bool SubSurface::Subtag( const vec3d & center ) { UpdatePolygonPnts(); // Update polygon vector for ( int p = 0; p < ( int )m_PolyPntsVec.size(); p++ ) { bool inPoly = PointInPolygon( vec2d( center.x(), center.y() ), m_PolyPntsVec[p] ); if ( inPoly && m_TestType() == vsp::INSIDE ) { return true; } else if ( inPoly && m_TestType() == vsp::OUTSIDE ) { return false; } } if ( m_TestType() == vsp::OUTSIDE ) { return true; } return false; }
//to return projection vector vec3d vec3d :: proj(const vec3d& vec) const { float m = vec.mag(); if(m == 0) throw "invalid vector"; return vec.unit()*(operator*(vec)/m); }
void Surf::ApplyES( vec3d uw, double t ) { double grm1 = m_GridDensityPtr->m_GrowRatio() - 1.0; int nmapu = m_SrcMap.size(); int nmapw = m_SrcMap[0].size(); int ibase, jbase; double u = uw.x(); double w = uw.y(); UWtoTargetMapij( u, w, ibase, jbase ); vec3d p = m_SurfCore.CompPnt( u, w ); int iadd[] = { 0, 1, 0, 1 }; int jadd[] = { 0, 0, 1, 1 }; for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { int itarget = ibase + iadd[i]; int jtarget = jbase + jadd[i]; if( itarget < nmapu && itarget >= 0 && jtarget < nmapw && jtarget >= 0 ) { vec3d p2 = m_SrcMap[ itarget ][ jtarget ].m_pt; double r = ( p2 - p ).mag(); double targetstr = t + r * grm1; if( m_SrcMap[ itarget ][ jtarget ].m_str > targetstr ) { m_SrcMap[ itarget ][ jtarget ].m_str = targetstr; WalkMap( itarget, jtarget, itarget, jtarget ); } } } }
vec3d SSLineSeg::CompPnt( VspSurf* surf, vec3d uw_pnt ) const { if ( !surf ) { return vec3d(); } double maxu = surf->GetUMax(); double maxw = surf->GetWMax(); if ( uw_pnt.x() < 0.0 ) { uw_pnt.set_x( 0.0 ); } else if ( uw_pnt.x() > maxu ) { uw_pnt.set_x( maxu ); } if ( uw_pnt.y() < 0.0 ) { uw_pnt.set_y( 0.0 ); } else if ( uw_pnt.y() > maxw ) { uw_pnt.set_y( maxw ); } return surf->CompPnt( uw_pnt.x(), uw_pnt.y() ); }
void VspCurve::Reflect( vec3d axis, double d ) { curve_point_type a; a << axis.x(), axis.y(), axis.z(); m_Curve.reflect( a, d ); }
//===== Offset =====// void VspCurve::Offset( vec3d offvec ) { curve_point_type tr; tr << offvec.x(), offvec.y(), offvec.z(); m_Curve.translate( tr ); }
// Spherical linear interpolation between direction vectors. // Intermediate vectors follow great circle path with constant velocity. vec3d slerp( const vec3d& a, const vec3d& b, const double &t ) { vec3d an = a / a.mag(); vec3d bn = b / b.mag(); double dp = dot( an, bn ); double theta = 0.0; if ( dp >= -1.0 && dp <= 1.0 ) { theta = acos( dp ); } // Initialize retvec as a-direction. vec3d retvec = an; // If vectors are not parallel, interpolate between them. if ( std::abs( theta ) > 1.0e-6 ) { // Drop division by sin(theta) because .normalize() will scale double coeff1 = sin( ( 1.0 - t ) * theta ); // implied / sin(theta) double coeff2 = sin( t * theta ); // implied / sin(theta) retvec = coeff1 * an + coeff2 * bn; retvec.normalize(); } return retvec; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==== IPnt Bin ====// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int IPntBin::ComputeID( vec3d & pos ) { int id = (int)(pos.x()*10000.0) + (int)(pos.y()*10000.0) + (int)(pos.z()*10000.0); return id; }
//******* Angle Between Vectors ******// double angle(const vec3d& a, const vec3d& b) { double angle = dot(a, b)/(a.mag()*b.mag()); if ( angle < -1.0 ) angle = -1.0; else if ( angle > 1.0 ) angle = 1.0; return(acos(angle)); }
static FLOAT64 vec_angle( vec3d v1, vec3d v2 ) { FLOAT64 len1 = v1.len(); FLOAT64 len2 = v2.len(); FLOAT64 dot = len1 * len2; if( dot ) { FLOAT64 res = acos(fmin(1.0-1e-8,fmax(-1.0+1e-8,v1*v2/dot))); return res; } return 0.0; }
double VspCurve::FindNearest( double &u, const vec3d &pt, const double &u0 ) const { double dist; curve_point_type p; p << pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z(); dist = eli::geom::intersect::minimum_distance( u, m_Curve, p, u0 ); return dist; }
//******* Cosine of Angle Between Vectors ******// double cos_angle(const vec3d& a, const vec3d& b) { double angle = dot(a, b)/(a.mag()*b.mag()); if (angle < -1.0 ) return -1.0; else if ( angle > 1.0) return 1.0; return angle; }
void PlanetViewController::move(vec3d &oldp, vec3d &p) { oldp = oldp.normalize(); p = p.normalize(); double oldlat = safe_asin(oldp.z); double oldlon = atan2(oldp.y, oldp.x); double lat = safe_asin(p.z); double lon = atan2(p.y, p.x); x0 -= lon - oldlon; y0 -= lat - oldlat; y0 = max(-M_PI / 2.0, min(M_PI / 2.0, y0)); }
//******* Angle Between Vectors ******// double angle( const vec3d& a, const vec3d& b ) { double angle = dot( a, b ) / ( a.mag() * b.mag() ); if ( angle >= -1.0 && angle <= 1.0 ) { return( acos( angle ) ); } else { return( 0.0 ); } }
vec4d planeByPointNormal(vec3d point, vec3d normal) { vec4d ret; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) ret.v[i] = normal.v[i]; ret.v[3] =; return ret; }
double SurfCore::FindNearest( double &u, double &w, const vec3d &pt, double u0, double w0 ) const { double dist; surface_point_type p; pt.get_pnt( p ); double umn = m_Surface.get_u0(); double wmn = m_Surface.get_v0(); double umx = m_Surface.get_umax(); double wmx = m_Surface.get_vmax(); double slop = 1e-3; if( u0 < (umn - slop) || w0 < (wmn - slop) || u0 > (umx + slop) || w0 > (wmx + slop) ) { printf("BAD parameter in SurfCore::FindNearest! %f %f\n", u0, w0 ); assert(false); } if ( u0 < umn ) u0 = umn; if ( w0 < wmn ) w0 = wmn; if ( u0 > umx ) u0 = umx; if ( w0 > wmx ) w0 = wmx; dist = eli::geom::intersect::minimum_distance( u, w, m_Surface, p, u0, w0 ); return dist; }
mat44 translationMatrix(vec3d x) { mat44 ret; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) ret.m[i][j] = (i == j) ? 1 : 0; ret.setcolumn(3, x.tohc()); return ret; }
//to return the angle between vectors in radians double vec3d :: angle(const vec3d& vec) const { float this_mag = mag(); float vec_mag = vec.mag(); if(this_mag == 0 || vec_mag == 0) throw "invalid vector"; return acos(operator*(vec)/(this_mag*vec_mag)); }
vec4d quatFromAA(vec3d axis, double angle) { vec4d ret; vec3d a = axis.normalize(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) ret.v[i] = a.v[i] * sin(angle / 2); ret.v[3] = cos(angle / 2); return ret; }
void Mesh::drawSurface(GLenum primitive, vec3d axis, float limit, int numSteps){ if (!isValid) return; std::vector<Face> surface; double inc = limit/(numSteps-1); axis.normalize(); for (unsigned u=0; u < mesh.size(); ++u){ surface.clear(); surface.push_back(mesh[u]); for (unsigned i = 1; i < numSteps; ++i){ Face f; for (unsigned j=0; j< mesh[u].v.size(); ++j ){ // translate all vertices f.v.push_back(surface[i-1].v[j] + axis*inc); } surface.push_back(f); } // draw surface glColor3f(1,1,1); GLfloat gray[] = {1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f}; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, gray); glColorMaterial(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); for (unsigned i=0; i < surface.size()-1; ++i){ Face *f0 = &surface[i]; Face *f1 = &surface[i+1]; unsigned size = f0->v.size(); glBegin(primitive); for (unsigned j=0; j < size; ++j){ unsigned c1 = j; unsigned c2 = (j+1)%size; vec3d n1 = cross(f0->v[c2] - f0->v[c1], f1->v[c1] - f0->v[c1]); vec3d n2 = cross(f1->v[c2] - f0->v[c2], f1->v[c1] - f0->v[c2]); n1.normalize(); n2.normalize(); // Tri 1 glNormal3f(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z); glVertex3f(f0->v[c1].x, f0->v[c1].y, f0->v[c1].z); glVertex3f(f0->v[c2].x, f0->v[c2].y, f0->v[c2].z); glVertex3f(f1->v[c1].x, f1->v[c1].y, f1->v[c1].z); // Tri 2 glNormal3f(n2.x, n2.y, n2.z); glVertex3f(f0->v[c2].x, f0->v[c2].y, f0->v[c2].z); glVertex3f(f1->v[c2].x, f1->v[c2].y, f1->v[c2].z); glVertex3f(f1->v[c1].x, f1->v[c1].y, f1->v[c1].z); } glEnd(); } } }
//Constructor to initialize a vector with a vector and magnitude (the new vector will share the direction of given vector) vec3d :: vec3d(vec3d vec, float mag) { vec.normalize(); if(mag == 0) throw "invalid vector"; x=mag*vec.x; y=mag*vec.y; z=mag*vec.z; }
double SurfCore::FindNearest( double &u, double &w, const vec3d &pt ) const { double dist; surface_point_type p; pt.get_pnt( p ); dist = eli::geom::intersect::minimum_distance( u, w, m_Surface, p ); return dist; }
mat4d SphericalDeformation::deformedToTangentFrame(const vec3d &deformedPt) const { vec3d Uz = deformedPt.normalize(); vec3d Ux = (vec3d::UNIT_Y.crossProduct(Uz)).normalize(); vec3d Uy = Uz.crossProduct(Ux); return mat4d(Ux.x, Ux.y, Ux.z, 0.0, Uy.x, Uy.y, Uy.z, 0.0, Uz.x, Uz.y, Uz.z, -R, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); }
double SCurve::GetTargetLen( GridDensity* grid_den, SCurve* BCurve, vec3d p, vec3d uw, double u ) { double len = grid_den->GetBaseLen(); if( m_Surf->GetCompID() >= 0 ) len = m_Surf->InterpTargetMap( uw.x(), uw.y() ); if(BCurve){ vec3d uwB = BCurve->m_UWCrv.comp_pnt( u ); double lenB = grid_den->GetBaseLen(); if( BCurve->m_Surf->GetCompID() >= 0 ) lenB = BCurve->m_Surf->InterpTargetMap( uwB.x(), uwB.y() ); len = min( len, lenB ); } return len; }
void SurfCore::GetBorderCurve( const vec3d &uw0, const vec3d &uw1, Bezier_curve &crv ) const { int iborder = -1; double tol = 1.0e-12; if ( std::abs( uw0.x() - uw1.x() ) < tol ) // U const, UMIN or UMAX { double umid = ( m_Surface.get_umax() + m_Surface.get_u0() ) / 2.0; if ( uw0.x() < umid ) iborder = UMIN; else iborder = UMAX; } else if ( std::abs( uw0.y() - uw1.y() ) < tol ) { double vmid = ( m_Surface.get_vmax() + m_Surface.get_v0() ) / 2.0; if ( uw0.y() < vmid ) iborder = WMIN; else iborder = WMAX; } if ( iborder >= UMIN ) crv = GetBorderCurve( iborder ); }
/** Compute the normal for a polygon. Basically, the method simply takes the first three vertices A, B, C and computes the normal of that triangle. However, it is checked that A!=B and B!=C, so it is possible that more than three vertices are looked up. \param poly Polygon index \param[out] N Receives the resulting normal */ void PolyhedronGeom::computeNormal(int poly, vec3d& N) { VertexLoop& loop = *(*polys[poly])[0]; int size = loop.size(); int i = 2; if (size<3) return; const vec3d* a = &(verts.getValue(loop[0])); const vec3d* b = &(verts.getValue(loop[1])); while(a==b) { if (i>=size) return; b = &(verts.getValue(loop[i])); i++; } const vec3d* c = &(verts.getValue(loop[i])); while(b==c) { if (i>=size) return; c = &(verts.getValue(loop[i])); i++; } N.cross((*b)-(*a), (*c)-(*a)); try { N.normalize(N); } catch(...) { N.set(0,0,0); } }
vec2d matrixExtract(vec3d &bigMatrix, int index) { int i_size = bigMatrix.size(); int k_size = bigMatrix[0].size(); vec2d result(i_size,k_size,0); for (int i = 0; i<i_size; i++) { for (int k=0; k<k_size; k++) { result[i][k] = bigMatrix[i][k][index]; } } return result; }
//// Rotate a point p by angle theta around an arbitrary axis r //// Return the rotated point. //// Positive angles are anticlockwise looking down the axis //// towards the origin. //// Assume right hand coordinate system. vec3d RotateArbAxis(vec3d & p, double theta, vec3d & r) // Radians { vec3d q( 0, 0, 0 ); double costheta,sintheta; r.normalize(); costheta = cos(theta); sintheta = sin(theta); q[0] += (costheta + (1 - costheta) * r[0] * r[0]) * p[0]; q[0] += ((1 - costheta) * r[0] * r[1] - r[2] * sintheta) * p[1]; q[0] += ((1 - costheta) * r[0] * r[2] + r[1] * sintheta) * p[2]; q[1] += ((1 - costheta) * r[0] * r[1] + r[2] * sintheta) * p[0]; q[1] += (costheta + (1 - costheta) * r[1] * r[1]) * p[1]; q[1] += ((1 - costheta) * r[1] * r[2] - r[0] * sintheta) * p[2]; q[2] += ((1 - costheta) * r[0] * r[2] - r[1] * sintheta) * p[0]; q[2] += ((1 - costheta) * r[1] * r[2] + r[0] * sintheta) * p[1]; q[2] += (costheta + (1 - costheta) * r[2] * r[2]) * p[2]; return(q); }
vec3d SphericalDeformation::deformedToLocal(const vec3d &deformedPt) const { double l = deformedPt.length(); if (deformedPt.z >= abs(deformedPt.x) && deformedPt.z >= abs(deformedPt.y)) { return vec3d(deformedPt.x / deformedPt.z * R, deformedPt.y / deformedPt.z * R, l - R); } if (deformedPt.z <= -abs(deformedPt.x) && deformedPt.z <= -abs(deformedPt.y)) { return vec3d(INFINITY, INFINITY, INFINITY); } if (deformedPt.y >= abs(deformedPt.x) && deformedPt.y >= abs(deformedPt.z)) { return vec3d(deformedPt.x / deformedPt.y * R, (2.0 - deformedPt.z / deformedPt.y) * R, l - R); } if (deformedPt.y <= -abs(deformedPt.x) && deformedPt.y <= -abs(deformedPt.z)) { return vec3d(-deformedPt.x / deformedPt.y * R, (-2.0 - deformedPt.z / deformedPt.y) * R, l - R); } if (deformedPt.x >= abs(deformedPt.y) && deformedPt.x >= abs(deformedPt.z)) { return vec3d((2.0 - deformedPt.z / deformedPt.x) * R, deformedPt.y / deformedPt.x * R, l - R); } if (deformedPt.x <= -abs(deformedPt.y) && deformedPt.x <= -abs(deformedPt.z)) { return vec3d((-2.0 - deformedPt.z / deformedPt.x) * R, -deformedPt.y / deformedPt.x * R, l - R); } assert(false); return vec3d::ZERO; }
//===== Interpolate Creates cubic spline with set end slopes ====// void VspCurve::InterpolateCSpline( vector< vec3d > & input_pnt_vec, const vec3d &start_slope, const vec3d &end_slope, const vector<double> ¶m ) { // do some checking of vector lengths if ( param.size() != input_pnt_vec.size() ) { std::cerr << "Invalid number of points and parameters in curve interpolation " << __LINE__ << std::endl; assert( false ); return; } // copy points over to new type vector<curve_point_type> pts( input_pnt_vec.size() ); curve_point_type sslope, eslope; for ( size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); ++i ) { pts[i] << input_pnt_vec[i].x(), input_pnt_vec[i].y(), input_pnt_vec[i].z(); } sslope << start_slope.x(), start_slope.y(), start_slope.z(); eslope << end_slope.x(), end_slope.y(), end_slope.z(); // create creator for known number of segments piecewise_cubic_spline_creator_type pcsc( pts.size() - 1 ); // set the delta t for each curve segment pcsc.set_t0( param[0] ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < ( param.size() - 1 ); ++i ) { pcsc.set_segment_dt( param[i + 1] - param[i], i ); } pcsc.set_clamped_cubic_spline( pts.begin(), sslope, eslope ); if ( !pcsc.create( m_Curve ) ) { std::cerr << "Failed to create CSpline. " << __LINE__ << std::endl; } }