Exemplo n.º 1
inline boost::system::error_code connect(
    boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::lowest_layer_type& socket,
    boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver& resolver,
    const url& u, boost::system::error_code& ec)
  // Create a query that corresponds to the url.
  std::ostringstream port_string;
  port_string << u.port();

  // Get a list of endpoints corresponding to the query.
  boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::results_type endpoints = resolver.resolve(u.host(), port_string.str(), ec);
  if (ec)
    return ec;

  // Try each endpoint until we successfully establish a connection.
  ec = boost::asio::error::host_not_found;
  boost::asio::connect(socket, endpoints, ec);
  if (ec)
    return ec;

  // Disable the Nagle algorithm on all sockets.
  ec = boost::system::error_code();
  socket.set_option(boost::asio::ip::tcp::no_delay(true), ec);
  return ec;
Exemplo n.º 2
 void readsome(const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
     if (ec == error::eof) {
         if (!file) {
             ERROR "Cannot write to file " << filename;
         } else if (filesize == 0) {
             ERROR "Empty segment " << file_url.to_string();
         } else {
             downloading = false;
             complete = true;
             auto download_duration = duration_cast<milliseconds>(steady_clock::now() - download_start).count();
             INFO "Completed segment " << file_url.to_string() << " (" << std::setprecision(1) << std::fixed <<
                 (filesize / 1024.0 / 1024.0) << " MB) in " << download_duration <<
                 " ms (" << (filesize * 8000 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / download_duration) << "Mbps)";
     } else if (ec) {
         ERROR "Error reading URL " << file_url.to_string() << ": " << ec.message();
     } else {
         file.write(&buffer[0], bytes_transferred);
         filesize += bytes_transferred;
         segment_stream.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(buffer), std::bind(&Segment::readsome, this, _1, _2));
Exemplo n.º 3
	vector<url> get_config(const url &dst) throw (runtime_error) {
		map<string,string>::const_iterator it = _data.find("PROXY_ENABLED");
		vector<url> response;

		if (it != _data.end() && it->second == "no") {
			return response;
		string key;
		string proxy;
		// If the URL is an ftp url, try to read the ftp proxy
		if (dst.get_scheme() == "ftp")
			key = "FTP_PROXY";
		else if (dst.get_scheme() == "http")
			key = "HTTP_PROXY";
		else if (dst.get_scheme() == "https")
			key = "HTTPS_PROXY";
		it = _data.find(key);
		if (it != _data.end())
			proxy = it->second;

		if (proxy.empty())
			throw runtime_error("Unable to read configuration");

		return response;
Exemplo n.º 4
void async_connect(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::lowest_layer_type& socket,
    boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver& resolver, const url& u, Handler handler)
  std::ostringstream port_string;
  port_string << u.port();
  connect_coro<Handler>(handler, socket, resolver)(
      boost::system::error_code(), u.host(), port_string.str());
Exemplo n.º 5
	string run(const url& url_) throw (bad_alloc) {
		vector<Value> args;

		Value res = glb.call("FindProxyForURL", args);
		if (res.isString() && !res.isException())
			return res.toString();
		return "";
Exemplo n.º 6
	vector<url> get_config(const url &dest) throw (runtime_error) {
		// Check for changes in the config
		fd_set rfds;
		struct timeval timeout = { 0, 0 };
		vector<url> response;

		FD_SET(fileno(this->read), &rfds);
		if (select(fileno(this->read)+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout) > 0)

		// Mode is wpad:// or pac+http://...
		if (this->data[PROXY_MODE] == "auto") {
			string pac = this->data[PROXY_AUTOCONFIG_URL];
			response.push_back(url::is_valid(pac) ? url(string("pac+") + pac) : url("wpad://"));
			return response;

		// Mode is http://... or socks://...
		else if (this->data[PROXY_MODE] == "manual") {
			bool       auth = this->data[PROXY_USE_AUTHENTICATION] == "true";
			string username = url::encode(this->data[PROXY_AUTH_USER], URL_ALLOWED_IN_USERINFO_ELEMENT);
			string password = url::encode(this->data[PROXY_AUTH_PASSWORD], URL_ALLOWED_IN_USERINFO_ELEMENT);
			// Get the per-scheme proxy settings
			if (dest.get_scheme() == "http")
				store_response("http", this->data[PROXY_HTTP_HOST],
					this->data[PROXY_HTTP_PORT], auth, username, password, response);
			else if (dest.get_scheme() == "https")
				// It is expected that the configured server is an
				// HTTP server that support CONNECT method.
				store_response("http", this->data[PROXY_SECURE_HOST],
					this->data[PROXY_SECURE_PORT], auth, username, password, response);
			else if (dest.get_scheme() == "ftp")
				// It is expected that the configured server is an
				// HTTP server that handles proxying FTP URLs 
				// (e.g. request with header "Host: ftp://ftp.host.org")
				store_response("http", this->data[PROXY_FTP_HOST],
					this->data[PROXY_FTP_PORT], auth, username, password, response);

			store_response("socks", this->data[PROXY_SOCKS_HOST],
				this->data[PROXY_SOCKS_PORT], auth, username, password, response);

			// In case nothing matched, try HTTP Connect and fallback to direct.
			// If there is not secure HTTP proxy, this will only add direct:// to
			// the response
			if (response.size() == 0 && dest.get_scheme() != "http") {
				store_response("http", this->data[PROXY_SECURE_HOST],
					this->data[PROXY_SECURE_PORT], auth, username, password, response);

		return response;
Exemplo n.º 7
	natus_pacrunner(string pac, const url& pacurl) throw (bad_alloc) : pacrunner(pac, pacurl) {
		Value exc;

		// Create the basic context
		if (!eng.initialize()) goto error;
		glb = this->eng.newGlobal();
		if (glb.isException()) goto error;

		// Add dnsResolve into the context
		if (!glb.set("dnsResolve", glb.newFunction(dnsResolve))) goto error;

		// Add myIpAddress into the context
		if (!glb.set("myIpAddress", glb.newFunction(myIpAddress))) goto error;

		// Add all other routines into the context
		exc = glb.evaluate(JAVASCRIPT_ROUTINES);
		if (exc.isException()) goto error;

		// Add the PAC into the context
		exc = glb.evaluate(pac.c_str(), pacurl.to_string());
		if (exc.isException()) goto error;

		throw bad_alloc();
Exemplo n.º 8
void websocket::connect(url const& target)
	state_ = CONNECTING;

	if ( target.scheme() != "ws" && target.scheme() != "wss" )
		throw std::invalid_argument("Unsupported URL " + target.to_string());

	tcp_conn_.reset(new pion::tcp::connection(rt_.io_service(), target.is_scheme_secured()));
//	tcp_conn_->getSocket().set_option(boost::asio::ip::tcp::no_delay(true)); // disable ngale

	// create resolver and start async resolve
	boost::shared_ptr<tcp::resolver> resolver = boost::make_shared<tcp::resolver>(rt_.io_service());
	tcp::resolver::query query(target.host(), std::to_string(static_cast<unsigned long long>(target.effective_port())),

	resolver->async_resolve(query, boost::bind(&websocket::handle_resolve, this,
		target, resolver, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::iterator));
Exemplo n.º 9
    string run(const url& url_) throw (bad_alloc) {
        JSStringRef str = NULL;
        JSValueRef  val = NULL;
        string      tmp;

        // Run the PAC
        tmp = string("FindProxyForURL(\"") + url_.to_string() + string("\", \"") + url_.get_host() + "\");";
        str = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(tmp.c_str());
        if (!str) throw bad_alloc();
        if (!JSCheckScriptSyntax(this->jsctx, str, NULL, 0, NULL))            goto error;
        if (!(val = JSEvaluateScript(this->jsctx, str, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL))) goto error;
        if (!JSValueIsString(this->jsctx, val))                               goto error;

        // Convert the return value to a string
        return jstr2str(JSValueToStringCopy(this->jsctx, val, NULL), true);

        return "";
  boost::system::error_code open(const url& u, boost::system::error_code& ec)
    std::string path = u.path();
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS)
    if (path.length() >= 3 && path[0] == '/'
        && std::isalpha(path[1]) && path[2] == ':')
      path = path.substr(1);
#endif // defined(BOOST_WINDOWS)
    file_.open(path.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
    if (!file_)
      ec = make_error_code(boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory);
      return ec;
    ec = boost::system::error_code();
    return ec;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool url::operator==(const url& url) const {
	return m_orig == url.to_string();
Exemplo n.º 12
std::string to_string(const url &url)
    return { url.begin(), url.end() };
Exemplo n.º 13
acceptor reactor::listen(const url& url){
    return make_wrapper(pn_reactor_acceptor(pn_object(), url.host().c_str(), url.port().c_str(), 0));
Exemplo n.º 14
bool websocket_hybi_17::handshake(url const& target)
	_aspect_assert(state() == CONNECTING);

	// create websocket handshake request
	pion::http::request req(target.path_for_request());

	req.add_header("Connection", "Upgrade");
	req.add_header("Upgrade", "WebSocket");

	req.add_header("Host", target.hostport());
	req.add_header("Origin", target.origin());

	string key(16, 0);
	std::generate(key.begin(), key.end(), rand_byte);
	string encoded_key;
	if ( !pion::algorithm::base64_encode(key, encoded_key) )
		return false;
	req.add_header("Sec-WebSocket-Key", encoded_key);
	req.add_header("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13");

	// send request, recieve response
	error_code err = send_message(req);
	if ( !check_err(err, "send request") )
		return false;

	pion::http::response resp(req);
	resp.receive(*tcp_conn_, err);
	if ( !check_err(err, "recieve response") )
		return false;

	// check response
	if ( !is_websocket_upgrade(resp) )
		// it is not a hybi connection upgrade, give a chance for another protocol
		return false;

	// Check reply key
	encoded_key += "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11";
	encoded_key = crypto::sha1_digest(encoded_key.data(), encoded_key.size());
	string resp_key;
	if ( !pion::algorithm::base64_encode(encoded_key, resp_key) )
		return false;

	if ( resp_key != resp.get_header("Sec-WebSocket-Accept") )
		return false;

	state_ = OPEN;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
	virtual bool ignore(url& url, const string &ignore) {
		bool result   = false;
		uint16_t port = 0;
		const struct sockaddr *dst_ip = url.get_ips(false) ? url.get_ips(false)[0] : NULL;
		struct sockaddr *ign_ip   = NULL, *net_ip = NULL;

		 * IPv4
		 * IPv6
		if ((ign_ip = sockaddr_from_string(ignore)))
			goto out;

		 * IPv4/CIDR
		 * IPv4/IPv4
		 * IPv6/CIDR
		 * IPv6/IPv6
		if (ignore.find('/') != string::npos)
			ign_ip = sockaddr_from_string(ignore.substr(0, ignore.find('/')));

			uint32_t cidr = 0;
			string mask = ignore.substr(ignore.find('/') + 1);

			if (mask.find('.') != string::npos)
				/* A dotted netmask was used */
				net_ip = sockaddr_from_string(mask);
				/* If CIDR notation was used, get the netmask */
				if (ign_ip && sscanf(mask.c_str(), "%d", &cidr) == 1)
					net_ip = sockaddr_from_cidr(ign_ip->sa_family, cidr);

			if (ign_ip && net_ip && ign_ip->sa_family == net_ip->sa_family)
				goto out;

			delete[] ign_ip;
			delete[] net_ip;
			ign_ip = NULL;
			net_ip = NULL;

		 * IPv4:port
		 * [IPv6]:port
		if (ignore.rfind(':') != string::npos && sscanf(ignore.substr(ignore.rfind(':')).c_str(), ":%hu", &port) == 1 && port > 0)
			ign_ip = sockaddr_from_string(ignore.substr(ignore.rfind(':')).c_str());

			/* Make sure this really is just a port and not just an IPv6 address */
			if (ign_ip && (ign_ip->sa_family != AF_INET6 || ignore[0] == '['))
				goto out;

			delete[] ign_ip;
			ign_ip = NULL;
			port   = 0;

		result = sockaddr_equals(dst_ip, ign_ip, net_ip);
		delete[] ign_ip;
		delete[] net_ip;
		return port != 0 ? (port == url.get_port() && result) : result;