Exemplo n.º 1
 * Create the augmented knots vector and fill in matrix Xt with the spline basis vectors
void basis_splines_endreps_local_v2(float *knots, int n_knots, int order, int *boundaries, int n_boundaries,  Eigen::MatrixXf &Xt) {
  assert(n_boundaries == 2 && boundaries[0] < boundaries[1]);
  int n_rows = boundaries[1] - boundaries[0]; // this is frames so evaluate at each frame we'll need
  int n_cols = n_knots + order;  // number of basis vectors we'll have at end 
  Xt.resize(n_cols, n_rows); // swapped to transpose later. This order lets us use it as a scratch space
  int n_std_knots = n_knots + 2 * order;
  float std_knots[n_std_knots];

  // Repeat the boundary knots on there to ensure linear out side of knots
  for (int i = 0; i < order; i++) {
    std_knots[i] = boundaries[0];
  // Our original boundary knots here
  for (int i = 0; i < n_knots; i++) {
    std_knots[i+order] = knots[i];
  // Repeat the boundary knots on there to ensure linear out side of knots
  for (int i = 0; i < order; i++) {
    std_knots[i+order+n_knots] = boundaries[1];
  // Evaluate our basis splines at each frame.
  for (int i = boundaries[0]; i < boundaries[1]; i++) {
    int idx = -1;
    // find index such that i >= knots[idx] && i < knots[idx+1]
    float *val = std::upper_bound(std_knots, std_knots + n_std_knots - 1, 1.0f * i);
    idx = val - std_knots - 1;
    assert(idx >= 0);
    float *f = Xt.data() + i * n_cols + idx - (order - 1); //column offset
    basis_spline_xi_v2(std_knots, n_std_knots, order, idx, i, f);
  // Put in our conventional format where each column is a basis vector
Exemplo n.º 2
void PixelMapper::mergeProjections(Eigen::MatrixXf& depthImage, Eigen::MatrixXi& indexImage,
				   Eigen::MatrixXf* depths, Eigen::MatrixXi* indices, int numImages){
  assert (numImages>0);
  int rows=depths[0].rows();
  int cols=depths[0].cols();
  depthImage.resize(indexImage.rows(), indexImage.cols());
  indexImage.resize(rows, cols);

  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int c=0; c<cols; c++){
    int* destIndexPtr = &indexImage.coeffRef(0,c);
    float* destDepthPtr = &depthImage.coeffRef(0,c);
    int* srcIndexPtr[numImages];
    float* srcDepthPtr[numImages];
    for (int i=0; i<numImages; i++){
      srcIndexPtr[i] = &indices[i].coeffRef(0,c);
      srcDepthPtr[i] = &depths[i].coeffRef(0,c);
    for (int r=0; r<rows; r++){
      for (int i=0; i<numImages; i++){
	if (*destDepthPtr>*srcDepthPtr[i]){
	  *destDepthPtr = *srcDepthPtr[i];
	  *destIndexPtr = *srcIndexPtr[i];

Exemplo n.º 3
void DenseCRF::stepInference( Eigen::MatrixXf & Q, Eigen::MatrixXf & tmp1, Eigen::MatrixXf & tmp2 ) const{
	tmp1.resize( Q.rows(), Q.cols() );
	if( unary_ )
		tmp1 -= unary_->get();
	// Add up all pairwise potentials
	for( unsigned int k=0; k<pairwise_.size(); k++ ) {
		pairwise_[k]->apply( tmp2, Q );
		tmp1 -= tmp2;
	// Exponentiate and normalize
	expAndNormalize( Q, tmp1 );
Exemplo n.º 4
void PointProjector::project(Eigen::MatrixXi &indexImage, 
			     Eigen::MatrixXf &depthImage, 
			     const HomogeneousPoint3fVector &points) const {
  depthImage.resize(indexImage.rows(), indexImage.cols());
  const HomogeneousPoint3f* point = &points[0];
  for (size_t i=0; i<points.size(); i++, point++){
    int x, y;
    float d;
    if (!project(x, y, d, *point) ||
	x<0 || x>=indexImage.rows() ||
	y<0 || y>=indexImage.cols()  )
    float& otherDistance=depthImage(x,y);
    int&   otherIndex=indexImage(x,y);
    if (otherDistance>d) {
      otherDistance = d;
      otherIndex = i;
Exemplo n.º 5
void Match
  const sfm::SfM_Data & sfm_data,
  const sfm::Regions_Provider & regions_provider,
  const Pair_Set & pairs,
  float fDistRatio,
  PairWiseMatchesContainer & map_PutativesMatches // the pairwise photometric corresponding points
  C_Progress_display my_progress_bar( pairs.size() );

  // Collect used view indexes
  std::set<IndexT> used_index;
  // Sort pairs according the first index to minimize later memory swapping
  using Map_vectorT = std::map<IndexT, std::vector<IndexT>>;
  Map_vectorT map_Pairs;
  for (Pair_Set::const_iterator iter = pairs.begin(); iter != pairs.end(); ++iter)

  using BaseMat = Eigen::Matrix<ScalarT, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>;

  // Init the cascade hasher
  CascadeHasher cascade_hasher;
  if (!used_index.empty())
    const IndexT I = *used_index.begin();
    std::shared_ptr<features::Regions> regionsI = regions_provider.get(I);
    const size_t dimension = regionsI.get()->DescriptorLength();

  std::map<IndexT, HashedDescriptions> hashed_base_;

  // Compute the zero mean descriptor that will be used for hashing (one for all the image regions)
  Eigen::VectorXf zero_mean_descriptor;
    Eigen::MatrixXf matForZeroMean;
    for (int i =0; i < used_index.size(); ++i)
      std::set<IndexT>::const_iterator iter = used_index.begin();
      std::advance(iter, i);
      const IndexT I = *iter;
      std::shared_ptr<features::Regions> regionsI = regions_provider.get(I);
      const ScalarT * tabI =
        reinterpret_cast<const ScalarT*>(regionsI.get()->DescriptorRawData());
      const size_t dimension = regionsI.get()->DescriptorLength();
      if (i==0)
        matForZeroMean.resize(used_index.size(), dimension);
      if (regionsI.get()->RegionCount() > 0)
        Eigen::Map<BaseMat> mat_I( (ScalarT*)tabI, regionsI.get()->RegionCount(), dimension);
        matForZeroMean.row(i) = CascadeHasher::GetZeroMeanDescriptor(mat_I);
    zero_mean_descriptor = CascadeHasher::GetZeroMeanDescriptor(matForZeroMean);

  // Index the input regions
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
  for (int i =0; i < used_index.size(); ++i)
    std::set<IndexT>::const_iterator iter = used_index.begin();
    std::advance(iter, i);
    const IndexT I = *iter;
    std::shared_ptr<features::Regions> regionsI = regions_provider.get(I);
    const ScalarT * tabI =
      reinterpret_cast<const ScalarT*>(regionsI.get()->DescriptorRawData());
    const size_t dimension = regionsI.get()->DescriptorLength();

    Eigen::Map<BaseMat> mat_I( (ScalarT*)tabI, regionsI.get()->RegionCount(), dimension);
    HashedDescriptions hashed_description = cascade_hasher.CreateHashedDescriptions(mat_I,
    #pragma omp critical
      hashed_base_[I] = std::move(hashed_description);

  // Perform matching between all the pairs
  for (Map_vectorT::const_iterator iter = map_Pairs.begin();
    iter != map_Pairs.end(); ++iter)
    const IndexT I = iter->first;
    const std::vector<IndexT> & indexToCompare = iter->second;

    std::shared_ptr<features::Regions> regionsI = regions_provider.get(I);
    if (regionsI.get()->RegionCount() == 0)
      my_progress_bar += indexToCompare.size();

    const std::vector<features::PointFeature> pointFeaturesI = regionsI.get()->GetRegionsPositions();
    const ScalarT * tabI =
      reinterpret_cast<const ScalarT*>(regionsI.get()->DescriptorRawData());
    const size_t dimension = regionsI.get()->DescriptorLength();
    Eigen::Map<BaseMat> mat_I( (ScalarT*)tabI, regionsI.get()->RegionCount(), dimension);

    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
    for (int j = 0; j < (int)indexToCompare.size(); ++j)
      size_t J = indexToCompare[j];
      std::shared_ptr<features::Regions> regionsJ = regions_provider.get(J);

      if (regionsI.get()->Type_id() != regionsJ.get()->Type_id())
        #pragma omp critical

      // Matrix representation of the query input data;
      const ScalarT * tabJ = reinterpret_cast<const ScalarT*>(regionsJ.get()->DescriptorRawData());
      Eigen::Map<BaseMat> mat_J( (ScalarT*)tabJ, regionsJ.get()->RegionCount(), dimension);

      IndMatches pvec_indices;
      using ResultType = typename Accumulator<ScalarT>::Type;
      std::vector<ResultType> pvec_distances;
      pvec_distances.reserve(regionsJ.get()->RegionCount() * 2);
      pvec_indices.reserve(regionsJ.get()->RegionCount() * 2);

      // Match the query descriptors to the database
      cascade_hasher.Match_HashedDescriptions<BaseMat, ResultType>(
        hashed_base_[J], mat_J,
        hashed_base_[I], mat_I,
        &pvec_indices, &pvec_distances);

      std::vector<int> vec_nn_ratio_idx;
      // Filter the matches using a distance ratio test:
      //   The probability that a match is correct is determined by taking
      //   the ratio of distance from the closest neighbor to the distance
      //   of the second closest.
        pvec_distances.begin(), // distance start
        pvec_distances.end(),   // distance end
        2, // Number of neighbor in iterator sequence (minimum required 2)
        vec_nn_ratio_idx, // output (indices that respect the distance Ratio)

      matching::IndMatches vec_putative_matches;
      for (size_t k=0; k < vec_nn_ratio_idx.size(); ++k)
        const size_t index = vec_nn_ratio_idx[k];
        vec_putative_matches.emplace_back(pvec_indices[index*2].j_, pvec_indices[index*2].i_);

      // Remove duplicates

      // Remove matches that have the same (X,Y) coordinates
      const std::vector<features::PointFeature> pointFeaturesJ = regionsJ.get()->GetRegionsPositions();
      matching::IndMatchDecorator<float> matchDeduplicator(vec_putative_matches,
        pointFeaturesI, pointFeaturesJ);

#pragma omp critical
        if (!vec_putative_matches.empty())
          map_PutativesMatches.insert( make_pair( make_pair(I,J), std::move(vec_putative_matches) ));