 
    GraphicsWin::drawString(str, px, py, labelColor, 0,0,0);

    // show position only if mouse in createLine or createPoint state.
    //if((Mouse::creatingLine() || Mouse::creatingPoint()) && updateSlaves && getReal("aipRoiBind",0) > 0) {
    if(updateSlaves && getReal("aipRoiBind",0) > 0) {

       double ux,uy,uz;
       pixToMagnet(view,(double)x, (double)y, 0.0,ux,uy,uz);

       spGframe_t frame;
       GframeManager *gfm = GframeManager::get();
       GframeList::iterator gfi;
       for (frame=gfm->getFirstFrame(gfi); frame != nullFrame; frame
            =gfm->getNextFrame(gfi)) {
	   if(frame == gf || !gfm->isFrameDisplayed(frame)) continue;
   	   view = frame->getFirstView();
   	   if(view == nullView) return;
	   double dx,dy,dz;
	   showPosition(frame,(int)dx, (int)dy, false, false);
