Exemplo n.º 1
	// This function returns the number of detected markers.
	// It uses just OpenCV capture, but should be removed soon.
	__declspec(dllexport) int alvar_number_of_detected_markers(int* imageData)
		alvar::Pose pose;

		image->imageData = tmp;

		// Detect all the markers from the frame
		markerDetector.Detect(image, &camera, false, false);

		// Detect the markers
		if (markerDetector.Detect(image, &camera, false, false)) {
			// if ok, we have field in sight
			// Update the data
			multiMarker->Update(markerDetector.markers, &camera, pose);

		// Clean
		delete tmp;
		delete image;

		return markerDetector.markers->size();
Exemplo n.º 2
The main rendering function.
void renderer()
	// Capture the image
	IplImage *image = capture->captureImage();

	// Check if we need to change image origin and is so, flip the image.
	bool flip_image = (image->origin?true:false);
	if (flip_image) {
		image->origin = !image->origin;

	// Detect all the markers from the frame
	markerDetector.Detect(image, &camera, false, false);
	// Loop throught the list of detected markers
	for (size_t i=0; i<markerDetector.markers->size(); i++) {

		// Get the ID of the marker
		int id = (*(markerDetector.markers))[i].GetId();

		// Get the marker's pose (transformation matrix)
		double temp_mat[16];
		alvar::Pose p = (*(markerDetector.markers))[i].pose;

		if( id == 5){ //Marker 5 is visible
			//Switch the 5 on
			modelSwitch->setChildValue(mtForMarkerFive, 1);
			// Update the matrix transformation
		else if(id == 10){ //Marker 10 is visible
			//Switch the 10 on
			modelSwitch->setChildValue(mtForMarkerTen, 1);
			// Update the matrix transformation

	// In case we flipped the image, it's time to flip it back 
	if (flip_image) {
		image->origin = !image->origin;

	// "copy" the raw image data from IplImage to the Osg::Image
	videoImage->setImage(image->width, image->height, 1, 4, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (unsigned char*)image->imageData, osg::Image::NO_DELETE);
		// Set the latest frame to the view as an background texture
	// Draw the frame
	//Swiths all the models of until next frame
String AlvarObjectTracker::trackInPicture(Mat picture, String time){
	cout << "track0" << endl;
	IplImage image = picture;
	IplImage *image_tmp = &image;
	String result;
	cout << "track2" << endl;
	Mat imageUndistortedMat;
	vector<Point2f> pointBuf;
	undistort(picture, imageUndistortedMat, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs);
	Mat homography;
	if (!this->homographyFound){
		homography = findHomography(imageUndistortedMat, Size(9,6), float(2.5), cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, pointBuf);
		homographyInternal = homography.clone();
	} else {
		homography = homographyInternal.clone();
	static alvar::MarkerDetector<alvar::MarkerData> marker_detector;
	cout << "track3" << endl;
	marker_detector.Detect(image_tmp, &cam, true, true);
	cout << "track4" << endl;
	cout << "Markers: " << marker_detector.markers->size() << endl;
	if(homography.data != NULL && marker_detector.markers->size() > 0){
		cout << "Found sth" << endl;
		int markerIndx = 0;
		int cornerIndx = 0;
		float markerPosX0 = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].x;
		float markerPosY0 = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].y;
		cornerIndx = 1;
		float markerPosXX = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].x;
		float markerPosYX = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].y;
		cornerIndx = 2;
		float markerPosXY = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].x;
		float markerPosYY = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].y;
		vector<Point2f> orgPoint;
		orgPoint.push_back(Point2f(markerPosX0, markerPosY0));
		orgPoint.push_back(Point2f(markerPosXX, markerPosYX));
		orgPoint.push_back(Point2f(markerPosXY, markerPosYY));
		vector<Point2f> udorgPoint(orgPoint);
		cout << "try undistort" << endl;
		undistortPoints(orgPoint, udorgPoint, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs);
		vector<Point2f> rorgPoint(udorgPoint);
		cout << "try perspectiveTransform" << endl;
		perspectiveTransform( udorgPoint, rorgPoint, homography);
		cout << "try output" << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			result += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i) + " " +
						boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(rorgPoint[i].x) + " " +
						boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(rorgPoint[i].y) + " " +
						time + "\n";
		result += "\n";
	cout << "track5" << endl;
	return result;
vector<Point2f> AlvarObjectTracker::trackInPicturePixels(Mat picture){
	vector<Point2f> res;
	cout << "track0" << endl;
		IplImage image = picture;
		IplImage *image_tmp = &image;
		String result;
		cout << "track2" << endl;
		Mat imageUndistortedMat;
		vector<Point2f> pointBuf;
		//undistort(picture, imageUndistortedMat, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs);
		static alvar::MarkerDetector<alvar::MarkerData> marker_detector;
		cout << "track3" << endl;
		marker_detector.Detect(image_tmp, &cam, true, true);
		cout << "track4" << endl;
		if(marker_detector.markers->size() > 0){
			cout << "Found sth" << endl;
			int markerIndx = 0;
			int cornerIndx = 0;
			float markerPosX0 = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].x;
			float markerPosY0 = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].y;
			cornerIndx = 1;
			float markerPosXX = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].x;
			float markerPosYX = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].y;
			cornerIndx = 2;
			float markerPosXY = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].x;
			float markerPosYY = (*(marker_detector.markers))[markerIndx].marker_corners_img[cornerIndx].y;
			vector<Point2f> orgPoint;
			orgPoint.push_back(Point2f(markerPosX0, markerPosY0));
			orgPoint.push_back(Point2f(markerPosXX, markerPosYX));
			orgPoint.push_back(Point2f(markerPosXY, markerPosYY));
			vector<Point2f> udorgPoint(orgPoint.size());
			cout << "try undistort" << endl;
			/*undistortPoints(orgPoint, udorgPoint, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs);
	return res;
 * @function videocallback
 * @brief Repeat at every captured frame
void videocallback( IplImage *_img ) {

  // Flip the image if needed
  bool flip_image = (_img->origin? true:false);
  if (flip_image) {
    _img->origin = !_img->origin;
  // Setup the marker detector
  static alvar::MarkerDetector<alvar::MarkerData> marker_detector;

  // Perform detection
  marker_detector.Detect(_img, &gCam, true, true);
  // Draw recognized markers

  bool detected;
  detected = false;
  for( size_t j=0; j< marker_detector.markers->size(); j++ ) {
    int id = (*(marker_detector.markers))[j].GetId();   

    std::cout << "Detected marker with id: "<< id << std::endl;

    if( gObjID == id ) {
      std::cout << "Detected marker with id:"<<gObjID<< std::endl;
      alvar::Pose p = (*(marker_detector.markers))[j].pose;
      double transf[16];
      p.GetMatrixGL( transf, false);
      for( int col = 0; col < 4; ++col ) {
	for( int row = 0; row < 4; ++row ) {
	  std::cout << transf[col+row*4] << " ";
	std::cout << std::endl;
      std::cout << std::endl;
      double r = 1.0 - double(id+1)/32.0;
      double g = 1.0 - double(id*3%32+1)/32.0;
      double b = 1.0 - double(id*7%32+1)/32.0;
      d[j].SetColor(r, g, b);
      detected = true;
  } // end of all markers checked

    if( detected == false ) {
      std::cout << "NO detected marker with id "<< gObjID<<"("<<std::endl;

    // Put image back if it was flipped
    if (flip_image) {
      _img->origin = !_img->origin;

Exemplo n.º 6
	Get pose from marker field.
double GetMultiMarkerPose(IplImage *image, alvar::Camera *cam, alvar::Pose &pose)
    static bool init = true;
	bool add_measurement = curr_meas<20;
	bool optimize = !add_measurement && !optimize_done;

    if (init) 
        std::cout << "Using manual multimarker approach with MultiMarkerInitializer and" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "MultiMarkerBundle. Point the camera towards the markers 0-" << nof_markers-1 << std::endl;
		std::cout << " (marker " << pose_marker << " is required, others are optional). " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "20 frames will be acquired." << std::endl;
        init = false;
		std::vector<int> id_vector;
        for(int i = 0; i < nof_markers; ++i)
			if( i!=pose_marker )
        // We make the initialization for MultiMarkerBundle using MultiMarkerInitializer
        // Each marker needs to be visible in at least two images and at most 32 image are used.
		multi_marker_init = new alvar::MultiMarkerInitializer(id_vector, 2, 32);
        multi_marker_init->PointCloudAdd(id_vector[0], marker_size, pose);
        multi_marker_bundle = new alvar::MultiMarkerBundle(id_vector);

    double error = -1;
    if (!optimize_done) 
        if (marker_detector.Detect(image, cam, true, visualize, 0.0)) 
            if (!visualize)
                error = multi_marker_init->Update(marker_detector.markers, cam, pose, image);
                error = multi_marker_init->Update(marker_detector.markers, cam, pose);
        if (marker_detector.Detect(image, cam, true, visualize, 0.0))
            if (!visualize)
                error = multi_marker_bundle->Update(marker_detector.markers, cam, pose, image);
                error = multi_marker_bundle->Update(marker_detector.markers, cam, pose);
            if ((multi_marker_bundle->SetTrackMarkers(marker_detector, cam, pose, image) > 0) &&
                (marker_detector.DetectAdditional(image, cam, !visualize) > 0))
                if (!visualize)
                    error = multi_marker_bundle->Update(marker_detector.markers, cam, pose, image);
                    error = multi_marker_bundle->Update(marker_detector.markers, cam, pose);

    if (add_measurement && every_20th>=20) 
        if (marker_detector.markers->size() >= 2) 
            std::cout << "Adding measurement... (" << curr_meas+1 << "/20) " << std::endl;
            add_measurement = false;
		every_20th = 0;

    if (optimize) 
        std::cout << "Initializing optimization..." << std::endl;
        if (!multi_marker_init->Initialize(cam)) {
            std::cout << "Initialization failed, this config needs more measurements." << std::endl;

            // Reset the bundle adjuster.
            // Copy all measurements into the bundle adjuster.
            for (int i = 0; i < multi_marker_init->getMeasurementCount(); ++i) 
				alvar::Pose pose;
                multi_marker_init->getMeasurementPose(i, cam, pose);
				const std::vector<alvar::MultiMarkerInitializer::MarkerMeasurement> markers 
                    = multi_marker_init->getMeasurementMarkers(i);
                multi_marker_bundle->MeasurementsAdd(&markers, pose);
            // Initialize the bundle adjuster with initial marker poses.
            std::cout << "Optimizing..." << std::endl;
            std::cout << "(this may take more than a minute, please wait...)" << std::endl;
            if (multi_marker_bundle->Optimize(cam, 0.01, 20)) 
                std::cout << "Optimizing done" << std::endl;
                optimize_done = true;
				visualize = false;
                std::cout << "Optimizing FAILED!" << std::endl;
        optimize = false;
    return error;
Exemplo n.º 7
	// This function detects markers in the image passed from Unity
	__declspec(dllexport) void alvar_process(int* imageData, double* transMatrix)
		alvar::Pose pose;

		// Initialisation of the image
		image = new IplImage();
		image->nSize = sizeof(IplImage);
		image->ID = 0;
		image->nChannels = 3;
		image->alphaChannel = 0;
		image->depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;

		memcpy(&image->colorModel, "RGB", sizeof(char) * 4);
		memcpy(&image->channelSeq, "RGB", sizeof(char) * 4);
		image->dataOrder = 0;

		image->origin = 0;
		image->align = 4;
		image->width = w;
		image->height = h;

		image->roi = NULL;
		image->maskROI = NULL;
		image->imageId = NULL;
		image->tileInfo = NULL;
		image->widthStep = w * 3;
		image->imageSize = h * image->widthStep;

		image->imageDataOrigin = NULL;

		int n = w * h * 3;
		tmp = new char[n];

		// We put the image from Unity in an IplImage
		// The Unity image is in RGB, and the OpenCV is BGR.
		// Moreover, the Unity one begins in the corner lower-left
		// while the OpenCV one begins in the upper-left corner.
		for (int i = 0; i < (w*3); ++i)
			for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j)
				tmp[i + j * (w*3)] = (char)imageData[i + (h - j - 1) * (w*3)];

		// We put the data in the image
		image->imageData = tmp;

		// Detect all the markers from the frame
		markerDetector.Detect(image, &camera, false, false);

		// Detect the markers
		if (markerDetector.Detect(image, &camera, false, false)) {
			// if ok, we have field in sight
			// Update the data
			multiMarker->Update(markerDetector.markers, &camera, pose);

			// get the field's matrix
			pose.GetMatrixGL(transMatrix, false);
		// Clean
		delete tmp;
		delete image;