Exemplo n.º 1
	* \fn static bool GenerateSubTree(const tree<HTML::Node> &tDom, const string &tagname, tree<HTML::Node> &tSubDom);
	* \brief  生成子树
	* \param  [in]DOM原树
	* \param  [in]子树根节点的标签名
	* \param  [out]DOM子树
	* \return bool
	* \date   2011-06-01 
	* \author nanjunxiao
	bool Pretreat::GenerateSubTree(const tree<HTML::Node> &tDom, const std::string &tagname, tree<HTML::Node> &tSubDom)//目前只是为body使用
		tree<HTML::Node>::iterator tIter = tDom.begin();
		tree<HTML::Node>::sibling_iterator tFromIter,tToIter;
		string sTagName;
		for (; tIter != tDom.end(); ++tIter)
			/*if (tIter->tagName() == tagname)
			if (tIter->isTag() )
				sTagName = tIter->tagName();
				transform(sTagName.begin(), sTagName.end(), sTagName.begin(), ::tolower);
				if (sTagName == tagname)
		if (tIter == tDom.end() ) 
			return false;
		tFromIter = tIter;
		tToIter = tDom.next_sibling(tFromIter);
		tDom.subtree(tSubDom, tFromIter, tToIter);
		return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
	void print_subtree_bracketed(const tree<T>& t, typename tree<T>::iterator iRoot, std::ostream& str) 
		if(t.begin() == t.end()) return;
		if (t.number_of_children(iRoot) == 0) {
			str << *iRoot; 
		else {
			// parent
			str << *iRoot;
			str << "(";
			// child1, ..., childn
			int siblingCount = t.number_of_siblings(t.begin(iRoot));
			int siblingNum;
			typename tree<T>::sibling_iterator iChildren;
			for (iChildren = t.begin(iRoot), siblingNum = 0; iChildren != t.end(iRoot); ++iChildren, ++siblingNum) {
				// recursively print child
				// comma after every child except the last one
				if (siblingNum != siblingCount - 1 ) {
					str << ", ";
			str << ")";
Exemplo n.º 3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Hace que el valor de un nod interior sea el resultado de aplicar
// la funcion asociativa a los hijos, es decir
// `*n = afun(init_val,s_1,s_2,...,s_m)',
// donde `s_j' son los hijos de `n'
template<class T> void
reduce_up (tree<T> & Q, typename tree<T>::iterator n,
	  T (*afun) (T,T), T init_val) {
  typename tree<T>::iterator c ;
  T val ;
  c = n.lchild();
  if (c == Q.end()) return;
  val = init_val;
  while (c != Q.end()) {
    reduce_up (Q, c, afun, init_val);
    val = afun (val,*c);
  *n = val;
Exemplo n.º 4
void writeSiblingsXML(const tree<AstNode>& t, const tree<AstNode>::iterator iRoot, ostream& stream)
	if (iRoot->getType() == "root") {
		tree<AstNode>::sibling_iterator iChildren = t.begin(iRoot);
		stream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" << endl;
	else if (t.number_of_children(iRoot) == 0) {
		string type = iRoot->getType();
		stream << "<php:" << type << '>';
		if (iRoot->getValue().length() > 0)
			stream << htmlentities(iRoot->getValue());
		stream << "</php:" << type << '>' << endl;
	else {
		string type = iRoot->getType();
		string xmlns="";
		if (type == "start")
			xmlns = " xmlns:php=\"http://php.net/csl\"";
		stream << "<php:" << type << xmlns << '>' << endl;
		int siblingNum;
		tree<AstNode>::sibling_iterator iChildren;
		for (iChildren = t.begin(iRoot), siblingNum = 0; iChildren != t.end(iRoot); ++iChildren) 
		stream << "</php:" << type << '>' << endl;
Exemplo n.º 5
tree_node_<FILE_ITEM>* CFileTree::findNodeWithPathFromNode(std::string path, tree_node_<FILE_ITEM>* node)
	tree<FILE_ITEM>::sibling_iterator sib = filesTree.begin(node);
	tree<FILE_ITEM>::sibling_iterator end = filesTree.end(node);
	bool currentLevel = true;

	std::string currentPath = _first_dirname(path);

	size_t position = currentPath.size();
	std::string followingPath = _following_path(path);
	currentLevel = followingPath.empty();

	while (sib != end) {
		// printf("sib->path '%s' lv %d curpath '%s' follow '%s'\n", sib->path, currentLevel, currentPath.c_str(), followingPath.c_str());
		if (strcmp(sib->path, currentPath.c_str()) == 0) {
			if (currentLevel) {
				return sib.node;
			else {
				return findNodeWithPathFromNode(followingPath, sib.node);
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 6
int list_if(tree<int> &T,
	     list<int> &L,
	    bool (*pred)(int)) {
  if (T.begin()!=T.end()) 
Exemplo n.º 7
void apply (tree<T> & Q, typename tree<T>::iterator n,
            T (*f) (T)) {
  typename tree<T>::iterator c ;
  *n = f (*n);
  c = n.lchild ();
  while (c != Q.end()) apply (Q, c++, f);
Exemplo n.º 8
tree_node_<FILE_ITEM>* CFileTree::findNodeWithPathFromNode(std::string path, tree_node_<FILE_ITEM>* node)
	tree<FILE_ITEM>::sibling_iterator sib = filesTree.begin(node);
	tree<FILE_ITEM>::sibling_iterator end = filesTree.end(node);
	bool currentLevel = true;

	std::string currentPath = path.substr(0, path.find('\\'));
	size_t position = path.find('\\');
	std::string followingPath("");
	if (position != std::string::npos) {
		followingPath = path.substr(path.find('\\') + 1);
		currentLevel = false;

	while (sib != end) {
		if (strcmp(sib->path, currentPath.c_str()) == 0) {
			if (currentLevel) {
				return sib.node;
			else {
				return findNodeWithPathFromNode(followingPath, sib.node);
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 9
  void tree2list(tree &A,iterator_t n,
		 list<elem_t> &L,elem_t BP,elem_t EP) {
    if (n == A.end()) return;
    iterator_t c = n.lchild();
    if (c == A.end()) {
    } else {
      while (c != A.end()) {
	c = c.right();
Exemplo n.º 10
 bool all (tree<T> &Q,typename tree<T>::iterator n,
	  bool (*pred_fun)(T j)) {
  if (!pred_fun(*n)) return false;
  typename tree<T>::iterator c = n.lchild();
  while (c!=Q.end()) if (!pred_fun(*c++)) return false;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
void RenameClass::operator()(tree<AstNode>& tr, MapClasses* classes, MapVariables* vars, MapFunctions *func) {
	// for every names in the class, generate a new *unique* name
	map<string, string> classNames;
	for (MapClasses::iterator iter = classes->begin(); iter != classes->end(); ++iter)
		string newName = generateName();
		classNames.insert(make_pair(iter->first, newName));		
	map<string, string>::iterator cter;
	tree<AstNode>::iterator parent;
	for (tree<AstNode>::iterator iter=tr.begin(); iter!=tr.end(); ++iter)
		parent = tr.parent(iter);
		if (iter->getType() == "text" 
			&& parent->getType() == "T_STRING"
			&& (tr.parent(parent)->getType() == "unticked_class_declaration_statement"
		       || tr.parent(parent)->getType() == "function_call" // constructor
			   || tr.parent(parent)->getType() == "class_name_reference"
			   || tr.parent(parent)->getType() == "fully_qualified_class_name"
			&& ((cter=classNames.find(iter->getValue())) != classNames.end())) {
			// rename the currenet node
Exemplo n.º 12
bool any (tree <T> & Q, typename tree<T>::iterator n,
	  bool (*pred_fun) (T)) {
  typename tree<T>::iterator c ;
  if ( pred_fun (*n) ) return true;
  c = n.lchild ();
  while (c != Q.end()) if (pred_fun (*c++)) return true;
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
int count_if(tree<int> &T,tree<int>::iterator n,
	     bool (*pred)(int)) {
  int count = pred(*n);
  tree<int>::iterator c = n.lchild();
  while (c!=T.end()) 
    count += count_if(T,c++,pred);
  return count;
Exemplo n.º 14
void list_if(tree<int> &T,
	     tree<int>::iterator n,
	     list<int> &L,
	     bool (*pred)(int)) {
  if (pred(*n)) L.push_back(*n);
  tree<int>::iterator c = n.lchild();
  while (c!=T.end()) list_if(T,c++,L,pred);
Exemplo n.º 15
bool detectAfterStmt(const tree<AstNode>& tr) {
	unsigned short ret = 0;
	for (tree<AstNode>::iterator iter=tr.begin(); iter!=tr.end(); ++iter) {
		if (iter->getType() == "text" && iter->getValue() == "$__END_OBF_HERE") {
			return true;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 16
	Clean the possible patterns annotations:
		$enter_new_statement ...
void clean_pattern(tree<AstNode>& tr) {
	for (tree<AstNode>::iterator iter=tr.begin(); iter!=tr.end(); ++iter) {
		if (iter->getType() == "text" && iter->getValue() == "$enter_the_new_statement") {
			iter = rewind(iter, "statement", tr);
Exemplo n.º 17
    void mergeNodes(tree<T> &intree)
      // First, determine  which top node has the shallowest depth
      int minimal_d(1000);
      for(typename tree<T>::leaf_iterator c = intree.begin_leaf();c != intree.end_leaf();++c){
	int this_depth(intree.depth(c));
	if(this_depth < minimal_d) minimal_d = this_depth;
      } // End c
      if(minimal_d == -1) return;

      typedef std::map<T, typename tree<T>::iterator> Info;
      auto now(intree.begin());
      //const int max_depth(intree.max_depth()-1);
      const int max_depth(minimal_d);
      for(int depth = 0;depth < max_depth;++depth){
        typename tree<T>::fixed_depth_iterator itr_begin(intree.begin_fixed(intree.begin(), depth));
	Info siblings;
	  int counts(siblings.count(*itr_begin));
	  typename tree<T>::fixed_depth_iterator itr_next(intree.next_at_same_depth(itr_begin));

	  // If current node and the next node are same, combine them
	    typename tree<T>::iterator current(itr_begin);
	    siblings.insert(typename Info::value_type(*itr_begin, current));
	  } // End if
	    typename tree<T>::iterator current(itr_begin);
	    typename tree<T>::iterator next(siblings[*itr_begin]);
	    intree.merge(intree.begin(next), intree.end(next), intree.begin(current), intree.end(current));
#ifdef _DEBUG_TREE
	    std::cout << "C: " << *current << " == N: " << *next << std::endl;
	    typename tree<T>::iterator c_back(itr_begin);
	    const int mydepth(intree.depth(c_back));
	    c_back -= mydepth;
	    intree.erase(c_back); // Erase the redundunt nodes
	  } // End else
	  itr_begin = itr_next;
	} // End while 

      } // End depth
Exemplo n.º 18
bool es_parcialmente_ordenado2(tree<int> &T, tree<int>::iterator q,
			      bool (*comp)(int,int)) {
  tree<int>::iterator c;
  // Verifica que los valores nodales de los hijos sean mayores
  // o iguales que el de los padres
  c = q.lchild();
  while (c!=T.end()) 
    if (comp(*c++,*q)) 
      return false;

  // Verifica que los subarboles de los hijos sean
  // (recursivamente) parc. ord.
  c = q.lchild();
  while (c!=T.end()) 
    if (!es_parcialmente_ordenado2(T,c++,comp)) 
      return false;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 19
	void print_tree_bracketed(const tree<T>& t, std::ostream& str) 
		int headCount = t.number_of_siblings(t.begin());
		int headNum = 0;
		for(typename tree<T>::sibling_iterator iRoots = t.begin(); iRoots != t.end(); ++iRoots) {
			if (headNum <= headCount - 1) {
				str << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 20
int height_if (tree<T> & Q,typename tree<T>::iterator n,
	   bool (* pred_fun) (T) ) {
  if ( !pred_fun (*n)) return -1;
  typename tree<T>::iterator c ;
  c = n.lchild();
  int hcmax = -1;
  while (c != Q.end()) {
    int hc = height_if (Q, c++, pred_fun);
    if (hc > hcmax) hcmax = hc;
  return hcmax + 1;
Exemplo n.º 21
typename tree<T>::iterator 
remove_if (tree <T> & Q, typename tree<T>::iterator n,
	   bool (*pred_fun) (T) ) {
  typename tree<T>::iterator c ;
  if (pred_fun (*n) ) 
    n = Q.erase(n);
  else {
    c = n.lchild();
    while (c != Q.end()) c = remove_if (Q, c, pred_fun);
  } // end if
  return n;
Exemplo n.º 22
U reduce (tree <T> & Q, typename tree<T>::iterator n,
	  U (*assoc_fun) (U,U), U init_val,
	  U (*f) (T) ) {
  U val = init_val;
  U u ;
  typename tree<T>::iterator c ;
  c = n.lchild ();
  while (c != Q.end()) {
    u = reduce (Q, c++, assoc_fun, init_val, f);
    val = assoc_fun (u,val);
  } // end while
  return assoc_fun ( f (*n), val );
Exemplo n.º 23
void show_tree ( tree<Symbol> T )
	for ( tree<Symbol> :: iterator it_of_tree = T.begin(); it_of_tree != T.end(); it_of_tree ++ )
		drawRed( it_of_tree -> name);
		cout << "	P:(" << it_of_tree -> position[0] << ", "<< it_of_tree -> position[1] << ", " << it_of_tree -> position[2] << ") "<<endl;
		cout << "	S:(" << it_of_tree -> scale[0] << ", " << it_of_tree -> scale[1] << ", " << it_of_tree -> scale[0] << ") "<<endl;
		cout << "	active: " << it_of_tree -> active <<endl<< "	drawable: " << it_of_tree -> drawable<<endl;
		cout << endl;

Exemplo n.º 24
graph2tree(map<int, list<int> > &G, int root,
           tree<int> &T, tree<int>::iterator n) {
  n = T.insert(n,root);
  list<int> &sons = G[root];
  list<int>::iterator q = sons.begin();
  tree<int>::iterator p = n.lchild();
  while (q != sons.end()) {
    p = graph2tree(G,*q++,T,p);
  return n;
Exemplo n.º 25
typename tree<T>::iterator 
copy_if (tree<T> &Q,typename tree<T>::iterator nq,
	 tree<T> &R,typename tree<T>::iterator nr,
	 bool (*pred_fun)(T)) {
  if (pred_fun(*nr)) {
    nq = Q.insert(nq,*nr);
    typename tree<T>::iterator 
      cr = nr.lchild(),
      cq = nq.lchild();
    while (cr != R.end()) cq = copy_if(Q,cq,R,cr++,pred_fun);
  return nq;
Exemplo n.º 26
bool es_parcialmente_ordenado(tree<int> &T, tree<int>::iterator q,
			      bool (*comp)(int,int)) {
  tree<int>::iterator c;
  // Verifica que los valores nodales de los hijos sean mayores
  // o iguales que el de los padres y que los subarboles sean PO. 
  c = q.lchild();
  while (c!=T.end()) {
    if (comp(*c,*q) || 
      return false;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 27
    void printTree(tree<T> const &intree, std::ostream& str=std::cout)
      int nhead(0);
      auto now(intree.begin());
	str << " " << *now << boost::format(" <-- [Head](%3d)") % nhead++ << std::endl;
	for(typename tree<T>::iterator sib = intree.begin(now);sib != intree.end(now);++sib){
	  for(int i = 0;i < intree.depth(sib);++i) str << "---";
	  str << "> ";
	  str << *sib << std::endl;
	} // End sib
	now = intree.next_at_same_depth(now);
      } // End while
Exemplo n.º 28
	Copy for duplicating a branch
void copy_branch(tree<AstNode>::iterator where, tree<AstNode>::iterator from,  tree<AstNode>& tr_where)
	if (tr_where.number_of_children(from) == 0) {
		// simply add the node to it
		tr_where.append_child(where, *from);
	else {
		where = tr_where.append_child(where, *from);
		tree<AstNode>::sibling_iterator cter;
		for (cter = tr_where.begin(from); cter != tr_where.end(from); ++cter) {
			copy_branch(where, cter, tr_where);
Exemplo n.º 29
tree_node_<FILE_ITEM>* CFileTree::findNodeFromRootWithPath(char *path)
	// No topNode - bail out.
	if (topNode.node == NULL){
		return NULL;
	std::string sPath(path);
	std::string nPath(topNode->path);
	// topNode path and requested path are the same? Use the node.
	if (sPath == nPath) {
		return topNode.node;
	// printf("Did not find node for path : %s\n", path);

	// If the topNode path is part of the requested path this is a subpath.
	// Use the node.
	if (sPath.find(nPath) != std::string::npos) {
		// printf("Found %s is part of %s  \n", sPath.c_str(), topNode->path);
		std::string splittedString = sPath.substr(strlen(topNode->path) + 1);
		return findNodeWithPathFromNode(splittedString, topNode.node);
	else {
		// If the current topNode isn't related to the requested path
		// iterate over all _top_ level elements in the tree to look for
		// a matching item and register it as current top node.

		// printf("NOT found %s is NOT part of %s  \n", sPath.c_str(), topNode->path);
		tree<FILE_ITEM>::sibling_iterator it;
		for (it = filesTree.begin(); it != filesTree.end(); it++)
			std::string itPath(it.node->data.path);
			// Current item path matches the requested path - use the item as topNode.
			if (sPath == itPath) {
				// printf("Found parent node %s \n", it.node->data.path);
				topNode = it;
				return it.node;
			else if (sPath.find(itPath) != std::string::npos) {
				// If the item path is part of the requested path this is a subpath.
				// Use the the item as topNode and continue analyzing.
				// printf("Found root node %s \n", it.node->data.path);
				topNode = it;
				std::string splittedString = sPath.substr(itPath.length() + 1);
				return findNodeWithPathFromNode(splittedString, it.node);
	// Nothing found return NULL.
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 30
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Ordena los hijos del arbol usando la funcion de comparacion
// `comp'. `comp(x,y)' debe retornar 1 si `x<y', -1 si `x>y'
// y 0 si `x==y'. 
template<class T> void
sort(tree<T> &Q,typename tree<T>::iterator n,
     int (*comp)(T,T)) {
  typedef tree<T> tree_t;
  typedef typename tree<T>::iterator node_t;
  typedef list< tree<T> > list_t;
  typedef typename list_t::iterator pos_t;
  list_t L;
  T tmin ;
  node_t cmin ;
  pos_t p = L.begin();
  while (true) {
    node_t c = n.lchild();
    if (c == Q.end()) break;
    cmin = c;
    tmin = *c;
    while (c!=Q.end()) {
      if (comp(*c,tmin)==1) {
	cmin = c;
	tmin = *c;
    p = L.insert(p,tree_t());
  p = L.begin();
  node_t c = n.lchild();
  while (p != L.end()) {
    c = Q.splice (c,p->begin());
    sort (Q,c,comp);
    p = L.erase (p);