Exemplo n.º 1
unsigned long long factorial(int n)
  Concurrency::combinable<unsigned long long> products
    = Concurrency::combinable<unsigned long long>([]()->unsigned long long{return 1LL;});
  Concurrency::parallel_for(1 , n+1,
      [&products](int i)
        products.local() *= i;
  return products.combine([](unsigned long long lProduct, unsigned long long rProduct)
                             { return lProduct*rProduct;  });
Exemplo n.º 2
int main()
    Concurrency::combinable<double> piParts;
    Concurrency::parallel_for(1, 1000000, [&piParts](long long n) {
        piParts.local() += 6.0 / (n * n);

    double pi2 = piParts.combine([](double left, double right) {
        return left + right;
    std::cout << "pi squared = " << std::setprecision(10) << pi2 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "pi = " << std::sqrt(pi2) << std::endl;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
double sum_of_squares(T values)
  // This is for 4 processors
  // If you have a different number of processors,
  // change the number of arguments to the parallel_invoke function accordingly.

  Concurrency::combinable<double> sums;

  {  for(size_t i = 0 ; i<values.size() ; i += 4)
        sums.local() += values[i]*values[i];
  {  for(size_t i = 1 ; i<values.size() ; i += 4)
        sums.local() += values[i]*values[i];
  {  for(size_t i = 2 ; i<values.size() ; i += 4)
        sums.local() += values[i]*values[i];
  {  for(size_t i = 3 ; i<values.size() ; i += 4)
      sums.local() += values[i]*values[i];
  return sums.combine([](double lSum, double rSum){return lSum+rSum; });
Exemplo n.º 4
Base::BoundBox3d PointKernel::getBoundBox(void)const
    Base::BoundBox3d bnd;

    //FIXME: VS 2015 or later causes a linker error
#if defined _WIN32 
    // Thread-local bounding boxes
    Concurrency::combinable<Base::BoundBox3d> bbs;
    // Cannot use a const_point_iterator here as it is *not* a proper iterator (fails the for_each template)
    Concurrency::parallel_for_each(_Points.begin(), _Points.end(), [this, &bbs](const value_type& value) {
        Base::Vector3d vertd(value.x, value.y, value.z);
        bbs.local().Add(this->_Mtrx * vertd);
    // Combine each thread-local bounding box in the final bounding box
    bbs.combine_each([&bnd](const Base::BoundBox3d& lbb) {
    for (const_point_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
    return bnd;