Exemplo n.º 1
// Name    : wxIDropTarget::DragOver
// Purpose : Indicates that the mouse was moved inside the window represented
//           by this drop target.
// Returns : S_OK
// Params  : [in]    DWORD   grfKeyState     kbd & mouse state
//           [in]    POINTL  pt              mouse coordinates
//           [in/out]LPDWORD pdwEffect       current effect flag
// Notes   : We're called on every WM_MOUSEMOVE, so this function should be
//           very efficient.
STDMETHODIMP wxIDropTarget::DragOver(DWORD   grfKeyState,
                                     POINTL  pt,
                                     LPDWORD pdwEffect)
    // there are too many of them... wxLogDebug("IDropTarget::DragOver");

    wxDragResult result;
    if ( m_pIDataObject ) {
        result = ConvertDragEffectToResult(
            GetDropEffect(grfKeyState, m_pTarget->GetDefaultAction(), *pdwEffect));
    else {
        // can't accept data anyhow normally
        result = wxDragNone;

    if ( result != wxDragNone ) {
        // we need client coordinates to pass to wxWin functions
        if ( !ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, (POINT *)&pt) )

        *pdwEffect = ConvertDragResultToEffect(
                        m_pTarget->OnDragOver(pt.x, pt.y, result)
    else {
        *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE;

    return S_OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Name    : wxIDropTarget::DragEnter
// Purpose : Called when the mouse enters the window (dragging something)
// Returns : S_OK
// Params  : [in]    IDataObject *pIDataSource : source data
//           [in]    DWORD        grfKeyState  : kbd & mouse state
//           [in]    POINTL       pt           : mouse coordinates
//           [in/out]DWORD       *pdwEffect    : effect flag
//                                               In:  Supported effects
//                                               Out: Resulting effect
// Notes   :
STDMETHODIMP wxIDropTarget::DragEnter(IDataObject *pIDataSource,
                                      DWORD        grfKeyState,
                                      POINTL       pt,
                                      DWORD       *pdwEffect)
    wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_OleCalls, wxT("IDropTarget::DragEnter"));

    wxASSERT_MSG( m_pIDataObject == NULL,
                  wxT("drop target must have data object") );

    // show the list of formats supported by the source data object for the
    // debugging purposes, this is quite useful sometimes - please don't remove
#if 0
    IEnumFORMATETC *penumFmt;
    if ( SUCCEEDED(pIDataSource->EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, &penumFmt)) )
        FORMATETC fmt;
        while ( penumFmt->Next(1, &fmt, NULL) == S_OK )
            wxLogDebug(wxT("Drop source supports format %s"),

#endif // 0

    if ( !m_pTarget->MSWIsAcceptedData(pIDataSource) ) {
        // we don't accept this kind of data
        *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE;

        return S_OK;

    // for use in OnEnter and OnDrag calls

    // get hold of the data object
    m_pIDataObject = pIDataSource;

    // we need client coordinates to pass to wxWin functions
    if ( !ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, (POINT *)&pt) )

    // give some visual feedback
    *pdwEffect = ConvertDragResultToEffect(
        m_pTarget->OnEnter(pt.x, pt.y, ConvertDragEffectToResult(
            GetDropEffect(grfKeyState, m_pTarget->GetDefaultAction(), *pdwEffect))

    return S_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Name    : wxIDropTarget::Drop
// Purpose : Instructs the drop target to paste data that was just now
//           dropped on it.
// Returns : S_OK
// Params  : [in]    IDataObject *pIDataSource     the data to paste
//           [in]    DWORD        grfKeyState      kbd & mouse state
//           [in]    POINTL       pt               where the drop occurred?
//           [in/out]DWORD       *pdwEffect        operation effect
// Notes   :
STDMETHODIMP wxIDropTarget::Drop(IDataObject *pIDataSource,
                                 DWORD        grfKeyState,
                                 POINTL       pt,
                                 DWORD       *pdwEffect)
    wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_OleCalls, wxT("IDropTarget::Drop"));

    // TODO I don't know why there is this parameter, but so far I assume
    //      that it's the same we've already got in DragEnter
    wxASSERT( m_pIDataObject == pIDataSource );

    // we need client coordinates to pass to wxWin functions
    if ( !ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, (POINT *)&pt) )

    // first ask the drop target if it wants data
    if ( m_pTarget->OnDrop(pt.x, pt.y) ) {
        // it does, so give it the data source

        // and now it has the data
        wxDragResult rc = ConvertDragEffectToResult(
            GetDropEffect(grfKeyState, m_pTarget->GetDefaultAction(), *pdwEffect));
        rc = m_pTarget->OnData(pt.x, pt.y, rc);
        if ( wxIsDragResultOk(rc) ) {
            // operation succeeded
            *pdwEffect = ConvertDragResultToEffect(rc);
        else {
            *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE;
    else {
        // OnDrop() returned false, no need to copy data
        *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE;

    // release the held object

    return S_OK;