Exemplo n.º 1
void Character::unset_mutation( const trait_id &flag )
    const auto iter = my_mutations.find( flag );
    if( iter != my_mutations.end() ) {
        my_mutations.erase( iter );
        const mutation_branch *mut = &flag.obj();
        cached_mutations.erase( std::remove( cached_mutations.begin(), cached_mutations.end(), mut ),
                                cached_mutations.end() );
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
bool player::mutation_ok( const trait_id &mutation, bool force_good, bool force_bad ) const
    if (mutation_branch::trait_is_blacklisted(mutation)) {
        return false;
    if (has_trait(mutation) || has_child_flag(mutation)) {
        // We already have this mutation or something that replaces it.
        return false;
    const mutation_branch &mdata = mutation.obj();
    if (force_bad && mdata.points > 0) {
        // This is a good mutation, and we're due for a bad one.
        return false;

    if (force_good && mdata.points < 0) {
        // This is a bad mutation, and we're due for a good one.
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void debug_menu::wishmutate( player *p )
    uimenu wmenu;
    int c = 0;

    for( auto &traits_iter : mutation_branch::get_all() ) {
        wmenu.addentry( -1, true, -2, "%s", traits_iter.second.name.c_str() );
        wmenu.entries[ c ].extratxt.left = 1;
        wmenu.entries[ c ].extratxt.txt = "";
        wmenu.entries[ c ].extratxt.color = c_ltgreen;
        if( p->has_trait( traits_iter.first ) ) {
            wmenu.entries[ c ].text_color = c_green;
            if( p->has_base_trait( traits_iter.first ) ) {
                wmenu.entries[ c ].extratxt.txt = "T";
    wmenu.w_x = 0;
    wmenu.w_width = TERMX;
    // disabled due to foldstring crash // ( TERMX - getmaxx(w_terrain) - 30 > 24 ? getmaxx(w_terrain) : TERMX );
    wmenu.pad_right = ( wmenu.w_width - 40 );
    wmenu.return_invalid = true;
    wmenu.selected = uistate.wishmutate_selected;
    wish_mutate_callback cb;
    cb.p = p;
    wmenu.callback = &cb;
    do {
        if( wmenu.ret >= 0 ) {
            int rc = 0;
            const trait_id mstr = cb.vTraits[ wmenu.ret ];
            const auto &mdata = mstr.obj();
            bool threshold = mdata.threshold;
            bool profession = mdata.profession;
            //Manual override for the threshold-gaining
            if( threshold || profession ) {
                if( p->has_trait( mstr ) ) {
                    do {
                        p->remove_mutation( mstr );
                    } while( p->has_trait( mstr ) && rc < 10 );
                } else {
                    do {
                        p->set_mutation( mstr );
                    } while( !p->has_trait( mstr ) && rc < 10 );
            } else if( p->has_trait( mstr ) ) {
                do {
                    p->remove_mutation( mstr );
                } while( p->has_trait( mstr ) && rc < 10 );
            } else {
                do {
                    p->mutate_towards( mstr );
                } while( !p->has_trait( mstr ) && rc < 10 );
            cb.msg = string_format( _( "%s Mutation changes: %d" ), mstr.c_str(), rc );
            uistate.wishmutate_selected = wmenu.ret;
            if( rc != 0 ) {
                for( size_t i = 0; i < cb.vTraits.size(); i++ ) {
                    wmenu.entries[ i ].extratxt.txt = "";
                    if( p->has_trait( cb.vTraits[ i ] ) ) {
                        wmenu.entries[ i ].text_color = c_green;
                        cb.pTraits[ cb.vTraits[ i ] ] = true;
                        if( p->has_base_trait( cb.vTraits[ i ] ) ) {
                            wmenu.entries[ i ].extratxt.txt = "T";
                    } else {
                        wmenu.entries[ i ].text_color = wmenu.text_color;
                        cb.pTraits[ cb.vTraits[ i ] ] = false;
    } while( wmenu.keypress != 'q' && wmenu.keypress != KEY_ESCAPE && wmenu.keypress != ' ' );
Exemplo n.º 4
void player::remove_mutation( const trait_id &mut )
    const auto &mdata = mut.obj();
    // Check if there's a prerequisite we should shrink back into
    trait_id replacing = trait_id::NULL_ID();
    std::vector<trait_id> originals = mdata.prereqs;
    for (size_t i = 0; !replacing && i < originals.size(); i++) {
        trait_id pre = originals[i];
        const auto &p = pre.obj();
        for (size_t j = 0; !replacing && j < p.replacements.size(); j++) {
            if (p.replacements[j] == mut) {
                replacing = pre;

    trait_id replacing2 = trait_id::NULL_ID();
    std::vector<trait_id> originals2 = mdata.prereqs2;
    for (size_t i = 0; !replacing2 && i < originals2.size(); i++) {
        trait_id pre2 = originals2[i];
        const auto &p = pre2.obj();
        for (size_t j = 0; !replacing2 && j < p.replacements.size(); j++) {
            if (p.replacements[j] == mut) {
                replacing2 = pre2;

    // See if this mutation is canceled by a base trait
    //Only if there's no prerequisite to shrink to, thus we're at the bottom of the trait line
    if( !replacing ) {
        //Check each mutation until we reach the end or find a trait to revert to
        for( auto &iter : mutation_branch::get_all() ) {
            //See if it's in our list of base traits but not active
            if (has_base_trait(iter.first) && !has_trait(iter.first)) {
                //See if that base trait cancels the mutation we are using
                std::vector<trait_id> traitcheck = iter.second.cancels;
                if (!traitcheck.empty()) {
                    for (size_t j = 0; !replacing && j < traitcheck.size(); j++) {
                        if (traitcheck[j] == mut) {
                            replacing = (iter.first);
            if( replacing ) {

    // Duplicated for prereq2
    if( !replacing2 ) {
        //Check each mutation until we reach the end or find a trait to revert to
        for( auto &iter : mutation_branch::get_all() ) {
            //See if it's in our list of base traits but not active
            if (has_base_trait(iter.first) && !has_trait(iter.first)) {
                //See if that base trait cancels the mutation we are using
                std::vector<trait_id> traitcheck = iter.second.cancels;
                if (!traitcheck.empty()) {
                    for (size_t j = 0; !replacing2 && j < traitcheck.size(); j++) {
                        if (traitcheck[j] == mut && (iter.first) != replacing) {
                            replacing2 = (iter.first);
            if( replacing2 ) {

    // make sure we don't toggle a mutation or trait twice, or it will cancel itself out.
    if(replacing == replacing2) {
        replacing2 = trait_id::NULL_ID();

    // This should revert back to a removed base trait rather than simply removing the mutation

    bool mutation_replaced = false;

    game_message_type rating;

    if( replacing ) {
        const auto &replace_mdata = replacing.obj();
        if(mdata.mixed_effect || replace_mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(replace_mdata.points - mdata.points > 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points - replace_mdata.points > 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
        add_msg_player_or_npc( rating,
            _("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s."),
            _("<npcname>'s %1$s mutation turns into %2$s."),
            mdata.name.c_str(), replace_mdata.name.c_str() );
        mutation_replaced = true;
    if( replacing2 ) {
        const auto &replace_mdata = replacing2.obj();
        if(mdata.mixed_effect || replace_mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(replace_mdata.points - mdata.points > 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points - replace_mdata.points > 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
        add_msg_player_or_npc( rating,
            _("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s."),
            _("<npcname>'s %1$s mutation turns into %2$s."),
            mdata.name.c_str(), replace_mdata.name.c_str() );
        mutation_replaced = true;
    if(!mutation_replaced) {
        if(mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(mdata.points > 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else if(mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
        add_msg_player_or_npc( rating,
            _("You lose your %s mutation."),
            _("<npcname> loses their %s mutation."),
            mdata.name.c_str() );

Exemplo n.º 5
bool player::mutate_towards( const trait_id &mut )
    if (has_child_flag(mut)) {
        return true;
    const mutation_branch &mdata = mut.obj();

    bool has_prereqs = false;
    bool prereq1 = false;
    bool prereq2 = false;
    std::vector<trait_id> canceltrait;
    std::vector<trait_id> prereq = mdata.prereqs;
    std::vector<trait_id> prereqs2 = mdata.prereqs2;
    std::vector<trait_id> cancel = mdata.cancels;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < cancel.size(); i++) {
        if (!has_trait( cancel[i] )) {
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);
        } else if (has_base_trait( cancel[i] )) {
            //If we have the trait, but it's a base trait, don't allow it to be removed normally
            canceltrait.push_back( cancel[i]);
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < cancel.size(); i++) {
        if (!cancel.empty()) {
            trait_id removed = cancel[i];
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);
            // This checks for cases where one trait knocks out several others
            // Probably a better way, but gets it Fixed Now--KA101
            return mutate_towards(mut);

    for (size_t i = 0; (!prereq1) && i < prereq.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(prereq[i])) {
            prereq1 = true;

    for (size_t i = 0; (!prereq2) && i < prereqs2.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(prereqs2[i])) {
            prereq2 = true;

    if (prereq1 && prereq2) {
        has_prereqs = true;

    if (!has_prereqs && (!prereq.empty() || !prereqs2.empty())) {
        if (!prereq1 && !prereq.empty()) {
            return mutate_towards( random_entry( prereq ) );
        } else if (!prereq2 && !prereqs2.empty()) {
            return mutate_towards( random_entry( prereqs2 ) );

    // Check for threshold mutation, if needed
    bool threshold = mdata.threshold;
    bool profession = mdata.profession;
    bool has_threshreq = false;
    std::vector<trait_id> threshreq = mdata.threshreq;

    // It shouldn't pick a Threshold anyway--they're supposed to be non-Valid
    // and aren't categorized. This can happen if someone makes a threshold mutation into a prerequisite.
    if (threshold) {
        add_msg_if_player(_("You feel something straining deep inside you, yearning to be free..."));
        return false;
    if (profession) {
        // Profession picks fail silently
        return false;

    for (size_t i = 0; !has_threshreq && i < threshreq.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(threshreq[i])) {
            has_threshreq = true;

    // No crossing The Threshold by simply not having it
    if (!has_threshreq && !threshreq.empty()) {
        add_msg_if_player(_("You feel something straining deep inside you, yearning to be free..."));
        return false;

    // Check if one of the prerequisites that we have TURNS INTO this one
    trait_id replacing = trait_id::NULL_ID();
    prereq = mdata.prereqs; // Reset it
    for( auto &elem : prereq ) {
        if( has_trait( elem ) ) {
            trait_id pre = elem;
            const auto &p = pre.obj();
            for (size_t j = 0; !replacing && j < p.replacements.size(); j++) {
                if (p.replacements[j] == mut) {
                    replacing = pre;

    // Loop through again for prereqs2
    trait_id replacing2 = trait_id::NULL_ID();
    prereq = mdata.prereqs2; // Reset it
    for( auto &elem : prereq ) {
        if( has_trait( elem ) ) {
            trait_id pre2 = elem;
            const auto &p = pre2.obj();
            for (size_t j = 0; !replacing2 && j < p.replacements.size(); j++) {
                if (p.replacements[j] == mut) {
                    replacing2 = pre2;


    bool mutation_replaced = false;

    game_message_type rating;

    if( replacing ) {
        const auto &replace_mdata = replacing.obj();
        if(mdata.mixed_effect || replace_mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(replace_mdata.points - mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points - replace_mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
        // TODO: Limit this to visible mutations
        // TODO: In case invisible mutation turns into visible or vice versa
        //  print only the visible mutation appearing/disappearing
            _("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"),
            _("<npcname>'s %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"),
            replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str() );
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         pgettext("memorial_female", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        mutation_replaced = true;
    if( replacing2 ) {
        const auto &replace_mdata = replacing2.obj();
        if(mdata.mixed_effect || replace_mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(replace_mdata.points - mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points - replace_mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
            _("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"),
            _("<npcname>'s %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"),
            replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str() );
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         pgettext("memorial_female", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        mutation_replaced = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < canceltrait.size(); i++) {
        const auto &cancel_mdata = canceltrait[i].obj();
        if(mdata.mixed_effect || cancel_mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(mdata.points < cancel_mdata.points) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else if(mdata.points > cancel_mdata.points) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points == cancel_mdata.points) {
            rating = m_neutral;
        } else {
            rating = m_mixed;
        // If this new mutation cancels a base trait, remove it and add the mutation at the same time
        add_msg_player_or_npc( rating,
            _("Your innate %1$s trait turns into %2$s!"),
            _("<npcname>'s innate %1$s trait turns into %2$s!"),
            cancel_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str() );
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                        pgettext("memorial_female", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                        cancel_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        mutation_replaced = true;
    if (!mutation_replaced) {
        if(mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(mdata.points > 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
        // TODO: Limit to visible mutations
        add_msg_player_or_npc( rating,
            _("You gain a mutation called %s!"),
            _("<npcname> gains a mutation called %s!"),
            mdata.name.c_str() );
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "Gained the mutation '%s'."),
                         pgettext("memorial_female", "Gained the mutation '%s'."),

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
void player::activate_mutation( const trait_id &mut )
    const mutation_branch &mdata = mut.obj();
    auto &tdata = my_mutations[mut];
    int cost = mdata.cost;
    // You can take yourself halfway to Near Death levels of hunger/thirst.
    // Fatigue can go to Exhausted.
    if ((mdata.hunger && get_hunger() >= 700) || (mdata.thirst && get_thirst() >= 260) ||
      (mdata.fatigue && get_fatigue() >= EXHAUSTED)) {
      // Insufficient Foo to *maintain* operation is handled in player::suffer
        add_msg_if_player(m_warning, _("You feel like using your %s would kill you!"), mdata.name.c_str());
    if (tdata.powered && tdata.charge > 0) {
        // Already-on units just lose a bit of charge
    } else {
        // Not-on units, or those with zero charge, have to pay the power cost
        if (mdata.cooldown > 0) {
            tdata.charge = mdata.cooldown - 1;
        if (mdata.hunger){
        if (mdata.thirst){
        if (mdata.fatigue){
        tdata.powered = true;

        // Handle stat changes from activation
        apply_mods(mut, true);

    if( mut == trait_WEB_WEAVER ) {
        g->m.add_field( pos(), fd_web, 1 );
        add_msg_if_player(_("You start spinning web with your spinnerets!"));
    } else if (mut == "BURROW"){
        if( is_underwater() ) {
            add_msg_if_player(m_info, _("You can't do that while underwater."));
            tdata.powered = false;
        tripoint dirp;
        if (!choose_adjacent(_("Burrow where?"), dirp)) {
            tdata.powered = false;

        if( dirp == pos() ) {
            add_msg_if_player(_("You've got places to go and critters to beat."));
            add_msg_if_player(_("Let the lesser folks eat their hearts out."));
            tdata.powered = false;
        time_duration time_to_do = 0_turns;
        if (g->m.is_bashable(dirp) && g->m.has_flag("SUPPORTS_ROOF", dirp) &&
            g->m.ter(dirp) != t_tree) {
            // Being better-adapted to the task means that skillful Survivors can do it almost twice as fast.
            time_to_do = 30_minutes;
        } else if (g->m.move_cost(dirp) == 2 && g->get_levz() == 0 &&
                   g->m.ter(dirp) != t_dirt && g->m.ter(dirp) != t_grass) {
            time_to_do = 10_minutes;
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_info, _("You can't burrow there."));
            tdata.powered = false;
        assign_activity( activity_id( "ACT_BURROW" ), to_moves<int>( time_to_do ), -1, 0 );
        activity.placement = dirp;
        add_msg_if_player(_("You tear into the %s with your teeth and claws."),
        tdata.powered = false;
        return; // handled when the activity finishes
    } else if( mut == trait_SLIMESPAWNER ) {
        std::vector<tripoint> valid;
        for( const tripoint &dest : g->m.points_in_radius( pos(), 1 ) ) {
            if (g->is_empty(dest)) {
                valid.push_back( dest );
        // Oops, no room to divide!
        if( valid.empty() ) {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You focus, but are too hemmed in to birth a new slimespring!"));
            tdata.powered = false;
        add_msg_if_player(m_good, _("You focus, and with a pleasant splitting feeling, birth a new slimespring!"));
        int numslime = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < numslime && !valid.empty(); i++) {
            const tripoint target = random_entry_removed( valid );
            if( monster * const slime = g->summon_mon( mtype_id( "mon_player_blob" ), target ) ) {
                slime->friendly = -1;
        if (one_in(3)) {
            //~ Usual enthusiastic slimespring small voices! :D
            add_msg_if_player(m_good, _("wow! you look just like me! we should look out for each other!"));
        } else if (one_in(2)) {
            //~ Usual enthusiastic slimespring small voices! :D
            add_msg_if_player(m_good, _("come on, big me, let's go!"));
        } else {
            //~ Usual enthusiastic slimespring small voices! :D
            add_msg_if_player(m_good, _("we're a team, we've got this!"));
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if( mut == trait_NAUSEA || mut == trait_VOMITOUS ) {
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if( mut == trait_M_FERTILE ) {
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if( mut == trait_M_BLOOM ) {
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if( mut == trait_SELFAWARE ) {
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if( !mdata.spawn_item.empty() ) {
        item tmpitem( mdata.spawn_item );
        i_add_or_drop( tmpitem );
        add_msg_if_player( _( mdata.spawn_item_message.c_str() ) );
        tdata.powered = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
void Character::mutation_loss_effect( const trait_id &mut )
    if( mut == "GLASSJAW" ) {

    } else if (mut == trait_STR_ALPHA) {
        ///\EFFECT_STR_MAX determines penalty from STR mutation loss
        if (str_max == 18) {
            str_max = 15;
        } else if (str_max == 15) {
            str_max = 8;
        } else if (str_max == 11) {
            str_max = 7;
        } else {
            str_max = 4;
    } else if (mut == trait_DEX_ALPHA) {
        ///\EFFECT_DEX_MAX determines penalty from DEX mutation loss
        if (dex_max == 18) {
            dex_max = 15;
        } else if (dex_max == 15) {
            dex_max = 8;
        } else if (dex_max == 11) {
            dex_max = 7;
        } else {
            dex_max = 4;
    } else if (mut == trait_INT_ALPHA) {
        ///\EFFECT_INT_MAX determines penalty from INT mutation loss
        if (int_max == 18) {
            int_max = 15;
        } else if (int_max == 15) {
            int_max = 8;
        } else if (int_max == 11) {
            int_max = 7;
        } else {
            int_max = 4;
    } else if (mut == trait_INT_SLIME) {
        int_max /= 2; // In case you have a freak accident with the debug menu ;-)

    } else if (mut == trait_PER_ALPHA) {
        ///\EFFECT_PER_MAX determines penalty from PER mutation loss
        if (per_max == 18) {
            per_max = 15;
        } else if (per_max == 15) {
            per_max = 8;
        } else if (per_max == 11) {
            per_max = 7;
        } else {
            per_max = 4;
    } else {
        apply_mods(mut, false);

    const auto &branch = mut.obj();
    if( branch.hp_modifier != 0.0f || branch.hp_modifier_secondary != 0.0f ||
        branch.hp_adjustment != 0.0f ) {

    on_mutation_loss( mut );
Exemplo n.º 8
void Character::mutation_effect( const trait_id &mut )
    if( mut == "GLASSJAW" ) {

    } else if (mut == trait_STR_ALPHA) {
        ///\EFFECT_STR_MAX determines bonus from STR mutation
        if (str_max <= 6) {
            str_max = 8;
        } else if (str_max <= 7) {
            str_max = 11;
        } else if (str_max <= 14) {
            str_max = 15;
        } else {
            str_max = 18;
    } else if (mut == trait_DEX_ALPHA) {
        ///\EFFECT_DEX_MAX determines bonus from DEX mutation
        if (dex_max <= 6) {
            dex_max = 8;
        } else if (dex_max <= 7) {
            dex_max = 11;
        } else if (dex_max <= 14) {
            dex_max = 15;
        } else {
            dex_max = 18;
    } else if (mut == trait_INT_ALPHA) {
        ///\EFFECT_INT_MAX determines bonus from INT mutation
        if (int_max <= 6) {
            int_max = 8;
        } else if (int_max <= 7) {
            int_max = 11;
        } else if (int_max <= 14) {
            int_max = 15;
        } else {
            int_max = 18;
    } else if (mut == trait_INT_SLIME) {
        int_max *= 2; // Now, can you keep it? :-)

    } else if (mut == trait_PER_ALPHA) {
        ///\EFFECT_PER_MAX determines bonus from PER mutation
        if (per_max <= 6) {
            per_max = 8;
        } else if (per_max <= 7) {
            per_max = 11;
        } else if (per_max <= 14) {
            per_max = 15;
        } else {
            per_max = 18;
    } else {
        apply_mods(mut, true);

    const auto &branch = mut.obj();
    if( branch.hp_modifier != 0.0f || branch.hp_modifier_secondary != 0.0f ||
        branch.hp_adjustment != 0.0f ) {

    remove_worn_items_with( [&]( item& armor ) {
        static const std::string mutation_safe = "OVERSIZE";
        if( armor.has_flag( mutation_safe ) ) {
            return false;
        if( !branch.conflicts_with_item( armor ) ) {
            return false;
        if( branch.destroys_gear ) {
            add_msg_player_or_npc( m_bad,
                _("Your %s is destroyed!"),
                _("<npcname>'s %s is destroyed!"),
                armor.tname().c_str() );
            for( item& remain : armor.contents ) {
                g->m.add_item_or_charges( pos(), remain );
        } else {
            add_msg_player_or_npc( m_bad,
                _("Your %s is pushed off!"),
                _("<npcname>'s %s is pushed off!"),
                armor.tname().c_str() );
            g->m.add_item_or_charges( pos(), armor );
        return true;
    } );

    if( branch.starts_active ) {
        my_mutations[mut].powered = true;

    on_mutation_gain( mut );