Exemplo n.º 1
bool targetViewpoint(const Eigen::Vector3f& rayo,const Eigen::Vector3f& target,const Eigen::Vector3f& down,
                     Eigen::Affine3f& transf)
  // uz: versor pointing toward the destination
  Eigen::Vector3f uz = target - rayo;
  if (std::abs(uz.norm()) < 1e-3) {
    std::cout << __FILE__ << "," << __LINE__ << ": target point on ray origin!" << std::endl;
    return false;
  //std::cout << "uz " << uz.transpose() << ", norm " << uz .norm() << std::endl;
  // ux: versor pointing toward the ground
  Eigen::Vector3f ux = down - down.dot(uz) * uz;  
  if (std::abs(ux.norm()) < 1e-3) {
    std::cout << __FILE__ << "," << __LINE__ << ": ray to target toward ground direction!" << std::endl;
    return false;
  //std::cout << "ux " << ux.transpose() << ", norm " << ux.norm() << std::endl;
  Eigen::Vector3f uy = uz.cross(ux);
  //std::cout << "uy " << uy.transpose() << ", norm " << uy.norm() << std::endl;
  Eigen::Matrix3f rot;
  rot << ux.x(), uy.x(), uz.x(),
         ux.y(), uy.y(), uz.y(),
         ux.z(), uy.z(), uz.z();
  //std::cout << __FILE__ << "\nrotation\n" << rot << "\ntranslation\n" << rayo << "\naffine\n" << transf.matrix() << std::endl;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
void fuzzyAffines()
    std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4f> trans;
    for( size_t i=0; i<count/10; i++ )
        Eigen::Vector3f x = Eigen::Vector3f::Random();
        Eigen::Vector3f y = Eigen::Vector3f::Random();


        Eigen::Vector3f z = x.cross(y);

        y = z.cross(x);

        Eigen::Affine3f t = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity();
        Eigen::Matrix3f r = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();

        r.col(0) = x;
        r.col(1) = y;
        r.col(2) = z;

        t.translate( 0.5f * Eigen::Vector3f::Random() + Eigen::Vector3f(0.5,0.5,0.5) );

        trans.push_back( t.matrix() );

    s_plot.setColor( Eigen::Vector4f(1,0,0,1) );
    s_plot.setLineWidth( 3.0 );
    s_plot( trans, nox::plot<float>::Pos | nox::plot<float>::CS );
Exemplo n.º 3
     * @brief Computes the trackball's rotation, using stored initial and final position vectors.
    void computeRotationAngle (void)
        //Given two position vectors, corresponding to the initial and final mouse coordinates, calculate the rotation of the sphere that will keep the mouse always in the initial position.

        if(initialPosition.norm() > 0) {
        if(finalPosition.norm() > 0) {

        //cout << "Initial Position: " << initialPosition.transpose() << " Final Position: " << finalPosition.transpose() << endl << endl;

        Eigen::Vector3f rotationAxis = initialPosition.cross(finalPosition);

        if(rotationAxis.norm() != 0) {

        float dot = initialPosition.dot(finalPosition);

        float rotationAngle = (dot <= 1) ? acos(dot) : 0;//If, by losing floating point precision, the dot product between the initial and final positions is bigger than one, ignore the rotation.

        Eigen::Quaternion<float> q (Eigen::AngleAxis<float>(rotationAngle,rotationAxis));

        quaternion = q * quaternion;
Exemplo n.º 4
/* http://geomalgorithms.com/a07-_distance.html */
void intersectLines(const Eigen::Vector3f &p0, const Eigen::Vector3f &p1,
                    const Eigen::Vector3f &q0, const Eigen::Vector3f &q1,
                    Eigen::Vector3f &pointOnP, Eigen::Vector3f &pointOnQ)
    Eigen::Vector3f w0 = p0 - q0;

    /* the two vectors on the lines */
    Eigen::Vector3f u = p1 - p0;
    Eigen::Vector3f v = q0 - q1;

    float a = u.dot(u);
    float b = u.dot(v);
    float c = v.dot(v);
    float d = u.dot(w0);
    float e = v.dot(w0);

    float normFactor = a*c - b*b;
    float sc = (b*e - c*d) / normFactor;
    float tc = (a*e - b*d) / normFactor;

    /* the two nearest points on the lines */
    Eigen::ParametrizedLine<float, 3> lineP(p0, u);
    pointOnP = lineP.pointAt(sc);
    Eigen::ParametrizedLine<float, 3> lineQ(q0, v);
    pointOnQ = lineQ.pointAt(tc);
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Verifica si un plano corta a una nube en dos
 * @param  pc    nube de puntos a evaluar
 * @param  coefs Coeficientes del plano
 * @return       True si lo corta, false en caso contrario.
bool isPointCloudCutByPlane(PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr pc, ModelCoefficients::Ptr coefs, PointXYZ p_plane){
		- Obtener vector normal a partir de coeficientes
		- Iterar sobre puntos de la nube
			- Calcular vector delta entre punto entregado (dentro del plano) y punto iterado
			- Calcular ángulo entre vector delta y normal
			- Angulos menores a PI/2 son de un lado, mayores son de otro
			- Si aparecen puntos de ambos lados, retornar True, else, false.
	const double PI = 3.1416;
	Eigen::Vector3f normal = Eigen::Vector3f(coefs->values[0], coefs->values[1], coefs->values[2]);
	// cout << "Normal: " << normal << endl;
	bool side;
	// Iterar sobre los puntos
	for (int i=0; i<pc->points.size(); i++){
		// Calcular ángulo entre punto y normal
		Eigen::Vector3f delta = Eigen::Vector3f (p_plane.x, p_plane.y, p_plane.z) - Eigen::Vector3f(pc->points[i].x, pc->points[i].y, pc->points[i].z);
		double alpha = acos(normal.dot(delta));
		// printf ("Alpha: %f°\n", (alpha*180/PI));
		if (i==0){
			side = (alpha < PI/2.0);
			// printf("Lado escogido: %s", side ? "true": "false");
		if (side != (alpha < PI/2.0)){
			// printf("Nube es cortada por plano\n");
			return true;
	// printf("Nube NO es cortada por plano\n");
	return false;
		int process(const tendrils& inputs, const tendrils& outputs,
					boost::shared_ptr<const ::pcl::PointCloud<Point> >& input)
      ::pcl::ExtractIndices<Point> filter;

      for(std::size_t i = 0; i < clusters_->size(); ++i)

      for(std::size_t i = 0; i < clusters_->size(); ++i)
        if(clusters_->at(i).indices.size() < 3)

        boost::shared_ptr< ::pcl::PointCloud<Point> > cloud;
        cloud = boost::make_shared< ::pcl::PointCloud<Point> > ();
        // extract indices into a cloud
        filter.setIndices( ::pcl::PointIndicesPtr(
        new ::pcl::PointIndices ((*clusters_)[i])) );

        // extract the eigen vectors
        ::pcl::PointCloud< ::pcl::PointXYZ> proj;
        pcl::PCA <Point > pca;

        //generate the rectangles
        Eigen::Vector3f center = Eigen::Vector3f(pca.getMean().x(),
        Eigen::Vector3f longAxis = Eigen::Vector3f(pca.getEigenVectors()(0,0),
        Eigen::Vector3f shortAxis = Eigen::Vector3f(pca.getEigenVectors()(0,1),
        longAxis = (*length_rectangles_)*longAxis;        
        shortAxis = (*width_rectangles_)*shortAxis;        
        rectangles_->at(i)[0] = center - longAxis/2 - shortAxis/2;
        rectangles_->at(i)[1] = center + longAxis/2 - shortAxis/2;
        rectangles_->at(i)[2] = center + longAxis/2 + shortAxis/2;
        rectangles_->at(i)[3] = center - longAxis/2 + shortAxis/2;

			return ecto::OK;
Exemplo n.º 7
	 * @brief Compose rotation and translation
	void updateViewMatrix() override
		Eigen::Vector3f xAxis = rotation_matrix.row(0);
		Eigen::Vector3f yAxis = rotation_matrix.row(1);
		Eigen::Vector3f zAxis = rotation_matrix.row(2);
		if( rotation_Z_axis )
			Eigen::AngleAxisf transfRotZ = Eigen::AngleAxisf(rotation_Z_axis, zAxis);
			// compute X axis restricted to a rotation around Z axis
			xAxis = transfRotZ * xAxis;
			// compute Y axis restricted to a rotation around Z axis
			yAxis = transfRotZ * yAxis;
			rotation_Z_axis = 0.0;
		Eigen::AngleAxisf transfRotY = Eigen::AngleAxisf(rotation_Y_axis, yAxis);
		// compute X axis restricted to a rotation around Y axis
		Eigen::Vector3f rotX = transfRotY * xAxis;

		Eigen::AngleAxisf transfRotX = Eigen::AngleAxisf(rotation_X_axis, rotX);
		// rotate Z axis around Y axis, then rotate new Z axis around X new axis
		Eigen::Vector3f rotZ = transfRotY * zAxis;
		rotZ = transfRotX * rotZ;

		// rotate Y axis around X new axis
		Eigen::Vector3f rotY = transfRotX * yAxis;

		rotation_matrix.row(0) = rotX;
		rotation_matrix.row(1) = rotY;
		rotation_matrix.row(2) = rotZ;
		view_matrix.rotate (rotation_matrix);
		view_matrix.translate (translation_vector);
		rotation_X_axis = 0.0;
		rotation_Y_axis = 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 8
png::image<png::rgb_pixel_16> bumpier::model::calculate_normals(const png::image<png::gray_pixel_16>& input, double phi, space_type space) const
    int width = input.get_width(), height = input.get_height();
    png::image<png::rgb_pixel_16> output(width, height);

    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            int xmin = (x + width  - 1) % width,
                ymin = (y + height - 1) % height,
                xmax = (x + 1) % width,
                ymax = (y + 1) % height;

            Eigen::Vector3f normal = (position(input, x, ymax) - position(input, x, ymin)).cross(
                                      position(input, xmax, y) - position(input, xmin, y));

            if(space == tangent_space)
				normal = tangentspace(Eigen::Vector2f((float)x / width, (float)y / height)) * normal;


            normal = (normal.array() * 0.5 + 0.5) * 0xFFFF;
            output.set_pixel(x, y, png::rgb_pixel_16(normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]));

    return output;
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: board.hpp Projeto: 2php/pcl
template<typename PointInT, typename PointNT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::BOARDLocalReferenceFrameEstimation<PointInT, PointNT, PointOutT>::randomOrthogonalAxis (
                                                                                             Eigen::Vector3f const &axis,
                                                                                             Eigen::Vector3f &rand_ortho_axis)
  if (!areEquals (axis.z (), 0.0f))
    rand_ortho_axis.x () = (static_cast<float> (rand ()) / static_cast<float> (RAND_MAX)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    rand_ortho_axis.y () = (static_cast<float> (rand ()) / static_cast<float> (RAND_MAX)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    rand_ortho_axis.z () = -(axis.x () * rand_ortho_axis.x () + axis.y () * rand_ortho_axis.y ()) / axis.z ();
  else if (!areEquals (axis.y (), 0.0f))
    rand_ortho_axis.x () = (static_cast<float> (rand ()) / static_cast<float> (RAND_MAX)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    rand_ortho_axis.z () = (static_cast<float> (rand ()) / static_cast<float> (RAND_MAX)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    rand_ortho_axis.y () = -(axis.x () * rand_ortho_axis.x () + axis.z () * rand_ortho_axis.z ()) / axis.y ();
  else if (!areEquals (axis.x (), 0.0f))
    rand_ortho_axis.y () = (static_cast<float> (rand ()) / static_cast<float> (RAND_MAX)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    rand_ortho_axis.z () = (static_cast<float> (rand ()) / static_cast<float> (RAND_MAX)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    rand_ortho_axis.x () = -(axis.y () * rand_ortho_axis.y () + axis.z () * rand_ortho_axis.z ()) / axis.x ();

  rand_ortho_axis.normalize ();

  // check if the computed x axis is orthogonal to the normal
  //assert(areEquals(rand_ortho_axis.dot(axis), 0.0f, 1E-6f));
meshToFaceCloud (const pcl::PolygonMesh &mesh)
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>);
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> vertices;
  pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (mesh.cloud, vertices);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh.polygons.size (); ++i)
    if (mesh.polygons[i].vertices.size () != 3)
      PCL_ERROR ("Found a polygon of size %d\n", mesh.polygons[i].vertices.size ());
    Eigen::Vector3f v0 = vertices.at (mesh.polygons[i].vertices[0]).getVector3fMap ();
    Eigen::Vector3f v1 = vertices.at (mesh.polygons[i].vertices[1]).getVector3fMap ();
    Eigen::Vector3f v2 = vertices.at (mesh.polygons[i].vertices[2]).getVector3fMap ();
    float area = ((v1 - v0).cross (v2 - v0)).norm () / 2. * 1E4;
    Eigen::Vector3f normal = ((v1 - v0).cross (v2 - v0));
    normal.normalize ();
    pcl::PointNormal p_new;
    p_new.getVector3fMap () = (v0 + v1 + v2)/3.;
    p_new.normal_x = normal (0);
    p_new.normal_y = normal (1);
    p_new.normal_z = normal (2);
    cloud->points.push_back (p_new);
  cloud->height = 1;
  cloud->width = cloud->size ();
  return (cloud);
Exemplo n.º 11
void Kamikaze::updateEnemy(Level * currLev) {
	//todo move at ship;

	if (!dead) {
		Eigen::Vector3f shipLoc = currLev->ship->position;
		Eigen::Vector3f direction = shipLoc - position;
		direction /= 1000;
		direction.z() -= currLev->ship->velocity.z();

		Eigen::Vector3f mousePos = Eigen::Vector3f(shipLoc.x(), shipLoc.y(), shipLoc.z());
		float rotateY = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(atan((shipLoc.x() - position.x()) / (shipLoc.z() - position.z()))) - 90.0;
		float rotateX = -RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(atan((shipLoc.y() - position.y()) / (shipLoc.z() - position.z())));

		rotate.y() = rotateY;
		rotate.x() = rotateX;

		// if we're behind ship, keep going in that direction
		if (direction.z() <= 0) {
			direction[2] *= -1;
			direction[2] += 0.2;
		velocity = direction;
Exemplo n.º 12
void StarCamera::calculateSpotVectors()
        throw std::runtime_error("No extracted spots in List");

    bool zeroNorm = !(mDistortionCoeffi.norm() != 0.0f);

    // Clear SpotVectors

    std::vector<Spot>::iterator pSpot;
    for(pSpot=mSpots.begin(); pSpot != mSpots.end(); ++pSpot)
        // Substract principal point and divide by the focal length

        Eigen::Vector2f Xd(pSpot->center.x, pSpot->center.y);
        Xd = (Xd - mPrincipalPoint).array() / mFocalLength.array();

        // Undo skew
        Xd(0) = Xd(0) - mPixelSkew * Xd(1);

        Eigen::Vector3f spotVec;
        if(!zeroNorm)  // Use epsilon environment?
            Xd = undistortRadialTangential(Xd);
        spotVec << Xd(0), Xd(1), 1.0f;
Exemplo n.º 13
template <typename PointNT> bool
pcl::GridProjection<PointNT>::isIntersected (const std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> > &end_pts,
                                             std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3f> > &vect_at_end_pts,
                                             std::vector <int> &pt_union_indices)
  assert (end_pts.size () == 2);
  assert (vect_at_end_pts.size () == 2);

  double length[2];
  for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
    length[i] = vect_at_end_pts[i].norm ();
    vect_at_end_pts[i].normalize ();
  double dot_prod = vect_at_end_pts[0].dot (vect_at_end_pts[1]);
  if (dot_prod < 0)
    double ratio = length[0] / (length[0] + length[1]);
    Eigen::Vector4f start_pt = 
      end_pts[0] + (end_pts[1] - end_pts[0]) * static_cast<float> (ratio);
    Eigen::Vector4f intersection_pt = Eigen::Vector4f::Zero ();
    findIntersection (0, end_pts, vect_at_end_pts, start_pt, pt_union_indices, intersection_pt);

    Eigen::Vector3f vec;
    getVectorAtPoint (intersection_pt, pt_union_indices, vec);
    vec.normalize ();

    double d2 = getD2AtPoint (intersection_pt, vec, pt_union_indices);
    if (d2 < 0)
      return (true);
  return (false);
Exemplo n.º 14
template<typename PointT, typename LeafT, typename BranchT, typename OctreeT> int
pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<PointT, LeafT, BranchT, OctreeT>::getApproxIntersectedVoxelCentersBySegment (
    const Eigen::Vector3f& origin,
    const Eigen::Vector3f& end,
    AlignedPointTVector &voxel_center_list,
    float precision)
  Eigen::Vector3f direction = end - origin;
  float norm = direction.norm ();
  direction.normalize ();

  const float step_size = static_cast<const float> (resolution_) * precision;
  // Ensure we get at least one step for the first voxel.
  const int nsteps = std::max (1, static_cast<int> (norm / step_size));

  OctreeKey prev_key;

  bool bkeyDefined = false;

  // Walk along the line segment with small steps.
  for (int i = 0; i < nsteps; ++i)
    Eigen::Vector3f p = origin + (direction * step_size * static_cast<const float> (i));

    PointT octree_p;
    octree_p.x = p.x ();
    octree_p.y = p.y ();
    octree_p.z = p.z ();

    OctreeKey key;
    this->genOctreeKeyforPoint (octree_p, key);

    // Not a new key, still the same voxel.
    if ((key == prev_key) && (bkeyDefined) )

    prev_key = key;
    bkeyDefined = true;

    PointT center;
    genLeafNodeCenterFromOctreeKey (key, center);
    voxel_center_list.push_back (center);

  OctreeKey end_key;
  PointT end_p;
  end_p.x = end.x ();
  end_p.y = end.y ();
  end_p.z = end.z ();
  this->genOctreeKeyforPoint (end_p, end_key);
  if (!(end_key == prev_key))
    PointT center;
    genLeafNodeCenterFromOctreeKey (end_key, center);
    voxel_center_list.push_back (center);

  return (static_cast<int> (voxel_center_list.size ()));
Exemplo n.º 15
Eigen::Vector3f RayTracer::findReflect(Eigen::Vector3f ray, Eigen::Vector3f normal, SceneObject* obj) {
   Eigen::Vector3f reflectRay;
   reflectRay = ray + (2.0*normal*(normal.dot(-ray)));
   return reflectRay;
Exemplo n.º 16
bool intersectWithCylinder(float radius, float m_x, float m_z, cv::Point2f pixel,const cv::Mat &P, const cv::Mat projector_position, cv::Point3f& S, float& out_y, float& out_phi, float &hit_angle){

 // get one point that projects on the given pixel:
 cv::Point3f point_on_ray;

 project3D(pixel, P, 1, point_on_ray);

 cv::Point3f center(projector_position.at<double>(0),projector_position.at<double>(1),projector_position.at<double>(2));

 bool intersects_with_cylinder = intersect(center, point_on_ray, m_x,m_z, radius, S);

 if (!intersects_with_cylinder) return false;

 // HACK!
 if (S.z > 0) return false;

 out_y = S.y;
 out_phi = atan2(S.x-m_x,-(S.z-m_z))/M_PI*180;

 // compute angle between (projector, S) and (Center,S)
 Eigen::Vector3f PS;
 PS.x() = projector_position.at<double>(0)-S.x;
 PS.y() = projector_position.at<double>(1)-S.y;
 PS.z() = projector_position.at<double>(2)-S.z;

 Eigen::Vector3f MS;
 MS.x() = S.x-m_x;
 MS.y() = 0;
 MS.z() = S.z-m_z;

 hit_angle = acos(PS.dot(MS))/M_PI*180;

 return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
void compute_plane(Eigen::Vector4f& plane, const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>& points, int* inds)
    Eigen::Vector3f first = points[inds[1]].getVector3fMap() - points[inds[0]].getVector3fMap();
    Eigen::Vector3f second = points[inds[2]].getVector3fMap() - points[inds[0]].getVector3fMap();
    Eigen::Vector3f normal = first.cross(second);
    plane.segment<3>(0) = normal;
    plane(3) = -normal.dot(points[inds[0]].getVector3fMap());
Exemplo n.º 18
// Rotate the Vector 'normal_to_rotate' into 'base_normal'
// Returns a rotation matrix which can be used for the transformation
// The matrix also includes an empty translation vector
Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4 > rotateAroundCrossProductOfNormals(
    Eigen::Vector3f base_normal,
    Eigen::Vector3f normal_to_rotate)
    // M
    // Eigen::Vector3f plane_normal(dest.x, dest.y, dest.z);

    // Compute the necessary rotation to align a face of the object with the camera's
    // imaginary image plane
    // N
    // Eigen::Vector3f camera_normal;
    // camera_normal(0)=0;
    // camera_normal(1)=0;
    // camera_normal(2)=1;
    // Eigen::Vector3f camera_normal_normalized = camera_normal.normalized();
    float costheta = normal_to_rotate.dot(base_normal) / (normal_to_rotate.norm() * base_normal.norm() );

    Eigen::Vector3f axis;
    Eigen::Vector3f firstAxis = normal_to_rotate.cross(base_normal);
    // axis = plane_normal.cross(camera_normal) / (plane_normal.cross(camera_normal)).normalize();
    float c = costheta;
    std::cout << "rotate COSTHETA: " << acos(c) << " RAD, " << ((acos(c) * 180) / M_PI) << " DEG" << std::endl;
    float s = sqrt(1-c*c);
    float CO = 1-c;

    float x = axis(0);
    float y = axis(1);
    float z = axis(2);
    Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4 > rotationBox;
    rotationBox(0,0) = x*x*CO+c;
    rotationBox(1,0) = y*x*CO+z*s;
    rotationBox(2,0) = z*x*CO-y*s;

    rotationBox(0,1) = x*y*CO-z*s;
    rotationBox(1,1) = y*y*CO+c;
    rotationBox(2,1) = z*y*CO+x*s;

    rotationBox(0,2) = x*z*CO+y*s;
    rotationBox(1,2) = y*z*CO-x*s;
    rotationBox(2,2) = z*z*CO+c;
   // Translation vector
    rotationBox(0,3) = 0;
    rotationBox(1,3) = 0;
    rotationBox(2,3) = 0;

    // The rest of the 4x4 matrix
    rotationBox(3,0) = 0;
    rotationBox(3,1) = 0;
    rotationBox(3,2) = 0;
    rotationBox(3,3) = 1;

    return rotationBox;
Exemplo n.º 19
void motion3(Eigen::Matrix3f &rot, Eigen::Vector3f &tr)
  Eigen::Vector3f n;
  n(0) = gen_random_float(-1,1);
  n(1) = gen_random_float(-1,1);
  n(2) = gen_random_float(-1,1);
  Eigen::AngleAxisf aa(gen_random_float(-0.02f,0.05f),n);
  rot = aa.toRotationMatrix();
void GenericDistanceConstraint::gradientFct(
    const unsigned int i,
    const unsigned int numberOfParticles,
    const float mass[],
    const Eigen::Vector3f x[],
    void *userData,
    Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 3> &jacobian)
    Eigen::Vector3f n = x[i] - x[1 - i];
    jacobian = n.transpose();
Exemplo n.º 21
inline void
randPSurface (vtkPolyData * polydata, std::vector<double> * cumulativeAreas, double totalArea, Eigen::Vector3f& p, bool calcNormal, Eigen::Vector3f& n, bool calcColor, Eigen::Vector3f& c)
  float r = static_cast<float> (uniform_deviate (rand ()) * totalArea);

  std::vector<double>::iterator low = std::lower_bound (cumulativeAreas->begin (), cumulativeAreas->end (), r);
  vtkIdType el = vtkIdType (low - cumulativeAreas->begin ());

  double A[3], B[3], C[3];
  vtkIdType npts = 0;
  vtkIdType *ptIds = NULL;
  polydata->GetCellPoints (el, npts, ptIds);
  polydata->GetPoint (ptIds[0], A);
  polydata->GetPoint (ptIds[1], B);
  polydata->GetPoint (ptIds[2], C);
  if (calcNormal)
    // OBJ: Vertices are stored in a counter-clockwise order by default
    Eigen::Vector3f v1 = Eigen::Vector3f (A[0], A[1], A[2]) - Eigen::Vector3f (C[0], C[1], C[2]);
    Eigen::Vector3f v2 = Eigen::Vector3f (B[0], B[1], B[2]) - Eigen::Vector3f (C[0], C[1], C[2]);
    n = v1.cross (v2);
    n.normalize ();
  float r1 = static_cast<float> (uniform_deviate (rand ()));
  float r2 = static_cast<float> (uniform_deviate (rand ()));
  randomPointTriangle (float (A[0]), float (A[1]), float (A[2]),
                       float (B[0]), float (B[1]), float (B[2]),
                       float (C[0]), float (C[1]), float (C[2]), r1, r2, p);

  if (calcColor)
    vtkUnsignedCharArray *const colors = vtkUnsignedCharArray::SafeDownCast (polydata->GetPointData ()->GetScalars ());
    if (colors && colors->GetNumberOfComponents () == 3)
      double cA[3], cB[3], cC[3];
      colors->GetTuple (ptIds[0], cA);
      colors->GetTuple (ptIds[1], cB);
      colors->GetTuple (ptIds[2], cC);

      randomPointTriangle (float (cA[0]), float (cA[1]), float (cA[2]),
                           float (cB[0]), float (cB[1]), float (cB[2]),
                           float (cC[0]), float (cC[1]), float (cC[2]), r1, r2, c);
      static bool printed_once = false;
      if (!printed_once)
        PCL_WARN ("Mesh has no vertex colors, or vertex colors are not RGB!");
      printed_once = true;
Exemplo n.º 22
Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4 > IAMethod::rotateAroundCrossProductOfNormals(
    Eigen::Vector3f base_normal,
    Eigen::Vector3f normal_to_rotate,
    bool store_transformation)
  normal_to_rotate *= -1; // The model is standing upside down, rotate the normal by 180 DEG
  float costheta = normal_to_rotate.dot(base_normal) / (normal_to_rotate.norm() * base_normal.norm() );

  Eigen::Vector3f axis;
  Eigen::Vector3f firstAxis = normal_to_rotate.cross(base_normal);
  float c = costheta;
  std::cout << "rotate COSTHETA: " << acos(c) << " RAD, " << ((acos(c) * 180) / M_PI) << " DEG" << std::endl;
  float s = sqrt(1-c*c);
  float CO = 1-c;

  float x = axis(0);
  float y = axis(1);
  float z = axis(2);

  Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4 > rotationBox;
  rotationBox(0,0) = x*x*CO+c;
  rotationBox(1,0) = y*x*CO+z*s;
  rotationBox(2,0) = z*x*CO-y*s;

  rotationBox(0,1) = x*y*CO-z*s;
  rotationBox(1,1) = y*y*CO+c;
  rotationBox(2,1) = z*y*CO+x*s;

  rotationBox(0,2) = x*z*CO+y*s;
  rotationBox(1,2) = y*z*CO-x*s;
  rotationBox(2,2) = z*z*CO+c;
  // Translation vector
  rotationBox(0,3) = 0;
  rotationBox(1,3) = 0;
  rotationBox(2,3) = 0;

  // The rest of the 4x4 matrix
  rotationBox(3,0) = 0;
  rotationBox(3,1) = 0;
  rotationBox(3,2) = 0;
  rotationBox(3,3) = 1;


  return rotationBox;
Exemplo n.º 23
Eigen::AngleAxisf createRandomAA()
  Eigen::Vector3f nn;
  float a = M_PI*(rand()%1000)/2000.f; //angle

  nn(0) = (rand()%1000)/1000.f;
  nn(1) = (rand()%1000)/1000.f;
  nn(2) = (rand()%1000)/1000.f;

  //std::cout<<"rot angle\n"<<a<<"\n";
  //std::cout<<"rot axis\n"<<nn<<"\n";

  return Eigen::AngleAxisf(a,nn);
VirtualTrackball::project_on_sphere ( const int x, const int y ) const
        const int cx = this->_width / 2;
        const int cy = this->_height / 2;
        const int base = std::min ( cx,cy );
        const float fx = ( x - cx ) * 1.0 / base / _radius;
        const float fy = ( y - cy ) * 1.0 / base / _radius;

        Eigen::Vector3f result ( fx, fy, 0 );
        const float d = fx * fx + fy * fy;
        if ( d < 1.0f ) result.z() = std::sqrt ( 1.0f - d );
        return result;
Exemplo n.º 25
template <typename PointNT> void
pcl::GridProjection<PointNT>::findIntersection (int level,
                                                const std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> > &end_pts,
                                                const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3f> > &vect_at_end_pts,
                                                const Eigen::Vector4f &start_pt,
                                                std::vector <int> &pt_union_indices,
                                                Eigen::Vector4f &intersection)
  assert (end_pts.size () == 2);
  assert (vect_at_end_pts.size () == 2);

  Eigen::Vector3f vec;
  getVectorAtPoint (start_pt, pt_union_indices, vec);
  double d1 = getD1AtPoint (start_pt, vec, pt_union_indices);
  std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> > new_end_pts (2);
  std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3f> > new_vect_at_end_pts (2);
  if ((fabs (d1) < 10e-3) || (level == max_binary_search_level_))
    intersection = start_pt;
    vec.normalize ();
    if (vec.dot (vect_at_end_pts[0]) < 0)
      Eigen::Vector4f new_start_pt = end_pts[0] + (start_pt - end_pts[0]) * 0.5;
      new_end_pts[0] = end_pts[0];
      new_end_pts[1] = start_pt;
      new_vect_at_end_pts[0] = vect_at_end_pts[0];
      new_vect_at_end_pts[1] = vec;
      findIntersection (level + 1, new_end_pts, new_vect_at_end_pts, new_start_pt, pt_union_indices, intersection);
    if (vec.dot (vect_at_end_pts[1]) < 0)
      Eigen::Vector4f new_start_pt = start_pt + (end_pts[1] - start_pt) * 0.5;
      new_end_pts[0] = start_pt;
      new_end_pts[1] = end_pts[1];
      new_vect_at_end_pts[0] = vec;
      new_vect_at_end_pts[1] = vect_at_end_pts[1];
      findIntersection (level + 1, new_end_pts, new_vect_at_end_pts, new_start_pt, pt_union_indices, intersection);
    intersection = start_pt;
Exemplo n.º 26
void ProceduralQuad::GetNormals(void * data_start, unsigned int byte_stride)
	Eigen::Vector3f normal = (corners[1]-corners[0]).cross(corners[2]-corners[0]);

	float * dest = (float *) data_start;

	unsigned int vertex_count = GetVertexCount();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i)
		dest[0] = normal[0];
		dest[1] = normal[1];
		dest[2] = normal[2];
		dest = (float *) ((char *) dest + byte_stride);
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: board.hpp Projeto: 2php/pcl
template<typename PointInT, typename PointNT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::BOARDLocalReferenceFrameEstimation<PointInT, PointNT, PointOutT>::directedOrthogonalAxis (
                                                                                               Eigen::Vector3f const &axis,
                                                                                               Eigen::Vector3f const &axis_origin,
                                                                                               Eigen::Vector3f const &point,
                                                                                               Eigen::Vector3f &directed_ortho_axis)
  Eigen::Vector3f projection;
  projectPointOnPlane (point, axis_origin, axis, projection);
  directed_ortho_axis = projection - axis_origin;

  directed_ortho_axis.normalize ();

  // check if the computed x axis is orthogonal to the normal
  //assert(areEquals((float)(directed_ortho_axis.dot(axis)), 0.0f, 1E-3f));
Exemplo n.º 28
  void NICPQGLViewer::updateCameraPosition(Eigen::Isometry3f pose) {
    qglviewer::Camera *oldcam = camera();
    qglviewer::Camera *cam = new StandardCamera();

    Eigen::Vector3f position = pose*Vector3f(-2.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    cam->setPosition(qglviewer::Vec(position[0], position[1], position[2]));
    Eigen::Vector3f upVector = pose.linear()*Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
    cam->setUpVector(qglviewer::Vec(upVector[0], upVector[1], upVector[2]), true);
    Eigen::Vector3f lookAt = pose*Vector3f(4.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);  
    cam->lookAt(qglviewer::Vec(lookAt[0], lookAt[1], lookAt[2]));  

    delete oldcam;
Exemplo n.º 29
Eigen::Matrix4f rotate(float angle,Eigen::Vector3f v)
  float c = cosf(angle);
  float s = sinf(angle);
  float x = v.x();
  float y = v.y();
  float z = v.z();
  const float vals[] = 
    x*x*(1-c)+c  ,x*y*(1-c)-z*s,x*z*(1-c)+y*s,0,
    y*x*(1-c)+z*s,y*y*(1-c)+c  ,y*z*(1-c)-x*s,0,
    x*z*(1-c)-y*s,y*z*(1-c)+x*s,z*z*(1-c)+c  ,0,
    0            ,0            ,0            ,1
  return Eigen::Matrix4f(vals).transpose();
Exemplo n.º 30
void HierarchicalWalkingIK::computeWalkingTrajectory(const Eigen::Matrix3Xf& comTrajectory,
                                                     const Eigen::Matrix6Xf& rightFootTrajectory,
                                                     const Eigen::Matrix6Xf& leftFootTrajectory,
                                                     std::vector<Eigen::Matrix3f>& rootOrientation,
                                                     Eigen::MatrixXf& trajectory)
    int rows = outputNodeSet->getSize();

    trajectory.resize(rows, rightFootTrajectory.cols());

    Eigen::Vector3f com = colModelNodeSet->getCoM();

    Eigen::VectorXf configuration;
    int N = trajectory.cols();

    Eigen::Matrix4f leftFootPose  = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
    Eigen::Matrix4f rightFootPose = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
    Eigen::Matrix4f chestPose     = chest->getGlobalPose();
    Eigen::Matrix4f pelvisPose    = pelvis->getGlobalPose();

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        VirtualRobot::MathTools::posrpy2eigen4f(1000 * leftFootTrajectory.block(0, i, 3, 1),  leftFootTrajectory.block(3, i, 3, 1),  leftFootPose);
        VirtualRobot::MathTools::posrpy2eigen4f(1000 * rightFootTrajectory.block(0, i, 3, 1), rightFootTrajectory.block(3, i, 3, 1), rightFootPose);

        // FIXME the orientation of the chest and chest is specific to armar 4
        // since the x-Axsis points in walking direction
        Eigen::Vector3f xAxisChest = (leftFootPose.block(0, 1, 3, 1) + rightFootPose.block(0, 1, 3, 1))/2;
        chestPose.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = Bipedal::poseFromXAxis(xAxisChest);
        pelvisPose.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = Bipedal::poseFromYAxis(-xAxisChest);

        std::cout << "Frame #" << i << ", ";
        computeStepConfiguration(1000 * comTrajectory.col(i),

        trajectory.col(i) = configuration;
        rootOrientation[i] = leftFootPose.block(0, 0, 3, 3);