Exemplo n.º 1
bool Map::isInFog(const cocos2d::Vec2& position)
	auto bVisionRSq = buildingVisionRadius * buildingVisionRadius;
	for (auto& entity : m_level->getEntitiesByType(EGameEntityType::AllyBuilding))
		if (auto building = entity.lock())
			if (position.distanceSquared(building->getPosition()) < bVisionRSq)
				return false;

	for (auto& entity : m_level->getEntitiesByType(EGameEntityType::AllyShip))
		if (auto ship = std::static_pointer_cast<Ship>(entity.lock()))
			if (position.distanceSquared(ship->getPosition()) < ship->getVisionRadiusSq())
				return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
StationSector* BaseStation::getSectorUnderMouse(const cocos2d::Vec3& position)
	static const auto winSize	= cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getOpenGLView()->getVisibleSize();
	static auto camera			= GameHub::instance()->getCameraWrap();

	static cocos2d::Vec3 src;
	static cocos2d::Vec3 dst;
	static cocos2d::Vec2 offset;
	static float dist;
	static float dot;
	static float det;
	static float angle;


	dist	= offset.distanceSquared(cocos2d::Vec2::ZERO);
	dot		= cocos2d::Vec2::UNIT_X.x * offset.x + cocos2d::Vec2::UNIT_X.y * offset.y;  // dot product
	det		= cocos2d::Vec2::UNIT_X.x * offset.y - cocos2d::Vec2::UNIT_X.y * offset.x;  // determinant
	angle	= -atan2f(det, dot);
	angle	= (angle > 0 ? angle : (2 * 3.14f + angle)) * 360 / (2 * 3.14f);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_maxLevels; ++i)
		for (auto sector : m_builtAssets[i])
			if (!sector)
				// if sectors gonna be destoyed at random indecies in the future
				// change it to continue

			if (dist  > sector->getMinR() && dist  < sector->getMaxR() &&
				angle > sector->getMinA() && angle < sector->getMaxA())
				return sector;
	return nullptr;
Exemplo n.º 3
void BaseStation::onMouseMove(cocos2d::Event* evt)
	static const auto winSize	= cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getOpenGLView()->getVisibleSize();
	static auto camera			= GameHub::instance()->getCameraWrap();

	static cocos2d::Vec3 src;
	static cocos2d::Vec3 dst;
	static cocos2d::Ray ray;
	static cocos2d::Vec3 hitpoint;

	auto mouseEvent				= dynamic_cast<cocos2d::EventMouse*>(evt);
	const auto& mouseLoc		= mouseEvent->getLocationInView();
	const auto mouseOffset		= cocos2d::Vec2(mouseLoc.x, winSize.height - mouseLoc.y);

	src.set(mouseOffset.x, mouseOffset.y, 10000.0f);
	dst.set(mouseOffset.x, mouseOffset.y, 0.0f);
	camera->unproject(src, src);
	camera->unproject(dst, dst);

	ray.set(src, dst - src);

	if (intersects(ray, m_collider.getAABB(), hitpoint))
		static cocos2d::Vec2 offset;
		static float dist;
		static float dot;
		static float det;
		static float angle;

		dist		= offset.distanceSquared(cocos2d::Vec2::ZERO);
		dot			= cocos2d::Vec2::UNIT_X.x * offset.x + cocos2d::Vec2::UNIT_X.y * offset.y;  // dot product
		det			= cocos2d::Vec2::UNIT_X.x * offset.y - cocos2d::Vec2::UNIT_X.y * offset.x;  // determinant
		angle		= -atan2f(det, dot);
		angle		= (angle > 0 ? angle : (2 * 3.14f + angle)) * 360 / (2 * 3.14f);

		bool found	= false;

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_maxLevels; ++i)
			for (auto sector : m_builtAssets[i])
				if (!sector)
					// if sectors gonna be destoyed at random indecies in the future
					// change it to continue

				// special check for hovering the center of the station
				//m_isCenterHovered = (i == 0 && dist < sector->getMinR());

				if (dist  > sector->getMinR() && dist  < sector->getMaxR() &&
					angle > sector->getMinA() && angle < sector->getMaxA())

					found = true;

					if (m_hoveredSector && m_hoveredSector != sector)
						// hide the previous one
						auto level = m_hoveredSector->getLevel();

						m_hoveredSector = sector;
						m_hoveredSector = sector;


			if (found)
				//CCLOG("level:%d index:%d", m_hoveredSector->getLevel(), m_hoveredSector->getIndex());
				m_hoveredSector = nullptr;