Exemplo n.º 1
static void require_valid_table(const mesh& Mesh, const string_t& Name, const table& Table)
	if(Name == "constant" && Table.column_count() && Table.row_count() != 1)
		throw std::runtime_error("'constant' table must have length 1.");

	for(mesh::table_t::const_iterator array_iterator = Table.begin(); array_iterator != Table.end(); ++array_iterator)
		const array* const current_array = array_iterator->second.get();
			throw std::runtime_error("NULL table array.");

		const array* const first_array = Table.begin()->second.get();
		if(current_array->size() != first_array->size())
			throw std::runtime_error("Array length mismatch for table [" + Name + "]");

		if(current_array->get_metadata_value(metadata::key::domain()) == metadata::value::point_indices_domain())
				throw std::runtime_error("Mesh missing points array.");
				throw std::runtime_error("Mesh missing point selections array.");


			const mesh::indices_t* const indices = dynamic_cast<const mesh::indices_t*>(current_array);
				throw std::runtime_error("Point indices array must be an index type.");

			const mesh::indices_t::const_iterator max = std::max_element(indices->begin(), indices->end());
			if(max != indices->end() && *max >= Mesh.points->size())
				throw std::runtime_error("Point indices array out-of-bounds.");
Exemplo n.º 2
void insert(table &fTable, char c) {
	bool inserted = false;
	for(table::iterator it = fTable.begin(); it != fTable.end(); ++it) {
		if (it->first == c) {
			inserted = true;
	if (!inserted) {
		pair<char, int> ins(c, 1);
 //! Constructor for a distribution in the log space.
 multivariate_categorical_distribution(const table<T>& lp, log_tag)
   : psum_(lp.shape()) {
   std::transform(lp.begin(), lp.end(), psum_.begin(), exponent<T>());
   std::partial_sum(psum_.begin(), psum_.end(), psum_.begin());
 int main() {
    int P, i, j, prev, next;
    char X;
    string right;
    bool complete = false;

    // read in the CFG
    ifstream fin("CFG.txt");
    fin >> P;
    for(i=0; i<P; i++)  {
        fin >> X >> right;
    // if the first symbol on the right side of a production is a terminal,
    // include it in the FIRST set of the variable on the left side of the production.
            FIRST[X - 'A'] |= 1 << (right[0] - 'a');
        else if(productions.find(X) != productions.end())
        else    {
            vector <string> vec;
            productions[X] = vec;

    // iterate until no more elements can be added to FIRST set of any variable
    while(!complete)    {
        complete = true;
        for(table::iterator it=productions.begin(); it != productions.end(); it++)  {
            prev = next = FIRST[it->first - 'A'];
            for(vector<string>::iterator jt=(it->second).begin(); jt != (it->second).end(); jt++)   {
                for(i=0; i<jt->length(); i++)   {
                    X = (*jt)[i];
                    if(islower(X))  {
                        next |= 1 << (X - 'a'); break;
                    if((FIRST[X - 'A'] & (1 << 'e' - 'a')) == 0)    {
                        next |= FIRST[X - 'A']; break;
                    } else
                        next |= ~(~FIRST[X - 'A'] | (1 << 'e' - 'a'));
                if(i == jt->length())
                    next |= (1 << 'e' - 'a');
            if(prev != next)    {
                FIRST[it->first - 'A'] = next; complete = false;

    // print out the FIRST set of each variable
    for(i=0; i<26; i++)
        if(FIRST[i])    {
            printf("FIRST(%c) = { ", i + 'A');
            for(j=0; j<26; j++)
                if(FIRST[i] & (1 << j))
                    printf("%c ", j + 'a');

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
void sortByFreq(table &v) { sort(v.begin(), v.end(), comp); }
Exemplo n.º 6
void printfTable(table t) {
	for (table::iterator it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it) {
		cout<< it->first << " => " << it->second << endl;
Exemplo n.º 7
 //! Returns true if the two tables have the same shape and elements
 bool operator==(const table& x) const {
   return shape_ == x.shape_ && std::equal(begin(), end(), x.begin());
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Copy constructor. Copies the shape and elements of a table to this one.
 table(const table& x)
   : shape_(x.shape_), offset_(x.offset_) {
   data_.reset(new T[size()]);
   std::copy(x.begin(), x.end(), data());