Exemplo n.º 1
inline GAUSS gauss_ini(double e, double phi0, double &chi, double &rc)
    using std::asin;
    using std::cos;
    using std::sin;
    using std::sqrt;
    using std::tan;

    double sphi = 0;
    double cphi = 0;
    double es = 0;

    GAUSS en;
    es = e * e;
    en.e = e;
    sphi = sin(phi0);
    cphi = cos(phi0);
    cphi *= cphi;

    rc = sqrt(1.0 - es) / (1.0 - es * sphi * sphi);
    en.C = sqrt(1.0 + es * cphi * cphi / (1.0 - es));
    chi = asin(sphi / en.C);
    en.ratexp = 0.5 * en.C * e;
    en.K = tan(0.5 * chi + detail::FORTPI)
           / (pow(tan(0.5 * phi0 + detail::FORTPI), en.C) * srat(en.e * sphi, en.ratexp));

    return en;
Exemplo n.º 2
TEST(AgradFwdTan, FvarFvarVar_2ndDeriv) {
  using stan::agrad::fvar;
  using stan::agrad::var;
  using std::tan;
  using std::cos;

  fvar<fvar<var> > x;
  x.val_.val_ = 1.5;
  x.val_.d_ = 2.0;

  fvar<fvar<var> > a = tan(x);

  AVEC p = createAVEC(x.val_.val_);
  VEC g;
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(2.0 * 2.0 * tan(1.5) / (cos(1.5) * cos(1.5)), g[0]);

  fvar<fvar<var> > y;
  y.val_.val_ = 1.5;
  y.d_.val_ = 2.0;

  fvar<fvar<var> > b = tan(y);

  AVEC q = createAVEC(y.val_.val_);
  VEC r;
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(2.0 * 2.0 * tan(1.5) / (cos(1.5) * cos(1.5)), r[0]);
Exemplo n.º 3
TEST(AgradFwdTan, FvarFvarDouble) {
  using stan::agrad::fvar;
  using std::tan;
  using std::cos;

  fvar<fvar<double> > x;
  x.val_.val_ = 1.5;
  x.val_.d_ = 2.0;

  fvar<fvar<double> > a = tan(x);

  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(tan(1.5), a.val_.val_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(2.0 / (cos(1.5) * cos(1.5)), a.val_.d_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, a.d_.val_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, a.d_.d_);

  fvar<fvar<double> > y;
  y.val_.val_ = 1.5;
  y.d_.val_ = 2.0;

  a = tan(y);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(tan(1.5), a.val_.val_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, a.val_.d_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(2.0 / (cos(1.5) * cos(1.5)), a.d_.val_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, a.d_.d_);
Exemplo n.º 4
TEST(AgradFwdTan, FvarVar_2ndDeriv) {
  using stan::agrad::fvar;
  using stan::agrad::var;
  using std::tan;
  using std::cos;

  fvar<var> x(1.5,1.3);
  fvar<var> a = tan(x);

  AVEC y = createAVEC(x.val_);
  VEC g;
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(2.0 / (cos(1.5) * cos(1.5)) * tan(1.5) * 1.3, g[0]);
Exemplo n.º 5
//! Compute pressure coefficient using the Hankey flat surface method.
double computeHankeyFlatSurfacePressureCoefficient(
    double inclinationAngle, double machNumber )
    // Declare local variables.
    double stagnationPressureCoefficient_;

    // Calculate 'effective' stagnation pressure coefficient for low
    // inclination angle.
    if( inclinationAngle < PI / 18.0 )
        stagnationPressureCoefficient_ = ( 0.195 + 0.222594 / pow( machNumber, 0.3 ) - 0.4 )
                * inclinationAngle * 180.0 / PI + 4.0;
    // Calculate 'effective' stagnation pressure coefficient for other
    // inclination angle.
        stagnationPressureCoefficient_ = 1.95 + 0.3925 / ( pow( machNumber, 0.3 )
                                                           * tan( inclinationAngle ) );

    // Return pressure coefficient using 'effective' stagnation pressure
    // coefficient.
    return computeModifiedNewtonianPressureCoefficient(
                inclinationAngle, stagnationPressureCoefficient_ );
Exemplo n.º 6
 tan(const fvar<T>& x) {
   using std::cos;
   using std::tan;
   return fvar<T>(tan(x.val_), x.d_ / (cos(x.val_) * cos(x.val_)));
Exemplo n.º 7
inline void gauss(GAUSS const& en, T& lam, T& phi)
    phi = 2.0 * atan(en.K * pow(tan(0.5 * phi + FORTPI), en.C)
          * srat(en.e * sin(phi), en.ratexp) ) - HALFPI;

    lam *= en.C;
Exemplo n.º 8
  result_type operator()(Engine& eng)
    // Can we have a boost::mathconst please?
    const result_type pi = result_type(3.14159265358979323846);
    using std::tan;
    return _median + _sigma * tan(pi*(eng()-result_type(0.5)));
Exemplo n.º 9
void complex_number_examples()
    Complex z1{0, 1};
    std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<typename Complex::value_type>::digits10);
    std::cout << std::scientific << std::fixed;
    std::cout << "Print a complex number: " << z1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Square it             : " << z1*z1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Real part             : " << z1.real() << " = " << real(z1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Imaginary part        : " << z1.imag() << " = " << imag(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::abs;
    std::cout << "Absolute value        : " << abs(z1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Argument              : " << arg(z1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Norm                  : " << norm(z1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Complex conjugate     : " << conj(z1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Projection onto Riemann sphere: " <<  proj(z1) << std::endl;
    typename Complex::value_type r = 1;
    typename Complex::value_type theta = 0.8;
    using std::polar;
    std::cout << "Polar coordinates (phase = 0)    : " << polar(r) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Polar coordinates (phase !=0)    : " << polar(r, theta) << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nElementary special functions:\n";
    using std::exp;
    std::cout << "exp(z1) = " << exp(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::log;
    std::cout << "log(z1) = " << log(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::log10;
    std::cout << "log10(z1) = " << log10(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::pow;
    std::cout << "pow(z1, z1) = " << pow(z1, z1) << std::endl;
    using std::sqrt;
    std::cout << "Take its square root  : " << sqrt(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::sin;
    std::cout << "sin(z1) = " << sin(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::cos;
    std::cout << "cos(z1) = " << cos(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::tan;
    std::cout << "tan(z1) = " << tan(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::asin;
    std::cout << "asin(z1) = " << asin(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::acos;
    std::cout << "acos(z1) = " << acos(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::atan;
    std::cout << "atan(z1) = " << atan(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::sinh;
    std::cout << "sinh(z1) = " << sinh(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::cosh;
    std::cout << "cosh(z1) = " << cosh(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::tanh;
    std::cout << "tanh(z1) = " << tanh(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::asinh;
    std::cout << "asinh(z1) = " << asinh(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::acosh;
    std::cout << "acosh(z1) = " << acosh(z1) << std::endl;
    using std::atanh;
    std::cout << "atanh(z1) = " << atanh(z1) << std::endl;
// Convert geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude in degrees) into
// cartesian coordinates (in kilometers) using the Lambert 93 projection.
pair<float,float> geoToLambert93(float latitude,float longitude)
    float phi = degreeToRadian(latitude);
    float l   = degreeToRadian(longitude);
    float gl  = log(tan(M_PI/4+phi/2)*pow((1-e*sin(phi))/(1+e*sin(phi)),e/2));
    float x93 = X0 + c*exp(-n*gl)*sin(n*(l-lc));
    float y93 = ys - c*exp(-n*gl)*cos(n*(l-lc));
    return make_pair(x93/1000,y93/1000);
Exemplo n.º 11
inline double invcdf_hcauchy(double p, double sigma,
                             bool& throw_warning) {
#ifdef IEEE_754
  if (ISNAN(p) || ISNAN(sigma))
    return p+sigma;
  if (sigma <= 0.0 || !VALID_PROB(p)) {
    throw_warning = true;
    return NAN;
  return sigma * tan((M_PI*p)/2.0);
Exemplo n.º 12
//! Compute shock deflection angle.
double computeShockDeflectionAngle( double shockAngle, double machNumber,
                                    double ratioOfSpecificHeats )
    // Declare local variables.
    double tangentOfDeflectionAngle_;

    // Calculate tangent of deflection angle.
    tangentOfDeflectionAngle_ = 2.0 * ( pow( machNumber * sin( shockAngle ), 2.0 ) - 1.0 )
            / ( tan( shockAngle ) * ( pow( machNumber, 2.0 )
                                      * ( ratioOfSpecificHeats
                                          + cos( 2.0 * shockAngle ) ) + 2.0 ) );

    // Return deflection angle.
    return atan( tangentOfDeflectionAngle_ );
Exemplo n.º 13
TEST(AgradFwdTan, FvarFvarVar_3rdDeriv) {
  using stan::agrad::fvar;
  using stan::agrad::var;
  using std::tan;
  using std::cos;

  fvar<fvar<var> > x;
  x.val_.val_ = 1.5;
  x.val_.d_ = 1.0;
  x.d_.val_ = 1.0;

  fvar<fvar<var> > a = tan(x);

  AVEC p = createAVEC(x.val_.val_);
  VEC g;
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(238840.84160534013669260979995, g[0]);
Exemplo n.º 14
int vectester (Vector zerovec)
  using std::abs;
  using std::acos;
  using std::asin;
  using std::atan;
  using std::floor;
  using std::pow;
  using std::sin;
  using std::sqrt;
  using std::tan;

  typedef typename Vector::value_type Scalar;

  Vector random_vec = zerovec;

  Vector error_vec = zerovec;

  std::srand(12345); // Fixed seed for reproduceability of failures

  // Avoid divide by zero errors or acos(x>1) NaNs later
  for (unsigned int i=0; i != random_vec.size(); ++i)
    random_vec.raw_at(i) = .25 + (static_cast<Scalar>(std::rand())/RAND_MAX/2);

  int returnval = 0;

  one_test(2*random_vec - random_vec - random_vec);

  one_test(3*random_vec - random_vec*3);

  one_test((random_vec + random_vec)/2 - random_vec);

  one_test(sqrt(random_vec) * sqrt(random_vec) - random_vec);
  one_test(random_vec*random_vec - pow(random_vec,2));
  one_test(sqrt(random_vec) - pow(random_vec,Scalar(.5)));

  one_test(random_vec - sin(asin(random_vec)));
  one_test(random_vec - tan(atan(random_vec)));

  one_test(floor(random_vec / 2));
  one_test(abs(random_vec) - random_vec);

  return returnval;
Exemplo n.º 15
  result_type operator()(Engine& eng)
    // allow for Koenig lookup
    using std::tan; using std::sqrt; using std::exp; using std::log;
    using std::pow;
    if(_alpha == result_type(1)) {
      return _exp(eng);
    } else if(_alpha > result_type(1)) {
      // Can we have a boost::mathconst please?
      const result_type pi = result_type(3.14159265358979323846);
      for(;;) {
        result_type y = tan(pi * eng());
        result_type x = sqrt(result_type(2)*_alpha-result_type(1))*y
          + _alpha-result_type(1);
        if(x <= result_type(0))
        if(eng() >
           (result_type(1)+y*y) * exp((_alpha-result_type(1))
                                        - sqrt(result_type(2)*_alpha
        return x;
    } else /* alpha < 1.0 */ {
      for(;;) {
        result_type u = eng();
        result_type y = _exp(eng);
        result_type x, q;
        if(u < _p) {
          x = exp(-y/_alpha);
          q = _p*exp(-x);
        } else {
          x = result_type(1)+y;
          q = _p + (result_type(1)-_p) * pow(x, _alpha-result_type(1));
        if(u >= q)
        return x;
Exemplo n.º 16
inline void inv_gauss(GAUSS const& en, T& lam, T& phi)
    lam /= en.C;
    const double num = pow(tan(0.5 * phi + FORTPI) / en.K, 1.0 / en.C);

    int i = 0;
    for (i = MAX_ITER; i; --i)
        const double elp_phi = 2.0 * atan(num * srat(en.e * sin(phi), - 0.5 * en.e)) - HALFPI;

        if (geometry::math::abs(elp_phi - phi) < DEL_TOL)
        phi = elp_phi;

    /* convergence failed */
    if (!i)
        throw proj_exception(-17);
Exemplo n.º 17
double tand(double d)
   return tan(d/DEG_TO_RAD);
Exemplo n.º 18
TEST(AgradFwdTan, Fvar) {
  using stan::agrad::fvar;
  using std::tan;
  using std::cos;

  fvar<double> x(0.5,1.0);
  fvar<double> a = tan(x);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(tan(0.5), a.val_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1 / (cos(0.5) * cos(0.5)), a.d_);

  fvar<double> b = 2 * tan(x) + 4;
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(2 * tan(0.5) + 4, b.val_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(2 / (cos(0.5) * cos(0.5)), b.d_);

  fvar<double> c = -tan(x) + 5;
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-tan(0.5) + 5, c.val_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-1 / (cos(0.5) * cos(0.5)), c.d_);

  fvar<double> d = -3 * tan(x) + 5 * x;
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-3 * tan(0.5) + 5 * 0.5, d.val_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-3 / (cos(0.5) * cos(0.5)) + 5, d.d_);

  fvar<double> y(-0.5,1.0);
  fvar<double> e = tan(y);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(tan(-0.5), e.val_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1 / (cos(-0.5) * cos(-0.5)), e.d_);

  fvar<double> z(0.0,1.0);
  fvar<double> f = tan(z);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(tan(0.0), f.val_);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1 / (cos(0.0) * cos(0.0)), f.d_);
Exemplo n.º 19
int vectester (Vector zerovec)
  using std::abs;
  using std::acos;
  using std::asin;
  using std::atan;
  using std::ceil;
  using std::cos;
  using std::cosh;
  using std::exp;
  using std::fabs;
  using std::floor;
  using std::log;
  using std::log10;
  using std::pow;
  using std::sin;
  using std::sinh;
  using std::sqrt;
  using std::tan;
  using std::tanh;

  typedef typename ValueType<Vector>::type DualScalar;
  typedef typename DualScalar::value_type Scalar;

  Vector random_vec = zerovec;

  typename DerivativeType<Vector>::type error_vec = 0;

  std::srand(12345); // Fixed seed for reproduceability of failures

  // Avoid divide by zero errors later
  for (unsigned int i=0; i != N; ++i)
      random_vec.raw_at(i) = .25 + (static_cast<Scalar>(std::rand())/RAND_MAX);
      random_vec.raw_at(i).derivatives() = 1;

  // Scalar pi = acos(Scalar(-1));

  int returnval = 0;

  // Running non-derivatives tests with DualNumbers sometimes catches
  // problems too

  one_test(2*random_vec - random_vec - random_vec);

  one_test(3*random_vec - random_vec*3);

  one_test((random_vec + random_vec)/2 - random_vec);

  // We had a problem in user code with the mixing of long double and
  // DualNumber<double, DynamicSparseNumberArray>

  one_test(2.L*random_vec - random_vec - 1.f*random_vec);

  // pow() is still having problems with sparse vectors?  Disabling it
  // for now.

  one_test(sqrt(random_vec) * sqrt(random_vec) - random_vec);
//  one_test(random_vec*random_vec - pow(random_vec,2));
//  one_test(sqrt(random_vec) - pow(random_vec,Scalar(.5)));

  // functions which map zero to non-zero are not defined for sparse
  // vectors.  This includes exp(), log(), cos(), cosh(),
  // pow(scalar,sparse), scalar/sparse, sparse +/- scalar...

  // one_test(log(exp(random_vec)) - random_vec);
  // one_test(exp(log(random_vec)) - random_vec);
  // one_test(exp(random_vec) - pow(exp(Scalar(1)), random_vec));

  // one_test(tan(random_vec) - sin(random_vec)/cos(random_vec));
  one_test(random_vec - sin(asin(random_vec)));
  // one_test(random_vec - cos(acos(random_vec)));
  one_test(random_vec - tan(atan(random_vec)));
  // one_test(1 - pow(sin(random_vec), 2) - pow(cos(random_vec), 2));
  // one_test(cos(random_vec) - sin(random_vec + pi/2));

  // one_test(tanh(random_vec) - sinh(random_vec)/cosh(random_vec));
  // one_test(1 + pow(sinh(random_vec), 2) - pow(cosh(random_vec), 2));

  // one_test(log10(random_vec) - log(random_vec)/log(Scalar(10)));

  one_test(floor(random_vec / 2));
  // one_test(ceil(random_vec / 2 - 1));

  one_test(abs(random_vec) - random_vec);
  // one_test(fabs(random_vec-.75) - abs(random_vec-.75));

  // And now for derivatives tests

  // one_test(derivatives(pow(sin(random_vec-2),2)) -
  //          2*sin(random_vec)*cos(random_vec));

  // one_test(derivatives(cos(2*random_vec)) + 2*sin(2*random_vec));
  // one_test(derivatives(tan(.5*random_vec)) - .5/pow(cos(.5*random_vec),2));

  // one_test(derivatives(sqrt(random_vec+1)) - 1/sqrt(random_vec+1)/2);

  // one_test(derivatives((random_vec-1)*(random_vec-1)) - 2*(random_vec-1));

//  one_test(derivatives(pow(random_vec,1.5)) -
//           1.5*pow(random_vec,.5));

  // one_test(derivatives(exp(pow(random_vec,3))) -
  //          exp(pow(random_vec,3))*3*pow(random_vec,2));

  // one_test(derivatives(exp(random_vec)) -
  //                      exp(random_vec));

  // one_test(derivatives(pow(2,random_vec)) -
  //          pow(2,random_vec)*log(Scalar(2)));

  // one_test(derivatives(asin(random_vec)) -
  //          1/sqrt(1-random_vec*random_vec));

  // one_test(derivatives(sinh(random_vec)) - cosh(random_vec));
  // one_test(derivatives(cosh(random_vec)) - sinh(random_vec));

  // one_test(derivatives(tanh(random_vec)) -
  //          derivatives(sinh(random_vec)/cosh(random_vec)));

  return returnval;
Exemplo n.º 20
 inline T0
 operator()(const T0& arg1) const {
   return tan(arg1);
inline float degreeToRadian(float deg){ return deg/180*M_PI; }
const float a = 6378137;       // semi-major axis of the ellipsoid
const float e = 0.08181919106; // first eccentricity of the ellipsoid
const float lc = degreeToRadian(3.f);
const float l0 = degreeToRadian(3.f);
const float phi1 = degreeToRadian(44.f); // 1st automecoic parallel
const float phi2 = degreeToRadian(49.f); // 2nd automecoic parallel
const float phi0 = degreeToRadian(46.5f);// latitude of origin
const float X0 =  700000; // x coordinate at origin
const float Y0 = 6600000; // y coordinate at origin
// Normals
const float gN1 = a/sqrt(1-e*e*sin(phi1)*sin(phi1));
const float gN2 = a/sqrt(1-e*e*sin(phi2)*sin(phi2));
// Isometric latitudes
const float gl1=log(tan(M_PI/4+phi1/2)*pow((1-e*sin(phi1))/(1+e*sin(phi1)),e/2));
const float gl2=log(tan(M_PI/4+phi2/2)*pow((1-e*sin(phi2))/(1+e*sin(phi2)),e/2));
const float gl0=log(tan(M_PI/4+phi0/2)*pow((1-e*sin(phi0))/(1+e*sin(phi0)),e/2));
// Projection exponent
const float n = (log((gN2*cos(phi2))/(gN1*cos(phi1))))/(gl1-gl2);
// Projection constant
const float c = ((gN1*cos(phi1))/n)*exp(n*gl1);
// Coordinate
const float ys = Y0 + c*exp(-n*gl0);

// Convert geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude in degrees) into
// cartesian coordinates (in kilometers) using the Lambert 93 projection.
pair<float,float> geoToLambert93(float latitude,float longitude)
    float phi = degreeToRadian(latitude);
    float l   = degreeToRadian(longitude);
Exemplo n.º 22
double my_tan(double x)
  return 50. * tan(x);