Exemplo n.º 1
void BrushListBox::OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const
	ASSERT(n < tileset->size());
	Sprite* spr = gui.gfx.getSprite(tileset->brushlist[n]->getLookID());
	if(spr) {
		spr->DrawTo(&dc, SPRITE_SIZE_32x32, rect.GetX(), rect.GetY(), rect.GetWidth(), rect.GetHeight());
	if(int(n) == GetSelection()) {
		dc.SetTextForeground(wxColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
	} else {
		dc.SetTextForeground(wxColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
	dc.DrawText(wxstr(tileset->brushlist[n]->getName()), rect.GetX() + 40, rect.GetY() + 6);
Exemplo n.º 2
void DatDebugViewListBox::OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const
    SpriteMap::const_iterator spr_iter = sprites.find(int(n));
    if(spr_iter != sprites.end())
        spr_iter->second->DrawTo(&dc, SPRITE_SIZE_32x32, rect.GetX(), rect.GetY(), rect.GetWidth(), rect.GetHeight());

    if(int(n) == GetSelection()) {
        dc.SetTextForeground(wxColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
    } else {
        dc.SetTextForeground(wxColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

    dc.DrawText(wxString() << n, rect.GetX() + 40, rect.GetY() + 6);
Exemplo n.º 3
void ecValueWindow::DrawItem(wxDC& dc, wxTreeItemId id, const wxRect& rect)
    if (m_treeCtrl)
        ecConfigItem* item = ((ecTreeItemData*) m_treeCtrl->GetItemData(id))->GetConfigItem();
        if (!item)
        wxString text = item->GetDisplayValue();
        if (text.IsEmpty())
        static wxColour normalColour = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT);
        static wxColour disabledColour = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT);
        dc.SetTextForeground( (item->GetActive() && (item->GetConfigType() != ecPackage)) ? normalColour : disabledColour );
        int textW, textH;
        dc.GetTextExtent(text, & textW, & textH);
        int x = 2;
        int y = rect.GetY() + wxMax(0, (rect.GetHeight() - textH) / 2);
        dc.DrawText(text, x, y);
Exemplo n.º 4
	wxRect DimRect::GetValue(const wxRect& referenceRect) const {
		return wxRect(
Exemplo n.º 5
bool MyApp::OnInit() {
    Aux::logsStr("", wxT("Wherbarium [" + wxDateTime::Now().Format(wxT("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) + "] - IN"), logPut);
    try {
        // setting divers
        wxInitAllImageHandlers(); // évite les problèmes de handlers d'images
        SetExitOnFrameDelete(false); // évite la fermeture de l'application sur un close quelconque !!!
        // variables de dimensionnement
        ecranRectGbl.SetPosition(wxPoint(0, 0));
        ecranRectGbl.SetSize(wxSize(wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SCREEN_X), wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SCREEN_Y)));
        wxDisplay *display = new wxDisplay();
        clientRectGbl = display->GetClientArea();

        gapGbl = 16;
        winRectGbl.SetPosition(wxPoint(clientRectGbl.GetX()+gapGbl, clientRectGbl.GetY()+gapGbl));
        winRectGbl.SetSize(wxSize(clientRectGbl.width-2*gapGbl, clientRectGbl.height-2*gapGbl));
        win3RectGbl = winRectGbl;
        wxSystemSettings sysSet;
        dimScrollXGbl = sysSet.GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X, NULL);
        dimScrollYGbl = sysSet.GetMetric(wxSYS_HSCROLL_Y, NULL);
        Aux::logsPoint("MyApp::OnInit::ecranRectGbl", ecranRectGbl.GetPosition(), logNop);
        Aux::logsSize("MyApp::OnInit::ecranRectGbl", ecranRectGbl.GetSize(), logNop);
        Aux::logsPoint("MyApp::OnInit::clientRectGbl", clientRectGbl.GetPosition(), logNop);
        Aux::logsSize("MyApp::OnInit::clientRectGbl", clientRectGbl.GetSize(), logNop);
        Aux::logsPoint("MyApp::OnInit::winRectGbl", winRectGbl.GetPosition(), logNop);
        Aux::logsSize("MyApp::OnInit::winRectGbl", winRectGbl.GetSize(), logNop);
        Aux::logsPoint("MyApp::OnInit::win3RectGbl", win3RectGbl.GetPosition(), logNop);
        Aux::logsSize("MyApp::OnInit::win3RectGbl", win3RectGbl.GetSize(), logNop);
        wxString dbDir = "/Users/" + wxGetUserId() + "/Pictures/Wherbarium/Connect/";
        if (! wxDir::Exists(dbDir)) {
        wxArrayString *files = new wxArrayString();
        wxDir::GetAllFiles(dbDir, files);
        wxString dbFile = dbDir + "Wherbarium.db";
        wxFile *fileConnect;
        if (files->size() == 0) {
            fileConnect = new wxFile();
            fileConnect->Create(dbFile, false, wxS_DEFAULT);
        } else if (files->size() != 1) {
        string tableName = "tblConnParams";
        sqlite = new SQLite(string(dbFile), tableName);
        sqliteStatement = sqlite->ptrTableConnParams();
        // début des opérations de l'application
        InitApp *initApp = new InitApp();
    } catch (const exception &e) { Aux::logsStr("", e.what(), logPut); }
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
void WindowPosition::fitToScreen(const wxRect& screen, float xfraction, float yfraction)
	_size[0] = static_cast<int>(screen.GetWidth() * xfraction) - 12;
	_size[1] = static_cast<int>(screen.GetHeight() * yfraction) - 48;

	_position[0] = screen.GetX() + static_cast<int>((screen.GetWidth() - _size[0] - 12)/2);
	_position[1] = screen.GetY() + static_cast<int>((screen.GetHeight() - _size[1] - 48)/2);
Exemplo n.º 7
void CentreOnArea(wxScrollHelperBase &Scrolled,
                  wxSize const &TargetSize,
                  wxRect const &Area)
                wxPoint(Area.GetX() + (Area.GetWidth()  / 2),
                        Area.GetY() + (Area.GetHeight() / 2)));
Exemplo n.º 8
/** Draw
  * Overriden from wxGridCellStringRenderer
void GridCellInfoRenderer::Draw(wxGrid &grid, wxGridCellAttr &attr, wxDC &dc, const wxRect &rect, int item, int column, bool isSelected)
    if (column != 0) return;

    bool pc = state.pc == item ? IMAGE_PC : 0;
    int bp = state.breakpoints.find(item) != state.breakpoints.end() ? IMAGE_BREAKPOINT : 0;
    bp = (bp == IMAGE_BREAKPOINT && !state.breakpoints[item].enabled) ? IMAGE_DISABLEDBP : bp;
    int bb = state.blackboxes.find(item) != state.blackboxes.end() ? IMAGE_BLACKBOX : 0;
    bb = (bb == IMAGE_BLACKBOX && !state.blackboxes[item].enabled) ? IMAGE_DISABLEDBB : bb;

    wxGridCellStringRenderer::Draw(grid, attr, dc, rect, item, column, isSelected);

    if (pc)
        infoImages->Draw(pc, dc, rect.GetX(), rect.GetY(), wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT | (isSelected ? wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_SELECTED : 0));
    if (bp)
        infoImages->Draw(bp, dc, rect.GetX(), rect.GetY(), wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT | (isSelected ? wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_SELECTED : 0));
    if (bb)
        infoImages->Draw(bb, dc, rect.GetX(), rect.GetY(), wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT | (isSelected ? wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_SELECTED : 0));
Exemplo n.º 9
void wxRibbonMetroArtProvider::DrawToolGroupBackground(wxDC& dc, wxWindow* WXUNUSED(wnd), const wxRect& rect)
    // TODO: there is no DrawToolGroupSeparator method currently
    wxRect line;
    line.x = rect.GetRight() + 4;
    line.y = rect.GetY() + 5;
    line.width = 1;
    line.height = rect.GetHeight() - 10;
    dc.GradientFillLinear(line, wxColour(232, 234, 237), wxColour(178, 183, 189), wxSOUTH);
Exemplo n.º 10
void CPathItem::DrawBG(wxDC &dc, wxRect &rc)
	wxPen oldpen = dc.GetPen();
	wxPen pen( IsSelected() ? *wxBLACK_PEN : *wxMEDIUM_GREY_PEN );
	pen.SetWidth(IsSelected() ? 2 : 1);
	dc.SetPen( pen );

	wxBrush oldBrush = dc.GetBrush();
	wxBrush brush(m_color, NULL!=m_pInput ? wxSOLID : wxTRANSPARENT);

	int x = rc.GetX();
	int y = rc.GetY();
	int w = rc.GetWidth();
	int h = rc.GetHeight();
	int n = 0;

	wxPoint points[6];

	if(NULL != m_pInput)
		points[0] = wxPoint(x,								y);
		points[1] = wxPoint(x+w-GAP_LENGTH,					y);
		points[2] = wxPoint(x+w+CORNER_LENGTH-GAP_LENGTH,	y+h/2);
		points[3] = wxPoint(x+w-GAP_LENGTH,					y+h);
		points[4] = wxPoint(x,								y+h);
		points[5] = wxPoint(x+CORNER_LENGTH,				y+h/2);

		n = m_bFirst ? 5 : 6;
		// Last component: mixer
		points[0] = wxPoint(x,					y);
		points[1] = wxPoint(x+w,				y);
		points[2] = wxPoint(x+w,				y+h);
		points[3] = wxPoint(x,					y+h);
		points[4] = wxPoint(x+CORNER_LENGTH,	y+h/2);

		n = 5;

		delete m_pRegion;
	m_pRegion = new wxRegion(n, points);

	dc.DrawPolygon(n, points);

	dc.SetBrush( oldBrush );
Exemplo n.º 11
void BrowseTileListBox::OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const
    ItemsMap::const_iterator item_iterator = items.find(int(n));
    Item* item = item_iterator->second;

    Sprite* sprite = gui.gfx.getSprite(item->getClientID());
    if (sprite)
        sprite->DrawTo(&dc, SPRITE_SIZE_32x32, rect.GetX(), rect.GetY(), rect.GetWidth(), rect.GetHeight());

    if (IsSelected(n))
        dc.SetTextForeground(wxColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
    else {
        dc.SetTextForeground(wxColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

    wxString label;
    label << item->getID() << wxT(" - ") << item->getName();
    dc.DrawText(label, rect.GetX() + 40, rect.GetY() + 6);
Exemplo n.º 12
bool wxCheckListBoxItem::OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rc,
                                    wxODAction act, wxODStatus stat)
    // first draw the label
    if ( !wxOwnerDrawn::OnDrawItem(dc, rc, act, stat) )
        return false;

    // now draw the check mark part
    wxMSWDCImpl *impl = (wxMSWDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
    HDC hdc = GetHdcOf(*impl);

    wxSize size = wxRendererNative::Get().GetCheckBoxSize(GetParent());

    // first create bitmap in a memory DC
    MemoryHDC hdcMem(hdc);
    CompatibleBitmap hBmpCheck(hdc, size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight());

    // then draw a check mark into it
        SelectInHDC selBmp(hdcMem, hBmpCheck);

        int flags = wxCONTROL_FLAT;
        if ( IsChecked() )
            flags |= wxCONTROL_CHECKED;

        wxDCTemp dcMem(hdcMem);
        wxRendererNative::Get().DrawCheckBox(GetParent(), dcMem, wxRect(size), flags);
    } // select hBmpCheck out of hdcMem

    // finally draw bitmap to screen

    // position of check mark bitmap
    int x = rc.GetX() + CHECKMARK_EXTRA_SPACE;
    int y = rc.GetY() + (rc.GetHeight() - size.GetHeight()) / 2;

    UINT uState = stat & wxOwnerDrawn::wxODSelected ? wxDSB_SELECTED : wxDSB_NORMAL;

    // checkmarks should not be mirrored in RTL layout
    DWORD oldLayout = impl->GetLayoutDirection() == wxLayout_RightToLeft ? LAYOUT_RTL : 0;
    if ( oldLayout & LAYOUT_RTL )
        ::SetLayout(hdc, oldLayout | LAYOUT_BITMAPORIENTATIONPRESERVED);
    wxDrawStateBitmap(hdc, hBmpCheck, x, y, uState);
    if ( oldLayout & LAYOUT_RTL )
        ::SetLayout(hdc, oldLayout);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
void wxTreeCompanionWindow::DrawItem(wxDC& dc, wxTreeItemId id, const wxRect& rect)
    if (m_treeCtrl)
        wxString text = m_treeCtrl->GetItemText(id);
        dc.SetTextForeground(* wxBLACK);
        int textW, textH;
        dc.GetTextExtent(text, & textW, & textH);
        int x = 5;
        int y = rect.GetY() + wxMax(0, (rect.GetHeight() - textH) / 2);
        dc.DrawText(text, x, y);
Exemplo n.º 14
        virtual void DrawItem(wxDC& dc, wxTreeItemId id, const wxRect& rect)
	        if (m_treeCtrl)
                PETreeData *data = (PETreeData*)m_treeCtrl->GetItemData(id);
		        wxString text;
                if (data != NULL) text = data->EditCtrl->GetValueAsText(id);
                dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(GetBackgroundColour(), wxSOLID));
		        dc.SetTextForeground(* wxBLACK);

		        int textW, textH;
		        dc.GetTextExtent(text, & textW, & textH);

		        int x = 5;
		        int y = rect.GetY() + wxMax(0, (rect.GetHeight() - textH) / 2);

		        dc.DrawText(text, x, y);
Exemplo n.º 15
void CPathItem::DrawFore(wxDC &dc, wxRect &rc)

	wxString csName(_T("mixer"));
	if(NULL != m_pInput)
		const char *nname = m_pInput->GetName();
		const char *dname = m_pInput->GetDisplayName();
		csName = (wxChar*)(strlen(nname) > strlen(dname) ? dname : nname);

	int width = rc.GetWidth();
		width -= CORNER_LENGTH;

	wxFont oldFont = dc.GetFont();
	wxFont font(7, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL);
	font.SetWeight(IsSelected() ? wxBOLD : wxNORMAL);
	font.SetStyle(IsSelected() ? wxITALIC : wxNORMAL );
	font.SetPointSize( 7 );
	dc.SetFont( font );

	int w=0, h=0;
	dc.GetTextExtent(csName, &w, &h);
			dc.GetTextExtent(csName, &w, &h);
		int x = rc.GetX() + width/2 - w/2 + (m_bFirst ? 0 : CORNER_LENGTH);
		int y = rc.GetY() + rc.GetHeight()/2 - h/2;
		dc.DrawText( csName, x, y );

	dc.SetFont( oldFont );
Exemplo n.º 16
void GOrgueBitmap::ScaleBMP(wxImage& img, double scale, const wxRect& rect, GOrgueBitmap* background)
	if (background && img.HasAlpha())
		wxBitmap bmp(img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight());
		wxBitmap orig(img);
		wxMemoryDC dc;

		dc.DrawBitmap(background->GetBitmap(), -rect.GetX(), -rect.GetY(), false);
		dc.DrawBitmap(orig, 0, 0, true);
		wxImage img_result = bmp.ConvertToImage();
		memcpy(img_result.GetAlpha(), img.GetAlpha(), img.GetWidth() * img.GetHeight());

		m_bmp = (wxBitmap)img_result.Scale(img.GetWidth() * scale, img.GetHeight() * scale, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BICUBIC);
		m_bmp = (wxBitmap)img.Scale(img.GetWidth() * scale, img.GetHeight() * scale, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BICUBIC);
	m_Scale = scale;
Exemplo n.º 17
QRect wxQtConvertRect( const wxRect &rect )
    return QRect( rect.GetX(), rect.GetY(), rect.GetWidth(), rect.GetHeight() );
Exemplo n.º 18
bool wxCheckListBoxItem::OnDrawItem (
  wxDC&                             rDc
, const wxRect&                     rRect
, wxODAction                        eAct
, wxODStatus                        eStat
    wxRect                          vRect = rRect;

    ::WinQueryWindowRect( m_pParent->GetHWND()
    if (IsChecked())
        eStat = (wxOwnerDrawn::wxODStatus)(eStat | wxOwnerDrawn::wxODChecked);

    // Unfortunately PM doesn't quite get the text position exact.  We need to alter
    // it down and to the right, just a little bit.  The coords in rRect are OS/2
    // coords not wxWidgets coords.
    vRect.x += 5;
    vRect.y -= 3;
    if (wxOwnerDrawn::OnDrawItem( rDc
        size_t                      nCheckWidth  = GetDefaultMarginWidth();
        size_t                      nCheckHeight = m_pParent->GetItemHeight();
        int                         nParentHeight;
        int                         nX = rRect.GetX();
        int                         nY = rRect.GetY();
        int                         nOldY = nY;
        wxColour                    vColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW));
        wxPen                       vPenBack;
        wxPen                       vPenGray;
        wxPen                       vPenPrev;

        m_pParent->GetSize( NULL

        nY = nParentHeight - nY - nCheckHeight;
        vPenBack = wxPen(vColour, 1, wxSOLID);
        vPenGray = wxPen(wxColour(127, 127, 127), 1, wxSOLID);

        // Erase the 1-pixel border
        rDc.DrawRectangle( nX

        // Now we draw the smaller rectangle
        nCheckWidth  -= 2;
        nCheckHeight -= 2;

        // Draw hollow gray rectangle
        rDc.DrawRectangle( nX

        if (IsChecked())
            // Draw the check by loading the sys standard bitmap and drawing it
            HBITMAP                 hChkBmp = ::WinGetSysBitmap( HWND_DESKTOP
            POINTL                  vPoint = {nX, nOldY + 3};

            ::WinDrawBitmap( rDc.GetHPS()
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
} // end of wxCheckListBoxItem::OnDrawItem
Exemplo n.º 19
void SDC::DrawRectangle(const wxRect& rect) {
	DrawRectangle(rect.GetX(), rect.GetY(), rect.GetWidth(), rect.GetHeight());
Exemplo n.º 20
wxRect wxRibbonPanel::GetExpandedPosition(wxRect panel,
                                          wxSize expanded_size,
                                          wxDirection direction)
    // Strategy:
    // 1) Determine primary position based on requested direction
    // 2) Move the position so that it sits entirely within a display
    //    (for single monitor systems, this moves it into the display region,
    //     but for multiple monitors, it does so without splitting it over
    //     more than one display)
    // 2.1) Move in the primary axis
    // 2.2) Move in the secondary axis

    wxPoint pos;
    bool primary_x = false;
    int secondary_x = 0;
    int secondary_y = 0;
    case wxNORTH:
        pos.x = panel.GetX() + (panel.GetWidth() - expanded_size.GetWidth()) / 2;
        pos.y = panel.GetY() - expanded_size.GetHeight();
        primary_x = true;
        secondary_y = 1;
    case wxEAST:
        pos.x = panel.GetRight();
        pos.y = panel.GetY() + (panel.GetHeight() - expanded_size.GetHeight()) / 2;
        secondary_x = -1;
    case wxSOUTH:
        pos.x = panel.GetX() + (panel.GetWidth() - expanded_size.GetWidth()) / 2;
        pos.y = panel.GetBottom();
        primary_x = true;
        secondary_y = -1;
    case wxWEST:
        pos.x = panel.GetX() - expanded_size.GetWidth();
        pos.y = panel.GetY() + (panel.GetHeight() - expanded_size.GetHeight()) / 2;
        secondary_x = 1;
    wxRect expanded(pos, expanded_size);

    wxRect best(expanded);
    int best_distance = INT_MAX;

    const unsigned display_n = wxDisplay::GetCount();
    unsigned display_i;
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
    for(display_i = 0; display_i < display_n; ++display_i)
        wxRect display = wxDisplay(display_i).GetGeometry();

            return expanded;
        else if(display.Intersects(expanded))
            wxRect new_rect(expanded);
            int distance = 0;

                if(expanded.GetRight() > display.GetRight())
                    distance = expanded.GetRight() - display.GetRight();
                    new_rect.x -= distance;
                else if(expanded.GetLeft() < display.GetLeft())
                    distance = display.GetLeft() - expanded.GetLeft();
                    new_rect.x += distance;
                if(expanded.GetBottom() > display.GetBottom())
                    distance = expanded.GetBottom() - display.GetBottom();
                    new_rect.y -= distance;
                else if(expanded.GetTop() < display.GetTop())
                    distance = display.GetTop() - expanded.GetTop();
                    new_rect.y += distance;
                // Tried moving in primary axis, but failed.
                // Hence try moving in the secondary axis.
                int dx = secondary_x * (panel.GetWidth() + expanded_size.GetWidth());
                int dy = secondary_y * (panel.GetHeight() + expanded_size.GetHeight());
                new_rect.x += dx;
                new_rect.y += dy;

                // Squaring makes secondary moves more expensive (and also
                // prevents a negative cost)
                distance += dx * dx + dy * dy;
            if(display.Contains(new_rect) && distance < best_distance)
                best = new_rect;
                best_distance = distance;

    return best;
Exemplo n.º 21
void wxSFShapeBase::_GetCompleteBoundingBox(wxRect &rct, int mask)

    if( m_lstProcessed.IndexOf(this) != wxNOT_FOUND )return;

	ShapeList lstChildren;
	//SerializableList lstConnections;

	// firts, get bounding box of the current shape
	if(mask & bbSELF)
		if(rct.IsEmpty())rct = this->GetBoundingBox().Inflate( abs(m_nHBorder), abs(m_nVBorder) );
			rct.Union(this->GetBoundingBox().Inflate( abs(m_nHBorder), abs(m_nVBorder)) );

		// add also shadow offset if neccessary
        if( (mask & bbSHADOW) && (m_nStyle & sfsSHOW_SHADOW) && GetParentCanvas() )
            wxRealPoint nOffset = GetParentCanvas()->GetShadowOffset();

            if( nOffset.x < 0 )
                rct.SetX(rct.GetX() + (int)nOffset.x);
                rct.SetWidth(rct.GetWidth() - (int)nOffset.x);
                rct.SetWidth(rct.GetWidth() + (int)nOffset.x);

            if( nOffset.y < 0 )
                rct.SetY(rct.GetY() + (int)nOffset.y);
                rct.SetHeight(rct.GetHeight() - (int)nOffset.y);
                rct.SetHeight(rct.GetHeight() + (int)nOffset.y);;
		mask |= bbSELF;

	// get list of all connection lines assigned to the shape and find their child shapes
	if(mask & bbCONNECTIONS)
		wxSFShapeBase *pLine;

        ShapeList lstLines;
        GetAssignedConnections( CLASSINFO(wxSFLineShape), lineBOTH, lstLines );

		ShapeList::compatibility_iterator node = lstLines.GetFirst();
			pLine = node->GetData();


			// get children of the connections
			pLine->GetChildShapes(sfANY, lstChildren);

			node = node->GetNext();

	// get children of this shape
	if(mask & bbCHILDREN)
		this->GetChildShapes(sfANY, lstChildren, sfNORECURSIVE);

		// now, call this function for all children recursively...
		ShapeList::compatibility_iterator node = lstChildren.GetFirst();
		    node->GetData()->_GetCompleteBoundingBox(rct, mask);
			node = node->GetNext();