Exemplo n.º 1
 * Here we do the actual rendering. I put it in a separate
 * method so that it can work no matter what type of DC
 * (e.g. wxPaintDC or wxClientDC) is used.
void BasicDrawPane::Render(wxDC&  dc)

     int width, height;
     this->GetSize(&width, &height);

     if ( m_bgColor.IsOk() ) 
	  dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, width, height);

     if ( m_textForeGround.IsOk() )
	  dc.SetTextForeground( m_textForeGround );

     if ( !m_text.IsEmpty() )
	  dc.SetFont( m_font );

	   * ちょうど中央表示できるよう調整
	  const int cHeight = dc.GetCharHeight();
	  const int cWidth  = dc.GetCharWidth();
	  const int textLen = m_text.Len();
	  const int textHalfSize = textLen * cWidth / 2;
	  dc.DrawText( m_text, width / 2 - textHalfSize, height / 2 - cHeight / 2 );
Exemplo n.º 2
void wxStaticBox::PaintForeground(wxDC& dc, const RECT& WXUNUSED(rc))
    MSWDefWindowProc(WM_PAINT, (WPARAM)GetHdcOf(dc), 0);

    // when using XP themes, neither setting the text colour nor transparent
    // background mode doesn't change anything: the static box def window proc
    // still draws the label in its own colours, so we need to redraw the text
    // ourselves if we have a non default fg colour
    if ( m_hasFgCol && wxUxThemeEngine::GetIfActive() )
        // draw over the text in default colour in our colour

        HDC hdc = GetHdcOf(dc);
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, GetForegroundColour().GetPixel());

        // FIXME: value of x is hardcoded as this is what it is on my system,
        //        no idea if it's true everywhere
        const int y = dc.GetCharHeight();
        const int x = 9;

        // TODO: RTL?
        RECT rc = { x, 0, GetSize().x - x, y };

        const wxString label = GetLabel();
        ::DrawText(hdc, label, label.length(), &rc, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER);
Exemplo n.º 3
void ODIconCombo::OnDrawItem( wxDC& dc,
                                       const wxRect& rect,
                                       int item,
                                       int flags ) const
    int offset_x = bmpArray.Item(item).GetWidth();
    int bmpHeight = bmpArray.Item(item).GetHeight();
    dc.DrawBitmap(bmpArray.Item(item), rect.x, rect.y + (rect.height - bmpHeight)/2, true);
    if ( flags & wxODCB_PAINTING_CONTROL )
        wxString text = GetValue();
        int margin_x = 2;
#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 0)
        if ( ShouldUseHintText() )
            text = GetHint();
            wxColour col = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT);
        margin_x = GetMargins().x;

        dc.DrawText( text,
                     rect.x + margin_x + offset_x,
                     (rect.height-dc.GetCharHeight())/2 + rect.y );
        dc.DrawText( GetVListBoxComboPopup()->GetString(item), rect.x + 2 + offset_x, (rect.height-dc.GetCharHeight())/2 + rect.y );
Exemplo n.º 4
wxGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer::GetBestWidth(wxGrid& grid,
                                               wxGridCellAttr& attr,
                                               wxDC& dc,
                                               int row, int col,
                                               int height)
    const int lineHeight = dc.GetCharHeight();

    // Maximal number of lines that fully fit but at least 1.
    const size_t maxLines = height - AUTOWRAP_Y_MARGIN < lineHeight
                                ? 1
                                : (height - AUTOWRAP_Y_MARGIN)/lineHeight;

    // Increase width until all the text fits.
    // TODO: this is not the most efficient to do it for the long strings.
    const int charWidth = dc.GetCharWidth();
    int width = 2*charWidth;
    while ( GetTextLines(grid, dc, attr, wxSize(width, height),
                         row, col).size() > maxLines )
        width += charWidth;

    return width;
Exemplo n.º 5
void wxOwnerDrawnComboBox::OnDrawItem( wxDC& dc,
                                       const wxRect& rect,
                                       int item,
                                       int flags ) const
    if ( flags & wxODCB_PAINTING_CONTROL )
        wxString text;

        if ( !ShouldUseHintText() )
            text = GetValue();
            text = GetHint();
            wxColour col = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT);

        dc.DrawText( text,
                     rect.x + GetMargins().x,
                     (rect.height-dc.GetCharHeight())/2 + rect.y );
        dc.DrawText( GetVListBoxComboPopup()->GetString(item), rect.x + 2, rect.y );
Exemplo n.º 6
    virtual void OnDrawItem( wxDC& dc,
                             const wxRect& rect,
                             int item,
                             int flags ) const
        if ( item == wxNOT_FOUND )

        wxRect r(rect);
        r.height -= 2;

        wxPenStyle penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_SOLID;
        if ( item == 1 )
            penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_TRANSPARENT;
        else if ( item == 2 )
            penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_DOT;
        else if ( item == 3 )
            penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_LONG_DASH;
        else if ( item == 4 )
            penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_SHORT_DASH;
        else if ( item == 5 )
            penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_DOT_DASH;
        else if ( item == 6 )
            penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_BDIAGONAL_HATCH;
        else if ( item == 7 )
            penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_CROSSDIAG_HATCH;
        else if ( item == 8 )
            penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_FDIAGONAL_HATCH;
        else if ( item == 9 )
            penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_CROSS_HATCH;
        else if ( item == 10 )
            penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_HORIZONTAL_HATCH;
        else if ( item == 11 )
            penStyle = wxPENSTYLE_VERTICAL_HATCH;

        wxPen pen( dc.GetTextForeground(), 3, penStyle );

        // Get text colour as pen colour
        dc.SetPen( pen );

        if ( !(flags & wxODCB_PAINTING_CONTROL) )
            dc.DrawText(GetString( item ),
                        r.x + 3,
                        (r.y + 0) + ( (r.height/2) - dc.GetCharHeight() )/2

            dc.DrawLine( r.x+5, r.y+((r.height/4)*3), r.x+r.width - 5, r.y+((r.height/4)*3) );
            dc.DrawLine( r.x+5, r.y+r.height/2, r.x+r.width - 5, r.y+r.height/2 );
Exemplo n.º 7
void PenStyleComboBox::OnDrawItem( wxDC& dc,
                                    const wxRect& rect,
                                    int item,
                                    int flags ) const
    if ( item == wxNOT_FOUND )

    wxRect r(rect);
    r.height -= 2;

    int penStyle = wxSOLID;
//    if ( item == 1 )
//        penStyle = wxTRANSPARENT;
//    else if ( item == 2 )
//        penStyle = wxDOT;
//    else if ( item == 3 )
//        penStyle = wxLONG_DASH;
//    else if ( item == 4 )
//        penStyle = wxSHORT_DASH;
    if ( item == 0 )
        penStyle = wxDOT_DASH;
    else if ( item == 1 )
        penStyle = wxBDIAGONAL_HATCH;
    else if ( item == 2 )
        penStyle = wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH;
//    else if ( item == 8 )
//        penStyle = wxFDIAGONAL_HATCH;
//    else if ( item == 9 )
//        penStyle = wxCROSS_HATCH;
//    else if ( item == 10 )
//        penStyle = wxHORIZONTAL_HATCH;
//    else if ( item == 11 )
//        penStyle = wxVERTICAL_HATCH;

    wxPen pen( dc.GetTextForeground(), 3, penStyle );

    // Get text colour as pen colour
    dc.SetPen( pen );

    if ( !(flags & wxODCB_PAINTING_CONTROL) )
        dc.DrawText(GetString( item ),
                    r.x + 3,
                    (r.y + 0) + ( (r.height/2) - dc.GetCharHeight() )/2

        dc.DrawLine( r.x+5, r.y+((r.height/4)*3), r.x+r.width - 5, r.y+((r.height/4)*3) );
        dc.DrawLine( r.x+5, r.y+r.height/2, r.x+r.width - 5, r.y+r.height/2 );
Exemplo n.º 8
static void AdjustFontSize(wxFont& font, wxDC& dc, const wxSize& pixelSize)
    int currentSize = 0;
    int largestGood = 0;
    int smallestBad = 0;

    bool initialGoodFound = false;
    bool initialBadFound = false;

    // NB: this assignment was separated from the variable definition
    // in order to fix a gcc v3.3.3 compiler crash
    currentSize = font.GetPointSize();
    while (currentSize > 0)

        // if currentSize (in points) results in a font that is smaller
        // than required by pixelSize it is considered a good size
        if (dc.GetCharHeight() <= pixelSize.GetHeight() &&
                (!pixelSize.GetWidth() ||
                 dc.GetCharWidth() <= pixelSize.GetWidth()))
            largestGood = currentSize;
            initialGoodFound = true;
            smallestBad = currentSize;
            initialBadFound = true;
        if (!initialGoodFound)
            currentSize /= 2;
        else if (!initialBadFound)
            currentSize *= 2;
            int distance = smallestBad - largestGood;
            if (distance == 1)

            currentSize = largestGood + distance / 2;


    if (currentSize != largestGood)
Exemplo n.º 9
void StateEvaluationTreePanel::render(wxDC &dc)
  if (Settings.m_ColourScheme == nullptr)
  auto const &Scheme = *(Settings.m_ColourScheme);
  if (Statement.empty())
  auto const ActiveStmt = ActiveFn->getActiveStmt();
  if (!ActiveStmt)
  // Draw the sub-Stmts' nodes.
  for (auto const &Node : Nodes) {
    // Don't draw hovered nodes, they will be drawn later.
    if (&*HoverNodeIt == &Node || &*ReplayHoverNodeIt == &Node)

    auto const DoHighlight =
      (HighlightedStmt && Node.Statement == HighlightedStmt)
      || (HighlightedValue && Node.Value.get() == HighlightedValue);

    if (DoHighlight)
      drawNode(dc, Scheme, Node, NodeDecoration::Highlighted);
    else if (Node.Statement == ActiveStmt)
      drawNode(dc, Scheme, Node, NodeDecoration::Active);
      drawNode(dc, Scheme, Node, NodeDecoration::None);
  // Redraw the hovered nodes, so that they outrank active node highlighting.
  if (HoverNodeIt != Nodes.end())
    drawNode(dc, Scheme, *HoverNodeIt, NodeDecoration::Highlighted);
  if (ReplayHoverNodeIt != Nodes.end())
    drawNode(dc, Scheme, *ReplayHoverNodeIt, NodeDecoration::Highlighted);
  // Draw the pretty-printed Stmt's string.
  wxCoord const PageBorderH = dc.GetCharWidth() * Settings.PageBorderHorizontal;
  wxCoord const PageBorderV = dc.GetCharHeight() * Settings.PageBorderVertical;
  dc.DrawText(Statement, PageBorderH, PageBorderV);
Exemplo n.º 10
wxGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer::GetBestHeight(wxGrid& grid,
                                                wxGridCellAttr& attr,
                                                wxDC& dc,
                                                int row, int col,
                                                int width)
    const int lineHeight = dc.GetCharHeight();

    // Use as many lines as we need for this width and add a small border to
    // improve the appearance.
    return GetTextLines(grid, dc, attr, wxSize(width, lineHeight),
                        row, col).size() * lineHeight + AUTOWRAP_Y_MARGIN;
Exemplo n.º 11
wxGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer::GetBestSize(wxGrid& grid,
                                              wxGridCellAttr& attr,
                                              wxDC& dc,
                                              int row, int col)
    // We have to make a choice here and fix either width or height because we
    // don't have any naturally best size. This choice is mostly arbitrary, but
    // we need to be consistent about it, otherwise wxGrid auto-sizing code
    // would get confused. For now we decide to use a single line of text and
    // compute the width needed to fully display everything.
    const int height = dc.GetCharHeight();

    return wxSize(GetBestWidth(grid, attr, dc, row, col, height), height);
Exemplo n.º 12
void wxOwnerDrawnComboBox::OnDrawItem( wxDC& dc,
                                       const wxRect& rect,
                                       int item,
                                       int flags ) const
    if ( flags & wxODCB_PAINTING_CONTROL )
        dc.DrawText( GetValue(),
                     rect.x + GetTextIndent(),
                     (rect.height-dc.GetCharHeight())/2 + rect.y );
        dc.DrawText( GetVListBoxComboPopup()->GetString(item), rect.x + 2, rect.y );
Exemplo n.º 13
void wxBitmapComboBox::OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc,
                                 const wxRect& rect,
                                 int item,
                                 int flags) const
    wxString text;
    int imgAreaWidth = m_imgAreaWidth;
    bool drawText;

    if ( imgAreaWidth == 0 )
        wxOwnerDrawnComboBox::OnDrawItem(dc, rect, item, flags);

    if ( flags & wxODCB_PAINTING_CONTROL )
        text = GetValue();
        if ( HasFlag(wxCB_READONLY) )
            drawText = true;
            drawText = false;
        text = GetString(item);
        drawText = true;

    const wxBitmap& bmp = *GetBitmapPtr(item);
    if ( bmp.Ok() )
        wxCoord w = bmp.GetWidth();
        wxCoord h = bmp.GetHeight();

        // Draw the image centered
                      rect.x + (m_usedImgSize.x-w)/2 + IMAGE_SPACING_LEFT,
                      rect.y + (rect.height-h)/2,

    if ( drawText )
                    rect.x + imgAreaWidth + 1,
                    rect.y + (rect.height-dc.GetCharHeight())/2);
Exemplo n.º 14
wxSize DropDown::DrawText(void * ItemData, wxDC& dc, wxRect& TextRect, INT32 item, INT32 flags, BOOL Draw)
	if (Draw)
		if ( (m_pPopup->wxVListBox::GetSelection() == (INT32)item) && !(flags & wxODCB_PAINTING_CONTROL) )
			dc.SetTextForeground( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT) );
			dc.SetTextForeground( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT) );

	wxString Text = GetText(ItemData, item);
	wxCoord w, h;
	dc.GetTextExtent(Text, &w, &h);
	wxSize size(w,dc.GetCharHeight());
	if (Draw)
		dc.DrawText( Text, TextRect.x, TextRect.y );

	return size;
Exemplo n.º 15
void wxBitmapComboBoxBase::DrawItem(wxDC& dc,
                                    const wxRect& rect,
                                    int item,
                                    const wxString& text,
                                    int WXUNUSED(flags)) const
    const wxBitmap& bmp = *GetBitmapPtr(item);
    if ( bmp.IsOk() )
        wxCoord w = bmp.GetWidth();
        wxCoord h = bmp.GetHeight();

        // Draw the image centered
                      rect.x + (m_usedImgSize.x-w)/2 + IMAGE_SPACING_LEFT,
                      rect.y + (rect.height-h)/2,

    if ( text.length() )
                    rect.x + m_imgAreaWidth + 1,
                    rect.y + (rect.height-dc.GetCharHeight())/2);
Exemplo n.º 16
void StateEvaluationTreePanel::drawNode(wxDC &DC,
                                        ColourScheme const &Scheme,
                                        NodeInfo const &Node,
                                        NodeDecoration const Decoration)
  auto const CharWidth  = DC.GetCharWidth();
  auto const CharHeight = DC.GetCharHeight();
  wxCoord const PageBorderV = CharHeight * Settings.PageBorderVertical;
  // Determine the indicator (if any).
  IndicatorStyle const *Indicator = nullptr;
  switch (Decoration) {
    case NodeDecoration::None:
    case NodeDecoration::Active:
      Indicator = &(Scheme.getActiveCode());
    case NodeDecoration::Highlighted:
      Indicator = &(Scheme.getHighlightCode());
  // Set the background colour.
  DC.SetPen(wxPen{Scheme.getDefault().GetForeground(), Settings.PenWidth});
  // Also highlight this node's area in the pretty-printed Stmt.
  if (Indicator) {
    drawIndicatorAtArea(DC, *Indicator,
                        Node.XStart, PageBorderV,
                        Node.XEnd - Node.XStart, CharHeight);
  // Draw the background.
  wxPen const PrevPen = DC.GetPen();
  DC.DrawRectangle(Node.XStart, Node.YStart,
                   Node.XEnd - Node.XStart, Node.YEnd - Node.YStart);

  // Draw the line over the node.
  DC.DrawLine(Node.XStart, Node.YStart, Node.XEnd + 1, Node.YStart);
  // Draw the base indicator on the node (if any).
  if (Indicator) {
    drawIndicatorAtArea(DC, *Indicator,
                        Node.XStart, Node.YStart,
                        Node.XEnd - Node.XStart, Node.YEnd - Node.YStart);
  // Draw the error indicator if the node has an error.
  if (Node.Error == NodeError::Error) {
    drawIndicatorAtArea(DC, Scheme.getErrorCode(),
                        Node.XStart, Node.YStart,
                        Node.XEnd - Node.XStart, Node.YEnd - Node.YStart);

  // Draw the node's value string.
  if (Node.Value) {
    auto const ValText = Node.ValueStringShort;
    auto const TextWidth = CharWidth * ValText.size();
    auto const NodeWidth = CharWidth * Node.RangeLength;
    auto const Offset = (NodeWidth - TextWidth) / 2;
    DC.DrawText(ValText, Node.XStart + Offset, Node.YStart);
Exemplo n.º 17
void ChipPackage::DrawPins(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pt, unsigned int PackageLen,
                           unsigned int FirstPin, unsigned int LastPin,
                           int flags,
                           wxDirection dir)
    wxASSERT_MSG(LastPin>FirstPin, "invalid pin indexes");

    // NOTE: inside this function context
    //    pin number == the index of the pin (e.g. "1", "2", etc)
    //    pin name == pin label == the name of the pin signal (e.g. "VCC", "GND" etc)
    //    pin == pin rectangle

    // some drawing constants:

    const unsigned int PinCount = LastPin - FirstPin;

    // pin height is calculated imposing that
    // 1) PinCount*PinH + (PinCount+1)*PinSpacing = PackageLen
    // 2) PinSpacing = PinH/2
    // solving for PinH yields:
    unsigned int PinH = (unsigned int)floor(2*PackageLen/(3.0*PinCount+1));
    unsigned int PinW = (unsigned int)1.5*PinH;
    const unsigned int PinSpacing = (const unsigned int)floor(PinH/2.0);

    // the error which force us to have a "pin y offset" is caused by rounding
    // in the calculation of PinH:
    const int PinOffset = (PackageLen - (PinCount*PinH + (PinCount+1)*PinSpacing))/2;

    if (int(PinH*0.8) == 0)
        return;     // this happens for very small package sizes;
                    // the check avoids an assertion failure from wxFont ctor
    // select a font suitable for the PinH we have computed above:
	int fSize = int(PinH*0.8);
    wxFont fnt(wxSize(0,fSize), wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT,
    const unsigned int PinNumberW = 2*dc.GetCharWidth();
    const unsigned int PinNumberH = dc.GetCharHeight();

    bool invertOrder = (flags & DRAWPIN_INVERTED_ORDER) != 0;
    unsigned int start = invertOrder ? LastPin-1 : FirstPin;
    unsigned int end = invertOrder ? FirstPin-1 : LastPin;
    int inc = invertOrder ? -1 : +1;

    if (dir == wxLEFT || dir == wxRIGHT)
        unsigned int PinX = (dir == wxLEFT) ? pt.x-PinW+1 : pt.x-1;
        unsigned int PinY = pt.y + PinOffset + PinSpacing;

        unsigned int PinNumberX = (dir == wxLEFT) ? 
                pt.x+PinSpacing : pt.x-PinNumberW-PinSpacing;

        if (flags & DRAWPIN_NUMBERS_INSIDE_PINS)
            PinNumberX = PinX + (PinW-PinNumberW)/2;

        // draw the pins organizing them in a vertical column
        for (unsigned int i=start; i != end; i+=inc)
            unsigned int PinNumberY = PinY + (PinH-PinNumberH)/2;

            unsigned int pinLabelX = (dir == wxLEFT) ? 
                PinX-PinSpacing-dc.GetTextExtent(PinNames[i]).GetWidth() : 
            unsigned int pinLabelY = PinNumberY;

            // draw the pin rect
            dc.DrawRectangle(PinX, PinY, PinW, PinH);

            // print the pin number
            dc.SetTextForeground(IsICSPPin(i) ? *wxRED : *wxBLACK);
            dc.DrawText(wxString::Format(("%d"), i+1), PinNumberX, PinNumberY);

            // print the pin name
            dc.DrawText(PinNames[i], pinLabelX, pinLabelY);

            PinY += PinH+PinSpacing;
    else if (dir == wxTOP || dir == wxBOTTOM)
        SWAP(PinH, PinW, unsigned int);
            // in this case the PackageLen is the number of horizontal pixels available
            // for drawing the pin strip; thus we want to compute PinW and set PinH

        // VERY IMPORTANT: the code below is the dual of the code for wxLEFT|wxRIGHT case!
        //                 If you change something here, you may want to change it also
        //                 above, with the appropriate differences
        // NOTE: remember however that the text is drawn rotated by 90 degrees

        unsigned int PinX = pt.x + PinOffset + PinSpacing;
        unsigned int PinY = (dir == wxTOP) ? pt.y-PinH+1 : pt.y-1;

        unsigned int PinNumberY = (dir == wxTOP) ? 
            pt.y+PinSpacing : pt.y-PinNumberH-PinSpacing;

        if (flags & DRAWPIN_NUMBERS_INSIDE_PINS)
            PinNumberY = PinY + (PinH-PinNumberW)/2;

        // draw the pins organizing them in a horizontal column
        for (unsigned int i=start; i != end; i+=inc)
            unsigned int PinNumberX = PinX + PinNumberH + (PinW-PinNumberH)/2;

            unsigned int pinLabelX = PinNumberX;
            unsigned int pinLabelY = (dir == wxTOP) ? 
                PinY-PinSpacing-dc.GetTextExtent(PinNames[i]).GetWidth() : 

            // draw the pin rect
            dc.DrawRectangle(PinX, PinY, PinW, PinH);

            // print the pin number
            dc.SetTextForeground(IsICSPPin(i) ? *wxRED : *wxBLACK);
            dc.DrawRotatedText(wxString::Format(("%d"), i+1), PinNumberX, PinNumberY, -90);

            // print the pin name
            dc.DrawRotatedText(PinNames[i], pinLabelX, pinLabelY, -90);

            PinX += PinW+PinSpacing;
        wxLogWarning(_("Invalid direction"));
Exemplo n.º 18
int SurfaceImpl::Height(Font &font) {
    return hdc->GetCharHeight() + 1;