Exemplo n.º 1
bool overlap(const polyhedron &a, const polyhedron &b, const double periodic[3], double dr) {
  const vector3d ab = periodic_diff(a.pos, b.pos, periodic);
  if (ab.normsquared() > sqr(a.R + b.R + 2*dr))
    return false;
  // construct axes from a
  // project a and b to each axis
  for (int i=0; i<a.mypoly->nfaces; i++) {
    const vector3d axis = a.rot.rotate_vector(a.mypoly->faces[i]);
    double projection = axis.dot(a.rot.rotate_vector((a.mypoly->vertices[0])*(a.R+dr)));
    double mina = projection, maxa = projection;
    for (int j=1; j<a.mypoly->nvertices; j++) {
      projection = axis.dot(a.rot.rotate_vector(a.mypoly->vertices[j]*(a.R+dr)));
      if (projection < mina) mina = projection;
      else if (projection > maxa) maxa = projection;
    projection = axis.dot(b.rot.rotate_vector(b.mypoly->vertices[0]*(b.R+dr)) + ab);
    double minb = projection, maxb = projection;
    for (int j=1; j<b.mypoly->nvertices; j++) {
      projection = axis.dot(b.rot.rotate_vector(b.mypoly->vertices[j]*(b.R+dr)) + ab);
      if (projection < minb) minb = projection;
      else if (projection > maxb) maxb = projection;
    if (mina > maxb || minb > maxa) {
      return false;
  // construct axes from b
  // project a and b to each axis
  for (int i=0; i<b.mypoly->nfaces; i++) {
    const vector3d axis = b.rot.rotate_vector(b.mypoly->faces[i]);
    double projection = axis.dot(a.rot.rotate_vector(a.mypoly->vertices[0]*(a.R+dr)));
    double mina = projection, maxa = projection;
    for (int j=1; j<a.mypoly->nvertices; j++) {
      projection = axis.dot(a.rot.rotate_vector(a.mypoly->vertices[j]*(a.R+dr)));
      if (projection < mina) mina = projection;
      else if (projection > maxa) maxa = projection;
    projection = axis.dot(b.rot.rotate_vector(b.mypoly->vertices[0]*(b.R+dr)) + ab);
    double minb = projection, maxb = projection;
    for (int j=1; j<b.mypoly->nvertices; j++) {
      projection = axis.dot(b.rot.rotate_vector(b.mypoly->vertices[j]*(b.R+dr)) + ab);
      if (projection < minb) minb = projection;
      else if (projection > maxb) maxb = projection;
    if (mina > maxb || minb > maxa) {
      return false;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
int overlaps_with_any(const polyhedron &a, const polyhedron *bs,
                      const double periodic[3], bool count, double dr) {
  // construct axes from a and a's projection onto them
  vector3d *aaxes = new vector3d[a.mypoly->nfaces];
  double amins[a.mypoly->nfaces], amaxes[a.mypoly->nfaces];
  for (int i=0; i<a.mypoly->nfaces; i++) {
    aaxes[i] = a.rot.rotate_vector(a.mypoly->faces[i]);
    double projection = aaxes[i].dot(a.rot.rotate_vector(a.mypoly->vertices[0]*(a.R+dr)));
    amins[i] = projection, amaxes[i] = projection;
    for (int j=1; j< a.mypoly->nvertices; j++) {
      projection = aaxes[i].dot(a.rot.rotate_vector(a.mypoly->vertices[j]*(a.R+dr)));
      amins[i] = min(projection, amins[i]);
      amaxes[i] = max(projection, amaxes[i]);
  int num_overlaps = 0;
  for (int l=0; l<a.num_neighbors; l++) {
    const int k = a.neighbors[l];
    const vector3d ab = periodic_diff(a.pos, bs[k].pos, periodic);
    if (ab.normsquared() < sqr(a.R + bs[k].R + 2*dr)) {
      bool overlap = true; // assume overlap until we prove otherwise or fail to.
      // check projection of b against a's axes
      for (int i=0; i<a.mypoly->nfaces; i++) {
        double projection = aaxes[i].dot
          (bs[k].rot.rotate_vector(bs[k].mypoly->vertices[0]*(bs[k].R+dr)) + ab);
        double bmin = projection, bmax = projection;
        for (int j=1; j<bs[k].mypoly->nvertices; j++) {
          projection = aaxes[i].dot
            (bs[k].rot.rotate_vector(bs[k].mypoly->vertices[j]*(bs[k].R+dr)) + ab);
          bmin = min(projection, bmin);
          bmax = max(projection, bmax);
        if (amins[i] > bmax || bmin > amaxes[i]) {
          overlap = false;
          i = a.mypoly->nfaces; // no overlap, move on to next
      if (overlap) { // still need to check against b's axes
        for (int i=0; i<bs[k].mypoly->nfaces; i++) {
          const vector3d axis = bs[k].rot.rotate_vector(bs[k].mypoly->faces[i]);
          double projection = axis.dot(a.rot.rotate_vector(a.mypoly->vertices[0]*(a.R+dr)));
          double amin = projection, amax = projection;
          for (int j=1; j<a.mypoly->nvertices; j++) {
            projection = axis.dot(a.rot.rotate_vector(a.mypoly->vertices[j]*(a.R+dr)));
            amin = min(projection, amin);
            amax = max(projection, amax);
          projection = axis.dot
            (bs[k].rot.rotate_vector(bs[k].mypoly->vertices[0]*(bs[k].R+dr)) + ab);
          double bmin = projection, bmax = projection;
          for (int j=1; j<bs[k].mypoly->nvertices; j++) {
            projection = axis.dot
              (bs[k].rot.rotate_vector(bs[k].mypoly->vertices[j]*(bs[k].R+dr)) + ab);
            bmin = min(projection, bmin);
            bmax = max(projection, bmax);

          if (amin > bmax || bmin > amax) {
            overlap = false;
            i = bs[k].mypoly->nfaces; //no overlap, move on to next
      if (overlap) {
        if(!count) {
          delete[] aaxes;
          return 1;
        num_overlaps ++;
  delete[] aaxes;
  return num_overlaps;