Exemplo n.º 1
uint SoundChannel::play(uint soundNum, uint repeats, uint notify) {
	if (repeats == 0)
		return 1;

	// Find a sound of the given name
	Audio::AudioStream *stream;
	Common::File f;
	Common::String nameSnd = Common::String::format("sound%u.snd", soundNum);
	Common::String nameWav = Common::String::format("sound%u.wav", soundNum);
	Common::String nameAiff = Common::String::format("sound%u.aiff", soundNum);
#ifdef USE_MAD
	Common::String nameMp3 = Common::String::format("sound%u.mp3", soundNum);

	if (f.exists(nameSnd) && f.open(nameSnd)) {
		if (f.readUint16BE() != (f.size() - 2))
			error("Invalid sound filesize");
		repeats = f.readByte();
		uint freq = f.readUint16BE();
		uint size = f.readUint16BE();

		Common::SeekableReadStream *s = f.readStream(size);
		stream = Audio::makeRawStream(s, freq, Audio::FLAG_UNSIGNED);

#ifdef USE_MAD
	} else if (f.exists(nameMp3) && f.open(nameMp3)) {
		Common::SeekableReadStream *s = f.readStream(f.size());
		stream = Audio::makeMP3Stream(s, DisposeAfterUse::YES);
	} else if (f.exists(nameWav) && f.open(nameWav)) {
		Common::SeekableReadStream *s = f.readStream(f.size());
		stream = Audio::makeWAVStream(s, DisposeAfterUse::YES);

	} else if (f.exists(nameAiff) && f.open(nameAiff)) {
		Common::SeekableReadStream *s = f.readStream(f.size());
		stream = Audio::makeAIFFStream(s, DisposeAfterUse::YES);

	} else {
		warning("Could not find sound %u", soundNum);
		return 1;

	_soundNum = soundNum;
	_notify = notify;

	// Set up a repeat if multiple repeats are specified
	if (repeats > 1) {
		Audio::RewindableAudioStream *rwStream = dynamic_cast<Audio::RewindableAudioStream *>(stream);
		stream = new Audio::LoopingAudioStream(rwStream, repeats, DisposeAfterUse::YES);

	// Start playing the audio
	g_vm->_mixer->playStream(Audio::Mixer::kPlainSoundType, &_handle, stream);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void Sound::playSpeech(const Common::String &name) {
	Resources &res = *_vm->_res;
	Scene &scene = *_vm->_scene;

	// TODO: Technically Scalpel has an sfx command which I've set to call this method because it sets the
	// _voice variable as if it were speech. Need to do a play-through of Scalpel and see if it's ever called.
	// If so, will need to enhance this method to handle the Serrated Scalpel voice resources

	// Figure out which speech library to use
	Common::String libraryName = Common::String::format("speech%02d.lib", scene._currentScene);
	if ((!scumm_strnicmp(name.c_str(), "SLVE12S", 7)) || (!scumm_strnicmp(name.c_str(), "WATS12X", 7))
			|| (!scumm_strnicmp(name.c_str(), "HOLM12X", 7)))
		libraryName = "SPEECH12.LIB";

	// If the speech library file doesn't even exist, then we can't play anything
	Common::File f;
	if (!f.exists(libraryName))

	// Ensure the given library is in the cache

	if (playSoundResource(name, libraryName, Audio::Mixer::kSpeechSoundType, _speechHandle))
		_speechPlaying = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool TeenAgentEngine::showCDLogo() {
	Common::File cdlogo;
	if (!cdlogo.exists("cdlogo.res") || !cdlogo.open("cdlogo.res"))
		return true;

	byte bg[0xfa00];
	byte palette[3*256];

	cdlogo.read(bg, sizeof(bg));
	cdlogo.read(palette, sizeof(palette));
	for (uint c = 0; c < 3*256; ++c)
		palette[c] *= 4;
	_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(palette, 0, 0x100);
	_system->copyRectToScreen(bg, 320, 0, 0, 320, 200);

	for(uint i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
		int r = skipEvents();
		if (r != 0)
			return r > 0? true: false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool TeenAgentEngine::showCDLogo() {
	Common::File cdlogo;
	if (!cdlogo.exists("cdlogo.res") || !cdlogo.open("cdlogo.res"))
		return true;

	byte bg[0xfa00];
	byte palette[0x400];

	cdlogo.read(bg, sizeof(bg));
	memset(palette, 0, sizeof(palette));

	for(uint c = 0; c < 0x100; ++c) {
		uint idx = c * 4;
		cdlogo.read(palette + idx, 3);
		palette[idx] *= 4;
		palette[idx + 1] *= 4;
		palette[idx + 2] *= 4;
	_system->setPalette(palette, 0, 0x100);
	_system->copyRectToScreen(bg, 320, 0, 0, 320, 200);

	for(uint i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
		int r = skipEvents();
		if (r != 0)
			return r > 0? true: false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool FileSystemUtil::fileExists(const Common::String &filename) {
	Common::File f;
	if (f.exists(filename))
		return true;

	// Check if the file exists in the save folder
	Common::FSNode folder(PersistenceService::getSavegameDirectory());
	Common::FSNode fileNode = folder.getChild(getPathFilename(filename));
	return fileNode.exists();
Exemplo n.º 6
bool Debugger::Cmd_PlayText(int argc, const char **argv) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		debugPrintf("Usage: %s <text name>\n", argv[0]);
		return true;
	} else {
		Common::String resName = argv[1];
		if (resName.hasPrefix("@"))

		Common::File f;
		if (f.exists(resName) || f.exists(resName + ".txr")) {
			TextView::execute(_vm, resName);
			return false;
		} else {
			debugPrintf("Could not find resource file\n");
			return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Load Animation
void AnimationManager::loadAnim(const Common::String &animName) {

	Common::String filename = animName + ".ANI";
	Common::File f;
	if (!f.open(filename))
		error("Failed to open %s", filename.c_str());

	int filesize = f.size();
	int nbytes = filesize - 115;

	char header[10];
	char dummyBuf[15];
	char filename1[15];
	char filename2[15];
	char filename3[15];
	char filename4[15];
	char filename5[15];
	char filename6[15];

	f.read(header, 10);
	f.read(dummyBuf, 15);
	f.read(filename1, 15);
	f.read(filename2, 15);
	f.read(filename3, 15);
	f.read(filename4, 15);
	f.read(filename5, 15);
	f.read(filename6, 15);

	if (READ_BE_UINT32(header) != MKTAG('A', 'N', 'I', 'S'))
		error("Invalid animation File: %s", filename.c_str());

	const char *files[6] = { &filename1[0], &filename2[0], &filename3[0], &filename4[0],
			&filename5[0], &filename6[0] };

	for (int idx = 0; idx <= 5; ++idx) {
		if (files[idx][0]) {
			if (!f.exists(files[idx]))
				error("Missing file %s in animation File: %s", files[idx], filename.c_str());
			if (loadSpriteBank(idx + 1, files[idx]))
				error("Invalid sprite bank in animation File: %s", filename.c_str());

	byte *data = _vm->_globals->allocMemory(nbytes + 1);
	f.read(data, nbytes);

	for (int idx = 1; idx <= 20; ++idx)
		searchAnim(data, idx, nbytes);

Exemplo n.º 8
CString CResourceKey::exists() const {
	CString name = _key;

	// Check for a resource being specified within an ST container
	int idx = name.indexOf('#');
	if (idx >= 0) {
		name = name.left(idx);
		name += ".st";

	// The original did tests for the file in the different
	// asset paths, which aren't needed in ScummVM
	Common::File f;
	return f.exists(name) ? name : CString();
Exemplo n.º 9
void SherlockEngine::initialize() {
	DebugMan.addDebugChannel(kDebugLevelScript,      "scripts", "Script debug level");
	DebugMan.addDebugChannel(kDebugLevelAdLibDriver, "AdLib",   "AdLib driver debugging");
	DebugMan.addDebugChannel(kDebugLevelMT32Driver,  "MT32",    "MT32 driver debugging");
	DebugMan.addDebugChannel(kDebugLevelMusic,       "Music",   "Music debugging");


	if (isDemo()) {
		Common::File f;
		// The interactive demo doesn't have an intro thus doesn't include TITLE.SND
		// At the opposite, the non-interactive demo is only the intro.
		if (f.exists("TITLE.SND"))
			_interactiveFl = false;

	_res = new Resources(this);
	_animation = new Animation(this);
	_debugger = Debugger::init(this);
	_events = new Events(this);
	_fixedText = FixedText::init(this);
	_inventory = Inventory::init(this);
	_map = Map::init(this);
	_music = new Music(this, _mixer);
	_journal = Journal::init(this);
	_people = People::init(this);
	_saves = SaveManager::init(this, _targetName);
	_scene = Scene::init(this);
	_screen = Screen::init(this);
	_sound = new Sound(this, _mixer);
	_talk = Talk::init(this);
	_ui = UserInterface::init(this);

	// Load game settings

	if (getPlatform() == Common::kPlatform3DO) {
		// Disable portraits on 3DO
		// 3DO does not include portrait data
		_people->_portraitsOn = false;
Exemplo n.º 10
FileManager::FileManager(XeenEngine *vm) {
	Common::File f;
	int sideNum = 0;

	File::_currentArchive = ANY_ARCHIVE;
	_isDarkCc = vm->getGameID() == GType_DarkSide;
	_archives[0] = _archives[1] = _archives[2] = nullptr;

	if (vm->getGameID() != GType_DarkSide) {
		_archives[0] = new CCArchive("xeen.cc", "xeen", true);
		SearchMan.add("xeen", _archives[0]);
		sideNum = 1;

	if (vm->getGameID() == GType_DarkSide || vm->getGameID() == GType_WorldOfXeen) {
		_archives[sideNum] = new CCArchive("dark.cc", "dark", true);
		SearchMan.add("dark", _archives[sideNum]);

	if (f.exists("intro.cc")) {
		_archives[2] = new CCArchive("intro.cc", "intro", true);
		SearchMan.add("intro", _archives[2]);
Exemplo n.º 11
bool CFilesManager::fileExists(const CString &name) {
	Common::File f;
	return f.exists(name);
Exemplo n.º 12
bool Resources::exists(const Common::String &filename) const {
	Common::File f;
	return f.exists(filename) || _cache.isCached(filename);
Exemplo n.º 13
bool FileManager::existFile(const Common::String &filename) {
	Common::File f;
	return f.exists(filename);
Exemplo n.º 14
 * Load Sprite Bank
int AnimationManager::loadSpriteBank(int idx, const Common::String &filename) {
	int result = 0;
	Bank[idx]._loadedFl = true;
	Bank[idx]._filename = filename;

	byte *fileDataPtr = _vm->_fileIO->loadFile(filename);

	Bank[idx]._fileHeader = 0;
	if (fileDataPtr[1] == 'L' && fileDataPtr[2] == 'E')
		Bank[idx]._fileHeader = 1;
	else if (fileDataPtr[1] == 'O' && fileDataPtr[2] == 'R')
		Bank[idx]._fileHeader = 2;

	if (!Bank[idx]._fileHeader) {
		Bank[idx]._loadedFl = false;
		result = -1;

	Bank[idx]._data = fileDataPtr;

	int objectDataIdx = 0;
	for(objectDataIdx = 0; objectDataIdx <= 249; objectDataIdx++) {
		int width = _vm->_objectsMan->getWidth(fileDataPtr, objectDataIdx);
		int height = _vm->_objectsMan->getHeight(fileDataPtr, objectDataIdx);
		if (!width && !height)

	if (objectDataIdx > 249) {
		Bank[idx]._loadedFl = false;
		result = -2;
	Bank[idx]._objDataIdx = objectDataIdx;

	Common::String ofsFilename = Bank[idx]._filename;
	char ch;
	do {
		ch = ofsFilename.lastChar();
	} while (ch != '.');
	ofsFilename += ".OFS";

	Common::File f;
	if (f.exists(ofsFilename)) {
		byte *ofsData = _vm->_fileIO->loadFile(ofsFilename);
		byte *curOfsData = ofsData;
		for (int objIdx = 0; objIdx < Bank[idx]._objDataIdx; ++objIdx, curOfsData += 8) {
			int x1 = READ_LE_INT16(curOfsData);
			int y1 = READ_LE_INT16(curOfsData + 2);
			int x2 = READ_LE_INT16(curOfsData + 4);
			int y2 = READ_LE_INT16(curOfsData + 6);

			_vm->_objectsMan->setOffsetXY(Bank[idx]._data, objIdx, x1, y1, 0);
			if (Bank[idx]._fileHeader == 2)
				_vm->_objectsMan->setOffsetXY(Bank[idx]._data, objIdx, x2, y2, 1);

		result = 0;

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Check if a file is present
bool FileManager::fileExists(const Common::String &file) {
	Common::File f;

	return f.exists(file);
Exemplo n.º 16
 * Search file in Cat file
byte *FileManager::searchCat(const Common::String &file, CatMode mode, bool &fileFoundFl) {
	byte *ptr = NULL;
	fileFoundFl = true;
	Common::File f;

	Common::String filename = file;
	Common::String secondaryFilename = "";

	switch (mode) {
	case RES_INI:
		if (!f.exists("RES_INI.CAT")) {
			fileFoundFl = false;
			return NULL;

		ptr = loadFile("RES_INI.CAT");
		secondaryFilename = "RES_INI.RES";

	case RES_REP:
		if (!f.exists("RES_REP.CAT")) {
			fileFoundFl = false;
			return NULL;

		ptr = loadFile("RES_REP.CAT");
		secondaryFilename = "RES_REP.RES";

	case RES_LIN:
		if (!f.exists("RES_LIN.CAT")) {
			fileFoundFl = false;
			return NULL;

		ptr = loadFile("RES_LIN.CAT");
		secondaryFilename = "RES_LIN.RES";

	case RES_PER:
		if (!f.exists("RES_PER.CAT")) {
			fileFoundFl = false;
			return NULL;

		ptr = loadFile("RES_PER.CAT");
		secondaryFilename = "RES_PER.RES";

	case RES_PIC:
		if (!f.exists("PIC.CAT")) {
			fileFoundFl = false;
			return NULL;

		ptr = loadFile("PIC.CAT");

	case RES_SAN:
		if (!f.exists("RES_SAN.CAT")) {
			fileFoundFl = false;
			return NULL;

		ptr = loadFile("RES_SAN.CAT");

	case RES_SLI:
		if (!f.exists("RES_SLI.CAT")) {
			fileFoundFl = false;
			return NULL;

		ptr = loadFile("RES_SLI.CAT");

	case RES_VOI: {
		Common::String tmpFilename;
		if (_vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformOS2 || _vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformBeOS)
			tmpFilename = "ENG_VOI.CAT";
		// Win95 and Linux versions uses another set of names
		else {
			switch (_vm->_globals->_language) {
			case LANG_EN:
				tmpFilename = "RES_VAN.CAT";
			case LANG_FR:
				tmpFilename = "RES_VFR.CAT";
			case LANG_SP:
				tmpFilename = "RES_VES.CAT";

		if (!f.exists(tmpFilename)) {
			fileFoundFl = false;
			return NULL;

		ptr = loadFile(tmpFilename);


	// Scan for an entry in the catalogue
	byte *result;
	bool matchFlag = false;
	int offsetVal = 0;

	while (!matchFlag) {
		Common::String name = (const char *)ptr + offsetVal;

		if (name == filename) {
			// Found entry for file, so get it's details from the catalogue entry
			const byte *pData = ptr + offsetVal;
			_catalogPos = READ_LE_UINT32(pData + 15);
			_catalogSize = READ_LE_UINT32(pData + 19);
			matchFlag = true;

		if (name == "FINIS") {
			fileFoundFl = false;
			return NULL;

		offsetVal += 23;


	if (secondaryFilename != "") {
		if (!f.open(secondaryFilename))


		byte *catData = _vm->_globals->allocMemory(_catalogSize);
		if (catData == g_PTRNUL)

		readStream(f, catData, _catalogSize);
		result = catData;
	} else {
		result = NULL;

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 17
MidiMusicPlayer::MidiMusicPlayer(TinselEngine *vm) {
	_driver = NULL;
	_milesAudioMode = false;
	bool milesAudioEnabled = false;

	if (vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformDOS) {
		// Enable Miles Audio for DOS platform only...
		switch (vm->getGameID()) {
		case GID_DW1:
			if (!vm->getIsADGFDemo()) {
				// ...for Discworld 1
				milesAudioEnabled = true;
			} else {
				if (vm->isV1CD()) {
					// ...and for Discworld 1 CD Demo
					milesAudioEnabled = true;

	if (milesAudioEnabled) {
		// Discworld 1 (DOS) uses Miles Audio 3
		// use our own Miles Audio drivers
		// It seems that there are multiple versions of Discworld 1
		// Version 1:
		// Has SAMPLE.AD for AdLib and SAMPLE.OPL for OPL-3
		// Timbre files are inside a subdirectory of the CD called "/drivers". Main game files are in
		// another subdirectory, which means the user has to copy those files over.
		// Installer script copies all drivers directly to harddrive without name changes
		// Version 2:
		// Has FAT.OPL only (gets copied by the installer into MIDPAK.AD or MIDPAK.OPL)
		// Timbre file is inside subdirectory "drivers" right in the main game directory.
		// Installer copies FAT.OPL to MIDPAK.AD all the time, even when user selected AWE32
		// Neither have timbre data for MT32

		::MidiDriver::DeviceHandle dev = ::MidiDriver::detectDevice(MDT_MIDI | MDT_ADLIB | MDT_PREFER_GM);
		::MusicType musicType = ::MidiDriver::getMusicType(dev);
		Common::File fileClass;

		switch (musicType) {
		case MT_ADLIB:
			if (fileClass.exists("FAT.OPL")) {
				// Version 2: fat.opl, may be in drivers-subdirectory
				_driver = Audio::MidiDriver_Miles_AdLib_create("", "FAT.OPL");
			} else {
				if (fileClass.exists("MIDPAK.AD")) {
					// Version 2: drivers got installed and fat.opl got copied over by the user
					_driver = Audio::MidiDriver_Miles_AdLib_create("MIDPAK.AD", "");
				} else {
					if ((fileClass.exists("SAMPLE.AD")) || (fileClass.exists("SAMPLE.OPL"))) {
						// Version 1: sample.ad / sample.opl, have to be copied over by the user for this version
						_driver = Audio::MidiDriver_Miles_AdLib_create("SAMPLE.AD", "SAMPLE.OPL");
					} else {
						error("MILES-ADLIB: timbre file not found (may be called FAT.OPL, MIDPAK.AD, SAMPLE.AD or SAMPLE.OPL, may be in a subdirectory)");
		case MT_MT32:
			// Discworld 1 doesn't have a MT32 timbre file
			_driver = Audio::MidiDriver_Miles_MT32_create("");
		case MT_GM:
			if (ConfMan.getBool("native_mt32")) {
				_driver = Audio::MidiDriver_Miles_MT32_create("");
				musicType = MT_MT32;
		if (!_driver) {
			// nothing got created yet? -> create default driver
		} else {
			_milesAudioMode = true;

	} else {

	int ret = _driver->open();
	if (ret == 0) {
		if (_nativeMT32)

		_driver->setTimerCallback(this, &timerCallback);