Exemplo n.º 1
rayPlaneIntersection(cv::Point2f uv, const cv::Mat& centroid, const cv::Mat& normal, const cv::Mat_<float>& Kinv)
    cv::Matx33d dKinv(Kinv);
    cv::Vec3d dNormal(normal);
    return rayPlaneIntersection(cv::Vec3d(uv.x, uv.y, 1), centroid.dot(normal), dNormal, dKinv);
Exemplo n.º 2
void ImageSegmentation::backProject(const cv::Mat &planeNormal, const double planeDistance, const cv::Point2d &pointImage, cv::Mat &pointWorld)
  pointWorld = cv::Mat(3, 1, CV_64F);

  pointWorld.at<double>(0) = pointImage.x;
  pointWorld.at<double>(1) = pointImage.y;
  pointWorld.at<double>(2) = 1;
  double t = -planeDistance / planeNormal.dot(pointWorld);
  pointWorld = pointWorld * t;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Interpolate D19 pixel values
void CalibrationFilter::interpolate()
    // Gaussian interpolation mask
    float coeff[9] = {
        .707,  1.0, .707,
         1.0,  0.0,  1.0,
        .707,  1.0, .707 };
    const cv::Mat mask(3, 3, CV_32F, coeff);

    for(int i=1; i<mFrame32F_big.rows-1; ++i)
        for(int j=1; j<mFrame32F_big.cols-1; ++j)
            // Check if pixel is dead
            if(mAlive_big.at<unsigned char>(i, j) == 0)
                // Dead pixel: build interpolation matrix
                cv::Mat neighbor( 3, 3, CV_32F );
                mAlive_big( cv::Range(i-1, i+2), cv::Range(j-1, j+2) ).convertTo( neighbor, CV_32F );

                //QLOG_DEBUG() << TAG << "neighbor sum" << cv::sum( neighbor )[0];

                // Compute interpolated value
                // 'M' is the same as 'mask' but with 0-coefficient over dead pixels
                const cv::Mat M = mask.mul( neighbor, 1.0 );

                // 'roi' Region of interest is the 3x3 region centered on the dead pixel
                const cv::Mat roi = mFrame32F_big( cv::Range(i-1, i+2), cv::Range(j-1, j+2) );
                double sum = cv::sum( M )[0];
                if(sum >= 1.0)
                    mFrame32F_big.at<float>(i, j) = M.dot( roi ) / sum;
                    mFrame32F_big.at<float>(i, j) = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
		// callback for the complete message
		void complete_message_callback(const homog_track::HomogComplete& msg)
			/********** Begin splitting up the incoming message *********/
			// getting boolean indicating the reference has been set
			reference_set = msg.reference_set;

			// if the reference is set then will break out the points
			if (reference_set)
				// initializer temp scalar to zero
				temp_scalar = cv::Mat::zeros(1,1,CV_64F);
				// getting the current marker points
				circles_curr = msg.current_points;
				// getting the refernce marker points
				circles_ref = msg.reference_points;
				// setting the current points to the point vector
				curr_red_p.x = circles_curr.red_circle.x;
				curr_green_p.x = circles_curr.green_circle.x;
				curr_cyan_p.x = circles_curr.cyan_circle.x;
				curr_purple_p.x = circles_curr.purple_circle.x;
				curr_red_p.y = circles_curr.red_circle.y;
				curr_green_p.y = circles_curr.green_circle.y;
				curr_cyan_p.y = circles_curr.cyan_circle.y;
				curr_purple_p.y = circles_curr.purple_circle.y;
				// converting the points to be the projective coordinates
				for (int ii = 0; ii < curr_points_m.size(); ii++)
					curr_points_m[ii] = K.inv(cv::DECOMP_LU)*curr_points_m[ii];
					std::cout << "currpoints at " << ii << " is: " << curr_points_m[ii] << std::endl;
				// setting the reference points to the point vector
				ref_red_p.x = circles_ref.red_circle.x;
				ref_green_p.x = circles_ref.green_circle.x;
				ref_cyan_p.x = circles_ref.cyan_circle.x;
				ref_purple_p.x = circles_ref.purple_circle.x;
				ref_red_p.y = circles_ref.red_circle.y;
				ref_green_p.y = circles_ref.green_circle.y;
				ref_cyan_p.y = circles_ref.cyan_circle.y;
				ref_purple_p.y = circles_ref.purple_circle.y;
				// setting the reference points to the matrix vector, dont need to do the last one because its already 1
				ref_red_m.at<double>(0,0) = ref_red_p.x;
				ref_red_m.at<double>(1,0) = ref_red_p.y;
				ref_green_m.at<double>(0,0) = ref_green_p.x;
				ref_green_m.at<double>(1,0) = ref_green_p.y;
				ref_cyan_m.at<double>(0,0) = ref_cyan_p.x;
				ref_cyan_m.at<double>(1,0) = ref_cyan_p.y;
				ref_purple_m.at<double>(0,0) = ref_purple_p.x;
				ref_purple_m.at<double>(1,0) = ref_purple_p.y;
				// converting the points to be the projective coordinates
				for (int ii = 0; ii < ref_points_m.size(); ii++)
					ref_points_m[ii] = K.inv(cv::DECOMP_LU)*ref_points_m[ii];
					//std::cout << "refpoints at " << ii << " is: " << ref_points_m[ii] << std::endl;
				// if any of the points have a -1 will skip over the homography
				if (curr_red_p.x != -1 && curr_green_p.x != -1 && curr_cyan_p.x != -1 && curr_purple_p.x != -1)
					//std::cout << "hi" << std::endl;
					// finding the perspective homography
					G = cv::findHomography(curr_points_p,ref_points_p,0);
					//G = cv::findHomography(ref_points_p,ref_points_p,0);
					std::cout << "G: " << G << std::endl;
					// decomposing the homography into the four solutions
					// G and K are 3x3
					// R is 3x3
					// 3x1
					// 3x1
					// successful_decomp is the number of solutions found
					successful_decomp = cv::decomposeHomographyMat(G,K,R,T,n);
					std::cout << "successful_decomp: " << successful_decomp << std::endl;
					// if the decomp is successful will find the best matching
					if (successful_decomp > 0)
						std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << " begin check for visibility" << std::endl;
						// finding the alphas
						alpha_red.data = 1/(G.at<double>(2,0)*ref_red_p.x + G.at<double>(2,1)*ref_red_p.y + 1);
						alpha_green.data = 1/(G.at<double>(2,0)*ref_green_p.x + G.at<double>(2,1)*ref_green_p.y + 1);
						alpha_cyan.data = 1/(G.at<double>(2,0)*ref_cyan_p.x + G.at<double>(2,1)*ref_cyan_p.y + 1);
						alpha_purple.data = 1/(G.at<double>(2,0)*ref_purple_p.x + G.at<double>(2,1)*ref_purple_p.y + 1);
						// finding the solutions that give the positive results
						for (int ii = 0; ii < successful_decomp; ii++)
							std::cout << "solution set number " << ii << std::endl;
							// performing the operation transpose(m)*R*n to check if greater than 0 later
							// order operating on is red green cyan purple
							for (int jj = 0; jj < 4; jj++)
								//std::cout << " T size: " << T[ii].size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " T type: " << T[ii].type() << std::endl;
								std::cout << " T value: " << T[ii] << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar 1 " << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar size: " << temp_scalar.size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar type: " << temp_scalar.type() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar value " << temp_scalar <<std::endl;
								temp_scalar = curr_points_m[jj].t();
								//std::cout << " temp scalar 2 " << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar size: " << temp_scalar.size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar type: " << temp_scalar.type() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar value " << temp_scalar <<std::endl;
								//std::cout << " R size: " << R[ii].size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " R type: " << R[ii].type() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " R value: " << R[ii] << std::endl;
								temp_scalar = temp_scalar*R[ii];
								//std::cout << " temp scalar 3 " << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar size: " << temp_scalar.size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar type: " << temp_scalar.type() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar value " << temp_scalar <<std::endl;
								//std::cout << " n size: " << n[ii].size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " n type: " << n[ii].type() << std::endl;
								std::cout << " n value: " << n[ii] << std::endl;
								temp_scalar = temp_scalar*n[ii];
								//std::cout << " temp scalar size: " << temp_scalar.size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar type: " << temp_scalar.type() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar value " << temp_scalar <<std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar value at 0,0" << temp_scalar.at<double>(0,0) << std::endl;
								////std::cout << " scalar value check size: " << scalar_value_check.size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " \tthe value for the " << jj << " visibility check is: " << scalar_value_check[4*ii+jj] << std::endl;
						std::cout << " end check for visibility" << std::endl << std::endl;
						// restting first solution found and second solution found
						first_solution_found = false;
						second_solution_found = false;
						fc_found = false;
						// getting the two solutions or only one if there are not two
						for (int ii = 0; ii < successful_decomp; ii++)
							// getting the values onto the temporary vector
							// getting the start and end of the next solution
							temp_solution_start = scalar_value_check.begin() + 4*ii;
							temp_solution_end = scalar_value_check.begin() + 4*ii+4;
							// checking if all the values are positive
							all_positive = true;
							current_temp_index = 0;
							while (all_positive && current_temp_index < 4)
								if (temp_solution[current_temp_index] >= 0)
									all_positive = false;
							// if all the values were positive and a first solution has not been found will assign 
							// to first solution. if all positive and first solution has been found will assign
							// to second solution. if all positive is false then will not do anything
							if (all_positive && first_solution_found && !second_solution_found)
								// setting it to indicate a solution has been found
								second_solution_found = true;
								// setting the rotation, translation, and normal to be the second set
								second_R = R[ii];
								second_T = T[ii];
								second_n = n[ii];
								// setting the projected values
								second_solution = temp_solution;
							else if (all_positive && !first_solution_found)
								// setting it to indicate a solution has been found
								first_solution_found = true;
								// setting the rotation, translation, and normal to be the first set
								first_R = R[ii];
								first_T = T[ii];
								first_n = n[ii];
								// setting the projected values
								first_solution = temp_solution;
							// erasing all the values from the temp solution
						// erasing all the scalar values from the check
						// displaying the first solution if it was found
						if (first_solution_found)
							std::cout << std::endl << "first R: " << first_R << std::endl;
							std::cout << "first T: " << first_T << std::endl;
							std::cout << "first n: " << first_n << std::endl;
							for (double ii : first_solution)
								std::cout << ii << " ";
							std::cout << std::endl;
						// displaying the second solution if it was found
						if (second_solution_found)
							std::cout << std::endl << "second R: " << second_R << std::endl;
							std::cout << "second T: " << second_T << std::endl;
							std::cout << "second n: " << second_n << std::endl;
							for (double ii : second_solution)
								std::cout << ii << " ";
							std::cout << std::endl;
						// because the reference is set to the exact value when when n should have only a z componenet, the correct
						// choice should be the one closest to n_ref = [0,0,1]^T which will be the one with the greatest dot product with n_ref
						if (first_solution_found && second_solution_found)
							if (first_n.dot(n_ref) >= second_n.dot(n_ref))
								R_fc = first_R;
								T_fc = first_T;
								R_fc = second_R;
								T_fc = second_T;
							fc_found = true;
						else if(first_solution_found)
							R_fc = first_R;
							T_fc = first_T;
							fc_found = true;
						//if a solution was found will publish
						// need to convert to pose message so use
						if (fc_found)
							// converting the rotation from a cv matrix to quaternion, first need it as a matrix3x3
							R_fc_tf[0][0] = R_fc.at<double>(0,0);
							R_fc_tf[0][1] = R_fc.at<double>(0,1);
							R_fc_tf[0][2] = R_fc.at<double>(0,2);
							R_fc_tf[1][0] = R_fc.at<double>(1,0);
							R_fc_tf[1][1] = R_fc.at<double>(1,1);
							R_fc_tf[1][2] = R_fc.at<double>(1,2);
							R_fc_tf[2][0] = R_fc.at<double>(2,0);
							R_fc_tf[2][1] = R_fc.at<double>(2,1);
							R_fc_tf[2][2] = R_fc.at<double>(2,2);
							std::cout << "Final R:\n" << R_fc << std::endl;
							// converting the translation to a vector 3
							std::cout << "Final T :\n" << T_fc << std::endl;
							// getting the rotation as a quaternion
							std::cout << "current orientation:" << "\n\tx:\t" << Q_fc_tf.getX() 
																<< "\n\ty:\t" << Q_fc_tf.getY() 
																<< "\n\tz:\t" << Q_fc_tf.getZ() 
																<< "\n\tw:\t" << Q_fc_tf.getW() 
																<< std::endl;
							std::cout << "norm of quaternion:\t" << Q_fc_tf.length() << std::endl;
							// getting the negated version of the quaternion for the check
							Q_fc_tf_negated = tf::Quaternion(-Q_fc_tf.getX(),-Q_fc_tf.getY(),-Q_fc_tf.getZ(),-Q_fc_tf.getW());
							std::cout << "negated orientation:" << "\n\tx:\t" << Q_fc_tf_negated.getX() 
																<< "\n\ty:\t" << Q_fc_tf_negated.getY() 
																<< "\n\tz:\t" << Q_fc_tf_negated.getZ() 
																<< "\n\tw:\t" << Q_fc_tf_negated.getW() 
																<< std::endl;
							std::cout << "norm of negated quaternion:\t" << Q_fc_tf_negated.length() << std::endl;
							// showing the last orientation
							std::cout << "last orientation:" << "\n\tx:\t" << Q_fc_tf_last.getX() 
															 << "\n\ty:\t" << Q_fc_tf_last.getY() 
															 << "\n\tz:\t" << Q_fc_tf_last.getZ() 
															 << "\n\tw:\t" << Q_fc_tf_last.getW() 
															 << std::endl;
							std::cout << "norm of last quaternion:\t" << Q_fc_tf_last.length() << std::endl;
							// checking if the quaternion has flipped
							Q_norm_current_diff = std::sqrt(std::pow(Q_fc_tf.getX() - Q_fc_tf_last.getX(),2.0)
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf.getY() - Q_fc_tf_last.getY(),2.0) 
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf.getZ() - Q_fc_tf_last.getZ(),2.0) 
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf.getW() - Q_fc_tf_last.getW(),2.0));
							std::cout << "current difference:\t" << Q_norm_current_diff << std::endl;
							Q_norm_negated_diff = std::sqrt(std::pow(Q_fc_tf_negated.getX() - Q_fc_tf_last.getX(),2.0)
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf_negated.getY() - Q_fc_tf_last.getY(),2.0) 
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf_negated.getZ() - Q_fc_tf_last.getZ(),2.0) 
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf_negated.getW() - Q_fc_tf_last.getW(),2.0));
							std::cout << "negated difference:\t" << Q_norm_negated_diff << std::endl;
							if (Q_norm_current_diff > Q_norm_negated_diff)
								Q_fc_tf = Q_fc_tf_negated;
							// updating the last
							Q_fc_tf_last = Q_fc_tf;
							// converting the tf quaternion to a geometry message quaternion
							Q_fc_gm.x = Q_fc_tf.getX();
							Q_fc_gm.y = Q_fc_tf.getY();
							Q_fc_gm.z = Q_fc_tf.getZ();
							Q_fc_gm.w = Q_fc_tf.getW();
							// converting the tf vector3 to a point
							P_fc_gm.x = T_fc_tf.getX();
							P_fc_gm.y = T_fc_tf.getY();
							P_fc_gm.z = T_fc_tf.getZ();
							// setting the transform with the values
							tf_broad.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(fc_tf, msg.header.stamp,"f_star","f_current"));
							// setting the decomposed message
							pose_fc_gm.position = P_fc_gm;
							pose_fc_gm.orientation = Q_fc_gm;
							decomposed_msg.pose = pose_fc_gm;
							decomposed_msg.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp;
							decomposed_msg.header.frame_id = "current_frame_normalized";
							decomposed_msg.alpha_red = alpha_red;
							decomposed_msg.alpha_green = alpha_green;
							decomposed_msg.alpha_cyan = alpha_cyan;
							decomposed_msg.alpha_purple = alpha_purple;
							std::cout << "complete message\n" << decomposed_msg << std::endl << std::endl;
							// publish the marker
							marker.pose = pose_fc_gm;

				// erasing all the temporary points
				if (first_solution_found || second_solution_found)
					// erasing all the point vectors and matrix vectors
			/********** End splitting up the incoming message *********/
Exemplo n.º 5
cv::Mat SGDStep::predictImpl(const bool debugMode,
                             const cv::Mat &input) const
    cv::Ptr<SGDConfig> config;
    try {
        config = config_cast<SGDConfig>(this->mConfig);
    } catch(std::bad_cast) {
        std::stringstream s;
        s << "Wrong config type: " << this->mConfig->identifier();
        throw MLError(s.str(), currentMethod, currentLine);

    std::vector<std::string> classifiers = config->classifierFiles();
    if(debugMode) { debug(classifiers.size(), "classifier(s)"); }
    cv::Mat1d results(1, classifiers.size());

    for(size_t idx = 0; idx < classifiers.size(); ++idx) {
        std::string classifierFile = classifiers[idx];
        if(debugMode) { debug("Loading classifier", classifierFile); }
        std::tuple<cv::Mat1d, double, vl_size> classifierData;
        std::tuple<cv::Mat1d, double, vl_size, double, double> plattClassifierData;
        try {
            if(config->plattScale()) {
                plattClassifierData = this->loadWithPlatt(classifierFile);
            } else {
                classifierData = this->load(classifierFile);
            if(input.cols != std::get<0>(classifierData).cols) {
                std::stringstream s;
                s << "Data doesn't fit trained model." << std::endl;
                throw MLError(s.str(), currentMethod, currentLine);
            } else {
                if(input.type() != CV_64F) {
                    cv::Mat tmp;
                    input.convertTo(tmp, CV_64F);
                    if(config->plattScale()) {
                        double score = tmp.dot(std::get<0>(classifierData)) + std::get<1>(classifierData);
                        results.at<double>(idx) = Platt::sigmoid_predict(score,
                    } else {
                        double score = tmp.dot(std::get<0>(classifierData)) + std::get<1>(classifierData);
                        results.at<double>(idx) = score;
                } else {
                    if(config->plattScale()) {
                        double score = input.dot(std::get<0>(classifierData)) + std::get<1>(classifierData);
                        results.at<double>(idx) = Platt::sigmoid_predict(score,
                    } else {
                        double score = input.dot(std::get<0>(classifierData)) + std::get<1>(classifierData);
                        results.at<double>(idx) = score;
        } catch(MLError) {

    if(config->binary()) {
        if(config->plattScale()) {
            double min, max;
            cv::Point minIdx, maxIdx;
            cv::minMaxLoc(results, &min, &max, &minIdx, &maxIdx);
            int32_t best = maxIdx.x;
            results.at<double>(best) = 1;
        } else {
            results.setTo(1, results > 0);
            results.setTo(-1, results < 0);

    return results;
Exemplo n.º 6
 bool Frame::isInFrustum(MapPoint *pMP, float viewingCosLimit)
     pMP->mbTrackInView = false;
     // 3D in absolute coordinates
     cv::Mat P = pMP->GetWorldPos();
     // 3D in camera coordinates
     const cv::Mat Pc = mRcw*P+mtcw;
     const float PcX = Pc.at<float>(0);
     const float PcY= Pc.at<float>(1);
     const float PcZ = Pc.at<float>(2);
     // Check positive depth
         return false;
     // Project in image and check it is not outside
     const float invz = 1.0/PcZ;
     const float u=fx*PcX*invz+cx;
     const float v=fy*PcY*invz+cy;
     if(u<mnMinX || u>mnMaxX)
         return false;
     if(v<mnMinY || v>mnMaxY)
         return false;
     // Check distance is in the scale invariance region of the MapPoint
     const float maxDistance = pMP->GetMaxDistanceInvariance();
     const float minDistance = pMP->GetMinDistanceInvariance();
     const cv::Mat PO = P-mOw;
     const float dist = cv::norm(PO);
     if(dist<minDistance || dist>maxDistance)
         return false;
     // Check viewing angle
     cv::Mat Pn = pMP->GetNormal();
     float viewCos = PO.dot(Pn)/dist;
         return false;
     // Predict scale level acording to the distance
     float ratio = dist/minDistance;
     vector<float>::iterator it = lower_bound(mvScaleFactors.begin(), mvScaleFactors.end(), ratio);
     int nPredictedLevel = it-mvScaleFactors.begin();
     // Data used by the tracking
     pMP->mbTrackInView = true;
     pMP->mTrackProjX = u;
     pMP->mTrackProjY = v;
     pMP->mnTrackScaleLevel= nPredictedLevel;
     pMP->mTrackViewCos = viewCos;
     return true;